55 research outputs found

    Data analysis tools for mass spectrometry proteomics

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    ABSTRACT Proteins are large biomolecules which consist of amino acid chains. They differ from one another in their amino acid sequences, which are mainly dictated by the nucleotide sequence of their corresponding genes. Proteins fold into specific threedimensional structures that determine their activity. Because many of the proteins act as catalytes in biochemical reactions, they are considered as the executive molecules in the cells and therefore their research is fundamental in biotechnology and medicine. Currently the most common method to investigate the activity, interactions, and functions of proteins on a large scale, is high-throughput mass spectrometry (MS). The mass spectrometers are used for measuring the molecule masses, or more specifically, their mass-to-charge ratios. Typically the proteins are digested into peptides and their masses are measured by mass spectrometry. The masses are matched against known sequences to acquire peptide identifications, and subsequently, the proteins from which the peptides were originated are quantified. The data that are gathered from these experiments contain a lot of noise, leading to loss of relevant information and even to wrong conclusions. The noise can be related, for example, to differences in the sample preparation or to technical limitations of the analysis equipment. In addition, assumptions regarding the data might be wrong or the chosen statistical methods might not be suitable. Taken together, these can lead to irreproducible results. Developing algorithms and computational tools to overcome the underlying issues is of most importance. Thus, this work aims to develop new computational tools to address these problems. In this PhD Thesis, the performance of existing label-free proteomics methods are evaluated and new statistical data analysis methods are proposed. The tested methods include several widely used normalization methods, which are thoroughly evaluated using multiple gold standard datasets. Various statistical methods for differential expression analysis are also evaluated. Furthermore, new methods to calculate differential expression statistic are developed and their superior performance compared to the existing methods is shown using a wide set of metrics. The tools are published as open source software packages.TIIVISTELMÄ Proteiinit ovat aminohappoketjuista muodostuvia isoja biomolekyylejä. Ne eroavat toisistaan aminohappojen järjestyksen osalta, mikä pääosin määräytyy proteiineja koodaavien geenien perusteella. Lisäksi proteiinit laskostuvat kolmiulotteisiksi rakenteiksi, jotka osaltaan määrittelevät niiden toimintaa. Koska proteiinit toimivat katalyytteinä biokemiallisissa reaktioissa, niillä katsotaan olevan keskeinen rooli soluissa ja siksi myös niiden tutkimusta pidetään tärkeänä. Tällä hetkellä yleisin menetelmä laajamittaiseen proteiinien aktiivisuuden, interaktioiden sekä funktioiden tutkimiseen on suurikapasiteettinen massaspektrometria (MS). Massaspektrometreja käytetään mittaamaan molekyylien massoja – tai tarkemmin massan ja varauksen suhdetta. Tyypillisesti proteiinit hajotetaan peptideiksi massojen mittausta varten. Massaspektrometrillä havaittuja massoja verrataan tunnetuista proteiinisekvensseistä koottua tietokantaa vasten, jotta peptidit voidaan tunnistaa. Peptidien myötä myös proteiinit on mahdollista päätellä ja kvantitoida. Kokeissa kerätty data sisältää normaalisti runsaasti kohinaa, joka saattaa johtaa olennaisen tiedon hukkumiseen ja jopa pahimmillaan johtaa vääriin johtopäätöksiin. Tämä kohina voi johtua esimerkiksi näytteen käsittelystä johtuvista eroista tai mittalaitteiden teknisistä rajoitteista. Lisäksi olettamukset datan luonteesta saattavat olla virheellisiä tai käytetään datalle soveltumattomia tilastollisia malleja. Pahimmillaan tämä johtaa tilanteisiin, joissa tutkimuksen tuloksia ei pystytä toistamaan. Erilaisten laskennallisten työkalujen sekä algoritmien kehittäminen näiden ongelmien ehkäisemiseksi onkin ensiarvoisen tärkeää tutkimusten luotettavuuden kannalta. Tässä työssä keskitytäänkin sovelluksiin, joilla pyritään ratkaisemaan tällä osa-alueella ilmeneviä ongelmia. Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan yleisesti käytössä olevia kvantitatiivisen proteomiikan ohjelmistoja ja yleisimpiä datan normalisointimenetelmiä, sekä kehitetään uusia datan analysointityökaluja. Menetelmien keskinäiset vertailut suoritetaan useiden sellaisten standardiaineistojen kanssa, joiden todellinen sisältö tiedetään. Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan lisäksi joukko tilastollisia menetelmiä näytteiden välisten erojen havaitsemiseen sekä kehitetään kokonaan uusia tehokkaita menetelmiä ja osoitetaan niiden parempi suorituskyky suhteessa aikaisempiin menetelmiin. Kaikki tutkimuksessa kehitetyt työkalut on julkaistu avoimen lähdekoodin sovelluksina

    Enhanced differential expression statistics for data-independent acquisition proteomics

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    We describe a new reproducibility-optimization method ROPECA for statistical analysis of proteomics data with a specific focus on the emerging data-independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry technology. ROPECA optimizes the reproducibility of statistical testing on peptide-level and aggregates the peptide-level changes to determine differential protein-level expression. Using a 'gold standard' spike-in data and a hybrid proteome benchmark data we show the competitive performance of ROPECA over conventional protein-based analysis as well as state-of-the-art peptide-based tools especially in DIA data with consistent peptide measurements. Furthermore, we also demonstrate the improved accuracy of our method in clinical studies using proteomics data from a longitudinal human twin study

    Statistical and machine learning methods to study human CD4+ T cell proteome profiles

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    Mass spectrometry proteomics has become an important part of modern immunology, making major contributions to understanding protein expression levels, subcellular localizations, posttranslational modifications, and interactions in various immune cell populations. New developments in both experimental and computational techniques offer increasing opportunities for exploring the immune system and the molecular mechanisms involved in immune responses. Here, we focus on current computational approaches to infer relevant information from large mass spectrometry based protein profiling datasets, covering the different steps of the analysis from protein identification and quantification to further mining and modelling of the protein abundance data. Additionally, we provide a summary of the key proteome profiling studies on human CD4+ T cells and their different subtypes in health and disease

    Introducing untargeted data-independent acquisition for metaproteomics of complex microbial samples

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    Mass spectrometry-based metaproteomics is a relatively new field of research that enables the characterization of the functionality of microbiota. Recently, we demonstrated the applicability of data-independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry to the analysis of complex metaproteomic samples. This allowed us to circumvent many of the drawbacks of the previously used data-dependent acquisition (DDA) mass spectrometry, mainly the limited reproducibility when analyzing samples with complex microbial composition. However, the DDA-assisted DIA approach still required additional DDA data on the samples to assist the analysis. Here, we introduce, for the first time, an untargeted DIA metaproteomics tool that does not require any DDA data, but instead generates a pseudospectral library directly from the DIA data. This reduces the amount of required mass spectrometry data to a single DIA run per sample. The new DIA-only metaproteomics approach is implemented as a new open-source software package named glaDIAtor, including a modern web-based graphical user interface to facilitate wide use of the tool by the community.</p

    A systematic evaluation of normalization methods in quantitative label-free proteomics

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    To date, mass spectrometry (MS) data remain inherently biased as a result of reasons ranging from sample handling to differences caused by the instrumentation. Normalization is the process that aims to account for the bias and make samples more comparable. The selection of a proper normalization method is a pivotal task for the reliability of the downstream analysis and results. Many normalization methods commonly used in proteomics have been adapted from the DNA microarray techniques. Previous studies comparing normalization methods in proteomics have focused mainly on intragroup variation. In this study, several popular and widely used normalization methods representing different strategies in normalization are evaluated using three spike-in and one experimental mouse label-free proteomic data sets. The normalization methods are evaluated in terms of their ability to reduce variation between technical replicates, their effect on differential expression analysis and their effect on the estimation of logarithmic fold changes. Additionally, we examined whether normalizing the whole data globally or in segments for the differential expression analysis has an effect on the performance of the normalization methods. We found that variance stabilization normalization (Vsn) reduced variation the most between technical replicates in all examined data sets. Vsn also performed consistently well in the differential expression analysis. Linear regression normalization and local regression normalization performed also systematically well. Finally, we discuss the choice of a normalization method and some qualities of a suitable normalization method in the light of the results of our evaluation.</p

    Stability condition for the drive bunch in a collinear wakefield accelerator

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    The beam breakup instability of the drive bunch in the structure-based collinear wakefield accel- erator is considered and a stabilizing method is proposed. The method includes using the specially designed beam focusing channel, applying the energy chirp along the electron bunch, and keeping energy chirp constant during the drive bunch deceleration. A stability condition is derived that defines the limit on the accelerating field for the witness bunch.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Computational solutions for spatial transcriptomics

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    Transcriptome level expression data connected to the spatial organization of the cells and molecules would allow a comprehensive understanding of how gene expression is connected to the structure and function in the biological systems. The spatial transcriptomics platforms may soon provide such information. However, the current platforms still lack spatial resolution, capture only a fraction of the transcriptome heterogeneity, or lack the throughput for large scale studies. The strengths and weaknesses in current ST platforms and computational solutions need to be taken into account when planning spatial transcriptomics studies. The basis of the computational ST analysis is the solutions developed for single-cell RNA-sequencing data, with advancements taking into account the spatial connectedness of the transcriptomes. The scRNA-seq tools are modified for spatial transcriptomics or new solutions like deep learning-based joint analysis of expression, spatial, and image data are developed to extract biological information in the spatially resolved transcriptomes. The computational ST analysis can reveal remarkable biological insights into spatial patterns of gene expression, cell signaling, and cell type variations in connection with cell type-specific signaling and organization in complex tissues. This review covers the topics that help choosing the platform and computational solutions for spatial transcriptomics research. We focus on the currently available ST methods and platforms and their strengths and limitations. Of the computational solutions, we provide an overview of the analysis steps and tools used in the ST data analysis. The compatibility with the data types and the tools provided by the current ST analysis frameworks are summarized.</p

    Phosphonormalizer: an R package for normalization of MS-based label-free phosphoproteomics

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    MOTIVATION: Global centering-based normalization is a commonly-used normalization approach in mass spectrometry-based label-free proteomics. It scales the peptide abundances to have the same median intensities, based on an assumption that the majority of abundances remain the same across the samples. However, especially in phosphoproteomics, this assumption can introduce bias, as the samples are enriched during sample preparation which can mask the underlying biological changes. To address this possible bias, phosphopeptides quantified in both enriched and non-enriched samples can be used to calculate factors that mitigate the bias.RESULTS: We present an R package phosphonormalizer for normalizing enriched samples in label-free mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomics.AVAILABILITY: The phosphonormalizer package is freely-available under GPL ( > =2) license from Bioconductor ( https://bioconductor.org/packages/phosphonormalizer ).</h4

    Employee engagement and internal branding: Two sides of the same coin?

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    This study examines the link between employee engagement and internal branding. It seeks to understand which antecedent factors healthcare professionals consider important for employee engagement and what kinds of implications this engagement-related information may have for internal branding. The study reviews the literature on employee engagement and internal branding and presents a conceptualisation of the linkage between the two concepts. The empirical portion content analyses more than 1200 answers to open questions to examine employee engagement in the case organisation, a large private healthcare organisation in Finland. The findings suggest the following eight antecedent factors to be particularly important for healthcare professionals’ employee engagement: organisational culture, reward, working environment, training, HR practices, reputation and values, communication, and physical environment. Based on the empirical and theoretical analyses, it can be said that the antecedent factors of employee engagement and elements of internal branding can be considered two sides of the same coin.</p

    ROTS: An R package for reproducibility-optimized statistical testing

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    Differential expression analysis is one of the most common types of analyses performed on various biological data (e.g. RNA-seq or mass spectrometry proteomics). It is the process that detects features, such as genes or proteins, showing statistically significant differences between the sample groups under comparison. A major challenge in the analysis is the choice of an appropriate test statistic, as different statistics have been shown to perform well in different datasets. To this end, the reproducibility-optimized test statistic (ROTS) adjusts a modified t-statistic according to the inherent properties of the data and provides a ranking of the features based on their statistical evidence for differential expression between two groups. ROTS has already been successfully applied in a range of different studies from transcriptomics to proteomics, showing competitive performance against other state-of-the-art methods. To promote its widespread use, we introduce here a Bioconductor R package for performing ROTS analysis conveniently on different types of omics data. To illustrate the benefits of ROTS in various applications, we present three case studies, involving proteomics and RNA-seq data from public repositories, including both bulk and single cell data. The package is freely available from Bioconductor (https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/ROTS)