33 research outputs found

    The Effect of Football Match on oxidative stress

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    Vježbanje predstavlja glavni uvjet za povećanje oksidacijskog stresa, odnosno proizvodnje slobodnih radikala koji dovode do oksidacijskog stresa i uzrokuju oštećenja staničnog tkiva. Na taj način, oksidativna oštećenja koja uništavaju stanične skupine okarakterizirane su progresivnim promjenama ili degradacijama biomolekula, kao što su lipidi/masti, proteini, deoksiribonukleinska kiselina (DNK). Nogomet, kao aerobno/anaerobna sportska igra koja se sastoji od trčanja različitim intenzitetima, udaranja, rušenje, okreta, skokova i mišićnih kontrakcija radi kontrole lopte protiv obrambenih igrača, za očekivati je kako igrači nakon nogometne utakmice imaju različite vrijednosti biomarkera s obzirom na stres, odnosno aktivnost kojom se bave. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoje li razlike u biomarkerima nogometaša prije i nakon nogometne utakmice, te između različitih igračkih pozicija na terenu. Uzorak ispitanika u ovom istraživanju sastojao se od 19 nogometaša (20,26±0,65 godina), sudionika prve lige juniorskog uzrasta. U uzorak ispitanika uključeni su isključivo nogometaši koji imaju najmanje 16 odigranih utakmica u prošloj sezoni, sudjelovanje na barem 75% treninga u prethodnoj sezoni, te s najmanje 5 godina nogometnog iskustva. Uzorak varijabli sastojao se od kompletne krvne slike (KKS), sedimentacije (SE), Creaktivni proteina, CK, mioglobina, LDH, testosterona (slobodni), kortizola, mokraćne kiseline i metabolizma željeza, te su pokazatelji oksidacijskog stresa analizirani iz uzorka krvi putem sljedećih varijabli: analiza titar protutijela na oksidirani LDL (oLAB), ukupni antioksidacijski kapacitet seruma (TAC) i malondialdehid (MDA). Za obradu podataka koristio se Studentov t-test za ponovljenja mjerenja prije i nakon nogometne utakmice, te ANOVA za ponovljenja mjerenja prije i nakon nogometne utakmice između različitih igračkih pozicija. Značajnost je postavljena na p<0,05. Rezultati pokazuju kako je polovica analiziranih varijabli kompletne krvne slike statistički značajna (p<0,05). Također postoje značajne razlike u varijablama metabolita (osim ureje, p= ,07), enzima (AST, ALT i LDH su statistički značajni, p<0,05), elektrolita (K, p<0,05), željeza (Fe, p= 0,05), hormona (testosteron neznačajan, p= ,89), te oxi-laba (TAC statistički značajan, p<0,05). Rezultati analiziranih varijabli s obzirom na različite igračke pozicije pokazuju kako ni u jednoj varijabli mjerenoj u dva vremenska razdoblja ne postoje značajne razlike na početku i na kraju utakmice s obzirom na igračke pozicije (p>0,05), osim u varijabli mioglobina (hormona) na statistički značajnoj razini (p= ,02), što bi odgovaralo većoj potrebi mišića za kisikom i hranjivim tvarima nakon nogometne utakmice. Istraživanja pokazuju da, iako se događa prilagodba na oksidativni stres, intenzivna razdoblja treninga/natjecanja provociraju povećanje oksidativnog stresa, što čini razlog više da se nastave istraživati područja biomarkera i oksidativnog stresa, kako u nogometu, tako i u drugim sportovima.Exercise presents main condition for increasing oxidative stress, production of free radicals which lead to oxidative stress and cause cellular tissue damage. Because of that, oxidative damages which damage cellular targets are characterized by progressive changes or biomolecul degradations, such as lipids/fat, proteins or DNA. Soccer, as aerobic-anaerobic sports game is comprised of different intensity runs, hits, tackles, turnovers, jumps and muscle contractions cause of the ball control against the opponents, it is expected that soccer players have different biomarker values based on stress, or the activity they do. The aim of the study was to determine significant differences in biomarkers among soccer players before and after soccer game, and also between different playing positions on the field. The sample of entities consisted of 19 soccer players (20,26±0,65 years of age), participants of the 1st junior league. Only players that have at least 16 played games in the last season, who participated on at least 75% of trainings in the last season or have had at least 5 years of soccer experience were included in the study. The sample of variables consisted of complete blood scan (CBS), sedimentation (SE), C-reactive protein, CK, myoglobin, LDH, testosterone (free), cortisol, uric acid and iron metabolism, and indices of oxidative stress were analyzed from the blood sample through several variables: analyses of antibody titer on oxidative LDL (oLAB), total antioxidant serum capacity (TAC) and malondialdehyde (MDA). For data analyses, Student t7 test was used before and after soccer game, and repeated measures ANOVA (RM ANOVA) before and after soccer game between different playing positions. Statistical significance was set up at p0,05), except in variable myoglobine (hormones), which was statistically different (p= ,02), which would correspond of greater muscle needs for oxygen and nutritional substances after the game. Studies have shown that, adaptations on oxidative stress are happening, intensity periods of training/competition provoke increased oxidative stress. This is the reason why fields of biomarkers and oxidative stresses need to be investigated, in soccer and other sports

    The Effect of Football Match on oxidative stress

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    Vježbanje predstavlja glavni uvjet za povećanje oksidacijskog stresa, odnosno proizvodnje slobodnih radikala koji dovode do oksidacijskog stresa i uzrokuju oštećenja staničnog tkiva. Na taj način, oksidativna oštećenja koja uništavaju stanične skupine okarakterizirane su progresivnim promjenama ili degradacijama biomolekula, kao što su lipidi/masti, proteini, deoksiribonukleinska kiselina (DNK). Nogomet, kao aerobno/anaerobna sportska igra koja se sastoji od trčanja različitim intenzitetima, udaranja, rušenje, okreta, skokova i mišićnih kontrakcija radi kontrole lopte protiv obrambenih igrača, za očekivati je kako igrači nakon nogometne utakmice imaju različite vrijednosti biomarkera s obzirom na stres, odnosno aktivnost kojom se bave. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoje li razlike u biomarkerima nogometaša prije i nakon nogometne utakmice, te između različitih igračkih pozicija na terenu. Uzorak ispitanika u ovom istraživanju sastojao se od 19 nogometaša (20,26±0,65 godina), sudionika prve lige juniorskog uzrasta. U uzorak ispitanika uključeni su isključivo nogometaši koji imaju najmanje 16 odigranih utakmica u prošloj sezoni, sudjelovanje na barem 75% treninga u prethodnoj sezoni, te s najmanje 5 godina nogometnog iskustva. Uzorak varijabli sastojao se od kompletne krvne slike (KKS), sedimentacije (SE), Creaktivni proteina, CK, mioglobina, LDH, testosterona (slobodni), kortizola, mokraćne kiseline i metabolizma željeza, te su pokazatelji oksidacijskog stresa analizirani iz uzorka krvi putem sljedećih varijabli: analiza titar protutijela na oksidirani LDL (oLAB), ukupni antioksidacijski kapacitet seruma (TAC) i malondialdehid (MDA). Za obradu podataka koristio se Studentov t-test za ponovljenja mjerenja prije i nakon nogometne utakmice, te ANOVA za ponovljenja mjerenja prije i nakon nogometne utakmice između različitih igračkih pozicija. Značajnost je postavljena na p<0,05. Rezultati pokazuju kako je polovica analiziranih varijabli kompletne krvne slike statistički značajna (p<0,05). Također postoje značajne razlike u varijablama metabolita (osim ureje, p= ,07), enzima (AST, ALT i LDH su statistički značajni, p<0,05), elektrolita (K, p<0,05), željeza (Fe, p= 0,05), hormona (testosteron neznačajan, p= ,89), te oxi-laba (TAC statistički značajan, p<0,05). Rezultati analiziranih varijabli s obzirom na različite igračke pozicije pokazuju kako ni u jednoj varijabli mjerenoj u dva vremenska razdoblja ne postoje značajne razlike na početku i na kraju utakmice s obzirom na igračke pozicije (p>0,05), osim u varijabli mioglobina (hormona) na statistički značajnoj razini (p= ,02), što bi odgovaralo većoj potrebi mišića za kisikom i hranjivim tvarima nakon nogometne utakmice. Istraživanja pokazuju da, iako se događa prilagodba na oksidativni stres, intenzivna razdoblja treninga/natjecanja provociraju povećanje oksidativnog stresa, što čini razlog više da se nastave istraživati područja biomarkera i oksidativnog stresa, kako u nogometu, tako i u drugim sportovima.Exercise presents main condition for increasing oxidative stress, production of free radicals which lead to oxidative stress and cause cellular tissue damage. Because of that, oxidative damages which damage cellular targets are characterized by progressive changes or biomolecul degradations, such as lipids/fat, proteins or DNA. Soccer, as aerobic-anaerobic sports game is comprised of different intensity runs, hits, tackles, turnovers, jumps and muscle contractions cause of the ball control against the opponents, it is expected that soccer players have different biomarker values based on stress, or the activity they do. The aim of the study was to determine significant differences in biomarkers among soccer players before and after soccer game, and also between different playing positions on the field. The sample of entities consisted of 19 soccer players (20,26±0,65 years of age), participants of the 1st junior league. Only players that have at least 16 played games in the last season, who participated on at least 75% of trainings in the last season or have had at least 5 years of soccer experience were included in the study. The sample of variables consisted of complete blood scan (CBS), sedimentation (SE), C-reactive protein, CK, myoglobin, LDH, testosterone (free), cortisol, uric acid and iron metabolism, and indices of oxidative stress were analyzed from the blood sample through several variables: analyses of antibody titer on oxidative LDL (oLAB), total antioxidant serum capacity (TAC) and malondialdehyde (MDA). For data analyses, Student t7 test was used before and after soccer game, and repeated measures ANOVA (RM ANOVA) before and after soccer game between different playing positions. Statistical significance was set up at p0,05), except in variable myoglobine (hormones), which was statistically different (p= ,02), which would correspond of greater muscle needs for oxygen and nutritional substances after the game. Studies have shown that, adaptations on oxidative stress are happening, intensity periods of training/competition provoke increased oxidative stress. This is the reason why fields of biomarkers and oxidative stresses need to be investigated, in soccer and other sports

    The Effect of Football Match on oxidative stress

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    Vježbanje predstavlja glavni uvjet za povećanje oksidacijskog stresa, odnosno proizvodnje slobodnih radikala koji dovode do oksidacijskog stresa i uzrokuju oštećenja staničnog tkiva. Na taj način, oksidativna oštećenja koja uništavaju stanične skupine okarakterizirane su progresivnim promjenama ili degradacijama biomolekula, kao što su lipidi/masti, proteini, deoksiribonukleinska kiselina (DNK). Nogomet, kao aerobno/anaerobna sportska igra koja se sastoji od trčanja različitim intenzitetima, udaranja, rušenje, okreta, skokova i mišićnih kontrakcija radi kontrole lopte protiv obrambenih igrača, za očekivati je kako igrači nakon nogometne utakmice imaju različite vrijednosti biomarkera s obzirom na stres, odnosno aktivnost kojom se bave. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoje li razlike u biomarkerima nogometaša prije i nakon nogometne utakmice, te između različitih igračkih pozicija na terenu. Uzorak ispitanika u ovom istraživanju sastojao se od 19 nogometaša (20,26±0,65 godina), sudionika prve lige juniorskog uzrasta. U uzorak ispitanika uključeni su isključivo nogometaši koji imaju najmanje 16 odigranih utakmica u prošloj sezoni, sudjelovanje na barem 75% treninga u prethodnoj sezoni, te s najmanje 5 godina nogometnog iskustva. Uzorak varijabli sastojao se od kompletne krvne slike (KKS), sedimentacije (SE), Creaktivni proteina, CK, mioglobina, LDH, testosterona (slobodni), kortizola, mokraćne kiseline i metabolizma željeza, te su pokazatelji oksidacijskog stresa analizirani iz uzorka krvi putem sljedećih varijabli: analiza titar protutijela na oksidirani LDL (oLAB), ukupni antioksidacijski kapacitet seruma (TAC) i malondialdehid (MDA). Za obradu podataka koristio se Studentov t-test za ponovljenja mjerenja prije i nakon nogometne utakmice, te ANOVA za ponovljenja mjerenja prije i nakon nogometne utakmice između različitih igračkih pozicija. Značajnost je postavljena na p<0,05. Rezultati pokazuju kako je polovica analiziranih varijabli kompletne krvne slike statistički značajna (p<0,05). Također postoje značajne razlike u varijablama metabolita (osim ureje, p= ,07), enzima (AST, ALT i LDH su statistički značajni, p<0,05), elektrolita (K, p<0,05), željeza (Fe, p= 0,05), hormona (testosteron neznačajan, p= ,89), te oxi-laba (TAC statistički značajan, p<0,05). Rezultati analiziranih varijabli s obzirom na različite igračke pozicije pokazuju kako ni u jednoj varijabli mjerenoj u dva vremenska razdoblja ne postoje značajne razlike na početku i na kraju utakmice s obzirom na igračke pozicije (p>0,05), osim u varijabli mioglobina (hormona) na statistički značajnoj razini (p= ,02), što bi odgovaralo većoj potrebi mišića za kisikom i hranjivim tvarima nakon nogometne utakmice. Istraživanja pokazuju da, iako se događa prilagodba na oksidativni stres, intenzivna razdoblja treninga/natjecanja provociraju povećanje oksidativnog stresa, što čini razlog više da se nastave istraživati područja biomarkera i oksidativnog stresa, kako u nogometu, tako i u drugim sportovima.Exercise presents main condition for increasing oxidative stress, production of free radicals which lead to oxidative stress and cause cellular tissue damage. Because of that, oxidative damages which damage cellular targets are characterized by progressive changes or biomolecul degradations, such as lipids/fat, proteins or DNA. Soccer, as aerobic-anaerobic sports game is comprised of different intensity runs, hits, tackles, turnovers, jumps and muscle contractions cause of the ball control against the opponents, it is expected that soccer players have different biomarker values based on stress, or the activity they do. The aim of the study was to determine significant differences in biomarkers among soccer players before and after soccer game, and also between different playing positions on the field. The sample of entities consisted of 19 soccer players (20,26±0,65 years of age), participants of the 1st junior league. Only players that have at least 16 played games in the last season, who participated on at least 75% of trainings in the last season or have had at least 5 years of soccer experience were included in the study. The sample of variables consisted of complete blood scan (CBS), sedimentation (SE), C-reactive protein, CK, myoglobin, LDH, testosterone (free), cortisol, uric acid and iron metabolism, and indices of oxidative stress were analyzed from the blood sample through several variables: analyses of antibody titer on oxidative LDL (oLAB), total antioxidant serum capacity (TAC) and malondialdehyde (MDA). For data analyses, Student t7 test was used before and after soccer game, and repeated measures ANOVA (RM ANOVA) before and after soccer game between different playing positions. Statistical significance was set up at p0,05), except in variable myoglobine (hormones), which was statistically different (p= ,02), which would correspond of greater muscle needs for oxygen and nutritional substances after the game. Studies have shown that, adaptations on oxidative stress are happening, intensity periods of training/competition provoke increased oxidative stress. This is the reason why fields of biomarkers and oxidative stresses need to be investigated, in soccer and other sports

    Injuries of the tarsometatarsal joints: treatment and outcome [Lisfrancova ozljeda]

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    Between January 2005 and May 2009, a total of 26 patients, 21 males and 5 females, were admitted for treatment of Lisfranc lesion. All patients were radiologically evaluated and classified according to the criteria proposed by Myerson: 5 (19.2%) patients had a type A injury, 2 patients (7.7%) presented with a type B1 injury, 17 (65.4%) sustained the most common type B2 injury and 1 (3.8%) patient suffered from a type C1 and C2 injury. Taking radiological and clinical findings in account, fifteen patients were elected for operative treatment and eleven patients were treated conservatively. According to type of fracture we established three groups; in group I metatarsal fracture was found in fourteen (53.9%) patients, group II with phalangeal fracture in three (11.5%) cases, whereas in group III nine (34.6%) patients sustained combined metatarsal, navicular and, most commonly, a cuneiform fracture. Using the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) midfoot scoring scale and SF-36 questionnaire, the functional outcome was assessed. The mean value for age distribution was 42.7 +/- 13.2 years and the mean follow up was 27.9 +/- 12.4 months. A p value < 0.005 was regarded as statistically significant for the analysis of the results. We found by means of SF 36 questionnaire a statistically significant difference in the role limitation due to existence of pain (p = 0.04) and poor general health (p = 0.013) in the group of patients that sustained combined foot fracture. The purpose of this study is to assess the treatment of Lisfranc injuries in our patients, according to SF36 and AOFAS criteria, clinical outcome was evaluated. In the group I the mean AOFAS score was 74.0 +/- 9.1 and in the group II it reached 72.0 +/- 5.2 signifying fair outcome! Poor outcome was present in the group III with mean AOFAS score 67.1 +/- 9.0. All unstable injuries require surgery. Clinical outcome is highly dependent on the restoration of normal anatomic alignment

    Obostrano iščašenje polumjesečastoga zgloba

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    Carpal instability is a rare injury of the wrist, but it can cause adverse disability and morbidity of the patient. Lunate dislocation is the fourth and last stage of perilunate dislocation. Bilateral perilunate dislocation is an even more uncommon injury, and only several cases have been reported in literature. We are presenting a case of bilateral perilunate dislocation of wrists in 27-year-old men who sustained injury of both wrists falling from a 7-meter-high tree.Nestabilnost pešća predstavlja rijetku ozljedu ručnoga zgloba koja može uzrokovati značajnu nesposobnost i morbiditet pacijenta. Iščašenje polumjesečaste kosti je četvrti i zadnji stadij perilunatne dislokacije. Obostrano iščašenje polumjesečaste kosti je još rjeđe stanje, te je svega nekoliko sličnih slučajeva opisano u literaturi. Ovdje prikazujemo slučaj obostranog iščašenja polumjesečaste kosti ručnoga zgloba kod 27-godišnjeg muškarca, koji je zadobio ozljede oba ručna zgloba prilikom pada s drveta visokog 7 metara

    The Latent Structure of Soccer in the Phases of Attack and Defense

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    With the aim of establishing the latent structure of tactical elements in the attack and defense phases of soccer 117 tactical elements of soccer were defined and their importance assessed by means of 30 variables that determine the basic segments of the game of soccer. 93 attack and 24 defense tactical elements were chosen as the entity sample and described by the 15 variables of the attack phase and 15 variables of the defense phase. Ten competent soccer experts determined the characteristics of the aforementioned entities by means of 30 variables. The experts graded from 0 to 5 the impact of every entity (tactical technique) on the individual variables that describe soccer in its phases of either attack and defense. A high level of inter-expert agreement was reached in regard to the properties of attack and defense techniques, as demonstrated by the objectivity coefficients. According to principal component factor analysis and the Kaiser and Guttman rule a total of five significant latent dimensions were obtained: finishing efficiency, ball possession performance, counter-attack efficiency, combined defense performance, and obstruction and redirection of the opposing team’s attack build-up. The research partly resolved the issue of the hypothetical structure of tactical techniques in soccer by dividing the game into phases and sub-phases, attack and defense players’ positions, and types (styles) of play in the attack and defense. If it is clear which movement structures have the most significant influence on the efficiency on a particular playing position and performance in the sub-phases and styles of play, it would be possible to create such training operators that will facilitate the formation of the most important motor skills in soccer


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    : The aim of the present investigation was to verify the responses of haematological and iron concentrations in Croatian U-21 soccer players following an official soccer match. A group of 19 trained, healthy male soccer players from the U-21 category of the Croatian soccer association took part in this study. An analysis of red blood cell concentration (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), haematocrit (Htc), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean cell haemoglobin (MCH), mean cell haemoglobin corpuscular (MCHC), and Thrombocytes was performed to indicate the haematological status. In addition, iron, total iron binding capacity (TIBC), the unsaturated iron-binding capacity (UIBC) and ferritin analyses were obtained immediately after the soccer match. A significant decrease in Hct (%) was observed immediately after the game. However, there were no significant changes in the haemoglobin levels. Iron concentration increased significantly (p< 0.01) after the soccer match. Ferritin levels were also higher at the end of the match compared to baseline measures. It can be reported that a soccer match may induce an iron increase immediately after the game which was contradictory to recent studies. In summary, this study provided a valuable opportunity to study biochemical parameters that could lead to a possible illness, injuries and severity in match-play

    Injuries of the Tarsometatarsal Joints: Treatment and Outcome

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    Between January 2005 and May 2009, a total of 26 patients, 21 males and 5 females, were admitted for treatment of Lisfranc lesion. All patients were radiologically evaluated and classified according to the criteria proposed by Myerson: 5 (19.2%) patients had a type A injury, 2 patients (7.7%) presented with a type B1 injury, 17 (65.4%) sustained the most common type B2 injury and 1 (3.8%) patient suffered from a type C1 and C2 injury. Taking radiological and clinical findings in account, fifteen patients were elected for operative treatment and eleven patients were treated conservatively. According to type of fracture we established three groups; in group I metatarsal fracture was found in fourteen (53.9%) patients, group II with phalangeal fracture in three (11.5%) cases, whereas in group III nine (34.6%) patients sustained combined metatarsal, navicular and, most commonly, a cuneiform fracture.Using the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) midfoot scoring scale and SF-36 questionnaire, the functional outcome was assessed. The mean value for age distribution was 42.7±13.2 years and the mean follow up was 27.9±12.4 months. A p value <0.005 was regarded as statistically significant for the analysis of the results. We found by means of SF 36 questionnaire a statistically significant difference in the role limitation due to existence of pain (p=0.04) and poor general health (p= 0.013) in the group of patients that sustained combined foot fracture. The purpose of this study is to assess the treatment of Lisfranc injuries in our patients, according to SF 36 and AOFAS criteria, clinical outcome was evaluated. In the group I the mean AOFAS score was 74.0±9.1 and in the group II it reached 72.0±5.2 signifyng fair outcome! Poor outcome was present in the group III with mean AOFAS score 67.1±9.0. All unstable injuries require surgery. Clinical outcome is highly dependent on the restoration of normal anatomic alignment

    Academician Zdravko Lorković, the first head of the Department of Veterinary Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb

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    Akademik Zdravko Lorković je bio svjetski poznat biolog, entomolog, geneti- čar, evolucionist i ekolog (1990.-1998.). Uz ima akademika Zdravka Lorkovića veže se činjenica da je kao profesor biologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu radio od 1941. do 1951. godine. Uvidom u arhivu Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, njegov izbor za pr- vog predstojnika Zavoda za biologiju dana 20. 05. 1942. smatra se ujedno i datumom osnutka Zavoda za veterinarsku biologiju na Veterinarskom fakultetu Hrvatskog sve- učilišta u Zagrebu. Ovaj kratki prikaz rada akademika Zdravka Lorkovića napisan je povodom 77. godišnjice osnutka Zavoda za veterinarsku biologiju na Veterinarskom fa- kultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te obilježava- nja 20. godišnjice smrti akademika Zdravka Lorkovića.Academician Zdravko Lorković was a world-wide known biologist, entomologist, geneticist, evolutionist and ecologist (1900- 1998). He was the first professor of biology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, where he worked from 1941 to 1951. The faculty archives show that he was elected as the first chair of the Biology Department on 20 May 1942, and this date is considered the date of establishment of the Department. This short overview of the work of Academician Zdravko Lorković has been prepared regarding to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the establishment of the Department for Veterinary Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, and the 20th anniversary of his death

    Obostrano iščašenje polumjesečastoga zgloba

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    Carpal instability is a rare injury of the wrist, but it can cause adverse disability and morbidity of the patient. Lunate dislocation is the fourth and last stage of perilunate dislocation. Bilateral perilunate dislocation is an even more uncommon injury, and only several cases have been reported in literature. We are presenting a case of bilateral perilunate dislocation of wrists in 27-year-old men who sustained injury of both wrists falling from a 7-meter-high tree.Nestabilnost pešća predstavlja rijetku ozljedu ručnoga zgloba koja može uzrokovati značajnu nesposobnost i morbiditet pacijenta. Iščašenje polumjesečaste kosti je četvrti i zadnji stadij perilunatne dislokacije. Obostrano iščašenje polumjesečaste kosti je još rjeđe stanje, te je svega nekoliko sličnih slučajeva opisano u literaturi. Ovdje prikazujemo slučaj obostranog iščašenja polumjesečaste kosti ručnoga zgloba kod 27-godišnjeg muškarca, koji je zadobio ozljede oba ručna zgloba prilikom pada s drveta visokog 7 metara