62 research outputs found

    Development of detection device for dugong calls

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    December 15-17, 2007, Royal Phuket City Hotel, Phuket, ThailandAn acoustical approach for research on marine mammals has been a very active research method in recent years. Dugong (Dugong dugon) is one of the highly endangered species, which are strictly-marine herbivorous and mainly inhabit coastal areas. In order to detect dugong calls from recorded data, several algorithms have been adapted by researchers in the analyzing process. However, the number of misses in the detection is still non-zero. The sound of snapping shrimp recorded in a wide range (2-300 kHz) is one of the main background noises that makes the detection of dugong calls difficult in warm shallow waters. Impulse elimination was employed in the system to get rid of the snapping shrimp noise. In order to improve the performance of the detection system by increasing the detection rate and decreasing the number of misses, two new algorithms were tested in the experiment. The experimental results for the new algorithms including impulse elimination and the cepstrum method are presented in this paper


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    We studied the alteration of kidney function with increase kidney calcium, magnesium and phosphorus contents in rats fed a high-phosphorus diet. Five-week-old male SD rats were used. The rats were fed a diet with either a control (0.3%) or a high (1.5%) level of phosphorus for 20 days. Body weight gain and food intake were depressed, and nephrocalcinosis was determined by analysis of kidney calcium in rats fed a 1.5% phosphorus diet. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus contents of nucleus fraction, mitochondrial fraction, microsomal fraction and cytosol of kidney were determined. And composition of fatty acid and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)in each fraction were measured. In every fraction from rats fed a 1.5% phosphorus diet, contents of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus were significantly elevated than those of a control diet. Composition of fatty acid of mitochondrial fraction and microsomal fraction in rats fed a 1.5% phosphorus diet were different from those of a control diet. But TBARS in the mitochondrial and microsomal fractions were same

    高リン食摂取ラットの腎におけるシトクロームp450, HSP-70, HO-1, iNOSの発現

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    Five-week-old rats were fed on a diet containing phosphorus either at 0.3% (control diet) or at 1.5% (high P diet) for 21 days. Mitochondrial, microsomal, cytosol fractions were obtained from the kidney by the usual method. Kidney of rat fed on high P diet contained high concentration of calcium, and its function was impaired because of excessive calcium. In this case, many stress defensive proteins like cytochrome p-450, HSP-70, HO-1, iNOS in kidney seem to appear. Then those proteins in those fractions were detected by the western blotting method. Contents of cytochrome p-450, HSP-70 and iNOS in three fractions were almost the same between in control diet rats and high P diet rats. On the other hand, HO-1 was not detected in three fractions of control rats, but it was detected in high P rats. HO-1 may play some defensive roles in environmental condition, that is, the cellular high calcium concentration


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    Five-week-old rats were fed on a diet containing phosphorus either at 0.3% (control diet) or at 1.5% (high p diet) for 21 days. Mitochondrial fraction was obtained from the kidney by the usual method. We investigated mitochondrial function as the indicator of mitochondrial swelling. When the substrate was not added to medium, mitochondria of rats fed a control diet or rats fed a high p diet showed swelling at 15% each in 60 minutes. When 5mM glutamate and 0.5mM malate were added, mitochondria of rats fed a control diet showed swelling. But the mitochondrial swelling was not observed in rats fed a high p diet and cytochrome C content in this group was lower than that of the control group. The possibility of mitochondrial functional disorder by excessive calcium was suggested


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    We investigated the effect of dietary bone powder on the absorption of calcium in rats. Bone powder was used as a source of calcium. We used the test diets containing bone powder or bone powder mix. Five-week-old rats were divided into three groups. Each group was fed a control diet or a test diet for 3 weeks. All diets contained the same amounts of calcium(0.52%), phosphorus(0.40%) and magnesium(0.30%). Calcium absorption ratio, calcium retention ratio and the amount of femur calcium of rats fed the test diets did not differ from those of the control diet group. Calcium absorption ratio of rats fed bone powder mix and the amount of femur calcium of rats fed both bone powder diets were slightly higher than those of rats fed a control diet. The concentration of femur calcium was significantly increased in rats fed the two bone powder diets. These results suggest that the ingestion of powdered bones was imagined to be valid for bony health


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    We investigated the effect of dietary saccharides on the absorption of calcium in rats. Calcium L-lactate was used as a source of calcium. We used the test diets containing xylooligosaccharide(XO), Galactomannan(GM)and Glucono-δ-lactone(GL). In experiment 1, five-week-old rats, were divided into four groups. Each group was fed a control diet or a test diet(1.2%XO or 1.0%GM or 0.7%GL)for 3 weeks. In exp.2, each group of rats was fed a control diet or a test diet(1.2%XO or 1.2%XO・1.0%GM or 1.2%XO・0.7%GL). In exp.3, rats were divided into two groups, and were fed a control diet or a test diet(1.2%XO・1.0%GM・0.7%GL). In exp.4, rats were divided into four groups and each group was fed a control diet or a test diet(5%XO or 5%GM or 5%GL). All diets contained the same amounts of Ca(0.52%)and phosphorus(0.40%). In exp.1 and exp.2, Ca absorption ratios in the test diet did not differ from those in the control diet group. In exp.3, Ca absorption ratio and Ca contents of femur were significantly increased in the test diet group. In exp.4, Ca absorption ratio was significantly increased in the 5%XO diet group. In the XO diet, a positive effect of Ca absorption was observed in the 5%XO diet group, but not in the 1.2%XO diet group. The addition of 1.0%GM and 0.7%GL to 1.2%XO promoted Ca absorption effect of 1.2%XO. These results suggest that increased Ca absorption by mixture of XO, GM and GL was due to their synergistic effect


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    Since the intestinal digestibility of trehalose was considered to be very poor, we studied the effects of trehalose on calcium absorption. In this study, the digestibility of trehalose by rat intestinal acetone powder, and calcium utilization by rat fed on trehalose were carried out. Trehalose as well as sucrose was completely digested, whereas lactose was digested by only 15%. Trehalose did not positively influence calcium absorption and the effect of trehalose on calcium absorption was similar to that of sucrose. The apparent absorption ratio during both periods (7-10days, 20-23days) were significantly increased in rats fed the lactose diet. Whole cecal weight was significantly elevated in rats fed the lactose diet, cecal pH was significantly lowered, and the amounts of short chain fatty acid in the cecum contents were significantly increased. These results suggests that since trehalose was completely digested in intestinal lumen, it did not show influence on calcium absorption

    Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope

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    An overview of the current status of the 8.2 m Subaru Telescope constructed and operated at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan is presented. The basic design concept and the verified performance of the telescope system are described. Also given are the status of the instrument package offered to the astronomical community, the status of operation, and some of the future plans. The status of the telescope reported in a number of SPIE papers as of the summer of 2002 are incorporated with some updates included as of 2004 February. However, readers are encouraged to check the most updated status of the telescope through the home page, http://subarutelescope.org/index.html, and/or the direct contact with the observatory staff.Comment: 18 pages (17 pages in published version), 29 figures (GIF format), This is the version before the galley proo