29 research outputs found

    Importance of Bernard Bolzano for Education

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    Práce Význam Bernarda Bolzana pro výchovu a vzdělávání seznámí čtenáře s osobností Bernarda Bolzana ve dvou rovinách. První nese roli spíše historicko-popisnou. Seznámí čtenáře s Bernardem Bolzanem a historickým kontextem jeho života a díla. Druhá se pak zaměřuje konkrétněji na Bolzanovu pedagogickou činnost. Jejím úkolem je jít více do hloubky a představit tak čtenáři Bolzanovu motivaci a filosofický podklad k volbě učitelského povolání, pojednat o jejích konkrétních podobách a ohlasech a v neposlední řadě také postavit Bernarda Bolzana do dialogu s pedagogikou dnešní. Dvěma rovinám odpovídají dvě kapitoly, na něž je práce rozdělena a které se vzájemně doplňují, v záměru poukázat na Bolzanův význam v oblasti pedagogiky. Práce by měla čtenáři ukázat, v čem tkví přínos Bolzanova pedagogického působení a nabídnout tak, především v rovině motivační, inspiraci pedagogice dnešní. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)The thesis Importance of Bernard Bolzano for education will give the reader opportunity to get to know Bernard Bolzano from two different spheres. The first takes the descriptive role and explain the historical context of Bolzano's life and work. The second one gives a closer look to Bolzano's pedagogical work. The task here is to go deeper into the subject and represent the Bolzano's motivation and philosophical background for choosing the teacher career, shows how his pedagogical work looks like in the practice and what heritage he left behind. Last but not least Bolzano will be put in to the dialogue with today's pedagogy. These two mentioned spheres are represneted by two chapters in the thesis, which supports each other in the one goal - to show the Bolzano's contribution to the pedagogical subject. The thesis should show to the reader in which particularly lie in this contribution and thus inspire today's pedagogy - especially in the motivational sphere. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)JabokJabokEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult

    Nanostructures for Achieving Selective Properties of a Thermophotovoltaic Emitter

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    This paper focuses on the research and development of a suitable method for creating a selective emitter for the visible and near-infrared region to be able to work optimally together with silicon photovoltaic cells in a thermophotovoltaic system. The aim was to develop a new method to create very fine structures beyond the conventional standard (nanostructures), which will increase the emissivity of the base material for it to match the needs of a selective emitter for the VIS and NIR region. Available methods were used to create the nanostructures, from which we eliminated all unsuitable methods; for the selected method, we established the optimal procedure and parameters for their creation. The development of the emitter nanostructures included the necessary substrate pretreatments, where great emphasis was placed on material purity and surface roughness. Tungsten was purposely chosen as the main material for the formation of the nanostructures; we verified the effect of the formed structure on the resulting emissivity. This work presents a new method for the formation of nanostructures, which are not commonly formed in such fineness; by this, it opens the way to new possibilities for achieving the desired selectivity of the thermophotovoltaic emitter

    Association of CD99 short and long forms with MHC class I, MHC class II and tetraspanin CD81 and recruitment into immunological synapses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CD99, a leukocyte surface glycoprotein, is broadly expressed in many cell types. On the cell surface, CD99 is expressed as two distinct isoforms, a long form and a short form. CD99 has been demonstrated to play a key role in several biological processes, including the regulation of T cell activation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which CD99 participates in such processes are unclear. As CD99 contains a short cytoplasmic tail, it is unlikely that CD99 itself takes part in its multi-functions. Association of CD99 with other membrane proteins has been suggested to be necessary for exerting its functions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we analyzed the association of CD99 with other cell surface molecules involved in T cell activation. We demonstrate the association of MHC class I, MHC class II and tetraspanin CD81 with CD99 molecules on the cell surface. Association of CD99 with its partners was observed for both isoforms. In addition, we determined that CD99 is a lipid raft-associated membrane protein and is recruited into the immunologic synapse during T cell activation. The implication of CD99 on T cell activation was investigated. Inhibition of anti-CD3 induced T cell proliferation by an anti-CD99 monoclonal antibody was observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We provide evidence that CD99 directly interact and form the complex with the MHC class I and II, and tetraspanin CD81, and is functionally linked to the formation of the immunologic synapse. Upon T cell activation, CD99 engagement can inhibit T cell proliferation. We speculate that the CD99-MHC-CD81 complex is a tetraspanin web that plays an important role in T cell activation.</p

    The integration of shadow projections in the teaching of C.G. Jung and its possible benefits for theological ethics of interpersonal relationships

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    In the first part, this thesis is examining the psychology of C. G. Jung, especially those parts, which are somehow connected to interpersonal relationships. That means foremostly the psychological projections and mechanisms, which are causing those projections. By those mechanisms, I mean the dynamics of consciousness - unconsciousness, the shadow and the cognitive functions. Besides those concepts and mechanisms, the thesis aims to explore the way which Jung ascribes to deal with those shadow projections - in favor of improving the interpersonal relationships. This deed lays mainly in the so-called individuation, with main focus on the shadow integration. The aim of the second part of this thesis is to reflect upon the C. G. Jung's psychology from the theological ethics point of view. The thesis is defining the criteria of goodness of the interpersonal relationship from the theological ethics standpoint. Then further uses those criteria to clarify the conditions under which could be maintained the dialogue and cooperation between theology and psychology and thus, under which conditions is theologically acceptable to utilize C. G. Jung's findings.Tato práce se v první části zabývá psychologií C. G. Junga, konkrétně pak tou oblastí jeho učení, která nějak souvisí s mezilidským vztahem. To znamená především psychologické projekce a mechanismy, které tyto projekce zapříčiňují. Mezi tyto mechanismy patří dynamika vědomí - nevědomí, stín a vědomé funkce. Vedle samotných pojmů a mechanismů, zkoumá také to, jakou cestu Jung navrhuje k práci se stínovými projekcemi, ve prospěch mezilidských vztahů. V zásadě jde o proces individuace, se zaměřením specificky k integraci stínu. Druhá část práce se pokouší o teologicko-etickou reflexi Jungovy psychologie v těchto kontextech. Vymezuje vlastní teologicko-etická kritéria pro dobrý vztah a snaží se zjistit, za jakých podmínek může teologie s psychologií C. G. Junga spolupracovat a vzájemně se obohacovat svými poznatky.Department of systematic Theology and PhilosophyKatedra systematické teologie a filosofieKatolická teologická fakultaCatholic Theological Facult

    Rent-Seeking Origins of Central Banks: The Case of the Federal Reserve System

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    The integration of shadow projections in the teaching of C.G. Jung and its possible benefits for theological ethics of interpersonal relationships

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    In the first part, this thesis is examining the psychology of C. G. Jung, especially those parts, which are somehow connected to interpersonal relationships. That means foremostly the psychological projections and mechanisms, which are causing those projections. By those mechanisms, I mean the dynamics of consciousness - unconsciousness, the shadow and the cognitive functions. Besides those concepts and mechanisms, the thesis aims to explore the way which Jung ascribes to deal with those shadow projections - in favor of improving the interpersonal relationships. This deed lays mainly in the so-called individuation, with main focus on the shadow integration. The aim of the second part of this thesis is to reflect upon the C. G. Jung's psychology from the theological ethics point of view. The thesis is defining the criteria of goodness of the interpersonal relationship from the theological ethics standpoint. Then further uses those criteria to clarify the conditions under which could be maintained the dialogue and cooperation between theology and psychology and thus, under which conditions is theologically acceptable to utilize C. G. Jung's findings

    The Agency Problem in New Institutional Economics

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    The aim of the paper is to set the agency problem into a broad context of New Institutional Economics with an emphasis on historical connections. In the first section, I explain the historical evolution of basic theoretical concepts like the theory of firm, the theory of market process and the theory of property rights. The second section is dedicated to the explanation of the general concept of agency problem extended with the problem of asymmetric information leading to adverse selection and the problem of moral hazard, in context of previous historical connections. In the last section, the author provides some suggestions for the further theoretical and empirical research.new institutional economics, Moral hazard, asymmetric information, Agency theory, adverse selection

    Why Is Corruption a Problem of the State?

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    Economic theories of the last decades provide analytical framework within which we can explain institutional conditions for corrupt action. Specialists making economic policy recommendations to resolve this problem use several approaches, the most dominant of which are rent seeking and agency theories. In this paper, I explain economic policy recommendations that stem out of both approaches. I argue that scholars suggesting these recommendations within these two frameworks do not understand each other because of different assumptions they make. More specifically, I show that two sets of policy recommendations presented here are based on the particular system of property rights assumed within each theory. In this example, I show why corruption is a problem of the state rather than the market.competition, corruption, agent, agency theory, bribery, contract, comparative analysis, principal, rent seeking

    Theory of entrepreneurial discovery

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    The aim of the paper is to introduce Kirzner's theory of entrepreneurial discovery as a complement and an alternative to the mainstream theory. In the first and the second sections, the author explains the main influences of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek's works on entrepreneurial theory. Section three analyzes pure entrepreneurial profit and logical construction of theory as a complement to mainstream theory. To introduce the entrepreneurial market process as an alternative to mainstream theory, the fourth section begins by explaining Kirzner's approach to the critique of the possibilities for economic calculation in the system of public ownership of the means of production and his theory of monopoly. The last section is a conclusion.knowledge, equilibrium, entrepreneur, discovery, Action, alertness, competition process