25 research outputs found

    Ecstasy tablets intoxication with lethal autcome

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    Background. Ecstasy, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), is a synthetic compound increasingly popular as a recreational drug. Tablets known as ecstasy contain MDMA, but may also contain caffeine, ephedrine, paramethoxyamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), amphetamine, methamphetamine, and ketamine. After absorption MDMA is metabolized to MDA, 4-hydroxy-3- metoxymetamphetamine (HMMA) and 4-hydroxy-3- metoxyamphetamine (HMA). After that HMMA and HMA are conjugated and excreted by urine. The aim of this report was to confirm by toxicological post mortem analyses of poisoned person organs that ecstasy had been the cause of his death. Case report. We reported the death of a 17-year-old boy after the ingestion of ecstasy. MDMA and metabolites were determined by multicolumn high performance liquid chromatography with UV spectral detection (HPLC-UV). Toxicological tests showed the presence of MDMA in all samples. When examining post mortem material (the organs), the highest concentrations were measured in the stomach (835,97 Ī¼g/g) and kidney (801,14 Ī¼g/g). The minimal concentration was in the liver (22,26 Ī¼g/g). Conclusion. The obtained results of MDMA and its metabolites concentrations showed abuse of a high dose of ecstasy.

    Modernisation of Učka Tunnel

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    U radu je opisana povijest tunela Učka od ideje o gradnji do konačne izgradnje i dugogodiÅ”nje upotrebe. Ističe se da je to bio dugi niz godina najdulji tunel u Hrvatskoj, sve do nedavno. Prikazani su tehnički elementi tunela Učka, a u nastavku se detaljno opisuju mjere i zahvati koji su urađeni da bi se ispunili zahtjevi Europske unije izraženi u Direktivi 2004/54/EC. Istaknute su aktivnosti koje je koncesionar Bina-Istra poduzimao u osuvremenjivanju tog važnog prometnog objekta.The history of Učka Tunnel, from the first ideas about its realization, to the final construction and long period of use, is described in the paper. It is emphasized that it had been for many years, in fact until recently, the longest tunnel in Croatia. Technical elements of Učka Tunnel are presented, and measures taken to meet EU requirements specified in Directive 2004/54/EC are described in full detail. A particular emphasis is placed on activities undertaken by the concessionary Bina-Istra to modernise this significant transport facility

    Burn out syndrome with the banking industry employees working directly with clients

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti prisutnost sindroma sagorijevanja na poslu kod zaposlenika bankarskog sektora koji rade u direktnom kontaktu s klijentima, utvrditi postoje li statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika u stupnju sagorijevanja s obzirom na duljinu radnog staža i spol i mogućnosti prevencije i prevladavanja posljedica stresa. Istraživanje je provedeno u ukupno 67 poslovnica Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d. u Hrvatskoj na 303 ispitanika - 57 muÅ”karaca i 246 žena. Duljina radnog staža se kreće od 1 do 36 godina. Rezultati su pokazali da četvrtina, 25% zaposlenika, pokazuje visok stupanj sagorijevanja i simptome dugotrajne izloženosti stresu, a 37% ispitanika pokazuje početne znakove sagorijevanja. Kod 36% ispitanika zabilježena je niska razina sagorijevanja. Razlika u stupnju sagorijevanja između muÅ”karaca i žena nije utvrđena. Oba spola podjednako pokazuju simptome sindroma sagorijevanja na poslu i u istom intenzitetu. Nije utvrđena povezanost duljine ukupnog radnog staža i stupnja sagorijevanja te ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u prisutnosti sindroma sagorijevanja na poslu između zaposlenika s duljim i kraćim radnim stažem. Rizik od sagorijevanja u bankarskom sektoru kod zaposlenika koji direktno rade s klijentima postoji te su uočeni alarmantni znaci potrebe za prevencijom, pomoći zaposlenicima u stresu i edukacijom djelatnika u riziku za upravljanje stresom, u čemu socijalni radnici trebaju imati važno mjesto, pogotovo zato Å”to se negativne posljedice stresa prenose i na obitelji djelatnika, Å”to onda opet ima negativni povratni učinak na rad s klijentima.The objective of the thesis is to explore presence of the Burn out syndrome with the banking industry employees working directly with the clients, also, the objective was to affirm whether there are statistically significant differences in burn out stage among examinees considering the length of work experience and gender and what are the possibilities of preventing and dealing with the consequences of stress. The research was conducted in 67 branch offices of Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d. in Croatia, included 303 examinees, out of whom 57 male and 246 female respondents. Working experience lengths spanning from 1 to 36 years. The results show that one quarter of employees, i.e. 25% show high level of burn out and long-term stress exposure symptom, whilst 37% of respondents show initial signs of a burn out. A low level of burn out is registered with 36% respondents. There is no registration of different level of burning out between men and women, both showing the same symptoms with the same intensity. The length of the working experience also showed no effect at the burn out stage and there is no statistically significant difference between employees with longer i.e. shorter working experience. There is, however, a risk within the banking sector and working directly with clients and alarming signs are observed that are indicating necessity for prevention and education of employees how to manage the stress in which social workers should have an important role, especially as the negative effects of stress transferred to the families of employees as it again has a negative feedback effect on work with clients

    Stress intensity in primary school teachers

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti intenzitet stresa kod učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave u seoskim i gradskim osnovnim Å”kolama. Ovim istraživanjem želi se utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika u intenzitetu stresa između učitelja razredne nastave i učitelja predmetne nastave s obzirom na mjesto rada, selo ili grad. U istraživanju je koriÅ”ten psihologijski instrument za mjerenje percepcije stresa (PerceivedStressScale) (Cohen, S., Kamarck, T, Mermelstein, R. 1983). Istraživanje je provedeno u osnovnim Å”kolama Vinkovaca i vinkovačkog kraja. Uključeno je ukupno 14 osnovnih Å”kola, sedam gradskih i sedam seoskih. U istraživanje se uključilo ukupno 217 učitelja osnovnih Å”kola, 37 učitelja i 180 učiteljica. S obzirom da se istraživala razlika u intenzitetu stresa između učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave u seoskim i gradskim osnovnim Å”kolama, u istraživanju je sudjelovalo 102 učitelja razredne nastave i 115 učitelja predmetne nastave. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je stres prisutan u učiteljskoj profesiji, ali da ne postoji značajna razlika u intenzitetu stresa između učitelja razredne nastave i učitelja predmetne nastave u seoskim i gradskim osnovnim Å”kolama. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je 44,2 % učitelja razredne nastave u niskom intenzitetu stresa, 50,7% u srednjem intenzitetu stresa, a 5,1% u visokom intenzitetu stresa. U istraživanju je uočeno da je stres u učiteljskoj profesiji prisutan te da je potrebna stručna pomoć učiteljima u suočavanju sa stresom u čemu socijalni radnici imaju svoje mjesto.The aim of this study was to examine the stress intensity for primary school classroom and subject teachers teaching in rural and urban areas. The study aims to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in the stress intensity between the primary school classroom and subject teachers with regard to the place of work, village or city. The study used psychological instrument to measure the perception of stress (PerceivedStressScale) (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelstein,1983). The study was conducted in primary schools in the city of Vinkovci and its area. The study included a total of 14 primary schools, seven city and seven rural primary schools. The study included a total of 217 primary school teachers, 37 male primary school teachers and 180 female primary school teachers. As we examined the difference in the intensity of the stress between the classroom and subject teachers in rural and urban primary schools, the study included 102 primary teachers and 115 subject teachers. The results showed that the stress factor is present in the teaching profession, but there is no significant difference in the stress intensity between the classroom teachers and subject teachers teaching in rural and urban primary schools. The study showed that 44,2% primary school classroom teachers suffers from low-intensity stress, 50,7% primary school classroom teachers suffers from medium-intensity stress and 5,1% primary school subject teachers suffers from high-intensity stress. The study showed that the stress factor is present in the teaching profession and that teachers need professional help in dealing with stress in which social workers have their place

    Stress intensity in primary school teachers

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti intenzitet stresa kod učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave u seoskim i gradskim osnovnim Å”kolama. Ovim istraživanjem želi se utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika u intenzitetu stresa između učitelja razredne nastave i učitelja predmetne nastave s obzirom na mjesto rada, selo ili grad. U istraživanju je koriÅ”ten psihologijski instrument za mjerenje percepcije stresa (PerceivedStressScale) (Cohen, S., Kamarck, T, Mermelstein, R. 1983). Istraživanje je provedeno u osnovnim Å”kolama Vinkovaca i vinkovačkog kraja. Uključeno je ukupno 14 osnovnih Å”kola, sedam gradskih i sedam seoskih. U istraživanje se uključilo ukupno 217 učitelja osnovnih Å”kola, 37 učitelja i 180 učiteljica. S obzirom da se istraživala razlika u intenzitetu stresa između učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave u seoskim i gradskim osnovnim Å”kolama, u istraživanju je sudjelovalo 102 učitelja razredne nastave i 115 učitelja predmetne nastave. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je stres prisutan u učiteljskoj profesiji, ali da ne postoji značajna razlika u intenzitetu stresa između učitelja razredne nastave i učitelja predmetne nastave u seoskim i gradskim osnovnim Å”kolama. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je 44,2 % učitelja razredne nastave u niskom intenzitetu stresa, 50,7% u srednjem intenzitetu stresa, a 5,1% u visokom intenzitetu stresa. U istraživanju je uočeno da je stres u učiteljskoj profesiji prisutan te da je potrebna stručna pomoć učiteljima u suočavanju sa stresom u čemu socijalni radnici imaju svoje mjesto.The aim of this study was to examine the stress intensity for primary school classroom and subject teachers teaching in rural and urban areas. The study aims to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in the stress intensity between the primary school classroom and subject teachers with regard to the place of work, village or city. The study used psychological instrument to measure the perception of stress (PerceivedStressScale) (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelstein,1983). The study was conducted in primary schools in the city of Vinkovci and its area. The study included a total of 14 primary schools, seven city and seven rural primary schools. The study included a total of 217 primary school teachers, 37 male primary school teachers and 180 female primary school teachers. As we examined the difference in the intensity of the stress between the classroom and subject teachers in rural and urban primary schools, the study included 102 primary teachers and 115 subject teachers. The results showed that the stress factor is present in the teaching profession, but there is no significant difference in the stress intensity between the classroom teachers and subject teachers teaching in rural and urban primary schools. The study showed that 44,2% primary school classroom teachers suffers from low-intensity stress, 50,7% primary school classroom teachers suffers from medium-intensity stress and 5,1% primary school subject teachers suffers from high-intensity stress. The study showed that the stress factor is present in the teaching profession and that teachers need professional help in dealing with stress in which social workers have their place

    Uporedni prikaz kvaliteta svinjskih trupova primenom nekih savremenih metoda ocene

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    In this paper quality of carcasses/carcass sides and meat from 5 different pig genotypes was comparably evaluated. Quality of carcass sides was evaluated prior to slaughtering in vivo (SONOMARK SM 100 M), early post mortem on slaughter line (FOM), by method of two points (ZP - ZWEIPUNKT) as well as method of partial dissection on cold left carcass sides according to EU recommendations. By analysis of obtained results it can be concluded that fatteners of type E (LW x SL) x P had the highest meat yield in carcass sides (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 and 58,89%) by any other mentioned methods of evaluation compared to average meat yield in carcass sides of other investigated genotypes. Average yield of muscle tissue in carcasses of pigs of E genotype (LW x SL) x P (58,89%) established by method of partial dissection was statistically considerably higher (*p (lt) 0,05) than the average (56,06%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype D, very significantly higher (**p (lt) 0,01) than average (57,01%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype C and very highly significantly higher (***p (lt) 0,001) than average (51,30%) meat yield in carcasses of pigs of genotype A. The quality of meat was also investigated comparably by determining its technological quality and chemical composition of MLD in investigated genotypes of pigs. Technological quality and chemical composition of MLD demonstrated significant (*p (lt) 0,05) differences in WBC and pigment content between genotypes B and C and B and E. Average values for content of ashes and share of pigment are in accordance with average values which characterize muscles of normal traits. By analysis of obtained results we conclude that fatteners of genotype E (LW x SL) x P had the highest meat yield in carcass sides (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 and 58,89%), but quality was slightly decreased which indicates need for further improvement of meat quality.U radu je izvrÅ”eno komparativno ocenjivanje kvaliteta trupova/polutki i mesa 5 različitih genotipova svinja. Kvalitet polutki ocenjen je na živim životinjama pre klanja in-vivo SONOMARK SM 100 M), rano post mortem na liniji klanja (FOM), metodom dve tačke (ZP - ZWEI-PUNKT) kao i metodom parcijalne disekcije na ohlađenim levim polutkama po preporuci EU. Analizom dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su tovljenici genotipa E (VJ x Å L) x P imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 i 58,89%) pri koriŔćenju bilo koje od navedenih metoda ocene u poređenju sa prosečnim prinosom mesa u polutkama svinja ostalih ispitivanih genotipova. Prosečan prinos miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupovima svinja genotipa E (VJ x Å L) x P (58,89%) ustanovljen primenom metode parcijalne disekcije statistički značajno veći (*p (lt) 0,05) od prosečnog (56,06%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa D, vrlo značajno veći (**p (lt) 0,01) od prosečnog (57,01%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa C i vrlo visoko značajno veći (* **p (lt) 0,001) od prosečnog (51,30%) prinosa mesa u trupovima svinja genotipa A. Ispitan je komparativno i kvalitet mesa određivanjem tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta i hemijskog sastava MLD-a ispitivanih genotipova svinja TehnoloÅ”ki kvalitet i hemijski sastav mesa MLD-a ispoljio je značajne (*p (lt) 0,05) razlike u SVV i sadržaju pigmenata između genotipova B i C i B i E. Prosečne vrednosti za sadržaj pepela i udeo pigmenata odgovara prosečnim vrednostima koje karakteriÅ”e miÅ”iće normalnih svojstava. Analizom dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da su tovljenici genotipa E (VJ x Å L) x P imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama (61,90; 62,40; 58,85 i58,89%), no neÅ”to umanjenog kvaliteta, Å”to iziskuje dalji rad na poboljÅ”anju kvaliteta mesa

    Udeo tkiva u maloprodajnim delovima junećih trupova

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    In order to determine the content of certain tissues in retail (main) cuts of young cattle carcasses, dissection of 30 carcass sides from young cattle was performed. Average weight of carcass sides was 169 kg. Average share of meat (approx. 86%) in carcass parts of the 1st category (leg), in carcass parts of the 2nd category (loin, back, shoulder) approx. 78%, and in carcass parts of the 3rd category (neck, subshoulder, foreshank, breast, ribs, belly, leg) approx. 73% was determined. Share (average) of bones in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 11%, 2nd category approx. 18%, and 3rd category approx. 20%. Share (average) of fat in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 2,0%, 2nd category approx. 3,5%, and 3rd category approx. 5,5%. Average share of binding tissue in carcass parts of the 1st category was approx. 0,3%, 2nd category approx. 0,7% and 3rd category approx. 1,5%. .U cilju utvrđivanja sadržaja tkiva u maloprodajnim delovima junećeg trupa, obavljena je disekcija 30 polutki prosečne mase 169 kg. Prosečni udeo mesa u delovima trupa I kategorije (but) iznosio je oko 86%, u delovima trupe II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) oko 78%, a u delovima trupa III kategorije (vrat, podplećka, podlaktica, grudi, rebra, trbuÅ”ina, kolenica) oko 73%. Udeo kostiju u delovima trupa I kategorije bio je oko 11%, II kategorije oko 18%, a III kategorije oko 20%. Udeo loja u delovima trupa I kategorije iznosio je oko 2,0%, II kategorije oko 3,5%, a III kategorije oko 5,5%. Prosečni udeo vezivnog tkiva u delovima trupa I kategorije iznosi oko 0,3%, II kategorije oko 0,7% i III kategorije oko 1,5%.

    Prilog poznavanju uticaja debljine slanine na kvalitet trupova svinja rase Å vedski landras

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    In this paper a comparative research relating to evaluation of the quality of pig carcasses originating from Swedish Landrace was carried out, total of 248 fatteners divided into two groups depending on the back fat thickness on withers and back. Quality was determined by partial dissection of left carcass sides according to procedure recommended by EU. The effect of back fat thickness on withers and back on quality of carcass sides, i.e. its effect on the share of muscle tissue, skin with subcutaneous fat tissue and intermuscular fat tissue in carcass side, was investigated. Obtained data show that exhibited difference in meat yield between groups wasn't statistically significant (P>0,05) in any of the cases. However, by testing the differences in relative yield of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue of leg, share of intermuscular fat tissue of shoulder, LSD and TRS, significance at the level of 5% was determined in fatteners with greater back fat thickness on withers. Observed differences relating to the effect of back fat thickness on share of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue in the carcass were significant and highly significant (*P (lt) 0,05 and **P (lt) 0,01). Positive correlation of medium strength was established (0,66859) between back fat thickness and content of skin with subcutaneous fat tissue. Between the content of intermuscular fat tissue and back fat thickness a strong positive correlation was established (0,76648).U ovom radu je izvrÅ”eno komparativno ispitivanje ocene kvaliteta svinjskih trupova poreklom od Å”vedskog landrasa, ukupno 248 tovljenika podeljenih u četiri grupe u zavisnosti od debljine slanine na grebenu i leđima. Kvalitet trupova utvrđen je parcijalnom disekcijom levih polutki prema proceduri preporučenoj u EU. Na osnovu debljine slanine na grebenu i leđima ispitivan je kvalitet svinjskih polutki tj. njihov uticaj na udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva, kože sa potkožno masnim i intermuskularnim masnim tkivom. Dobijeni podaci pokazuju da ispoljena razlika u mesnatosti između grupa statistički nije značajna (P>0,05) ni u jednom slučaju. Međutim, testiranjem razlika relativnog prinosa kože sa potkožnim masnim tkivom u butu, udela intermuskularnog masnog tkiva u plećki, LSD i TRD utvrđena je signifikantnost na nivou 5%, kod tovljenika koji su imali deblju slaninu na grebenu. Uočene razlike uticaja debljine leđne slanine na učeŔće kože sa potkožnim masnim i intermuskularnim masnim tkivom u trupu su bile značajne i vrlo značajne (*P (lt) 0,05 i **P (lt) 0,01). Ustanovljena je pozitivna korelacija srednje jačine (0,66859) između debljine leđne slanine i sadržaja kože sa potkožno masnim tkivom. Između sadržaja intermuskularnog masnog tkiva i debljine leđne slanine nađena je pozitivna jaka korelacija (0,76648)

    Studija projekta 'proizvodnja junećeg mesa'

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    Realization of the programme of crossing of Domestic spotted cattle with meat cattle breeds in order to obtain cattle for export (live or as beef) has following production effects: - Intensifying of the fattening ability, - Improvement of the meat quality by crossing (crossbreds F1 generation), - Increased dressing percentage of the carcass, and - Realization of higher price (by10-15%) for 1 kg of body mass in export; - Reduced cost of feed per 1 kg of gain. Improvement of the quality of meat by application of this programme will be achieved in color, firmness, fineness of muscle fibers, marbling and flavor of meat. Majority of mentioned traits is significant in relation to quality as well as the price of 1 kg of meat for export. Dressing percentage of carcass of domestic spotted cattle is extremely low - 53-56%. With this programme higher by 3-4% dressing percentage will be achieved. Cattle obtained by crossing are expected to have an average dressing percentage of 59-60%. Economical efficiency of the production of beef depends on realized daily and total gain of body mass, dressing percentage, quality of meat and cost of feed per 1 kg of gain. Farmers are very interested in realizing high gain with lower costs of feed (conversion) per 1 kg of gain, whereas slaughterhouses and processing plants define their interest in high dressing percentage and quality of meat, as well as export orientation, since in this way they are able to increase the price of meat by 10-15% per 1 kg of carcass sides. Results of carried out researches are beef of high quality for domestic and foreign market. Complete results of mentioned researches will contribute to considerable increase of yield of beef, carcass sides, meat sections of the highest quality, meat in chunks packaged according to moder standards. Obtained results - products will be placed on the market, presented in specialized journals and on numerous scientific meetings and symposia