39 research outputs found

    Della performatività Come il cognitive turn ha cambiato la prospettiva degli studi letterari

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    The yearning for performance does not lie so much in Austin’s speech acts, but rather in the performative peculiarity of our neurobiological perception. In this scenario, considering the dialogue between cognitive scientists and literary scholars, it can be assumed that narrativity could performatively represent a mediation between the simulation and the “theory of mind”. The narrativization of behaviour, backed by an explicit reference to the embodied mind and, implicitly, to Goffman’s, Schechner’s and Turner’s studies on the performance, determines increasingly pervasive attention to the ability to configure a plot, even in a phylogenetic perspective


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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic and recurrent inflammatory diseases. Although the typical symptoms are localized in the gastrointestinal tract, there are also extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) associated with IBD, probably caused by immune reactions secondary to the pathology of origin. Anybody can be affected by EIMs, which can be dermatological, pulmonary, ocular, musculoskeletal, hepatobiliary and neurological, et al. This represents a therapeutic challenge for clinicians, who must first establish a diagnostic and then a multidisciplinary therapeutic path, in order to guarantee an optimal quality of life for the patient

    Rehabilitation approach in robot assisted total knee arthroplasty: an observational study

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    Background The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with the aid of Navio Robot, comparing it with standard prosthetic surgery on the functional outcomes of patients after an intensive rehabilitation program. Method A case–control observational study was conducted on patients undergoing TKA for severe KOA. All patients underwent the same intensive hospital rehabilitation program of 14 daily sessions lasting 3 h. The following rating scales were administered: Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Knee Society Score (KSS) and 12-Item Short Form Survey scale. Patient assessments were performed 1 week post-surgery (T0), 1 month post-surgery (T2), and 3 months post-surgery (T3). The primary outcomes were active knee extension and fexion and pain severity. The secondary outcomes were functional capacity and quality of life. Results Using repeated measures ANOVA, we observed at T1 a statistically diferent diference for the treatment group compared to the control group about KSS (p<0.05), pain (p<0.05), and knee fexion (p<0.05). No statistically signifcant diference between the two groups was observed for knee extension (p=0.09) and the SF-12 scale (p=0.52). At T2 instead, we observed a statistically signifcant diference for the treatment group compared to the control group as regards KSS (p<0.05) and knee fexion (p<0.05), while no statistically signifcant diference was observed for pain (p=0.83), knee extension (p=0.60), and the SF-12 scale (0.44). Conclusions Our study has demonstrated that robot-NAVIO assisted knee prosthesis surgery, associated with a specifc intensive rehabilitation treatment, in the short and medium term, determines good pain control, better fexion recovery and a improvement of functional capacity


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    consequently the management of this problem has become more critically focused than was previously possible. We report here three cases of placement of a partially silicone-coated SEMS (Evolution Controlled Release Esophageal Stent System, CookMedical, Winston-Salem, NC, USA) in patients who underwent total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y end-to-side esophagojejunostomy for a gastric adenocarcinoma. The promising results of our report, despite the small number of patients, suggest that early stenting (through a partially silicone-coated SEMS) is a feasible alternative to surgical treatment in this subset of patients. In fact, in the treatment of leakage after total gastrectomy, plastic stents and totally covered metallic stents may not adhere sufficiently to the esophagojejunal walls and, as a result, migrate beyond the anastomosis. However, prospective studies with a larger number of patients might assess the real effectiveness and safety of this procedure

    Estudio del modelo paramétrico DMCoMo de estimación de proyectos de explotación de información

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio inicial del comportamiento del método paramétrico de estimación de proyectos de explotación de información DMCoMo, para lo cual se realiza una introducción sobre las características del método de estimación, se delimita el problema presentando el diseño experimental y los resultados obtenidos para finalizar con la puntualización de algunas conclusiones parciales.Presentado en el VIII Workshop Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos (WBDDM)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Prácticas y aplicaciones de ingeniería de requisitos en proyectos de explotación de información

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    La Explotación de Información es la subdisciplina de la Informática que aporta las herramientas de análisis y síntesis para extraer conocimiento no trivial que se encuentra implícitamente en los datos disponibles en distintas fuentes de información. Aunque la Ingeniería en Software provee muchos métodos, técnicas y herramientas para la construcción de software tradicional, estos en general no son aplicables a proyectos de Explotación de Información por poseer características diferentes. En especial se ha detectado la falta de metodologías que permitan cubrir adecuadamente la gestión de los requisitos de un Proyecto de Explotación de Información, permitiendo tanto la identificación y formalización de las necesidades del cliente como sus expectativas, restricciones y los principales conceptos que son necesarios para realizar el proyecto. En este contexto, este proyecto se enfocará en sistematizar el cuerpo de conocimiento existente en la Ingeniería en Software y la Ingeniería del Conocimiento para sentar las bases para el desarrollo de una Ingeniería de Requisitos con particular énfasis en Proyectos de Explotación de Información. De esta manera se espera también producir un enriquecimiento en los campos. En relación a la transferencia específica se puede indicar la generación de un Modelo de Proceso para la gestión de Requisitos.Eje: Bases de Datos y Minería de Datos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Comunità future, Comunità performative

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    Il proposito ambizioso del volume curato da Roberta Carpani e Giulia Innocenti Malini, per il numero monografico di «Comunicazioni sociali», si indirizza verso il profilo di un’«inclusione» che, come recita il titolo, pone metodologicamente le basi per un intervento non solo nel merito della questione cruciale delle migrazioni attuali, ma anche nel vivo di un metodo che cancelli la distanza “disciplinare” tra viewing and acting vista come contrapposizione equivoca. Ciò è senz’altro giusto no..

    The Woman is not present. Who is missing the "Posto occupato" call and other rethorical questions

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    La platea desolata esibisce uno stemma, un trofeo purpureo, una sigla divenuta familiare. Il logo di Posto occupato(ideato da Maria Grazia Di Gennaro) campeggia in nero e rosso sopra una goccia di sangue che gronda copiosa. Entro questa campitura grandguignolesca il profilo antropomorfo di una sedia ammicca ad una silhouette femminile, una gamba della sedia disegna una scarpa con il tacco e l’altra un coltello, un utensile domestico, ma più che minaccioso, puntato verso la terra, nella direzione in cui il sangue scorre