48 research outputs found

    Suppression of Interferon-induced Oligo-2\u27, 5\u27-adenylate Synthetase Induction in Human Hepatoma Cell Line, Li-7

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    Induction of oligo-2\u27, 5\u27-adenylate synthetase (2-5AS) activity by interferon (IFN) was investigated in a human hepatoma cell line, Li-7 cells. Little induction of 2-5AS activity by IFN was demonstrated in Li-7 cells in comparison with other types of cell lines including Ramos, NC-37, FL, Co-3. Furthermore, failure to induce 2-5AS was much clearer in old-cultured cells. Cell growth inhibition by IFN was demonstrated in only high titers of IFN (>10? IU/ml), in which the enzyme had one hundred fold higher activity than that of untreated cells. Poor induction of 2-5AS was in part the result of some inhibitor presented in cellular extracts of Li-7 cells and the decreased level of 2-5AS mRNA transcription

    Effect of Interferon on Cells Persistently Infected with Human T Cell Leukemia Virus (HTLV-I)

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    Spontaneous production of interferon-gamma (IFN- γ) was shown in four (MT-1, MT-2, SMT-1 and HUT 102) of five human T-lymphoblastoid cell lines persistently infected with human T cell leukemea virus type I (MT-1, MT-2, SMT-1, HUT 102 and OKM-2). These four cell lines were not susceptible to the antivirus effect of IFN. In contrast, the multiplication of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was restricted in the nonproducer cell line of IFN, OKM-2 cells by treatment of IFN- α or IFN- γ. Anti-proliferation effect of IFN w as investigated in producer cell line of IFN (MT-2 and SMT-1) and non-producer cell line of IFN (OKM-2). The growth of MT-2 cells was not affected by IFN- α or by IFN- γ. However, SMT-1 and OKM-2 cells were affected by treatment with externally added IFN-α


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    がん化学療法の安全管理において、薬剤師による処方鑑査の役割は大きい。著者らは、がん化学療法を受ける患者を対象とし、処方鑑査に必要な項目を一目で確認できる「薬学的管理情報付き抗がん剤無菌調製記録」を汎用コンピュータソフトであるMicrosoft Office Excelを用いて作成した。本記録の薬学的管理情報を積極的に活用することで、より早い段階で精度の高い疑義照会を行うことができるようになり、抗がん剤の減量やレジメンの変更など重要な処方変更に貢献することで患者の不利益を未然に防ぐことができた。次に、抗がん剤の適正使用推進の観点から、がん化学療法における薬物相互作用に関する実態調査を行った。そのロジスティック回帰分析の結果、がん化学療法と緩和療法における相加・相乗効果を期待した併用を除いた“意図しない相互作用”について、併用薬数の増加と他院で処方されている薬剤の併用がリスクを有意に増大させることが明らかとなった。また、cytochrome P450(CYP)で代謝される抗がん剤やジフェンヒドラミンを含むレジメンを使用したがん化学療法を行う場合、降圧薬、糖尿病用薬、中枢神経抑制作用を有する薬剤等を併用する場合など注意すべき状況を絞り込むことで処方鑑査や経過観察でのチェックポイントを明確にすることができた。さらに、糖尿病合併がん患者を対象に、がん化学療法開始後の血糖値およびヘモグロビンA1c(以下、HbA1c)値に及ぼすデキサメタゾン併用の影響について調査した。その結果、12ヵ月後までの血糖値およびHbA1c値の変化量とその間の累積デキサメタゾン投与量との間に有意な正の相関関係が認められた。また、解析結果から累積デキサメタゾン投与量150 mgを一つの指標として厳格な血糖コントロールの導入を考慮する必要があることを提示できた。For the safety management of cancer chemotherapy, pharmacists are expected to play an important role in prescription checking. Therefore, we prepared “aseptic preparation records attached with pharmaceutical management information (PMI)” using the comment function of Microsoft Office Excel to facilitate quick referencing concerning matters necessary for prescription checking in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. The active use of PMI attached to these records made earlier and more precise inquiries possible, contributing to important changes in prescriptions such as dose reductions and regimen changes, and preventing the disadvantaging of patients in advance. From the viewpoint of promotion for proper use of the anticancer agents, we analyzed information on drug interactions among patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Logistic-regression analysis showed that the risks of “unintended drug interactions”, which are drug interactions other than the additive or synergistic effects expected from the combination of medications administered for cancer chemotherapy and palliative care therapy are heightened by increases in the numbers of concomitant drugs and the presence of drugs prescribed by other clinics. Then, we have to pay attention to unintended drug interactions and to perform follow-up carefully when we administer regimens that include diphenhydramine or anticancer drugs that are metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP), or when administering antihypertensive drugs, antidiabetic drugs or central nervous system suppressants as concomitant drugs. In addition, we investigated the influence of dexamethasone on blood sugar level and of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) value in cancer patients with concurrent diabetes. A significant positive correlation was observed between the accumulation of dexamethasone and change of blood sugar level or HbA1c within 12 months. It was suggested that severe control of pathophysiological conditions of diabetes is necessary when the accumulated dosage of dexamethasone exceeds 150 mg

    Upward Infiltration into Porous Media as Affected by Wettability and Anionic Surfactants

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    Abstract: The influence of surfactants on water infiltration in soil is not fully understood. The objective of this study was to propose a model for evaluating effects of an anionic surfactant on upward infiltration under saturated conditions in porous materials with highly contrasting wettability. The simplified equation for upward infiltration based on Darcy's law is equivalent to the widely used Washburn equation. We experimentally determined upward infiltration of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution (0–700 mol m−3) into 60-cm-long, 2-cm-diameter columns filled with air-dry materials (glass beads, sand, leaf mold, peat moss, or polyethylene particles). In hydrophilic glass beads and sand, the infiltration rate decreased as the SDS concentration increased due to a decrease in solution surface tension (from 72 to 38 mN m−1). The proposed model could describe the infiltration in all materials and at all concentrations when fitting to the initial parts of the curve of infiltration front vs. time. Contact angles were obtained by fitting the model to the measured height of the infiltration front in the saturated range as a function of time. In columns filled with hydrophobic materials, the infiltration rate increased with SDS concentration, corresponding with a decrease in contact angles from >125 to 69° for polyethylene particles and from 102 to 43° for peat moss. In leaf mold, the infiltration rate decreased as the SDS concentration increased, probably due to swelling. The proposed equation was found useful for calculating saturated hydraulic conductivity and contact angles but limited in the case of swelling porous material.Abbreviations: SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; CMC, critical micelle concentration