13 research outputs found

    The Requirements for Safety in Use of Fire Elevators

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    Príspevok sa zaoberá tematikou bezpečnosti pri používaní požiarnych výťahov, konkrétne svojimi požiadavkami na ich označenie a prevádzkovanie. Nato, aby sa tieto výťahy mohli zaviesť do budovy musia spĺňať stavebné, konštrukčné a iné požiadavky, keďže zlyhanie pri ich nezastavení môže mať nepriaznivý vplyv na životy zachraňujúcich, ale aj okolitých ľudí. Súčasťou príspevku je analýza a posúdenie rizík v uzavretých priestoroch požiarnych výťahov pomocou grafu rizika.The paper deals with the theme of safety in the use of fi re elevators, specifi c requirements for the labelilng and operation. In order the bring these elevators into the building, buildings must meet construction, design and other requirements, as failure to do so may have an adverse effect to rescue, but also the surrounding people. Part of the contribution is to analyze and assess the risks in the closed premises of fi re elevators using the risk chart


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    Belt conveyors are machines used for transportation of packaged goods or bulk materials along horizontal and inclined paths. During operation of a belt conveyor, as in any human activity, unexpected and undesirable events may take place resulting in damage to human health or material loss. The analysis of these accidents contributes to understanding and proposal of measures suitable for reducing the risk as much as possible. The assessment of risks is not only a legal obligation but also a process of increasing safety at work

    Stress as a risk factor in the firefighter profession

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    Stress affecting humans over the long term can cause serious illnesses. It results from a lack of time, a lot of tasks, considerable responsibility and several other reasons that are perceived as a risk factor. In this paper, a method for assessing psychosocial risks was suggested. The suggested risk matrix method consists of two parameters: probability and consequence. To illustrate the assessment of the psychosocial risks of the firefighter profession, an activity was selected - the intervention of a firefighter in a traffic accident. Almost every intervention puts their health and life at risk. For the purpose of health protection, all possibilities of risk situations that may arise in carrying out this work and may cause undesirable consequences are analysed.Web of Science11133633

    Measurement of amount for steel abrasive material transported by special scraper conveyor

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    Results obtained from measuring the required amount of steel abrasive material with various fragmentations, which is transported by a special kind of scraper conveyor, offers information that is useful for operators of the abrasive blast cabinets. The presented article describes an innovative methodology developed for determination of the most relevant operational parameters relating to the above-mentioned situation. The most important parameters in this case are: the optimal amount of the abrasive material, the conveying speed of the scraper conveyor and the feeding of the conveyor with regard to partial or full elimination of instable operational area. Elimination of the instable operational area is possible by means of a simple constructional modification of the given conveying system according to the results obtained from experimental investigation, which was performed using special, originally developed laboratory testing equipment.Web of Science114art. no. 185

    Mobility of museum’s collections. Procedures and policies at manipulation with collection items out of their depository storage (Mobilita múzejných zbierok Postupy a zásady pri manipulácií so zbierkovými predmetmi mimo ich uloženia v depozitároch)

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    This thesis is focused on to description types of collection items mobility. The main storage place for collection item in museum is the depository and because of that, thesis contains description of types of collection items mobility from depository. The aim of the thesis is to approximate process of manipulation with collection items for the purpose of pre-servation/restoration and rental of collection items for other museums in Slovakia and abroad. One of the main points of this thesis is to review the purpose of collection mobility for museums. Aim of the thesis is also to define possibilities of collection items protection during their mobility- legal and physical protection. An important part of the article is an analysis of collections mobility in Slovak museums created with the help of questionnaire survey and summary of the annual reports of Slovak museums


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    Pásové dopravníky (PD) sú zariadenia, ktoré slúžia na prepravu kusového alebo sypkého materiálu po rovnej alebo po naklonenej prepravnej dráhe. V etape prevádzky pásového dopravníka môže dôjsť k nečakanej a nežiadúcej udalosti, tak ako pri každej inej ľudskej činnosti. Tieto udalosti - negatívne javy vedú k úrazovosti, poškodeniu zdravia človeka alebo k materiálnej škode. Rozbor negatívnych javov prispieva k návrhu vhodných opatrení pre minimalizáciu rizika. Posudzovanie rizík je nielen zákonnou povinnosťou, ale je to proces zvyšovania bezpečnosti práce v praxi.Belt conveyors are devices which are used to transport pieces or bulk materials on a straight or an inclined transportation paths. During the operation of the conveyor belt, unexpected and undesirable event can happened, as in every daily human activity. These events - negative phenomena are leading to injuries, damages of human health or material. Analysis of negative phenomena is contributing to create appropriate rules to minimize the risk. Risk assessment is not only a legal obligation, but it is a process of increasing safety of work in practice

    Hazards related to activities of fire-rescue department members during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Today, being a member of the Fire-Rescue Department (FRD) is challenging as it is a risky and professionally demanding job, which often requires an individual schedule both in terms of physical condition and psychological knowledge as well as safety and health protection at work. Apart from the standard services provided by the FRD and the integrated rescue system, their members also participated in hundreds of interventions during emergencies and crisis situations to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on society

    Analysis of air-traffic threats

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    Globally, air transport has seen a greater increase in recent years. This manuscript is divided into three parts for analysing the negative effects of aviation. The first part is focused on the identification of sources of aircraft noise. While the second part of this article describes the basic principles of the construction and operation of an aircraft jet engine concerning the gaseous emissions produced by such an engine (Third part missing?). The main benefit of this article is the evaluation of the reliability of the human factor because the human factor is an integral part of technical systems and processes. Reliability assessment was performed using the TESEO method. The ergonomic parameter, that is, the cabin noise, was quantified in the given method. The measurement was performed on two types of aircraft, namely in the cabin of a transport jet aircraft and in the cabin of asmall transport aircraft equipped with turboprop engines

    Analysis of risk factors for underground coal gasification

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    The purpose of this article is to determine the environmental impacts of underground gasification on the population and to analyze the risk of underground coal gasification (UCG) activities using selected risk assessment methods. Coal gas is a regular part of coal deposits and its extraction also allows the use of coal deposits that cannot be extracted by traditional methods. These technologies bring both positive and negative aspects. The paper points out the risk analysis, hazard identification and assessment during the operation of UCG technology using a risk graph and a risk matrix. Identified risks to workers that cannot be reduced should be taken into consideration and appropriate safeguard should be used. For each risk, it is necessary to inform employees about regular education and training. From worldwide experience with this technology, it is possible to analyze risks in Slovakia. Actual gasification produces polluting gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen oxides, tar and ash, and creates a risk that may occur on and under the surface of the site depending on the geological and hydrogeological structure of the deposits. Possible measures to mitigate the adverse effects are proposed for the implementation of this technology. Coal is still one of the main domestic primary energy sources. Currently, only 5 out of 19 deposits in the Slovak Republic are used. Underground gasification could increase the use of Slovak coal and brown coal deposits

    Evaluation and risk factors of roadheaders in coal mines

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    During mechanical disintegration of the rock, for mining works are used also roadheaders. Roadheaders, in comparison with disintegration by blasting operations can without interuption, and works changes with one machine, dissolve, load and at the same time mine disintegrated rock. These electro-hydraulic machines cause no harmful vibrations and are ideal for mining coal and other soft rock minerals. Mechanical mining is safer, protects the rock environment, allows mining without further breaks, allows you to achieve a higher level of daily progress and also saves work. The analysis of occupational accidents in the Slovak Republic shows that it is necessary require from employees increased attention in any work activity and attention in the work performed (mainly work in handling material, objects and burdens). In the underground coal mines further attention needs to be paid to securing hazardous areas, it is necessary to proceed in such a way as to prevent as much as possible the fall of rock as much as possible Underground roads require modification and equipment in accordance with regulations. It is necessary to follow health and safety instructions mentioned in operating and maintenance documentation. Correction of some deficiencies is ordered by a decision of the Mining Office. Most measures are aimed at adhering to technological discipline, to complement operating documentation, to prevent rock falls, to equip some machinery and transport equipment, to work procedures for handling loads, to maintenance of mining works and for explosion and anti-vapor prevention. In this article, we assess the safety risks of two roadheaders for coal mining works in Slovak conditions. Pairwise comparisons of the criteria of selected roadheaders were used to determine the safety risks, as well as taking into account the risks and safety measures according to the mixed methods following to the standard