41 research outputs found

    The equation of State of Biogas

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    The presented work deals with a state behavior of real gas, biogas. Theoretical approach was utilized for processing of this work. Compressibility factor was calculated with help of two equation of state . Van der Waals equation and Redlich.Kwong equation. Constants a and b of both equations were calculated using geometric average of the constants of pure substances. On the basis of calculated data charts showing the dependence of compressibility factor and the pressure were created. These charts were created for temperatures 20 oC and 40 oC. Statistical analyses of data were carried out. The results showed that compressibility factor reached value from 0.997 to 0.97 (20 oC) and from 0.997 to 0.974 (40 oC) in the case Van der Waals equation and in the range of pressure from 100 kPa to 1000 kPa. In the case of Redlich-Kwong equation these values were from 0.997 to 0.967 (20 oC) and from 0.997 to 0.974 (40 oC) in the same range of pressures.O

    Library for Python used for dysarthric speech parameterization

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřená na parametrizaci dysartrické řeči. V rámci práce je věnována pozornost metodám analýzy řečového signálu u Parkinsonovy nemoci, moderním parametrizačním technikám, které mají za úkol kvantifikovat poškození motorických aspektů řeči, a implementaci vybraných parametrů v jazyce Python. Hlavním cílem této práce bylo vytvoření knihovny parametrů, která je realizována ve vývojovém prostředí PyCharm.Bachelor thesis is focused on parameterization of dysartoric speech. Attention is paid to methods of Speech Signal Analysis for Parkinson's disease, modern parametrization techniques, which are designed to quantify the damage of motoric aspects of speech and implementation of selected parameters in Python. The main goal of this work was to create a parameter library that is realized in the PyCharm development environment.

    The Multifunctional Apartment Building in the Low-Energy Standard

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je návrh třípodlažního polyfunkčního bytového domu. Základní funkce objektu bude doplněna v přízemí provozem veřejné prádelny a kavárny. V projektu je řešen návrh vnitřního vodovodu a kanalizace, včetně návrhu vodovodní a kanalizační přípojky. V objektu je řešen návrh cirkulace teplé vody, požárního vodovodu a využívání dešťových vod pro provoz prádelny a splachování hygienických zařízení. Součástí práce je také průkaz energetické náročnosti budovy a tepelně technické posouzení stavebních konstrukcí. Diplomová práce zahrnuje textovou část, přílohy a výkresovou dokumentaci.The subject of the diploma thesis is the design of three-storey multifunctional apartment building. The basic functions of the building will be added on the ground floor by the operation of a public laundry and a café. The design of the internal water supply and sewerage system is solved in the project. The design of hot water circulation, fire water supply and the use of rainwater for the operation of laundry and flushing of sanitary facilities. Part of the work is also proof of the energy performance of the building and the thermal technical assessment of the building structures. The diploma thesis includes text part, attachments and drawing documentation.229 - Katedra prostředí staveb a TZBvýborn

    Quantitative Risk Assessment of Biogas Plant – Determination of Assumptions and Estimation of Selected Top Event

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    Biogas plants are a specific facility from the QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment) methodologies' point of view, especially in the case of the determination of the event frequency of accident scenarios for biogas leakage from a gas holder and subsequent initiation. QRA methodologies determine event frequencies for different types of accident events related to vessels made of steel. Gas holders installed at biogas plants are predominantly made of other materials and are often integrated with the fermenter. It is therefore a specific type of gas holder, differing from that which is commonly used in the chemical industry. In addition, long-term experience is not available for the operation of biogas plants, unlike in the chemical industry. The event frequencies listed in the QRA methodologies are not relevant for the risk assessment of biogas plants. This work is focused on setting the prerequisites for QRA of biogas storage, including for example: information on hazardous chemical substances occurring at biogas plants, their classification, and information on the construction of integrated gas holders. For the purpose of the work, a scenario was applied where the greatest damage (to life or property) is expected. This scenario is the leakage of the total volume of hazardous gas substance from the gas holder and subsequent initiation. Based on this information, a "tree" was processed for "Fault Tree Analysis" (FTA), and frequencies were estimated for each event. Thereafter, an "Event Tree Analysis" was carried out. This work follows up on a discussion by experts on the determination of scenario frequencies for biogas plants that was conducted in the past

    Secure User Authentication Using Smart Cards

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    Tato práce se věnuje problematice čipových karet typu BasicCard a jejich analýzou z hlediska nabízených kryptografických funkcí a míry zabezpečení. Byla zde použita metoda eliptických křivek. Práce také obsahuje návrh autentizačního protokolu a jeho implementaci.This thesis deals with Basic Card problém and their analysis in terms of the offered features cryptographic security measures. Elliptic curve method was used in this thesis. The thesis contains design of authentication protocol and its implementation.

    Comparison of Sublimation 3D Scanning Sprays in Terms of Their Effect on the Resulting 3D Scan, Thickness, and Sublimation Time

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    This study compared eight sublimation scanning sprays in terms of their effect on 3D scanning results, coating thickness, and sublimation time. The work used an automated spraying system to ensure the same deposition conditions for all tested materials. All experiments were performed under the same environmental conditions to exclude the influence of the ambient environment on the coatings. All tested scanning sprays created coatings with thicknesses in the order of tens of micrometers that were detectable by the 3D scanner Atos III Triple Scan. The coatings must be applied carefully when accurate measurements are required. All used materials enabled the capture of the highly reflective surface of the Si-wafer. However, the differences between some sprays were significant. Sublimation time measurements showed that all coatings disappeared from the Si-wafer surface completely. Nevertheless, all coatings left visible traces on the mirror-like surface. They were easily wiped off with a cloth

    Preparation of ultra-low volume weight autoclaved aerated concrete

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    Autoclaved aerated concrete is a modern construction material that gains its popularity especially due to its thermal insulation performance resulting from low volume weight and porous structure with sufficient mechanical strength. Nowadays, there are attempts to use this material for thermal insulation purposes and to replace current systems, which have many disadvantages, mainly concerning durability. The key for improvement of thermal insulation properties is therefore obtaining a material based on autoclaved aerated concrete with extremely low volume weight (below 200 kgm-3) ensuring good thermal isolation properties, but with sufficient mechanical properties to allow easy manipulation. This material can be prepared by foaming very fine powder materials such as silica fume or very finely ground sand. This paper deals with the possibilities of preparation and summarizes the basic requirements for successful preparation of such a material

    Selective Laser Melting Strategy for Fabrication of Thin Struts Usable in Lattice Structures

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    This paper deals with the selective laser melting (SLM) processing strategy for strut-lattice structure production which uses only contour lines and allows the porosity and roughness level to be managed based on ombination of the input and linear energy parameters