72 research outputs found

    Endoscopic Features of Gastric Mucosa in Children Having Pathohistological Evidence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection

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    Infection with Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is common in children from developing countries, particularly in adolescents. It is associated with chronic gastritis and stomach cancer. A characteristic endoscopic finding in children is nodular gastritis. The aim of this study was to assess and confirm association of nodular gastritis, mainly of anthral mucosa, with Hp infection in children. A total of 195 children 1 to 15 years of age were studied during a two-year period (2004ā€“2006). There were 107 girls (54.9%) and 88 boys (45.1%). The patients presented with recurrent epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, sour mouth, regurgitation, bloating or other dyspeptic symptoms. The complaints were recorded by a structured interview with parents and older children. Upper endoscopy was performed in all children. The presence and degree of mucosal granulation was recorded and two samples of mucousa from the antrum and the small curvature were taken. Biopsy material was processed for histology as usual, stained with 2% Giemsa and examined by a pathologist for the presence of Hp. A total of 40 of 195 children (20.5%) have had positive Hp infection and a 27 of 40 (67.5%) have had a granular aspect of anthral mucosa at the endoscopy. Sensitivity of the finding was 87.5%, specificity 93.5%, positive predictive value 73%, negative predictive value 91.8%, p<0.05. Average age of those patients was 11.5Ā±3.0 years. Subjective symptoms of dyspepsia (as recorded by the questionnaire) were often associated with Hp positivity, but short of statistical significance. No difference between boys and girls was noted. Endoscopic finding of nodular gastritis, especially in areas of antrum and small curvature, showed a highly positive correlation with Hp infection

    Supply chain ā€“ a key factor of the sustainable development of city centers

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    In the paper importance is given to the organization of the supply chain for a more efficient delivery of goods to city centers. Logistics activities are closely related because they depend on each other. The ultimate goal is to bring the product/goods to the end customer/consumer as soon as possible, on time, at the lowest cost, in perfect condition and in the appropriate quantity. The mutual coordination and cooperation of all participants in the supply chain can result in a satisfied end-user/customer. The development of information ā€“ telecommunication technologies ā€“ will greatly affect the future development and efficiency of the supply chain by finding new transport solutions that would mostly affect city centers. The paper mostly emphasizes the context of the delivery conditions in Rijekaā€™s city center with a proposal for the location of a future centralized distribution center

    Eksperimentalno i numeričko istraživanje termo-strujnih procesa u paketu perforiranih ploča

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    One of the most important characteristics of heat exchangers, besides thermal efficiency, is their compactness or surface area to volume ratio. The need to achieve high efficiency in a compact unit with high operating pressure has led to the development of heat exchangers with perforated plates or, as they are called in the literature, the Matrix Heat Exchangers (MHE). In this PhD thesis experimental and numerical research was undertaken to measure the thermal and flow characteristics of an assembly of perforated plates, in an effort to obtain indications for engineering calculations. The study was undertaken in the Laboratory for Thermal Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, NiÅ”. In the experimental part of the study, packages of one, two and three 2 mm thick plates were used, with a porosity of 25.6% and a square arrangement of holes that were 2 mm in diameter. Water was used as the heating fluid, while the heated fluid was air. The package of plates was placed in the experimental chamber which had a fan as an inlet, with the ability to control the flow. The fluid flow rate, pressure drops and the temperatures of the fluids at the inlet and outlet of the chamber, as well as the temperature of air between the plates, were measured at the pre-defined locations in the perforated plate heat exchanger. Also, the pressure drop was measured for the perforated plate package with and without the water collector. In the numerical part of this research, the PHOENICS 2014 software package was used. In the first part of the numerical study the heat transfer from plates with the porosity from 10 to 50% was investigated. In the second part of the numerical study, a package of three plates was established and the effect of distance between the plates was also examined. Experimental results and the results of other authors were used to validate the numerical experiment. iv On the basis of experimental and numerical results, criterial equations for heat transfer and formulas for pressure drop equations were established

    Pile integrity testing: Testing and results analysis

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    U radu su prikazani karakteristični primeri ispitivanja integriteta Å”ipova sa analizom rezultata, pri čemu se metodologija ispitivanja oslanja na postojeće ASTM standarde, ali i na metodologiju ispitivanja prikazanu u naučnom radu "Ispitivanje integriteta i nosivosti Å”ipova: metodologija i klasifikacija", koji je publikovan u ovom časopisu. Ispitivanja Å”ipova sprovedena su primenom licenciranih oprema za test integriteta Å”ipa sa senzorom (SIT) i test integriteta Å”ipa sa sondama (CSL). Ispitivanjima su prikazane korektne i problematične situacije, koje se pojavljuju prilikom analize integriteta Å”ipova. Ukazano je na aspekte primene talasne teorije, ali i na procesiranja signala i numeričke analize. Takođe, posebno je skrenuta pažnja na potrebu izrade plana ispitivanja integriteta Å”ipova kod objekata s velikim brojem Å”ipova.The paper presents typical examples of pile integrity testing and the results analysis, whereby the testing methodology relies on existing ASTM standards, as well as on the testing methodology presented in the scientific paper Pile Integrity and Load Testing: Methodology and Classification, published in this journal. The pile tests were conducted using licensed equipment for Sonic Integrity Test (SIT) and Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL). The tests have shown the correct and problematic situations that arise when analyzing pile integrity. Some aspects of the wave theory implementation, but also of signal processing and numerical analysis have been indicated. Also, the need to develop a plan for testing the integrity of piles in structures with a large number of piles has been emphasized

    Influence of Substrate and Screen Thread Count on Reproduction of Image Elements in Screen Printing

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    The printing plate and its characteristics in the conventional printing techniques have a significant impact on print quality and image appearance. In screen printing, a weave of screen mesh i.e. a number of threads per cm, is the most important characteristic of the printing plate, hence the most relevant factor which defines printing quality. Print quality itself is a complex term that includes desired colour reproduction and satisfactory reproduction of image elements. In this paper focus was centred upon the reproduction of text and basic image elements (lines and dot structure) when printing on non-absorbent and absorbent substrates with different screen thread counts. The image element analysis led to the conclusion that using mesh with higher thread count does not significantly improve the reproduction of image elements. However, it is a very important parameter for text reproduction since low thread count may result in poor readability

    Sustav za adaptivno postprocesiranje videosignala

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    Inclusion of the latest research work to a real life applications and achieving adaptive video signal postprocessing is a complex and timely task. The proposed framework breaks the filtering process into several distinct phases and enables a researcher to move at a faster pace by narrowing the scope of the research and enabling seamless integration of this work into inherently adaptive filtering process. Some of the benefits of this modular and adaptive framework have been presented on the example of the MPEG-4 postprocessing improvements.Uključivanje najnovijih istraživačkih dostignuća u svakodnevne primjene i postizanje adaptivnog postprocesiranja videosignala zahtjevan je zadatak za koji je potrebno mnogo vremena. Predloženi sustav dijeli postupak filtriranja u nekoliko jasno odvojenih faza te na taj način sužava opseg svakog pojedinog istraživanja. Time je omogućena jednostavna integracija novih dostignuća u inherentno adaptivan proces filtriranja, Å”to omogućava osjetno brži napredak u istraživanju. Neke prednosti ovog modularnog i adaptivnog sustava prikazane su na primjeru poboljÅ”anja procesa postprocesiranja videosignala kodiranog prema MPEG-4 normi

    Uticaj načina koriŔćenja na vodne karakteristike planosola (južna Mačva i Pocerina, Srbija)

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    Water holding capacities and saturated hydraulic conductivity of Planosols in south Mačva and Pocerina (Serbia) were compared to assess how different types of land use (forest, arable and grassland) influence soils endangered by stagnating water. These changes came from decrease of total porosity and changes in pores size distribution in arable and grass land compared to forest land. Changes of water characteristics of arable and grassland Planosols compared to forest Planosols were statistically most significant in illuvial horizon Btg (absence of root network and fauna activity). It is important to emphasize: (i) surface A horizon of arable and grass land compared to forest showed insignificant increase of plant available water and significant decrease of saturated hydraulic conductivity (ii) significant decrease of saturation and macro porosity increased the risk of oxygen deficiency in Planosols in wet periods of year in this order: arable land > grassland > forest.Cilj rada je utvrđivanje promena u vodnim kapacitetima i vodopropusnosti planosola na području Mačve i Pocerine zbog pretvaranja Å”uma u travnjake i njive. Promena načina koriŔćenja značajno je uticala na vodne kapacitete, ali ne i na vodopropusnost. Generalno u poređenju sa Å”umama, u njivama i travnjacima je doÅ”lo do smanjenja MVK i povećanja vrednosti PVK, LVK i VV. Navedene promene su posledica smanjenja ukupne poroznosti i promene diferencijalne poroznosti. Promene u njivama i travnjacima su najznačajnije u Btg horizontu (odustvo korenovog sistema i faune), zatim u A horizontu (smanjenje korenovog sistema, aktivnosti faune i sadržaja humusa), a najmanje u Eg horizontu (manja promena poroznosti zbog nestrukturnosti). Sa agroekoloÅ”kog aspekta je važno istaći da u A horizontu njiva i travnjaka u poređenju sa Å”umama povećanje KPV i smanjenje SHC nije značajno; značajno smanjenje MVK i makroporoznosti povećava rizik od nedostatka kiseonika u vlažnom delu godine ovim redom: njive > travnjaci > Å”ume

    Pile integrity and load testing: Methodology and classification

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    U radu su prikazane metodologija i klasifikacija ispitivanja integriteta i nosivosti Å”ipova, u saglasnosti sa važećim inostranim standardima, ali i sa sopstvenim definisanim segmentima unapređivanja standarda i sopstvenim definicijama određenih ključnih elemenata. Klasifikacija je sprovedena po tipovima testova u kojima su jasno definisani: tok ispitivanja Å”ipova, metode analize i obrade rezultata ispitivanja. Pored osnovne podele testova ispitivanja Å”ipova na testove integriteta i testove nosivosti, dodatno je definisana i grupa testova kontrole buÅ”otine kod buÅ”enih Å”ipova, s obzirom na to Å”to je za pravilno formiranje buÅ”otine, kada je reč o buÅ”enim Å”ipovima, neophodno prethodno ispuniti određene kvalitativno- kvantitativne kriterijume. Ovako prikazane metodologija i klasifikacija ispitivanja integriteta i nosivosti Å”ipova prvenstveno služe za edukativne svrhe inženjera građevine i geotehnike koji se bave ovom problematikom, da dodatno donese novine na ovom polju ispitivanja i da dodatno pojasne sve elemente ispitivanja, budući da se u praksi vrlo često susreću protivrečna miÅ”ljenja i nesuglasice oko detalja ispitivanja.The paper presents the methodology and classification of pile integrity and load testing, in compliance with current foreign standards, as well as our own defined segments of standard improvement and our own definitions of certain key elements. The classification has been conducted according to the test types which clearly define the pile testing process, analysis methods, and test results processing. Beside the basic division of pile testing to integrity tests and load tests, there is also an additionally defined group of shaft control tests in the case of bored piles, since for the proper shaft formation, when it comes to bored piles, certain qualitative-quantitative criteria must be fulfilled beforehand. Presented in this way, the methodology and classification of pile integrity and load tests serves, primarily, an educational purpose for civil and geotechnics engineers who deal with this issue, to additionally introduce innovations in this field of testing and clarify all the elements of the testing since contradictory opinions and disagreements regarding the testing details are quite common in practice
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