253 research outputs found

    The Effects of Adaptation on Inference for Non-Linear Regression Models with Normal Errors

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    This work studies the properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of a non-linear model with Gaussian errors and multidimensional parameter. The observations are collected in a two-stage experimental design and are dependent since the second stage design is determined by the observations at the first stage; the MLE maximizes the total likelihood. Differently from the most of the literature, the first stage sample size is small, and hence asymptotic approximation is used only in the second stage. It is proved that the MLE is consistent and that its asymptotic distribution is a specific Gaussian mixture, via stable convergence. Finally, a simulation study is provided in the case of a dose-response Emax model.Comment: 7 figure

    KL-optimum designs: theoretical properties and practical computation

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    In this paper some new properties and computational tools for finding KL-optimum designs are provided. KL-optimality is a general criterion useful to select the best experimental conditions to discriminate between statistical models. A KL-optimum design is obtained from a minimax optimization problem, which is defined on a infinite-dimensional space. In particular, continuity of the KL-optimality criterion is proved under mild conditions; as a consequence, the first-order algorithm converges to the set of KL-optimum designs for a large class of models. It is also shown that KL-optimum designs are invariant to any scale-position transformation. Some examples are given and discussed, together with some practical implications for numerical computation purposes.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11222-014-9515-

    Confronto tra diversi metodi di valutazione della massa grassa in soggetti frequentatori dell' Accademia Navale selezionati per abilitĂ  sportive e inseriti in specifici programmi d'allenamento.

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    Molteplici sono i metodi di valutazione della massa grassa. Nella tesi sono stati esaminati 102 allievi dell'Accademia Navale, selezionati per le loro abilitĂ  sportive e capacitĂ  atletiche. Dopo aver eseguito una prima valutazione utilizzando la bioimpedenziometria (presa come valore di riferimento), sono stati eseguiti ulteriori esami misurando le pliche cutanee. Queste, sono state successivamente inserite in 3 differenti formule (Katch e Mc Ardle, Durnin e Lohman) atte a stimare la corretta massa grassa di ogni allievo. Messe a confronto, la tesi dimostra che la formula di Katch e Mc Ardle risulta quella con minor margine di errore rispetto ai valori dettati dalla bioimpedenziometria

    Between Dissent and Praise, between Sacred and Secular: Corippus against the African background of the Three Chapters Controversy

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    The present study approaches the so-called Three Chapters Controversy from a literary perspective – namely, how the events were reshaped in different sources and what reasons are implied in these choices – and, in particular, it will take into account some authors that have so far been neglected in research, such as the African poet Corippus

    Les religions locales en Afrique du Nord romaine Ă  la veille du Moyen Ă‚ge

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    This paper considers how late antique Latin authors (mainly Augustine and Corippus) dealt with ancestral rites and practices of probable autochthonous (i. e. Berber) origin and provided an ideological resemantisation. Although motivated by anti-pagan pleas and also allowing for some exaggeration, they nevertheless provide reliable information, which can be compared against epigraphic evidence, and offer further contributions that enrich the knowledge of the North African local pantheon, otherwise largely documented by epigraphical evidence. It might therefore be surmised that, notwithstanding the deep Christianisation of the region, at the end of the Roman Empire, North Africa still witnessed the survival of residual and isolated pagan fringes.L’article discute le traitement et la resémantisation idéologique d’une série de pratiques et rites qu’on peut faire remonter aux traditions locales (i.e. berbères) dans l’Afrique du Nord pendant l’antiquité tardive. Bien qu’animés par une indisputable tendance antipaïenne, les sources prises en considération (surtout Augustin et Corippe) nous offrent des informations dignes de foi, qu’on peut mettre en relation avec les témoignages épigraphiques. On peut donc conclure que, à côté d’une ample et capillaire diffusion du christianisme, la región africaine à la fin de l’époque antique conservait des survivances, encore qu’isolées et sporadiques, de l’ancienne religion

    Estimation for finite population variance in double sampling.

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    Using two-phase sampling scheme, we propose general classes of estimators for finite population variance. These classes differ for the involved sample means and variances of two auxiliary variables. For each class we provide the minimum MSE and show that there exists a chain regression type estimator which reaches this minimum. This estimator, in the widest class, is better than estimators proposed by Singh (1991) and Gupta et al. (1992) , which are optimal in some sub-classes

    Androgynous Divinities in Classic and Christian Antiquity

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    Medea in Italian Culture: Music, Iconography, and Cinema

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