34 research outputs found

    Shell variability in the stem turtles Proterochersis spp.

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    Background Turtle shells tend to exhibit frequent and substantial variability, both in bone and scute layout. Aside from secondary changes, caused by diseases, parasites, and trauma, this variability appears to be inherent and result from stochastic or externally induced flaws of developmental programs. It is, thus, expected to be present in fossil turtle species at least as prominently, as in modern populations. Descriptions of variability and ontogeny are, however, rare for fossil turtles, mainly due to rarity, incompleteness, damage, and post-mortem deformation of their remains. This paper is an attempt at description and interpretation of external shell variability in representatives of the oldest true turtles, Proterochersis robusta and Proterochersis porebensis (Proterochersidae, the sister group to all other known testudinatans) from the Late Triassic (Norian) of Germany and Poland. Methods All the available shell remains of Proterochersis robusta (13 specimens) and Proterochersis porebensis (275 specimens) were studied morphologically in order to identify any ontogenetic changes, intraspecific variability, sexual dimorphism, and shell abnormalities. To test the inferred sexual dimorphism, shape analyses were performed for two regions (gular and anal) of the plastron. Results Proterochersis spp. exhibits large shell variability, and at least some of the observed changes seem to be correlated with ontogeny (growth of gulars, extragulars, caudals, and marginals, disappearance of middorsal keel on the carapace). Several specimens show abnormal layout of scute sulci, several others unusual morphologies of vertebral scute areas, one has an additional pair of plastral scutes, and one extraordinarily pronounced, likely pathological, growth rings on the carapace. Both species are represented in a wide spectrum of sizes, from hatchlings to old, mature individuals. The largest fragmentary specimens of Proterochersis porebensis allow estimation of its maximal carapace length at approximately 80 cm, while Proterochersis robusta appears to have reached lower maximal sizes. Discussion This is the second contribution describing variability among numerous specimens of Triassic turtles, and the first to show evidence of unambiguous shell abnormalities. Presented data supplement the sparse knowledge of shell scute development in the earliest turtles and suggest that at least some aspects of the developmental programs governing scute development were already similar in the Late Triassic to these of modern forms

    New tomographic contribution to characterizing mesosaurid congenital scoliosis

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    The presence of a pathology in the vertebral column of the early Permian mesosaurid specimen ZPAL R VII/1, being one of the oldest amniotic occurrences of congenital scoliosis caused by a hemivertebra, was recently recognized. Here we provide CT data to further characterize the phenomenon. The affected hemivertebra is wedged (incarcerated) between the preceding and succeeding vertebrae. The neural canal is misshapen but continuous and the number of dorsal ribs on each side of the specimen corresponds with the number of the vertebrae, documenting its congenital (homeobox-related) derivation

    Denture-related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction

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    Oral inflammation, such as periodontitis, can lead to endothelial dysfunction, accelerated atherosclerosis, and vascular dysfunction. The relationship between vascular dysfunction and other common forms of oral infections such as denture-related stomatitis (DRS) is unknown. Similar risk factors predispose to both conditions including smoking, diabetes, age, and obesity. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate endothelial function and major vascular disease risk factors in 44 consecutive patients with dentures with clinical and microbiological features of DRS (n = 20) and without DRS (n = 24). While there was a tendency for higher occurrence of diabetes and smoking, groups did not differ significantly in respect to major vascular disease risk factors. Groups did not differ in main ambulatory blood pressure, total cholesterol, or even CRP. Importantly, flow mediated dilatation (FMD) was significantly lower in DRS than in non-DRS subjects, while nitroglycerin induced vasorelaxation (NMD) or intima-media thickness (IMT) was similar. Interestingly, while triglyceride levels were normal in both groups, they were higher in DRS subjects, although they did not correlate with either FMD or NMD. Conclusions. Denture related stomatitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction in elderly patients with dentures. This is in part related to the fact that diabetes and smoking increase risk of both DRS and cardiovascular disease

    Multiwavelength variability of the radio quasar J2042+7508

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    In this paper, we present our results of study on the long term multiwavelength variability properties of the quasar J2042+7508 (4C +74.26) – a giant radio source located at the redshift of 0.104. This source exhibits interesting emission and structural properties when observed in various wavelengths, including X-ray, optical and radio frequencies. Therefore, exploring these properties through multifrequency variability studies presents a great importance to our understanding of the evolution of quasars and radio-loud unification schemes. We found a trend of anticorrelation with time lag of about three months between optical and radio light curves. A weak correlation with a longer time lag of about 230 days might also exist. Using the structure function method, applied to our six years long, optical data, we arrived at a conclusion that the quasar variability with amplitude of about 0.3 magnitude, is likely caused by an accretion disk instability

    Analysis of general and local vibration at the workplace: the operator of a specialist road machine

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    W artykule podjęto próbę oceny ergonomicznej środowiska drganiowego wybranych środków technicznych wykorzystywanych w różnych procesach technologicznych. Zakres badań obejmował pomiar drgań ogólnych na płaszczyźnie nośnej siedziska oraz drgań miejscowych występujących na kole kierowniczym wybranych środków technicznych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w walcu drogowym wibracyjnym. Pomiary zostały wykonane w 10 powtórzeniach dla każdego środka technicznego. Na podstawie uzyskanych pomiarów określono wartość: średnią, skuteczną, szczytową oraz wartość ważoną przyspieszenia drgań. Otrzymane wyniki zostały skonfrontowane z obowiązującymi normatywami. Odnotowano, że dzienna ekspozycja na drgania o działaniu ogólnym w przypadku pracy walca drogowego w kierunku poziomym wyniosła 1,11m⋅s-2 i przekroczyła wartości dopuszczalne dla mężczyzn i kobiet w wieku produkcyjnym. W przypadku pozostałych badanych pojazdów nie odnotowano przekroczenia wartości dopuszczalnej drgań mechanicznych w żadnym z analizowanych kierunków, zatem nie stanowiły one zagrożenia dla pracownika.The article discusses an attempt to evaluate the ergonomic vibration environment of selected technical sources used in various technological processes. The scope of the tests included measurement of general vibrations in the plane of the seat carrier and local vibrations occurring on the steering wheel of selected technical sources. The tests were carried out in two trucks and in a vibratory road roller. The measurements were carried out in 10 repetitions for each technical measure. On the basis of the obtained measurements, the mean value of vibration acceleration, effective vibration acceleration and peak vibration acceleration as well as the weighted vibration acceleration value were determined. The obtained results were confronted with the applicable standards. It was noted that the daily vibration exposure of general action in the case of road roll works in the horizontal direction was 1,11 m⋅s-2 and exceeded the limit values for men and women in the working age. In the case of other vehicles tested, there was no exceedance of the permissible mechanical vibration value in any of the analyzed directions and do not pose a threat to the employee


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    Safeguarding the functioning of local and international tourism is one of the most important social challenges. Mastering its principles is a prerequisite for success in the fulfi lment of such human needs as relaxation, wellbeing and exploration of the world. The effectiveness of any steps to limit the risk and its consequences in tourism stems from multiannual observation of social phenomena, but it is also dependent on the level of theoretical preparation to take practical action for increased security at every stage of the journey. The aim of this article is to explore the idea of developing skills in securing safety in travel as an additional educational need of school children and young people. The article recommends supplementing the school curriculum at the primary and secondary school level in order to help create a profi le of a student able to secure broadly understood safety for himself and for others

    Influence of Coniferous Wood Conditioning by Pulsed Electric Field on Its Combustion Heat Characteristics

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    The article presents the impact of sawdust conditioning from coniferous trees with a pulsed electric field (PEF) on the characteristics of the combustion heat. The study used four variants of electric field parameters, i.e., (I) 300 discharges with an electric field intensity of 25 kV·cm−1, (II) 150 discharges with an electric field intensity of 25 kV·cm−1, (III) 300 discharges with an electric field intensity of 30 kV·cm−1, (IV) 150 discharges with an electric field intensity of 30 kV·cm−1. It should be noted that the interval between successive discharges was 10 sec and it was constant for each variant of the experiment. A change in the characteristics of the heat of combustion was found under the influence of a pulsed electric field on sawdust from coniferous trees in each period of the measurement. The highest temperatures were achieved by the interaction of a pulsed electric field with a discharge pulse of 30 kV·cm−1 and the number of discharge cycles amounting to 300, whereas significantly lower temperature values were recorded with the discharge electric field intensity of 25 kV·cm−1. It was found that the longest times from the moment of ignition to reaching the maximum temperature were obtained for the material after the influence of PEF with an electric field intensity of 30 kV·cm−1 and the number of pulses 300 (IV combination), while the shortest time of the analyzed interval was stated for the first combination of the experiment (electric field intensity 25 kV·cm−1 and a number of pulses 150). The use of a pulsed electric field allows modeling the combustion time of a homogeneous material, which enables the improvement of the process control possibilities, and is also important information for the design of devices intended for biomass combustion

    Influence of Coniferous Wood Conditioning by Pulsed Electric Field on Its Combustion Heat Characteristics

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    The article presents the impact of sawdust conditioning from coniferous trees with a pulsed electric field (PEF) on the characteristics of the combustion heat. The study used four variants of electric field parameters, i.e., (I) 300 discharges with an electric field intensity of 25 kV·cm−1, (II) 150 discharges with an electric field intensity of 25 kV·cm−1, (III) 300 discharges with an electric field intensity of 30 kV·cm−1, (IV) 150 discharges with an electric field intensity of 30 kV·cm−1. It should be noted that the interval between successive discharges was 10 sec and it was constant for each variant of the experiment. A change in the characteristics of the heat of combustion was found under the influence of a pulsed electric field on sawdust from coniferous trees in each period of the measurement. The highest temperatures were achieved by the interaction of a pulsed electric field with a discharge pulse of 30 kV·cm−1 and the number of discharge cycles amounting to 300, whereas significantly lower temperature values were recorded with the discharge electric field intensity of 25 kV·cm−1. It was found that the longest times from the moment of ignition to reaching the maximum temperature were obtained for the material after the influence of PEF with an electric field intensity of 30 kV·cm−1 and the number of pulses 300 (IV combination), while the shortest time of the analyzed interval was stated for the first combination of the experiment (electric field intensity 25 kV·cm−1 and a number of pulses 150). The use of a pulsed electric field allows modeling the combustion time of a homogeneous material, which enables the improvement of the process control possibilities, and is also important information for the design of devices intended for biomass combustion

    Analysis of general and local vibration at the workplace: the operator of a specialist road machine

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    W artykule podjęto próbę oceny ergonomicznej środowiska drganiowego wybranych środków technicznych wykorzystywanych w różnych procesach technologicznych. Zakres badań obejmował pomiar drgań ogólnych na płaszczyźnie nośnej siedziska oraz drgań miejscowych występujących na kole kierowniczym wybranych środków technicznych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w walcu drogowym wibracyjnym. Pomiary zostały wykonane w 10 powtórzeniach dla każdego środka technicznego. Na podstawie uzyskanych pomiarów określono wartość: średnią, skuteczną, szczytową oraz wartość ważoną przyspieszenia drgań. Otrzymane wyniki zostały skonfrontowane z obowiązującymi normatywami. Odnotowano, że dzienna ekspozycja na drgania o działaniu ogólnym w przypadku pracy walca drogowego w kierunku poziomym wyniosła 1,11m⋅s-2 i przekroczyła wartości dopuszczalne dla mężczyzn i kobiet w wieku produkcyjnym. W przypadku pozostałych badanych pojazdów nie odnotowano przekroczenia wartości dopuszczalnej drgań mechanicznych w żadnym z analizowanych kierunków, zatem nie stanowiły one zagrożenia dla pracownika.The article discusses an attempt to evaluate the ergonomic vibration environment of selected technical sources used in various technological processes. The scope of the tests included measurement of general vibrations in the plane of the seat carrier and local vibrations occurring on the steering wheel of selected technical sources. The tests were carried out in two trucks and in a vibratory road roller. The measurements were carried out in 10 repetitions for each technical measure. On the basis of the obtained measurements, the mean value of vibration acceleration, effective vibration acceleration and peak vibration acceleration as well as the weighted vibration acceleration value were determined. The obtained results were confronted with the applicable standards. It was noted that the daily vibration exposure of general action in the case of road roll works in the horizontal direction was 1,11 m⋅s-2 and exceeded the limit values for men and women in the working age. In the case of other vehicles tested, there was no exceedance of the permissible mechanical vibration value in any of the analyzed directions and do not pose a threat to the employee