165 research outputs found

    Factors shaping innovation cooperation between companies and research and development institutions exemplified by the case of south-western Poland

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    The aim of this paper is the presentation of the probit models analysis factors shaping innovation cooperation between companies and research. The practical issue is exemplified by the case of south –western Poland. The main aspect is the stimulation of innovation cooperation with the R&D sector. The article shows local influence of regional location of the participants of the supply chain on innovation cooperation between industrial companies of south-west Poland and universities, research institutes and Polish Academy of Science. The paper is divided into three significant parts focusing on: cooperation between business and universities and Polish Academy of Science, research institutes and foreign R&D centers. The author of chapter investigates the probability of innovation cooperation between R&D sector institutions and industrial companies of south-west Poland which operate locally or regionally, the probability of innovation cooperation between R&D sector institutions and industrial companies of south-west Poland which operate internationally or at least nationally and the probability of innovation cooperation between R&D sector institutions and large and medium-sized industrial companies of south-west Poland.Preparation and printing funded by the National Agency for Research and Development under project “Kreator Innowacyjności – wparcie dla Przedsiębiorczości akademickiej

    Egoism and cooperation in economic development - a historical approach

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    Inter-human cooperation has existed since the Paleolithic era, but its character has changed over time. Initially, it was instinctive, later forced, but nowadays it is voluntary. Already in the 18th century, Adam Smith wrote that society could not exist without cooperation. Human civilization was built by cooperating specialists supported by ever newer technologies. The subject of the article is the role of egoism and cooperation in human economic development throughout history. The research method used was a review of the literature of authors from various historical epochs, starting from antiquity and the Middle Ages, through the Renaissance, the first, second and third industrial revolution, up to the present day. The conducted research has shown that cooperation affects relationships between people and helps suppress the internal egoism of man, about which St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Hume, Malthus and even Charles Darwin wrote. The predominance of selfish or altruistic attitudes inevitably affected the development and collapse of many countries and even civilizations

    The impact of the economic conditions on the innovation activity of the companies from selected Balkan states

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    The literature review reveals diverging views on the influence of economic cycles on the innovation activity of companies. This article is a voice in this discussion. It provides, empirically verified arguments, allowing one to support or reject the accepted research hypotheses. These assume that: (1) The expectations with respect to income dynamics play a more important role in stimulating innovation activity than the dynamics of (actual) income levels; and (2) Different economic structures and levels of technological development in the chosen Balkan states, despite the geographic proximity of these states and similarity in economic situation, influence the geographic differentiation in terms of the innovation activity. The obtained research results show a greater differentiation in terms of actions of companies than previously thought. It has been confirmed that when the companies sense an improvement in economic situation, their innovation activity increases, this is, however, accompanied by a noticeable anticipatory element. It turned out that the expectations regarding an improvement in economic conditions have an additional stimulating effect on such an activity, whereas the recession itself, as well as the expectations in that respect, have a de-stimulating effect. It turned out that the expectations with regard to the future economic situation are the most important here, a factor that has been neglected so far

    Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński widziany oczami Antoniego Słonimskiego

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    Tadeusz Boy-Zeleński aux yeux d’Antoni Słonimski (Chroniques hebdomadaires 1927-1939)Ma communication se situe dans le prolongement de ce que Czesław Miłosz a défini comme une excursion, un déplacement a posteriori dans la Pologne de l’entre-deux-guerres »  Elle se justifie par le souhait de stimuler notre imagination sur la base de documents écrits de l’époque. Les Chroniques hebdomadaires d’Antoni Słonimski font bien partie de ces documents susceptibles d’éveiller à l’heure actuelle notre plus grand intérêt. Qu’est-ce qui m’a fait rapprocher ces deux personnalités de l’entre-deux-guerres : Tadeusz Boy-Zeleński  et Antoni  Słonimski ?  Ce qui réunit profondément ces deux écrivains polémistes, Boy et Słonimski, c’est l’humour, l’esprit brillant et le ton satirique. Mais l’enjeu principal qui reste au centre de leurs combats est le libéralisme éclairé et anticlérical, le progressisme social, le courage réformiste, la sensibilité sociale et le rejet du pathos national, de la fausse solennité associée à la pompe. Dès le début Boy-Zelenski y apparaît aux yeux du polémiste comme un puissant rénovateur de la société. Quel regard peut-on porter, au final, sur l’action de ces deux défenseurs de la société démocratique moderne pris dans le tourbillon des événements provoqués par la montée généralisée des nationalismes en marche? Quelle place leur écriture occupe-telle dans le panthéon de la littérature polonaise ? Voici quelques questions auxquelles j’ai voulu répondre dans mon article

    À quoi sert un voyage de proximité ? Les enjeux de la prose de Mariusz Szczygieł et de Krzysztof Varga

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    Vus de Pologne, les pays éloignés sont perçus à travers de multiples clichés. Cependant, contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait attendre, le voisinage proche, les affinités politiques, la distance géographique réduite ne préservent pas des stéréotypes. Littérature de voyage, reportage, exploration — les récits dont je me propose de parler relèvent bien de ces trois catégories. Mariusz Szczygieł est un journaliste et un écrivain polonais né en 1966. Son livre Gottland (2006 ) raconte l’histoire de la Bohême  ; le suivant, Zrób sobie raj [Chacun son paradis, 2010], parle de la place de la religion en Tchéquie et se penche sur l’histoire récente de ce pays. Krzysztof Varga, moitié polonais, moitié hongrois, né en 1968, est l’auteur d’une bonne dizaine de livres dont Gulasz z turula [Goulash de tourul, 2008] et Czardasz z mangalicą [Czardas avec un porc mangalitza, 2014], deux livres consacrés à la Hongrie. Comme l’auteur le dit lui-même, ces deux ouvrages lui ont surtout permis de prendre un peu de distance à l’égard de la polonité. Les deux écrivains, tous deux journalistes à Gazeta Wyborcza, tous les deux publiés par même maison d’édition (Czarne), poursuivent un projet similaire. Mariusz Szczygieł se présente comme un tchécophile malpropre et Varga se demande d’où vient le sentiment d’amitié que les Polonais vouent aux Hongrois. Leurs livres sont-ils des reportages ou des voyages à l’intérieur de soi ?Seen from Poland, faraway countries are perceived through mutiple clichés. Yet, contraty to what we could expect, nexdoor neighbours with political affinites and geographical proximity are not exempt from these stereotypes. Travel literature, press reporting and exploration are three categories to which the narrative I intend to deal with belong. Mariusz Szczygieł is a Polish journalist and writer, born in 1966. His book Gottland [2006 ] tells the history of Bohemia, and the following one, Zrób sobie raj [To each one his Paradise, 2010], speaks of the importance of religion in the Czech republic and focuses on the recent history of the country. Krzysztof Varga, half-Polish and half-Hungarian, born in 1968, is the author of a over ten books including Gulasz z turula [Goulash de tourul, 2008] and Czardasz z mangalicą [Czardas with a pig mangalitza, 2014], two books devoted to Hungary. As the author himself puts it, these two works mainly allowed him to distance himself from Polishness. Both writers are journalists for Gazeta Wyborcza, both are published by the same publishing house (Czarne) and are engaged in a similar pursuit. Mariusz Szczygieł appears as an unclean Czechophile and Varga wonders about the origin of the friendly feelings that the Poles have for the Hungarians. Are their books reporting of self-exploring travels

    La Société historique et littéraire polonaise et la Bibliothèque polonaise de Paris du XIXe au XXIe siècle et leurs liens avec la culture et la société françaises

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    The Polish Historical and Literary Society was established in 1854, replacing the Literary Society established in 1832. These two institutions were created due to the efforts of eminent Poles who came to France during the Great Emigration of 1831, as well as French people and citizens of other countries who were close friends of Poland. As to the Polish Library in Paris, established in 1938, it has never had legal personality, and was originally run by the Literary Society and later by the Historical and Literary Society. In 1893 the activity of the Historical and Literary Society weakened significantly and it lost many members. Therefore the Society decided to entrust the Library to the Academy of Learning in Cracow, which also became responsible for managing the building at 6 quai d’Orléans, where the books were stored. The Academy was a Polish institution, which, after Poland was reestablished as a sovereign state in 1918, was renamed as the Polish Academy of Learning. It is worth mentioning the contribution of two subsequent heads of the Polish Library in Paris, Władysław Mickiewicz (1898–1926), the eldest son of Adam, and Franciszek Pułaski (1926–1956), who were particularly devoted to the institution. At the time the Library was vibrant, the collection at 6 quai d’Orléans grew and the cultural events organized at its seat were dynamic and diverse. Unfortunately, in 1940 Nazi Germany seized the Polish Library in Paris. The building was devastated and the remaining collection taken away. Soon after the liberation of France in 1946 the Historical and Literary Society was reactivated in Paris by Polish patriots and their French friends. Several people were particularly involved in restoring the institution in those difficult times. Among them were Poles, such as Franciszek Puławski, Zygmunt Lubicz-Zaleski and Kajetan Morawski, as well as French citizens, such as Henri de Montfort, Léon and Henri Mazeaud, Françoise Granier, a member of the French Parliament, the first President of the Historical and Literary Society in the post-war period, Camille Gronkowski, and later Prince André Poniatowski, who was its President for the next 28 years and the Head of the Polish Library in Paris for 11 years. All of them espoused the ideals of their 19th-century predecessors who established the Library. They wanted to continue the historical traditions and defend the freedom of Polish culture, serving a free and independent Poland. After the war the French government recognized the reactivated Historical and Literary Society as the heir of the Society established in the 19th century, which, by a decree issued in 1866 by Napoleon III, was granted the privilege of a public utility institution. Taking into account the fact that not a single member of the 19th-century Society was still alive in 1946, the French court of appeal, which was involved in the case between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Historical and Literary Society, ruled that it was impossible to establish who was the owner of the Library since the Polish Academy of Sciences could not be considered the rightful successor and heir to the Polish Academy of Learning. After legal proceedings, finally the French administration granted the Library to the Historical and Literary Society and signed the lease agreement until 2030 with a nominal rent. It therefore seems fair to state that since 1946 the Historical and Literary Society has managed the Library and ensured its existence. This has been the case for 72 years, including 58 years without the involvement of the Polish Academy of Learning. The latter has become significantly involved in the past 14 years,  when it decided to fulfil its own obligation by opening the Polish Library in Paris to the general public, as stated in the conditional contract signed in 1893, which entrusted the Library to the Polish Academy of Learning. Consequently, the Historical and Literary Society did not only allow the Polish Library in Paris to operate, but it also managed the building and the collections regained after the Second World War, expanding them by acquiring new source materials and works of art. Moreover, the Society managed to organize political, scientific and cultural activities despite a difficult financial situation and without any involvement or help from the then Polish authorities, with which official contacts were reestablished only in 1990. Thus, the Polish Library in Paris, thanks to the Historical and Literary Society, its members and their voluntary work, its devoted employees and their French friends, became the most important cultural Polish institution in exile in those difficult times. The article discusses the history of the Polish Library in Paris and the Historical and Literary Society, including the involvement of eminent figures of French cultural and scientific life, before the First World War, in the interwar period and after Poland regained independence in 1989.Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie (THL) zostało powołane do życia w 1854 r. w miejsce powstałego w 1832 r. Towarzystwa Literackiego. Te dwa towarzystwa mogły zaistnieć dzięki inicjatywie wybitnych Polaków należących do Wielkiej Emigracji 1831 r., a także dzięki Francuzom i obywatelom innych krajów, którzy okazali się niezłomnymi przyjaciółmi Polski. Natomiast Biblioteka Polska w Paryżu (BPP) która powstała w 1938 r., nie miała i do dziś nie posiada osobowości prawnej, będąc własnością najpierw Towarzystwa Literackiego a następnie Towarzystwa Historyczno-Literackiego. W 1893 r. aktywność Towarzystwa Historyczno-‑Literackiego wyraźnie osłabła, a liczba jego członków zmalała. W tej sytuacji Towarzystwo postanowiło powierzyć Bibliotekę krakowskiej Akademii Umiejętności, oddając także pod jej opiekę gmach przy 6 quai d’Orléans, w którym mieściły się zbiory. Akademia była polską instytucją, która po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości w 1918 r. przyjęła nazwę Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności (PAU). Wspomnieć tutaj trzeba przede wszystkim o wielkiej, pełnej ofiarności roli odegranej na miejscu, w Paryżu, przez dwóch kolejnych dyrektorów Biblioteki Polskiej – Władysława Mickiewicza (1898–1926), najstarszego syna Adama oraz Franciszka Pułaskiego (1926–1956), których zasługi dla BPP są ogromne. Biblioteka działała wówczas sprawnie, zbiory zgromadzone w budynku przy 6 quai d’Orléans wzbogacały się, a program kulturalny organizowany w jej siedzibie był dynamiczny i zróżnicowany. Niestety w 1940 r. nazistowskie Niemcy zajęły gmach Biblioteki Polskiej w Paryżu. Dokonawszy dewastacji budynku wywieźli pozostałe w nim zbiory. Zaraz po wyzwoleniu Francji w 1946 r. Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie zostało reaktywowane w Paryżu przez polskich patriotów i ich francuskich przyjaciół. Wspomnieć należy nazwiska tych, którzy w tym trudnym okresie walnie przyczynili się do odnowy tej placówki. Byli to  Polacy – Franciszek Pułaski, Zygmunt Lubicz-Zaleski, Kajetan Morawski, jak również obywatele francuscy – Henri de Montfort, Léon i Henri Mazeaud, Françoise Granier, posłanka na Sejm francuski, pierwszy po wojnie prezes Camille Gronkowski, a później książę André Poniatowski, kolejny prezes THL przez następne 28 lat oraz dyrektor BPP przez lat 11. Wszyscy oni kierowali się  tymi samymi ideami, co ich poprzednicy, dziewiętnastowieczni twórcy Biblioteki, to znaczy pragnęli dochować wierności historii i bronić wolności polskiej kultury pozostając w służbie Polski wolnej i niepodległej. W tej nowej sytuacji rząd francuski uznał reaktywowane Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie za kontynuatora Towarzystwa utworzonego w wieku XIX, któremu dekret Napoleona III z 1866 r. przyznawał przywilej użyteczności publicznej. Biorąc pod uwagę, że w roku 1946 nie pozostawał przy życiu żaden członek Towarzystwa z XIX wieku, francuski Trybunał Apelacyjny biorący udział w procesie między Polską Akademią Nauk (PAN) a Towarzystwem Historyczno-Literackim orzekł, że nie może ustalić właściciela Biblioteki ze względu na to, iż PAN (Académie Polonaise des Sciences) nie może być uważana za prawowitego sukcesora i spadkobiercę PAU (Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności). W wyniku działań sądowych administracja francuska powierzyła w końcu Bibliotekę Towarzystwu Historyczno-Literackiemu i zawarła z nim umowę dzierżawną do 2030 r. z nominalnym czynszem. Można więc uznać, że od 1946 r. do dnia dzisiejszego Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie ma nieprzerwanie w swojej gestii istnienie, funkcjonowanie i zarządzanie Biblioteką. Trwa to już od 72 lat, w tym 58 lat bez udziału Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności i dopiero przez ostatnich 14 lat ze znacznym jej udziałem, kiedy to PAU postanowiła wypełnić w ten sposób własne zobowiązania (otwarcie BPP dla publicz­ności) zawarte w umowie warunkowej określającej akt przekazania Biblioteki Akademii Umiejętności z roku 1893. Towarzystwo zapewniało więc nie tylko funkcjonowanie BPP, zarządzało gmachem i odzyskanymi po drugiej wojnie światowej zbiorami, lecz w dodatku wzbogaciło je pozyskując nowe materiały źródłowe i obiekty sztuki. Prowadziło ono ponadto szeroko zakrojoną działalność naukową, kulturalną, polityczną w trudnych warunkach materialnych, bez udziału ani pomocy ówczesnych władz polskich, z którymi nie utrzymywało żadnych stosunków aż do 1990 r. W ten sposób BPP, dzięki THL, jego członkom działającym społecznie, jego oddanym pracownikom oraz jego francuskim przyjaciołom, stała się w tych trudnych dla Polski latach, najważniejszym ośrodkiem kulturalnym na obczyźnie. Problematyka tego artykułu poświęcona jest historii BPP i THL od początku aż do dzisiaj, z uwzględnieniem ogromnego udziału aktorów życia kulturalnego i naukowego Francji przed pierwszą wojną światową, w okresie międzywojennym, a także i po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości w 1989 r

    The evaluation of mechanical properties of animal tendons after corticosteroid therapy.

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of systemic glucocorticosteroids administration on mechanical properties of animal tendons. Twenty female Wistar rats were divided into two groups and those that formed experimental group were subjected activity of hydrocortisone given to the peritoneum. Mechanical tests were performed. Hydrocortisone administration caused reduction of force value and the increase of strain, also the value of elasticity module was significantly smaller comparing to the control group. The results of biomechanical tests suggested that glucocorticoids produce less stiffness tendon, which fails in maximum point of load. This study revealed that systemic hydrocortisone administration changes significantly mechanical properties of tendons, which may cause frequent failure of the tendon

    Regionalna polityka innowacyjna w świetle instytucjonalnych teorii rozwoju regionalnego

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    Regional innovation policy in the light of institutional theory of regional developmentThe purpose of this article is to show the potential behaviors of local governments, which stimulate the development of innovative business activities based on a specific set of institutional theories of regional development. The basic hypothesis of the research assumes that the regional authorities should actively formulate regional innovation policy, and then implement it

    Regionalna polityka innowacyjna w świetle wybranych wtórnych teorii rozwoju regionalnego

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    Regional Innovation Policy in the Sense of the Secondary Theories of Regional DevelopmentDue to the unique characteristics of the innovation process, the government plays an important role in its stimulation. However, the adaptation of national innovative policies to regional and local conditions is the responsibility of regional and local authorities. Sustainable development of the region will be achieved only if its stakeholders such as business, R & D units and the relevant authorities are involved. The primary task of the public authority is to coordinate activities and to create a favorable climate for economic development in the region. Both primary and secondary regional development theories define multiple sources of economic growth. The main objective of this article is to show the role of local government in the development of regional innovation policy in accordance with the secondary theories of regional development. Secondary theories are based on the following primary theories: the economic base theory of W. Sombart, the growth poles theory of F. Perroux, the A. Marshall’s industrial districts theory, the theory of industrial clusters of M.E. Porter and the J.Coleman’s theory of social capital. Due to the limitations of this article, the text describes only some secondary theories of regional development. These theories come from the economic base theory of W. Sombart and the industrial districts theory of A. Marshall

    Towarzystwo Historyczno-Literackie i Biblioteka Polska w Paryżu dawniej i dziś

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