93 research outputs found

    Безпека місцевих спільнот в контексті підйому самоврядної діяльності

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    The main aim of this article is to describe the phenomenon of so-called ‘lone-wolf’ activity in local communities as a number of attacks were recently carried out by individuals and small groups of people in various countries in the world. It seems that these are not incidental cases any more, but the phenomenon that will threaten the functioning of the state and societies. According to undertaken research a ‘lone-wolf’ attack mainly for political, social or religious reasons, that could differ in each community.Основной целью данной статьи является описание феномена так называемой деятельности «одинокий волк» в местных общинах, так как ряд нападений были недавно проведены отдельными лицами и небольшими группами людей в разных странах мира. Кажется, что это больше не случайные случаи, но явление, которое будет угрожать функционированию государства и общества. Согласно проведенному исследованию было дано определение понятию «одинокий волк» как атака в основном из политических, социальных или религиозных причин, которые могут отличаться в каждой общине.Основною метою даної статті є опис феномена так званої діяльності «самотній вовк» в місцевих громадах, так як ряд нападів були недавно проведені окремими особами і невеликими групами людей в різних країнах світу. Здається, що це більше не випадкові випадки, але явище, яке буде загрожувати функціонуванню держави і суспільства. Згідно з проведеним дослідженням було дане визначення поняттю «самотній вовк» як атака в основному з політичних, соціальних або релігійних причин, які можуть відрізнятися в кожній громаді

    Bacteria homologus to Aeromonas capable of microcystin degradation

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    Water blooms dominated by cyanobacteria are capable of producing hepatotoxins known as microcystins. These toxins are dangerous to people and to the environment. Therefore, for a better understanding of the biological termination of this increasingly common phenomenon, bacteria with the potential to degrade cyanobacteria-derived hepatotoxins and the degradative activity of culturable bacteria were studied. Based on the presence of the mlrA gene, bacteria with a homology to the Sphingopyxis and Stenotrophomonas genera were identified as those presenting potential for microcystins degradation directly in the water samples from the Sulejów Reservoir (SU, Central Poland). However, this biodegrading potential has not been confirmed in in vitro experiments. The degrading activity of the culturable isolates from the water studied was determined in more than 30 bacterial mixes. An analysis of the biodegradation of the microcystin-LR (MC-LR) together with an analysis of the phylogenetic affiliation of bacteria demonstrated for the first time that bacteria homologous to the Aeromonas genus were able to degrade the mentioned hepatotoxin, although the mlrA gene was not amplified. The maximal removal efficiency of MC-LR was 48%. This study demonstrates a new aspect of interactions between the microcystin-containing cyanobacteria and bacteria from the Aeromonas genus.The authors would like to acknowledge the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, COST Action ES 1105 “CYANOCOST - Cyanobacterial blooms and toxins in water resources: Occurrence, impacts and management” for adding value to this study through networking and knowledge sharing with European experts and researchers in the field. The Sulejów Reservoir is a part of the Polish National Long- Term Ecosystem Research Network and the European LTER site

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Impact Resistance of Riveted and RFSSW Stringer-Stiffened Panels in Blunt Impact Tests

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    Aluminium alloy sheets have come into widespread use in the design of stringer-stiffened aerospace structures. This paper evaluates experimentally and numerically the response of stringer-stiffened Alclad 7075-T6 aluminium alloy panels subjected to impact loading. The aim of the study was to compare the impact resistance of riveted structures with the structures with the impact resistance of structures welded using the refill friction stir spot welding (RFSSW) process, which is a relatively new technique now used to create joints in aircraft structures. The experimental tests were carried out using a drop-weight type impact testing machine. Finite element modelling of stringer-stiffened panels under impact loading was carried out by using the nonlinear finite element-based MSC.Marc + Mentat program. The results of the numerical computations were validated against the experimental data. Studies were also made of the resistance of the joints to failure, the springback response and the stiffness of joints in the conditions of the dynamic impact test

    Kardiotoksyczność po leczeniu chorych z chłoniakami złośliwymi

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    Efficacy of anti-lymphoma therapy, prolonging significantly overall survival, allows us to observe late adverse effects of antineoplastic drugs. Cardiotoxicity of anthracyclins is dose dependent and increasing with time elapsed after therapy. It is more pronounced in patients with pre-existing heart disorders, treated with combined chemotherapy regimens or concomitant mediastinal radiotherapy. Cardiotoxic effects may be attenuated by using regimens with a low cumulative dose of anthracyclins, their liposomal formulations or cardioprotective substances. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; supl. A: A18–A24Wzrost skuteczności leczenia chłoniaków przekłada się na wydłużenie życia pacjentów, co daje coraz częściej możliwość obserwacji odległych działań niepożądanych stosowanych leków. Kardiotoksyczność antybiotyków antracyklinowych zależy od ich kumulacyjnej dawki i zwiększa się z czasem, jaki upływa od zakończenia leczenia. Jest ona silniej wyrażona u pacjentów ze współistniejącą chorobą serca lub po leczeniu skojarzonym, z zastosowaniem innych cytostatyków czy radioterapii. Efekty kardiotoksycznego działania można w większości przypadków ograniczyć, stosując schematy chemioterapii z niską dawką kumulacyjną antracyklin ich postacie liposomalne lub substancje kardioprotekcyjne. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2010; supl. A: A18–A2

    Liposomal cytarabine in the prophylaxis and treatment of CNS lymphoma : toxicity analysis in a retrospective case series study conducted at Polish Lymphoma Research Group Centers

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    Lymphomas with primary or secondary involvement of central nervous system (CNS) have poor prognosis despite specific treatment protocols which include whole brain radiotherapy and high-dose systemic and/or intrathecal chemotherapy. Toxicity of intrathecal liposomal cytarabine-based regimens collected between November 2006 and January 2012 was assessed retrospectively. Data from 120 adult lymphoma patients with, or at high risk of CNS involvement who received intrathecal liposomal cytarabine-based regimens at six Polish Lymphoma Research Group centres between November 2006 and January 2012 were assessed retrospectively. Patients were divided into three cohorts: A (high risk of CNS disease, n = 88), B (cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis without neurological symptoms or pathological imaging findings, n = 7), and C (CNS disease/neurological involvement; n = 25). In all examined groups, toxicity of treatment was found to be acceptable (including the prophylactic setting). None of the patients in cohorts A or B who took intrathecal liposomal cytarabine 50 mg, repeated every 2–4 weeks (mean 3.8 doses) had experienced a CNS relapse at a median follow-up time of 3 years. Patients in cohort C had a 76 % overall neurological response rate (including a 40 % complete response rate) and median overall survival of 4.8 years. Regimens incorporating liposomal cytarabine seem to be safe and effective treatments for lymphomas with CNS involvement

    Radioimmunotherapy in follicular lymphomas, a retrospective analysis of the Polish Lymphoma Research Group's (PLRG) experience

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    BACKGROUND: Ibritumomab is an 90Yttrium (90Y) labelled radioimmunoconjugate registered to treat follicular lymphoma relapsing or refractory after Rituximab therapy. Combining the specificity of anti CD20 monoclonal antibodies with the efficacy of radiotherapy, it is particularly effective in patients with advanced stages of disease with generalized lymphadenopathy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one patients with follicular lymphoma, after failing 2-5 lines of previous treatment, were subjected to radioimmunotherapy in three Polish Lymphoma Research Group (PLRG) centres. Ibritumomab infusion was followed by 2 doses of Rituximab (250 mg/m2 at day -7 and 0) to enhance its biodistribution. Radioimmunoconjugate was prepared in the Nuclear Medicine Departments of participating centres based on patient weight and full blood count results (14.8 MBq/kg, max 1200 MBq, reduced to 11.1 MBq/kg in cases with blood platelet 100 000-150 000 or leukocytes 1500-2000). 14.8 MBq/kg (0.4 mCi/kg) 100 thousand to 149 thousand/mm3 platelets 11.1 MBq/kg (0.3 mCi/kg) RESULTS: The primary endpoint of the study was the assessment of response rate and haematological toxicity. Objective responses were observed in all patients, with 10 partial and 12 complete regressions. Cytopenia, starting 3-4 weeks after radioimmunotherapy, reflected haematological toxicity - the only important side effect. Thrombocytopenia was more pronounced, with platelet counts of < 50,000/ul in every second patient. One patient developed myelodysplastic syndrome 21 months after the procedure. After the medium time of follow up over 2 years, 2 patients died. Median progression free survival (secondary study endpoint) was 15 months. CONCLUSIONS: Ibritumomab radioimmunotherapy is an efficient method of palliation treatment of heavily pre-treated follicular lymphoma patients, failing numerous previous treatment lines. Earlier application increases the number of complete responses and prolongs progression free survival

    Guz łożyska — opis przypadku i przegląd piśmiennictwa

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    Guzy łożyska zwykle przebiegają bezobjawowo i są wykrywane jedynie podczas rutynowego badania histopatologicznego. Najczęściej występującym guzem jest chorangioma, czyli naczyniak łożyska. Wiąże się on z wystę­powaniem licznych powikłań ciąży, takich jak wielowodzie oraz niedokrwistość, małopłytkowość, kardiomegalia i niewydolność krążenia u płodu. Prezentujemy przypadek guza łożyska z obrazem ultrasonograficznym typowym dla chorangioma z towarzyszącą kardiomegalią u płodu, który rozpoznano ostatecznie w badaniu histopatologicznym jako hamartoma

    Rituximab – the first biosimilar monoclonal antibodies in hematooncology

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    The introduction of biosimilars can increase the availability of effective and life-saving therapies, while reducing their costs. Biosimilar and reference biological drugs are functionally the same molecules, identical in quality, biological activity, safety profile, immunogenicity and therapeutic efficacy. Recently, two pivotal registration studies for rituximab biosimilars have been summarized. In patients with follicular lymphoma (FL), the efficacy and safety of rituximab GP2013 was assessed in ASSIST-FL phase III clinical trial. At median follow-up of 11.6 months, the primary endpoint was achieved, in the GP2013 group overall response was 87% (271/311 patients) and 88% (274 /313 patients) in the reference arm). The incidence of adverse events and severe toxicities was similar in both groups. In the second study of 140 patients with FL, the overall response was 97.0% (64 of the 66 patients) in the CT-P10 group and 92.6% (63 of the 68 patients) in the group treated with rituximab. Treatment-emergent adverse events were reported for 83% (58 of 70 patients) in the CT-P10 treatment group and 80% (56 of 70) in the reference rituximab treatment group. Results of these studies indicate similar activity and toxicity profile of GP2013 and CT-P10 to the original rituximab

    Biodiversity of bacteriophages: morphological and biological properties of a large group of phages isolated from urban sewage

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    A large scale analysis presented in this article focuses on biological and physiological variety of bacteriophages. A collection of 83 bacteriophages, isolated from urban sewage and able to propagate in cells of different bacterial hosts, has been obtained (60 infecting Escherichia coli, 10 infecting Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 4 infecting Salmonella enterica, 3 infecting Staphylococcus sciuri, and 6 infecting Enterococcus faecalis). High biological diversity of the collection is indicated by its characteristics, both morphological (electron microscopic analyses) and biological (host range, plaque size and morphology, growth at various temperatures, thermal inactivation, sensitivity to low and high pH, sensitivity to osmotic stress, survivability upon treatment with organic solvents and detergents), and further supported by hierarchical cluster analysis. By the end of the research no larger collection of phages from a single environmental source investigated by these means had been found. The finding was confirmed by whole genome analysis of 7 selected bacteriophages. Moreover, particular bacteriophages revealed unusual biological features, like the ability to form plaques at low temperature (4 °C), resist high temperature (62 °C or 95 °C) or survive in the presence of an organic solvents (ethanol, acetone, DMSO, chloroform) or detergent (SDS, CTAB, sarkosyl) making them potentially interesting in the context of biotechnological applications