27 research outputs found

    A Synthesis of Some α, γ, δ, &ksi;-Tettaketones Polyoxo Compounds. IV

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    A description is given of the preparation of the tetraketones Ia-f, which were characterized as quinoxaHne derivatives

    Effect of levamisole on the number of intestinal goblet cells in weaned pigs experimentally vaccinated against colibacillosis

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    VALPOTIĆ: Effect of levamisole on the number of intestinal goblet cells in weaned pigs experimentally vaccinated against colibacillosis. Vet. arhiv 79, 543-553, 2009. Postweaning colibacillosis (PWC) is an etiologically complex disease commonly induced by porcine F4ac + enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) for which no effective vaccine is available. The objective of this study was to determine the nonspecific immunomodulatory effect of levamisole in combination with specific intragastric immunization of weaned pigs with a candidate F4ac + non-ETEC oral vaccine on the population of intestinal goblet cells (GC). The pigs were immunized with F4ac + non-ETEC strain, in combination with or without levamisole. Seven days after immunization the pigs were challenged with F4ac + ETEC strain and 14 days following immunization they were euthanatized for sampling of specimens of the small intestine for immunohistochemistry and morphometric analyses. Samples of the ileum were tested for the presence of acidic and neutral carbohydrates, components of mucus produced and secreted by the intestinal goblet cells (GC). The volume density (V) of the PAS V + and AB +/PAS+ GC was determined using the stereological point-counting method. The Vv of the ileal PAS + GC was lowest (0.130 ± 0.075 mm3) in the pigs that were immunized wit

    Paleogeographic evolution of the Southern Pannonian Basin: 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the Miocene continental series of notthern Croatia

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    The Pannonian Basin, originating during the Early Miocene, is a large extensional basin incorporated between Alpine, Carpathian and Dinaride fold-thrust belts. Back-arc extensional tectonics triggered deposition of up to 500-m-thick continental fluvio-lacustrine deposits distributed in numerous sub-basins of the Southern Pannonian Basin. Extensive andesitic and dacitic volcanism accompanied the syn-rift deposition and caused a number of pyroclastic intercalations. Here, we analyze two volcanic ash layers located at the base and top of the continental series. The lowermost ash from Mt. Kalnik yielded an 40Ar/39Ar age of 18.07 ± 0.07 Ma. This indicates that the marine-continental transition in the Slovenia-Zagorje Basin, coinciding with the onset of rifting tectonics in the Southern Pannonian Basin, occurs roughly at the Eggenburgian/ Ottnangian boundary of the regional Paratethys time scale. This age proves the synchronicity of initial rifting in the Southern Pannonian Basin with the beginning of sedimentation in the Dinaride Lake System. Beside geodynamic evolution, the two regions also share a biotic evolutionary history: both belong to the same ecoregion, which we designate here as the Illyrian Bioprovince. The youngest volcanic ash level is sampled at the Glina and Karlovac sub-depressions, and both sites yield the same 40Ar/39Ar age of 15.91 ± 0.06 and 16.03 ± 0.06 Ma, respectively. This indicates that lacustrine sedimentation in the Southern Pannonian Basin continued at least until the earliest Badenian. The present results provide not only important bench marks on duration of initial synrift in the Pannonian Basin System, but also deliver substantial backbone data for paleogeographic reconstructions in Central and Southeastern Europe around the Early–Middle Miocene transition

    Quaternary fault activity in the SW Pannonian Basin : GPR surveying in the Bilogora Mt. (NE Croatia)

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    In areas experiencing low deformation rates, landscapes provide limited evidence of ongoing tectonic activity, being either masked or altered by exogenic processes. Accordingly, the identification of fault activity and near surface deformation is commonly accomplished by multidisciplinary research combining geological, geophysical and geomorphic methods. In this study, Quaternary fault activity in the SW Pannonian Basin is investigated in the region of Bilogora, NE Croatia. The study area is positioned along the SW margin of the Drava Depression that was uplifted during the Pliocene and Quaternary within the Drava Depression Boundary Fault Zone. In this fault zone six GPR profiles were recorded. Reflection patterns, radar facies and truncations determined fault activity and near-surface deformation at four locations with vertical displacements of ≤1 m. At two sites, profiles did not show truncation of the shallowest reflections, however, an elevation difference of ca. 10 m between two palaeostream channels along one of the profiles suggests Quaternary uplift accommodated by a mapped fault. Considering the importance of the seismogenic potential of active faults and their correlation with the seismicity of Bilogora, this research will be followed by additional studies of near-surface strata deformation and palaeoseismological fault properties

    An outbreak of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome linked with mountain recreational activities in Zagreb, Croatia, 2017

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    Abstract In 2017 Zagreb faced the largest outbreak of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) to date. We investigated to describe the extent of the outbreak and identify risk factors for infection. We compared laboratory-confirmed cases of Hantavirus infection in Zagreb residents with the onset of illness after 1 January 2017, with individually matched controls from the same household or neighbourhood. We calculated adjusted matched odds ratios (amOR) using conditional logistic regression. During 2017, 104 cases were reported: 11–81 years old (median 37) and 71% (73) male. Compared with 104 controls, cases were more likely to report visiting Mount Medvednica (amOR 60, 95% CI 6–597), visiting a forest (amOR 46, 95% CI 4.7–450) and observing rodents (amOR 20, 95% CI 2.6–159). Seventy per cent of cases (73/104) had visited Mount Medvednica prior to infection. Among participants who had visited Mount Medvednica, cases were more likely to have drunk water from a spring (amOR 22, 95% CI 1.9–265), observed rodents (amOR 17, 95% CI 2–144), picked flowers (amOR 15, 95% CI 1.2–182) or cycled (amOR 14, 95% CI 1.6–135). Our study indicated that recreational activity around Mount Medvednica was associated with HFRS. We recommend enhanced surveillance of the recreational areas during an outbreak

    An early glacial maximum during the last glacial cycle on the northern Velebit Mt. (Croatia)

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    Comprehensive glacial Quaternary studies involving geochronological methods, modelling of ice topography with the support of field geomorphological and geological data in the Balkan Peninsula are relatively scarce, although there is evidence of past glaciations in severalmountain ranges. Here, we present research on the extent and timing of past glaciations on the northern Velebit Mt. in coastal Croatia and inferences of the climate during that time. Based on geomorphological and sedimentological evidence and using cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating of moraine boulders, we provide an empirical reconstruction of past glaciers and compare this with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) simulations under different palaeoclimate forcings. The dating results show that the northern Velebit glaciers reached their maximum extent during the last glacial cycle before the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Maximum ice extent likely correlates with Marine Isotope Stage 5–4, although the exact timing cannot be determined at this point due to poorly known site- and time-specific denudation rates. Empirical reconstruction of the maximum extent suggests that the area covered by glaciers was ~116 km2. The-best fit PISM simulation indicates that the most likely palaeoclimate scenario for the glaciers of this size to form is a cooling of ~8 °C and a 10% reduction in precipitation from present-day levels. However, the best-fit simulation does not correctly model all mapped ice margins when changes in climatological parameters are applied uniformly across the model domain, potentially reflecting a different palaeoprecipitation pattern to today

    An early glacial maximum during the last glacial cycle on the northern Velebit Mt. (Croatia)

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    Comprehensive glacial Quaternary studies involving geochronological methods, modelling of ice topography with the support of field geomorphological and geological data in the Balkan Peninsula are relatively scarce, although there is evidence of past glaciations in several mountain ranges. Here, we present research on the extent and timing of past glaciations on the northern Velebit Mt. in coastal Croatia and inferences of the climate during that time. Based on geomorphological and sedimentological evidence and using cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating of moraine boulders, we provide an empirical reconstruction of past glaciers and compare this with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) simulations under different palaeoclimate forcings. The dating results show that the northern Velebit glaciers reached their maximum extent during the last glacial cycle before the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Maximum ice extent likely correlates with Marine Isotope Stage 5–4, although the exact timing cannot be determined at this point due to poorly known site- and time-specific denudation rates. Empirical reconstruction of the maximum extent suggests that the area covered by glaciers was ~116 km2. The-best fit PISM simulation indicates that the most likely palaeoclimate scenario for the glaciers of this size to form is a cooling of ~8 °C and a 10% reduction in precipitation from present-day levels. However, the best-fit simulation does not correctly model all mapped ice margins when changes in climatological parameters are applied uniformly across the model domain, potentially reflecting a different palaeoprecipitation pattern to today