303 research outputs found

    Fate and Transport of Steroid Hormones in the Environment

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    This study reviews the current knowledge of the occurrence, fate and transport of 17ßestradiol and testosterone in the environment. Factors and processes that affect the mobility of these compounds in the environment are also highlighted. It appears that these hormones together with their metabolites may persist in soil or sediments for several months, and their mobility and behavior in the environment need to be well understood

    Early History of Written Oromo Language up to 1900

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    The purpose of this paper is to make known historical development of written Afaan Oromo to 1900. The study draws upon primary and  secondary sources. The primary data are drawn from oral and archival  sources. Books and articles in Afaan Oromo and in other languages about Afaan Oromo were consulted. Many of these sources are not only indicators of the status of written Oromo but also of situations that the Oromo  people have endured over decades and centuries. The paper reveals how the assimilation activity targets above all the language of the society to be assimilated and how Afaan Oromo had been able to survive such  assimilation policy of successive Ethiopian regimes. In addition, it puts an overview on how the missionaries, foreign travelers, religious personalities and some Ethiopians attempted to reduce Afaan Oromo into written  language. It gives an idea about the beginning of writing Afaan Oromo inthe early 17th century. The study also indicates the school founded in  those problematic periods to teach in Afaan Oromo and the translations of many books into Afaan Oromo

    Biophysical control of coffee quality : the case of southwestern Ethiopia

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    The specialty coffee market is constantly growing mainly due to an increased interest in taste and other quality attributes of high quality coffee. This growing demand for high quality coffee triggered coffee producing countries to produce specialty coffees for the top-end markets. In Ethiopia, using ‘total specialty cup scores’, top quality coffees are grouped into Q1 (specialty 1, score: ≥85) and Q2 (specialty 2, score: 80 - 80% is Q2 coffee. Further, this PhD also revealed that dry processing positively influences coffee quality and allows enhancing preliminary total quality, overall cup preference and aroma attributes. In addition, because of easy management, low production cost and sustainability, dry processing should be recommended over washing methods. Finally, a NIRS model predicting coffee cup quality from green bean NIR spectra was also successfully developed. The model is a promising tool for fast and accurate assessment (i.e. Q1 vs. Q2) of specialty coffee quality. All together this PhD identified important biophysical factors that control coffee bean quality along the coffee value chain, which opens introduction of concepts and methodologies enhancing coffee quality

    Effect of Service Delivery on Patient Satisfaction in Case of Nekemte Referral Hospital, East Wollega, Oromia Region of Ethiopia

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of public health service delivery on patient satisfaction in case of Nekemte Referral Hospital. This study has employed explanatory research design in order to estimate the cause effect relation of public health service delivery on patient satisfaction. Also it was designed to evaluate the relationship between public health service delivery and patient satisfaction. In order to meet the objective, the researcher has used stratified sampling techniques and 327 participants were selected. The five type Likert scale questionnaires was the main data gathering tool. The collected data have been analyzed using mean, standard deviation; correlation and multiple regression analysis. The R square result of the model has shown that all the explanatory variables have significantly explained patient satisfaction and from these explanatory variables the reliability was found to be the main predictor of patient satisfaction in the study area. The correlation coefficient finding has shown that the three explanatory variables (responsiveness, reliability and assurance) have strong and positive relation with patient satisfaction in the study area. As per the descriptive report finding patient satisfaction, responsiveness and empathy were recorded as less mean scoreless, which shows there was poor practices of responsiveness and empathy in the study area. Therefore, the employees of Nekemte Referral Hospital should improve their practices concerning responsiveness & empathy for better patient satisfaction by developing strategy & tactics to narrow their gap concerning responsiveness and empathy practices in the study area. Keywords: Assurance, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness and Patient Satisfaction DOI: 10.7176/IEL/11-2-02 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Problems of Realization of Humanitarian Aid in Borana Zone, Ethiopia

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    Disaster is a serious of the functioning community or a society. In response to disaster, Humanitarian Aid Agencies operates under challenging environment. Historically, Borana zone is among the area from the southern part of Ethiopia which is highly vulnerable to both natural and manmade disaster. The researcher aim to identify problem Humanitarian aid agencies faced during their operation. The researcher employed descriptive research design and purposive sampling technique. And data was collected from 139 respondents through questionnaire, FGD[1] and interview.  The finding revealed that; there are serious communication barriers, fund shortage and allocation problems, lack of physical infrastructure and facilities, lack of control and follow up among Humanitarian Aid Agencies and government bodies, lack of collaboration among humanitarian agencies, lack of coordination among government and None Governmental Organizations officials. And drought, disease and economic crises are the top three disasters that are being major cause for humanitarian aid. In general, based the findings the researcher recommended that HAAs[2], Government bodies and Pastoral communities should set solution for the issue at hand. Keywords: Disaster, Humanitarian Aid Agency, Disaster Relief logistics, Humanitarian Aid and Relief Supply. DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/81-01 Publication date:March 31st 2020 [1] FGD: Focus Group Discussion [2] HAA: Humanitarian Aid Agenc

    A Review on Responses of Potato to Macro and Micro Fertilizers Application

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    Potato was considered as food security crop in Ethiopia because of its high yielding potential, high nutritional quality, short growing period and wider adaptability. In area coverage, it is second widely grown crop next to ‘Enset’ (Ensete ventricosum L.). Its production is affected by many factors. Among these factors, optimum fertilizer application is the main factor degrading the productivity of the crop. Achieving optimum fertilizer application depends on the climate, soil, variety and availability of the water. This review was aimed to access all available fertilizer trials to point out the types of fertilizers soil is deficient in relation to potato crop response and needed additional application during production cycles for boosting yield. Almost all soil of arable lands of Ethiopia was deficient in nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and sulfur(S). In addition, a larger part of arable land was deficient in N, P, S, and boron (B). Some lands’ soils require addition of either of potassium or Zinc other time both. Potato is requiring both macro and micro elements for high yield and better quality product. It is concluded that, most reviewed sources indicate that there was less recommendation concerning micro and macro elements for potato in the country in relation to the variable ecology of the country owned. DOI: 10.7176/ALST/87-05 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Effect of Leadership Style Practices on Employee Motivation in Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Nekemte District

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of leadership style on employee motivation in Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Nekemte District. This study has employed explanatory research design in order to estimate the employee motivation from the three leadership style. It was designed to evaluate the extent of the three leadership style (autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire leadership) prediction about the employee motivation. The five point Likert scale questionnaires was used as the main data gathering tool. In order to meet the objective, the researcher was used simple random sampling techniques and data were collected from 197 participants. The collected data were analysed using mean, standard deviation; correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. The correlation coefficient finding has shown that the three explanatory variables (autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire leadership) have strong and positive relation with employee motivation in Commercial Bank. The R square result of the model has shown that, all the explanatory variables have significant effect on employee motivation and from these explanatory variables the democratic was find to be the main predictor of employee motivation in the Commercial Bank. Hereafter, it is beneficial, if the leaders and other stakeholder in the Commercial Bank are strongly recommended to exercise more democratic, leadership in this institution followed by laissez-faire and autocratic leadership in Commercial Bank. Keywords: Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez-faire and employee motivation DOI: 10.7176/IEL/11-3-01 Publication date:October 31st 2021

    A review on water and nitrogen use efficiency of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in relation to its yield and yield components

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    Best potato growing condition available in Ethiopia compared to African countries. Poor resource and crop management was found one of the major production and productivity limiting factors. This review was conducted to show the gap available in optimum nitrogen rate utilization, limitation of irrigation water utilization, nitrogen and water use efficiency consideration in agronomic work of the country. In Ethiopia the production of potato was showing increasing due to land used for production increased but the productivity showed slight increase. Optimizing resource use efficiency by better management of water and nutrients through temporal and spatial irrigation and fertilization strategies in crop production is now getting concern in the world to enhance the profit of farm and minimize the cost of production. It is useful to consider some efficiency indices, in order to optimize the scheduling of water and nitrogen application. Determining nitrogen rates and irrigation water amount that improve the use of both water and nitrogen, and increasing knowledge of efficient use of resource could minimize the possible N losses thereby minimizing cost and increasing production profit. In the process of optimization, crop type to be grown and variety have also a remarkable contribution. On the last the nitrogen rate, irrigation regime and use efficiency of nitrogen and water were interrelated to each other and should be considered to gather with the yield and yield component of the potato for sustainable production with sufficient benefit
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