59 research outputs found

    Catecholamines Facilitate Fuel Expenditure and Protect Against Obesity via a Novel Network of the Gut-Brain Axis in Transcription Factor Skn-1-deficient Mice

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    AbstractTaste signals and nutrient stimuli sensed by the gastrointestinal tract are transmitted to the brain to regulate feeding behavior and energy homeostasis. This system is referred to as the gut-brain axis. Here we show that both brush cells and type II taste cells are eliminated in the gastrointestinal tract of transcription factor Skn-1 knockout (KO) mice. Despite unaltered food intake, Skn-1 KO mice have reduced body weight with lower body fat due to increased energy expenditure. In this model, 24-h urinary excretion of catecholamines was significantly elevated, accompanied by increased fatty acid β-oxidation and fuel dissipation in skeletal muscle and impaired insulin secretion driven by glucose. These results suggest the existence of brain-mediated energy homeostatic pathways originating from brush cells and type II taste cells in the gastrointestinal tract and ending in peripheral tissues, including the adrenal glands. The discovery of food-derived factors that regulate these cells may open new avenues the treatment of obesity and diabetes.Research ContextTaste signals and nutrient stimuli sensed by the gastrointestinal tract are transmitted to the brain to regulate feeding behavior and energy homeostasis along the gut-brain axis. We propose the concept that taste-receiving cells in the oral cavity and/or food-borne chemicals-receiving brush cells in the gut are involved in regulation of the body weight and adiposity via the brain. The discovery of food-derived factors that regulate these cells may open new avenues for the treatment of obesity and diabetes

    Identification and Modulation of the Key Amino Acid Residue Responsible for the pH Sensitivity of Neoculin, a Taste-Modifying Protein

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    Neoculin occurring in the tropical fruit of Curculigo latifolia is currently the only protein that possesses both a sweet taste and a taste-modifying activity of converting sourness into sweetness. Structurally, this protein is a heterodimer consisting of a neoculin acidic subunit (NAS) and a neoculin basic subunit (NBS). Recently, we found that a neoculin variant in which all five histidine residues are replaced with alanine elicits intense sweetness at both neutral and acidic pH but has no taste-modifying activity. To identify the critical histidine residue(s) responsible for this activity, we produced a series of His-to-Ala neoculin variants and evaluated their sweetness levels using cell-based calcium imaging and a human sensory test. Our results suggest that NBS His11 functions as a primary pH sensor for neoculin to elicit taste modification. Neoculin variants with substitutions other than His-to-Ala were further analyzed to clarify the role of the NBS position 11 in the taste-modifying activity. We found that the aromatic character of the amino acid side chain is necessary to elicit the pH-dependent sweetness. Interestingly, since the His-to-Tyr variant is a novel taste-modifying protein with alternative pH sensitivity, the position 11 in NBS can be critical to modulate the pH-dependent activity of neoculin. These findings are important for understanding the pH-sensitive functional changes in proteinaceous ligands in general and the interaction of taste receptor–taste substance in particular

    Mastication stimuli regulate the heartbeat rate through rhythmic regulation by the hypothalamic-autonomic system; molecular and telemetric studies in weaning-stage rats

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    Mastication stimuli have been demonstrated to affect memory function and autonomic nerve activity; however, this process has not been well studied during weaning compared to old age. Previously, we conducted molecular analyses of the thalamus and hippocampus to elucidate the mechanisms underlying this memory-enhancing effect in weaning-stage rats. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of masticatory stimuli on the regulation of heartbeat rate (HR) through the hypothalamic-autonomic system. Three-week-old male rats were administered a powdered diet (P group) or chow-diet (C group) for 10 days. Thereafter, transcriptome analysis was performed. Vasopressin, cocaine-amphetamine-regulated transcript prepropeptide, corticotropin-releasing hormone, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which are involved in sympathetic activation of heart rate, were downregulated in the C group. Electrocardiograms were recorded continuously for 12 days under the same condition. Interestingly, rats in the C group had a significantly lower HR than those in the P group on day 11. We checked several parameters representing the autonomic regulation of HR. The C group had higher values for the high-frequency band integration of the HR power spectrum (parasympathetic marker) and root mean square successive difference of R-wave intervals (parasympathetic marker) relative to the P group. Such findings provide a molecular and physiological basis for understanding the regulation of cardiovascular function in response to masticatory stimuli in the autonomic nervous system

    Structural and functional analyses of calcium ion response factors in the mantle of Pinctada fucata

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    The pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata, is cultured for pearl production in Japan. The shell of the pearl oyster consists of calcium carbonate and a small amount of organic matrix. Despite many studies of the shell matrix proteins, the mechanism by which calcium elements are transported from the mantle to the shell remains unclear. Investigating the molecular mechanism of calcium transportation, we prepared artificial seawater with a high concentration of calcium ions (10ASW) to induce calcification in the pearl oyster. When pearl oysters were cultured in 10ASW, unusual nanoparticles were precipitated on the surface of the nacreous layer. SDS-PAGE and 2D-PAGE analyses revealed that some calcium-sensing proteins (Sarcoplasmic Ca-binding Protein (Pf-SCP) and Pf-filamin A) might be related to the synthesis of these nanoparticles. The recombinant proteins of Pf-SCP can bind to calcium ions and accumulate nanoparticles of calcium carbonate crystals. However, transcriptomic analysis of the pearl oysters grown in 10ASW showed that the matrix protein genes in the shell did not differ before and after treatment with 10ASW. These results suggest that, despite increasing calcium transportation to the shell, treatment with a high concentration of calcium ions does not induce formation of the organic framework in the shell microstructure. These findings offer meaningful insights into the transportation of calcium elements from the mantle to the shell

    Changes in brain tissue and behavior patterns induced by single short-term fasting in mice.

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    In humans, emaciation from long-term dietary deficiencies, such as anorexia, reportedly increases physical activity and brain atrophy. However, the effects of single short-term fasting on brain tissue or behavioral activity patterns remain unclear. To clarify the impact of malnutrition on brain function, we conducted a single short-term fasting study as an anorexia model using male adult mice and determined if changes occurred in migratory behavior as an expression of brain function and in brain tissue structure. Sixteen-week-old C57BL/6J male mice were divided into either the fasted group or the control group. Experiments were conducted in a fixed indoor environment. We examined the effects of fasting on the number of nerve cells, structural changes in the myelin and axon density, and brain atrophy. For behavior observation, the amount of food and water consumed, ingestion time, and the pattern of movement were measured using a time-recording system. The fasted mice showed a significant increase in physical activity and their rhythm of movement was disturbed. Since the brain was in an abnormal state after fasting, mice that were normally active during the night became active regardless of day or night and performed strenuous exercise at a high frequency. The brain weight did not change by a fast, and brain atrophy was not observed. Although no textural change was apparent by fasting, the neuronal neogenesis in the subventricular zone and hippocampus was inhibited, causing disorder of the brain function. A clear association between the suppression of encephalic neuropoiesis and overactivity was not established. However, it is interesting that the results of this study suggest that single short-term fasting has an effect on encephalic neuropoiesis

    Oryza sativa Brittle Culm 1-like 6 modulates β-glucan levels in the endosperm cell wall.

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    The endosperm cell wall affects post-harvest grain quality by affecting the mechanical fragility and water absorption of the grain. Therefore, understanding the mechanism underlying endosperm cell wall synthesis is important for determining the growth and quality of cereals. However, the molecular machinery mediating endosperm cell wall biosynthesis is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the role of Oryza sativa Brittle Culm 1-like 6 (OsBC1L6), a member of the COBRA-like protein family, in cellulose synthesis in rice. OsBC1L6 mRNA was expressed in ripening seeds during endosperm enlargement. When OsBC1L6-RFP was expressed in Arabidopsis cell cultures, this fusion protein was transported to the plasma membrane. To investigate the target molecules of OsBC1L6, we analyzed the binding interactions of OsBC1L6 with cellohexaose and the analogs using surface plasmon resonance, determining that cellohexaose bound to OsBC1L6. The β-glucan contents were significantly reduced in OsBC1L6-RNAi calli and OsBC1L6-deficient seeds from a Tos insertion mutant, compared to their wild-type counterparts. These findings suggest that OsBC1L6 modulates β-glucan synthesis during endosperm cell wall formation by interacting with cellulose moieties on the plasma membrane during seed ripening

    Molecular logic of salt taste reception in special reference to transmembrane channel-like 4 (TMC4)

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    Abstract The taste is biologically of intrinsic importance. It almost momentarily perceives environmental stimuli for better survival. In the early 2000s, research into taste reception was greatly developed with discovery of the receptors. However, the mechanism of salt taste reception is not fully elucidated yet and many questions still remain. At present, next-generation sequencing and genome-editing technologies are available which would become pivotal tools to elucidate the remaining issues. Here we review current mechanisms of salt taste reception in particular and characterize the properties of transmembrane channel-like 4 as a novel salt taste-related molecule that we found using these sophisticated tools

    K2CABIN system and KUROBOX system.

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    <p>(A) K2CABIN system used to measure eating patterns and KUROBOX system used to measure movement patterns of behavior. (B),(C) KUROBOX; This measures the movement of mice by infrared sensors. We calculated the distance travelled by the mouse, the speed and the movement angle over time.</p
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