29 research outputs found

    Hybridization from Guest-Host Interactions Reduces the Thermal Conductivity of Metal-Organic Frameworks

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    We experimentally and theoretically investigate the thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of polycrystalline HKUST-1 metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) infiltrated with three guest molecules: tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ), 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4-TCNQ), and (cyclohexane-1,4-diylidene)dimalononitrile (H4-TCNQ). This allows for modification of the interaction strength between the guest and host, presenting an opportunity to study the fundamental atomic scale mechanisms of how guest molecules impact the thermal conductivity of large unit cell porous crystals. The thermal conductivities of the guest@MOF systems decrease significantly, by on average a factor of 4, for all infiltrated samples as compared to the uninfiltrated, pristine HKUST-1. This reduction in thermal conductivity goes in tandem with an increase in density of 38% and corresponding increase in heat capacity of ∼48%, defying conventional effective medium scaling of thermal properties of porous materials. We explore the origin of this reduction by experimentally investigating the guest molecules’ effects on the mechanical properties of the MOF and performing atomistic simulations to elucidate the roles of the mass and bonding environments on thermal conductivity. The reduction in thermal conductivity can be ascribed to an increase in vibrational scattering introduced by extrinsic guest-MOF collisions as well as guest molecule-induced modifications to the intrinsic vibrational structure of the MOF in the form of hybridization of low frequency modes that is concomitant with an enhanced population of localized modes. The concentration of localized modes and resulting reduction in thermal conductivity do not seem to be significantly affected by the mass or bonding strength of the guest species

    Ultrafast evanescent heat transfer across solid interfaces via hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride

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    The efficiency of phonon-mediated heat transport is limited by the intrinsic atomistic properties of materials, seemingly providing an upper limit to heat transfer in materials and across their interfaces. The typical speeds of conductive transport, which are inherently limited by the chemical bonds and atomic masses, dictate how quickly heat will move in solids. Given that phonon-polaritons, or coupled phonon-photon modes, can propagate at speeds approaching 1 percent of the speed of light - orders of magnitude faster than transport within a pure diffusive phonon conductor - we demonstrate that volume-confined, hyperbolic phonon-polariton(HPhP) modes supported by many biaxial polar crystals can couple energy across solid-solid interfaces at an order of magnitude higher rates than phonon-phonon conduction alone. Using pump-probe thermoreflectance with a mid-infrared, tunable, probe pulse with sub-picosecond resolution, we demonstrate remote and spectrally selective excitation of the HPhP modes in hexagonal boron nitride in response to radiative heating from a thermally emitting gold source. Our work demonstrates a new avenue for interfacial heat transfer based on broadband radiative coupling from a hot spot in a gold film to hBN HPhPs, independent of the broad spectral mismatch between the pump(visible) and probe(mid-IR) pulses employed. This methodology can be used to bypass the intrinsically limiting phonon-phonon conductive pathway, thus providing an alternative means of heat transfer across interfaces. Further, our time-resolved measurements of the temperature changes of the HPhP modes in hBN show that through polaritonic coupling, a material can transfer heat across and away from an interface at rates orders of magnitude faster than diffusive phonon speeds intrinsic to the material, thus demonstrating a pronounced thermal transport enhancement in hBN via phonon-polariton coupling

    Ruddlesden-Popper chalcogenides push the limit of mechanical stiffness and glass-like thermal conductivity in crystals

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    Insulating materials featuring ultralow thermal conductivity for diverse applications also require robust mechanical properties. Conventional thinking, however, which correlates strong bonding with high atomic-vibration-mediated heat conduction, led to diverse weakly bonded materials that feature ultralow thermal conductivity and low elastic moduli. One must, therefore, search for strongly-bonded materials in which heat transport is impeded by other means. Here, we report intrinsic, glass-like, ultralow thermal conductivity and ultrahigh elastic-modulus/thermal-conductivity ratio in single-crystalline, BaZrS3-derived, Ruddlesden-Popper phases Ban+1ZrnS3n+1, n = 2, 3. Their key features are strong anharmonicity and intra-unit-cell rock-salt blocks. The latter produce strongly bonded intrinsic superlattices, impeding heat conduction by broadband reduction of phonon velocities and mean free paths and concomitant strong phonon localization. The present study initiates a paradigm of "mechanically stiff phonon glasses"

    VEuPathDB: the eukaryotic pathogen, vector and host bioinformatics resource center in 2023.

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    The Eukaryotic Pathogen, Vector and Host Informatics Resource (VEuPathDB, https://veupathdb.org) is a Bioinformatics Resource Center funded by the National Institutes of Health with additional funding from the Wellcome Trust. VEuPathDB supports >600 organisms that comprise invertebrate vectors, eukaryotic pathogens (protists and fungi) and relevant free-living or non-pathogenic species or hosts. Since 2004, VEuPathDB has analyzed omics data from the public domain using contemporary bioinformatic workflows, including orthology predictions via OrthoMCL, and integrated the analysis results with analysis tools, visualizations, and advanced search capabilities. The unique data mining platform coupled with >3000 pre-analyzed data sets facilitates the exploration of pertinent omics data in support of hypothesis driven research. Comparisons are easily made across data sets, data types and organisms. A Galaxy workspace offers the opportunity for the analysis of private large-scale datasets and for porting to VEuPathDB for comparisons with integrated data. The MapVEu tool provides a platform for exploration of spatially resolved data such as vector surveillance and insecticide resistance monitoring. To address the growing body of omics data and advances in laboratory techniques, VEuPathDB has added several new data types, searches and features, improved the Galaxy workspace environment, redesigned the MapVEu interface and updated the infrastructure to accommodate these changes

    VEuPathDB: the eukaryotic pathogen, vector and host bioinformatics resource center

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    The Eukaryotic Pathogen, Vector and Host Informatics Resource (VEuPathDB, https://veupathdb.org) represents the 2019 merger of VectorBase with the EuPathDB projects. As a Bioinformatics Resource Center funded by the National Institutes of Health, with additional support from the Welllcome Trust, VEuPathDB supports >500 organisms comprising invertebrate vectors, eukaryotic pathogens (protists and fungi) and relevant free-living or non-pathogenic species or hosts. Designed to empower researchers with access to Omics data and bioinformatic analyses, VEuPathDB projects integrate >1700 pre-analysed datasets (and associated metadata) with advanced search capabilities, visualizations, and analysis tools in a graphic interface. Diverse data types are analysed with standardized workflows including an in-house OrthoMCL algorithm for predicting orthology. Comparisons are easily made across datasets, data types and organisms in this unique data mining platform. A new site-wide search facilitates access for both experienced and novice users. Upgraded infrastructure and workflows support numerous updates to the web interface, tools, searches and strategies, and Galaxy workspace where users can privately analyse their own data. Forthcoming upgrades include cloud-ready application architecture, expanded support for the Galaxy workspace, tools for interrogating host-pathogen interactions, and improved interactions with affiliated databases (ClinEpiDB, MicrobiomeDB) and other scientific resources, and increased interoperability with the Bacterial & Viral BRC

    Mississippian Lithics: Identifying Workshops in the Etowah River Valley.

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    Household Versus Workshop: Lithic Analysis of a Middle Mississippian Site The Mississippian Period refers to the North American Southeast region and ranges from AD 1000-1500. The Mississippian Period is characterized by its societal organization, form of government, culture, and subsistence practices. Daily life and survival for prehistoric Native Americans at this time was dependent on stone, and as such a wide variety of lithic artifacts appear in the archaeological record. The Mississippian period also had its own network of lithic trade. This network lent itself to the creation of workshops and specialists (both full-time and part-time) who produced tools for a wide range of activities at different sites across the Southeast. Workshops are loosely defined as locations with a significant amount of debitage. Workshops vary in size depending on the relative size of the settlement their associated with, as such, each possible workshop must be viewed with the full context of the settlement they are near. A major settlement such as Etowah may have a workshop with thousands and thousands of pieces of debitage, while smaller settlements that consisted of fewer people may only have had a little over a thousand pieces for example. The lithics from the Cummings site, a Mississippian period site located in Bartow County, will be evaluated with the aforementioned factors that contribute towards the identification of a workshop. This research looks to identify the presence of a workshop at Cummings and, in the absence of one, to determine the nature and extent of lithic production

    Organic-component dependent thermal conductivity reduction in ALD/MLD grown ZnO: organic superlattice thin films

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    This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement (No. 765378) and the Academy of Finland (Profi 3). We acknowledge the use of the RawMatters Finland Infrastructure (RAMI) at Aalto University. We appreciate support from the Army Research Office Grant (No. W911NF-16-1-0406).Inorganic-organic superlattice (SL) thin films are intriguing candidates for flexible thermoelectric applications; in such SLs, the heat conduction can be efficiently blocked at the inorganic/organic interfaces. Fabrication of these materials using the atomic/molecular layer deposition (ALD/MLD) technique allows precise layer-sequence manipulation. Another unique advantage of ALD/MLD is its capability to yield conformal coatings even on demanding substrates such as textiles. These benefits have been demonstrated in previous works for SL thin films where ZnO serves as the inorganic matrix and hydroquinone as the organic component. In this work, we extend the study to three other organic components, i.e., p-phenylenediamine, terephthalic acid, and 4,4 '-oxydianiline, to address the importance of the bonding structure and the density difference at the inorganic/organic interface, and the thickness of the monomolecular organic blocking layer.Peer reviewe