807 research outputs found

    Analytic solutions for Dp branes in SFT

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    This is the follow-up of a previous paper [ArXiv:1105.5926], where we calculated the energy of an analytic lump solution in SFT, representing a D24-brane. Here we describe an analytic solution for a Dp-brane, for any p, and compute its energy.Comment: 14 page

    Marginal Deformations as Lower Dimensional D-brane Solutions in Open String Field theory

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    By direct calculation we showed that a finite analytic solution for marginal deformation of open string field theory, by a matter primary operator with singular OPE, can be obtained to all orders in the deformation parameter. In particular, we obtained solutions that describe lower dimensional D-branes and our results agree with the results obtained when the same problem is treated in the world-sheet conformal field theory language.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Abelian Gauge Invariance of the WZ-type Coupling in ABJM Theory

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    We construct the interaction terms between the worldvolume fields of multiple M2-branes and 3-form gauge field of 11-dimensional supergravity, in the context of ABJM theory. The obtained Wess-Zumino-type coupling is simultaneously invariant under the UL(N)Ă—_{\textrm{L}}(N)\timesUR(N)_{\textrm{R}}(N) non-Abelian gauge transformation of the ABJM theory and the Abelian gauge transformation of the 3-form field in 11-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 16 pages, minor corrections, published versio

    Holy Hills Role in Biodiversity Conservation and Mountain Management: Implication of Multi-Purpose Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church in Sustainable Mountain Conservation

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    Ethiopia is the country practiced Judaism before Christianity which is unique church in the continent of Africa and glob in holding judo-Christian sect. The church in her traditional believes that forests are shelters of the earth’s crust and provide enormous and beautiful scenery to the world. Most of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church and monasteries are built on hills, mountains and high places with densely forests and trees. This practice and tradition was comes from Eden, the place had all the best and choicest trees and plant, God a tender Father, provide not only for Adam’s needs, but also his pleasure. The church on the earth signifies the new heaven, the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down of God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, Adam. Therefore, gardening was the first kind of employment on record in which man was engaged. Though trees and plants produced the necessary flower and fruits by the will of God, dressing and keeping are necessary to maintain in their perfection. This is the under laying principle often considered and practiced by Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church in nature conservation. The review conducted through reviewing published journal articles, published books, published conference proceeding, Holy scriptures, Holy Bible, Holy Bible commentary, church scholars teaching and audio visual documents. The main objective of the paper is to explore past and present work on sacred grove role in general, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church in particular in mountain ecology management and biodiversity conservation. Accordingly, the review indicates that religious philosophy and practices are playing significant role on mountain management, biodiversity conservation and carbon emission reduction in the changing world. Therefore, incorporating this best practice in biodiversity management and mountain conservation policy formulation is win-win scenario. Keywords: Biodiversity conservation, Church forest, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahiodo church, Holly Hills, Sacred Groves, Mountain Conservatio

    Human dental wear on the Late Holocene population, Papua-Indonesia

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    This study aims to find out the wear pattern and the explanations behind tooth wear in the Late Holocene population in the lowland part of Papua. For this, 51 permanent teeth from five different archaeological sites were investigated to find out the wear patterns of these teeth. In this study, wear patterns in incisors, canines, and premolars were described using the medium-resolution microscope Novex Holland. In addition, the wear and mechanical processes on the occlusal molars during the chewing cycle were interpreted. The results show that types of wear such as attrition, abrasion, erosion, and fracture are present in the incisors, canines and premolars which may be caused by the different types of food consumption. The chewing cycle method presents the wear frequencies, which vary between the sites. The teeth from Yomokho, Srobu, and Mamorikotey showed a highest impact of wear in the buccal phase I that may cause by the tough types of food consumption that require a high’shearing’ process. While the teeth from Namatota and Karas sites present the highest wear in phases lingual I and II, which could be attributed to the abrasive and rougher type of food texture, the process involves power strokes of crushing and grinding

    Gravity from Entanglement and RG Flow in a Top-down Approach

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    The duality between a dd-dimensional conformal field theory with relevant deformation and a gravity theory on an asymptotically AdSd+1_{d+1} geometry, has become a suitable tool in the investigation of the emergence of gravity from quantum entanglement in field theory. Recently, we have tested the duality between the mass-deformed ABJM theory and asymptotically AdS4_4 gravity theory, which is obtained from the KK reduction of the 11-dimensional supergravity on the LLM geometry. In this paper, we extend the KK reduction procedure beyond the linear order and establish non-trivial KK maps between 4-dimensional fields and 11-dimensional fluctuations. We rely on this gauge/gravity duality to calculate the entanglement entropy by using the Ryu-Takayanagi holographic formula and the path integral method developed by Faulkner. We show that the entanglement entropies obtained using these two methods agree when the asymptotically AdS4_4 metric satisfies the linearized Einstein equation with nonvanishing energy-momentum tensor for two scalar fields. These scalar fields encode the information of the relevant deformation of the ABJM theory. This confirms that the asymptotic limit of LLM geometry is the emergent gravity of the quantum entanglement in the mass-deformed ABJM theory with a small mass parameter. We also comment on the issue of the relative entropy and the Fisher information in our setup.Comment: 42 pages, no figure, minor corrections, references adde
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