46 research outputs found

    Preventive program of early detection of chronic kidney disease. Action “Warning Kidney”- Bydgoszcz 2010.

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant health problem in Poland and all over the world. It is estimated that in Poland CKD affects more than 4 million people (it is about 10-13% of the Polish population). Early detection of CKD is of great importance because of the possibility of an effective therapy to protect kidney function especially in patients with high risk of developing CKD. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of the program for early detection of kidney disease conducted in Bydgoszcz in 2010. 347 subjects took part in preventive action of early detection of kidney disease. They underwent free laboratory tests:urinalysis, serum creatinine level, eGFR calculation. Moreover, in each patient’s blood pressure was measured. Besides laboratory tests results, all patients were given comprehensive information concerning further nephrological management. 347 people were evaluated in this local Preventive Program of Early CKD detection. There were two fold more women than men. The largest group among the respondents were people aged between 50 and 70 years of age, in stage 2 (63.1%, GFR> 60 ml/min) and 3-stage kidney disease (31.4%, eGFR 60 ml/min) i w stadium 3 PChN (31.4%, eGFR <60 ml / min)

    Profilaktyczny program wczesnego rozpoznawania przewlekłej choroby nerek- akcja „Uwaga Nerki”- Bydgoszcz 2010.

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant health problem in Poland and all over the world. It is estimated that in Poland CKD affects more than 4 million people (it is about 10-13% of the Polish population). Early detection of CKD is of great importance because of the possibility of an effective therapy to protect kidney function especially in patients with high risk of developing CKD. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of the program for early detection of kidney disease conducted in Bydgoszcz in 2010. 347 subjects took part in preventive action of early detection of kidney disease. They underwent free laboratory tests:urinalysis, serum creatinine level, eGFR calculation. Moreover, in each patient’s blood pressure was measured. Besides laboratory tests results, all patients were given comprehensive information concerning further nephrological management. 347 people were evaluated in this local Preventive Program of  Early CKD detection. There were two fold more women than       men. The largest group among the respondents were people aged between 50 and 70 years of age, in stage 2 (63.1%, GFR&gt; 60 ml/min) and 3-stage kidney disease (31.4%, eGFR &lt;60 ml /min).      Przewlekła choroba nerek (PChN) stanowi znaczący problem zdrowotny w Polsce i na świecie. Szacuje się, że w  Polsce na choroby nerek choruje ponad 4 mln osób co stanowi ok. 10-13% społeczeństwa. Wczesne wykrywanie PChN  ma ogromne znaczenie dla możliwości podjęcia skutecznej  terapii, mającej na celu ochronę funkcji nerek zwłaszcza w  grupach wysokiego ryzyka rozwoju PChN.  Celem przedstawionej pracy jest analiza wyników programu wczesnego wykrywania chorób nerek przeprowadzonego na terenie Bydgoszczy w roku 2010. W programie profilaktycznym udział wzięło 347 osób, którym wykonano badanie ogólne moczu, oznaczono stężenie kreatyniny, wyliczono eGFR oraz zmierzono ciśnienie tętnicze. Pacjentom wydano ulotki informacyjne na temat dalszego postępowania po uzyskaniu wyników badań laboratoryjnych. Na badania profilaktyczne zgłosiło się 347 osób, dwukrotnie więcej kobiet niż mężczyzn, najliczniejszą grupę stanowiły osoby w wieku pomiędzy 50 a 70 rokiem życia. Najliczniejszą  grupę stanowili badani w stadium 2 (63,1%, GFR&gt; 60 ml/min)   i w stadium 3 PChN (31.4%, eGFR &lt;60 ml / min).      

    Early and Late Pathomechanisms in Alzheimer’s Disease: From Zinc to Amyloid-β Neurotoxicity

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    Monte Carlo simulation of dispersive carrier transport in disordered solids in the presence of space charge effects

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    A Monte Carlo (MC) method of simulation of the multiple-trapping (MT) carrier transport in disordered solids, taking into account the space charge effects, is presented. The main idea is to utilize the ordered binary bees for the storage of sequences of the carrier positions and release times. An exemplary implementation of the MC method in the case of isothermal surface-potential decay is described. Also, modifications of the algorithm for other experimental configurations are indicated. The preliminary simulation results are compared with the approximate solutions of MT transport equations

    A simple method for determination of serum 5'-nucleotidase

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    Non-invasive assessment of skin tissues structures and body composition analysis of the persons suffering from cellulite - a case study

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    Zmiany struktury skóry dotkniętej cellulitem są spowodowane wieloma czynnikami, m.in. zaburzeniami metabolizmu tkanki tłuszczowej, upośledzeniem przepływu krwi I limfy oraz magazynowaniem produktów przemiany mateiii w skórze. Problem cellulitu dotyczy wielu osób, w zdecydowanej większości kobiet. Wykorzystując nowoczesne metody analizy właściwości tnechanicznych skóry oraz analizy składu ciała, możliwa jest analiza wielu czynników wpływających na nasilenie procesu negatywnych zmian strukturalnych w obrębie skóry i tkanki podskórnej.Morphological changes of skin with ceilulite are caused by various factors, e.g. adipose tissue metabolism and microcirculation disorders. T h e y may also result from gathering of metabolism products witthin skin. Cellulite problems are considered to be a serious problem for women. This kind of sk n changes causes various problem in dermatological and psychological aspects of treatment. Modernand non-invasive examination techniques of skin propertis and body composition analysis enable to obtain very valuable data concerning ceilulite

    Is it a primary or metastatic melanocytic neoplasm of the central nervous system?: A molecular based approach

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    Primary melanocytic neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS) are uncommon and must be distinguished from metastatic lesions as patients with metastatic disease carry a worse prognosis. Therefore, tools to aid in the diagnosis of a primary CNS melanocytic neoplasm would be of clinical utility. Primary CNS melanocytic neoplasms, including uveal melanomas have frequent mutations in GNAQ and GNA11, but are rare in cutaneous and mucosal melanomas. Additionally, primary uveal melanomas often exhibit monosomy 3 conferring an elevated risk of metastasis. We present a 63 year-old male with a melanocytic neoplasm in the thoracic spinal cord. Molecular studies revealed the tumor contained a GNAQ mutation and four-color fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) composed of chromosome enumeration probes for 3, 7, 17 and a locus specific probe for 9p21/CDKN2A yielded a normal result (i.e. two copies per cell), favoring a primary versus metastatic melanocytic neoplasm of the CNS. We report a case in which the combination of mutational analysis and FISH aided in identifying the origin of the neoplasm

    Predicting diffusion paths and interface motion in γ/γ + β, Ni-Cr-Al diffusion couples

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    A simplified model has been developed to predict β recession and diffusion paths in ternary γ/γ + β diffusion couples (γ: fcc, β: NiAl structure). The model was tested by predicting β recession and diffusion paths for four γ/γ + β, Ni-Cr-Al couples annealed for 100 hours at 1200 °C. The model predicted β recession within 20 pct of that measured for each of the couples. The model also predicted shifts in the concentration of the y phase at the γ/γ + β interface within 2 at. pct Al and 6 at. pct Cr of that measured in each of the couples. A qualitative explanation based on simple kinetic and mass balance arguments has been given which demonstrates the necessity for diffusion in the two-phaseregion of certain γ/γ + β, Ni-Cr-Al couples