63 research outputs found

    Patent results of men's and women's R&D activities in the enterprise sector in the EU

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    Częstym brakiem prac analitycznych w zakresie statystyki patentowej jest niedostateczne wykorzystanie jednego z ważniejszych atrybutów opisu patentowego jakim jest informacja o płci twórcy wynalazku. Standardowy rekord opisu patentowego pozwala na wielowątkową analizę podmiotów zgłaszających oraz wynalazców w połączeniu z innymi rodzajami danych. Informacja patentowa udostępniana jest w różnych trybach. Żadna obecnie dostępna baza nie zawiera wprost informacji o płci twórcy nowego rozwiązania. Podejmowane dotąd prace analityczne z tego zakresu w ograniczony sposób wychodzą na przeciw tym wyzwaniom. Lukę tę próbuje się wypełnić, choć częściowo, w niniejszym opracowaniu wpisując się tym samym w rozwój Gender Economics and Innovation. Opracowanie jest ogólną odpowiedzią na pytanie o związek kierunku i dynamiki zmian nakładów na B+R sektora przedsiębiorstw ze zmianami udziału kobiet i mężczyzn występujących w roli researchers and inventors.The frequent lack of analytical work in the field of patent statistics is manifested in the insufficient use of one of the most important attributes of patent descriptions - information about the gender of the inventors. The standard patent record allows for multi-layered analysis and reporting of the submitting organizations and inventors in combination with other types of data. Patent information is made available in different forms. No currently available database contains direct information on the gender of the creator of the new solution. Analytical work undertaken so far in this field meets these challenges in a limited way. We are trying to fill this gap, at least partially, in this study and develop Gender Economics and Innovation. The study is an overall response to the question about the relationship between the direction and dynamics of changes in expenditure in the enterprise R&D sector, as changes in the participation of women and men in their capacity as researchers and inventors

    New approach to create more effective teams in the innovation process in enterprises

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    The subject-related literature provided information about the skills, education, and formal competencies required to join teams working on the innovation process. According to findings presented in this article, the previous studies have investigated insufficiently the gender-related issues in the decisions of managers who involve specialists in the innovation process. Thus, the purpose of this research was to identify, examine, and describe differences in the participation of men and women in the innovation process, considering their personal characteristics, attitudes, and behaviours. The research covered 1,164 innovative companies - beneficiaries of the European Union Cohesion Policy of 2007-2013. The survey was distributed independently to women and men participating in innovative activities in the researched companies. Two independent responses were received from each company; thus, two independent data samples were created. Both data composition and preliminary analysis adhere to the requirements of Principal Component Analysis. The results allow for the new design proposal to increase the effectiveness of teams working on innovation-focused tasks. In addition to education and experience, managers can now consider personal characteristics and better select women and men to drive innovation

    3D laparoscopy as a tertiary cytoreductive (TCR) surgery in infiltrating ureter recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer : case report and a mini-review of the literature

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    The paper describes a case of a 61-year-old woman with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer infiltrating the ureter treated with 3D laparoscopy as a tertiary cytoreductive surgery (TCR). In addition, a mini-review of the literature concerning TCR is presented

    Institutional surrounding of innovative activity : based on opinions of women and men engaged in the process of innovation

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    Tło badań. Innowacje są jednym za źródeł wzrostu gospodarczego i rozwoju w długim okresie czasu. Dlatego też istotne jest rozważenie, które czynniki kształtują, wpływają na i promują działania innowacyjne. Cel badań. Głównym celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie różnic w opiniach kobiet i mężczyzn zatrudnionych w innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstwach na temat rozwiązań promujących działania innowacyjne, które powinny zostać wzięte pod uwagę przy projektowaniu polityki państwa. Metodologia. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, przeprowadzono ankietę dotyczącą kontekstu instytucjonalnego procesu innowacji wśród osób związanych z działalnością badawczą w przedsiębiorstwach, które otrzymały publiczne wsparcie finansowe swojej działalności innowacyjnej. W celu pogrupowania różnych rozwiązań instytucjonalnych wpływających na kobiety i mężczyzn wykorzystano analizę skupień. Kluczowe wnioski. Wyniki badania pokazują, że rozwiązania instytucjonalne promujące działania innowacyjne nie są neutralne ze względu na płeć, wskazując, że występują zarówno podobieństwa, jak i różnice w opiniach badanych kobiet i mężczyzn, jak i w opiniach dotyczących rozwiązań promujących działalność innowacyjną wśród kobiet lub mężczyzn. Środowisko pracy jest postrzegane jako najsilniejsza determinanta procesu innowacji. Jednak połączenie polityki innowacji i publicznych działań na rzecz równości płci również ma znaczenie w rozwoju innowacji.Background. Innovations are one of the sources of economic growth and long-term development. Therefore it is important to consider which factors form, influence, and promote innovative activities. Research aims. The main objective of the article is to identify the differences in opinions between men and women employed in innovative enterprises regarding solutions promoting innovative activities, which should be taken into account, while public policy is designed. Methodology. In order to reach this objective, a survey concerning the institutional context of the process of innovation was conducted among research personnel in companies that received public financial support for their innovative activities. In order to group different institutional solutions influencing women and men, the cluster analysis was used. Key findings. The results of the study show that institutional solutions promoting innovative activities are not gender neutral, indicating that there are both similarities and differences in women's and men's opinions, as well as in opinions regarding the solutions promoting innovative activities by women and men. The work environment is perceived as the most powerful determinant of the process of innovation. However, a combination of innovation policy and public actions for equality also plays a role in the development of innovations

    Could the kinetin riboside be used to inhibit human prostate cell epithelial-mesenchymal transition?

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    The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a molecular process connected to higher expression of vimentin and increased activity of transcription factors (Snail, Twist) which restrains E-cadherin. EMT has been linked to prostate cancer metastatic potential, therapy resistance, and poor outcomes. Kinetin riboside (9-(b-dribofuranosyl)-6-furfurylaminopurine, KR) is a naturally occurring cytokinin, which induces apoptosis and shows strong antiproliferative activity against various human cancer cell lines. To establish the effect of KR on human prostate cell lines, expression of, e.g. AR, E-, N-cadherins, Vimentin, Snail, Twist, and MMPs, was analysed at mRNA and protein levels using Western Blot and RT-PCR and/or RQPCR techniques. KR inhibited the growth of human prostate cancer cells, but also, to a small extent, of normal cells. This effect depended on the type of the cells and their androgen sensitivity. KR also decreased the level of p-Akt, which takes part in androgen signalling modulation. The antiapoptotic Bcl-2 protein was down-regulated in cancer cell lines, while that of Bax is up-regulated upon KR exposure. KR contributed to re-expression of the E-cadherin as well as to significant changes in cell migration. Taken together, our results indicate for the first time that KR can be proposed as a factor for signalling pathways regulation that participates in the inhibition of development of aggressive forms of prostate cancer, and may alter the approach to therapeutic interventions. We propose KR as a potent inhibitor of EMT in human prostate cells

    Improved organizational design of the diagnostic and therapeutic process in ovarian and lung cancer

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    A disease in each single patient can be one of a kind and an individual approach is needed. Tumors are in this case particularly risky. The main research problem, as a case study, was to demonstrate the length and composition of the current Polish diagnostic process for two most risky conditions: ovarian carcinoma and lung cancer, as well as to determine the causes for this. The main goal was to create a new, innovative model for time-improved diagnostic processes of ovarian and lung cancer. In order to achieve aims of this research, the BPMN and CPM were used. The main result of this study is a model of treatment processes in the indicated cases with organizational changes, encompassing all possible types of contact between the patient and the healthcare system. The entire diagnostic time for lung and ovarian cancer was shortened about 50%, which significantly increases the chances of quick diagnosis and effective treatment. The newly designed and presented in the text model is an ex ample of organizational innovation where implementation of ICT solutions, allows to achieve and even improve an optimal path leading to the development of personalized medicine

    Molecular identification and chromosomal localization of new powdery mildew resistance gene Pm11 in oat

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    The appropriate selection of various traits in valuable plants is very important for modern plant breeding. Effective resistance to fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew, is an example of such a trait in oats. Marker-assisted selection is an important tool that reduces the time and cost of selection. The aims of the present study were the identification of dominant DArTseq markers associated with a new resistance gene, annotated as Pm11 and derived from Avena sterilis genotype CN113536, and the subsequent conversion of these markers into a PCR-based assay. Among the obtained 30,620 silicoDArT markers, 202 markers were highly associated with resistance in the analysed population. Of these, 71 were selected for potential conversion: 42 specific to resistant and 29 to susceptible individuals. Finally, 40 silicoDArT markers were suitable for primer design. From this pool, five markers, 3 for resistant and 2 for susceptible plants, were selected for product amplification in the expected groups. The developed method, based on 2 selection markers, provides certain identification of resistant and susceptible homozygotes. Also, the use of these markers allowed the determination of heterozygotes in the analysed population. Selected silicoDArT markers were also used for chromosomal localization of new resistance genes. Five out of 71 segregating silicoDArT markers for the Pm11 gene were found on the available consensus genetic map of oat. Five markers were placed on linkage groups corresponding to Mrg12 on the Avena sativa consensus map

    Immunoexpression of DNA fragmentation factor 40, DNA fragmentation factor 45, and B-cell lymphoma 2 protein in normal human endometrium and uterine myometrium depends on menstrual cycle phase and menopausal status

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    Introduction: DNA fragmentation factors 40 and 45 (DFF40 and DFF45) are final executors of apoptosis, and B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) is a well-recognized apoptosis inhibitor. We aimed to evaluate DFF40, DFF45 and Bcl-2 immunoexpression in the normal human endometrium with respect to the glandular and stromal layer and in uterine myometrium. Material and methods: DFF40, DFF45, and Bcl-2 expression was assessed via immunohistochemistry in the endometrium and myometrium collected postmenopausally and premenopausally during the proliferative and secretory phases of the menstrual cycle. Results: Compared to the myometrium and stroma, endometrial glands showed the highest DFF40 and DFF45 expression in pre- and postmenopausal specimens. DFF45, but not DFF40, glandular expression dependent on menstrual cycle phase and DFF40 and DFF45 scoring was significantly lower in postmenopausal specimens. Significantly higher Bcl-2 expression was observed in proliferative glandular endometrium compared to secretory and postmenopausal specimens. No cycle- or menopause-dependent changes were reported for stromal or myometrial DFF40, DFF45 or Bcl-2 expression. DFF40, DFF45 and Bcl-2 expression was independent of age, age at menarche and menopause, BMI, menstrual cycle and menses lengths, parity and gravidity. Conclusions: The study provides important evidence regarding menstrual cycle-dependent changes in the expression of DFF40, DFF45 and Bcl-2 in the normal human endometrium, especially in the glandular layer, and shows that their levels are stable in the normal uterine myometrium