12 research outputs found

    Chapter Towards new marine-coastal Natura 2000 sites in the central Adriatic Sea.

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    LIFE17 NAT/IT/000565 CALLIOPE aims to improve the coast-sea regional natural connectivity by improving the Natura 2000 Network. The main objectives are: improving the biodiversity knowledge of marine environments, testing integrated management strategies to increase the conservation of coastal-marine biodiversity and supporting the preparation of a Coastal Action Plan for the Abruzzo Region. We identified and mapped the HD-1110 here dominated by Cymodocea nodosa, the HD-1160 with the presence Zostera noltii and in correspondence of rocky environments the HD-1170

    Modelling Environmental Niche for the Endangered Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipesComplex in Northern and Central Italy

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    The potential distribution of endangered species is a necessary step to assess species conservation status and manage reintroduction plans. In the context of a EU project on the endangered Austropotamobius pallipescomplex, we modelled the environmental niche of the species in two large areas of Northern (Lombardy, 43 records) and Central Italy (Abruzzo, Province of Isernia, Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park; 69 records). Ecological niche models (ENMs) were built by using the maximum entropy approach as implemented in the MaxEnt software, which predicts the occurrence of a species using presence-only data. The environmental niche was modelled using six variables: altitude, slope, aspect, human disturbance, mean temperature of warmest quarter and distance from stream. Each study area was modelled independently. Both ENMs obtained high performance scores as measured by the AUC index (Northern Italy: 0.854; Central Italy: 0.817). Slope in Northern Italy and the mean temperature of warmest quarter in Central Italy achieved the greatest predictive power. Our results clearly show that the endangered white-clawed crayfish has a narrow range of habitat selection in the two study areas. Our findings may help researchers to select the best sites for future reintroductions in conservation projects

    Monitoraggio biologico e chimico in sistemi freatici del basso corso del fiume Trigno

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    Dottorato di ricerca in ambiente e uomo in Appennino. 11. ciclo. A.a. 1999-2000. Tutore Giuseppe L. Pesce. Coordinatore G. Gruppioni.Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Biblioteca Centrale P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Piazza Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Participated assessment of the health, environmental and socio-economic impacts from urban waste treatment - Integrating Local Agenda 21 whith HIA procedure

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    Context Arezzo Municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerator burns about 40 thousand tons of MSW/year, but expansion is expected up to 80 . The incinerator is in an industrial area, where population denounced high pollution levels and requested a health survey. This HIA project, funded by the EU Life+ Program, is developed since 2011 by Arezzo Local Health Unit, Arezzo Municipality, CNR, other research agencies. Methods The project aims to integrate HIA with Local Agenda 21 (LA21) for the evaluation of the existing and future impacts, as well as for planning future policy on waste. Main steps to be developed are: .Meetings with population, organised by LA21/forum and HIA/Working Group (WG) to identify the environmental, health and socio-economic impacts of the plant. .HIA/WG scoping on the basis of the defined indicators, gathering pre-existing data and new environmental and socio-economic data. .Evaluating and quantifying impacts by a continuous cooperation between HIA/WG and LA21/forum. .HIA/WG drafting recommendations, including criticism by LA21/forum, for the proper management of the plant and of the whole local waste cycle. .LA21/forum and HIA/WG meeting quarterly to develop measures to monitor impacts and interventions taken. Results The project is ongoing; however, the choice made by the administrators of involving population and creating real participation tools for the evaluation of effects due to the incinerator proved successful. In particular, the confidence of citizens in local institutions has grown and standing decisions, regarding the plant, has been postponed to the end of the project. Discussion Evaluating tools in the waste sector have some shortcomings, providing a quantification of impacts without the public participation. Currently participation is the utmost desired component into highly controversial policy areas. The project has the ambition of spreading a participated assessment methodology and creates an international network to disseminate findings

    Geomorphology of landslide–flood-critical areas in hilly catchments and urban areas for EWS (Feltrino Stream and Lanciano town, Abruzzo, Central Italy)

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    Urban and small catchment landslides and floods are common types of hazards caused by intense rainfall. The detailed geomorphological mapping and analysis of the superficial hydrographic network are fundamental tools to assess the geo-hydrologically critical areas. In this study, the Feltrino Stream and Lanciano area (Adriatic coastal-hills) were investigated through a basin-scale and urban-scale geomorphological analysis – which incorporated temperature-rainfall and morphometric analyses, and the acquisition of geomorphological and hazard data, integrated with geomorphological fieldwork and mapping. The creation of a geodatabase and the data overlay led to assess the landslide–flood critical areas through geomorphology-based matrices. This study aimed to define the distribution of landslide–flood historical/recent events and related critical areas for the realization of an urban EWS, composed of a network of nine gauges, integrating the existing regional monitoring network. It defined a local alert system for landslide–flood and could support real-time communication for civil protection purposes

    Chapter Towards new marine-coastal Natura 2000 sites in the central Adriatic Sea.

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    LIFE17 NAT/IT/000565 CALLIOPE aims to improve the coast-sea regional natural connectivity by improving the Natura 2000 Network. The main objectives are: improving the biodiversity knowledge of marine environments, testing integrated management strategies to increase the conservation of coastal-marine biodiversity and supporting the preparation of a Coastal Action Plan for the Abruzzo Region. We identified and mapped the HD-1110 here dominated by Cymodocea nodosa, the HD-1160 with the presence Zostera noltii and in correspondence of rocky environments the HD-1170