57 research outputs found

    Analisis Resepsi Rasisme dalam Video Klip Lagu “This is America” terhadap Penonton Multi Etnis

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    Analysis of multi-ethnic audience reception of racism in the video clip of the song This is America. This study aims to determine how the audience's reception of racism in the video clip of the song This is America. In the video clip of the song This is America contains scenes that are full of violence. When the MV for this song was released, there were various reactions and controversies. By using qualitative research methods data obtained through interviews and observations. Then the data analysis technique is divided into three steps, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Based on the theory of encoding - decoding, the position of the audience is divided into three, dominant hegemonic, negotiating and opposition. The results of the study show various reactions and opinions from multi-ethnic audiences towards racism in the video clip of the song. With the opinion of each audience, it is concluded that their position is in a dominant and negotiating hegemonic position.Analisis resepsi penonton multi etnis terhadap rasisme dalam video klip lagu This is America. Rasisme menjadi permasalahan yang terjadi diseluruh dunia. Berbagai jenis rasisme dapat ditemukan dimana saja. Seperti pada video klip lagu This is America yang menggambarkan kondisi rasisme yang terjadi di Amerika. Dalam penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana resepsi penonton multietnis terhadap rasisme dalam video klip lagu This is America. Dalam video klip lagu This is America memuat adegan yang sarat akan kekerasan. Ketika video klip lagu ini rilis, terdapat beragam reaksi dan kontroversi. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif data didapatkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Kemudian pada teknik analisis data menjadi tiga langkah, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan teori encoding – decoding, posisi penonton terbagi menjadi tiga, hegemonik dominan, negosiasi dan oposisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beragam reaksi dan pendapat dari penonton multi etnis terhadap rasisme dalam video klip lagu. Dengan pendapat masing masing penonton, disimpulkan posisi mereka masuk dalam posisi hegemonik dominan dan negosiasi

    Veterans’ life experiences: A phenomenological study

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    Introduction: Many individuals who were involved in the war experienced sacrifice and injury. Veterans' unique experiences have been examined in very few studies. The aim of this study was to understand the experiences of veterans in order to describe their experiences and provide insight into this phenomenon. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in 2014 using a phenomenological research method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 11 veterans in Kermanshah, Iran. Data obtained from interviews were analyzed using van Manen’s method. Results: This phenomenon comprised 4 sub-themes of dedication and sacrifice, loss of health, motivation, and pride. Veterans adapted to the outcomes of their sacrifice through measures such as accepting their situation and gaining experience, trust in God and patience, social activities, helping and assisting others, especially veterans, making their living environement suitable, personal activities, sports and recreational activities. Conclusion: The results provided a deep understanding of veterans’ perceptions, weaknesses, defects, and physical and mental challenges. Keywords: Veterans, Qualitative research, Phenomenology, van Manen’s metho

    Development of Medical Institutions in the First Era of the Ottoman Empire from the Establishment to the End of the Great Soleyman Era (679-974 AH / 1280-1566)

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    زمینه و هدف: ردیابی اقدامات دولتمردان عثمانی در دوره اول امپراطوری در ایجاد نهادهای پزشکی متناسب با توسعه قلمرو و علت عدم کامیابی آنان در این مسیر، مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است. مواد و روش‌ها: این پژوهش در حوزه مطالعات تاریخ پزشکی است و از منابع كتابخانه‌ای و فهرست‌واره‌ها و اسناد و كتب خطی استفاده شده و ملاحظات اخلاقی در نقل از منابع رعایت شده است. یافته‌ها: ردیابی مسیر تلاش دولتمردان عثمانی در ایجاد نهادهای پزشکی متناسب با امپراطوری و علت عدم کامیابی آنان در این مسیر. تشكیل دولت عثمانی و گسترش آن از قدرتی قبیل‌های به دولت و سپس به امپراطوری، ایجاد نهاد‌های گوناگون متناسب با این گسترش، ضرورت پیدا كرد. عثمانی‌ها برای ایجاد این نهادها، به اقتباس‌نمودن از الگو‌های پیشین از جمله سازمان‌های خلافت اسلامی و سلجوقی و بیزانس و ایران باستان اقدام نمودند. یكی از این نهادها كه از الگو‌های اسلامی اقتباس شد، نهاد پزشكی بود. با جذب پزشكان ایرانی و اسلامی و استفاده از تجربیات علمی و عملی آن‌ها، شروع به ایجاد مراكز درمانی و مدارس پزشكی کردند. جهت تدریس، اقدام به ترجمه و اقتباس از متون پزشكی و عمدتاً از منابع عربی کردند. از جمله كتاب‌های ترجمه‌شده، کتاب «التصریف لمن عجز عن تألیف» نوشته ابوالقاسم زهراوی از پزشكان قرن چهارم قمری در اندلس بود که شرف‌الدین صابونچی اوغلو، آن را ترجمه نمود. مقاله به توصیف این روند و عوامل ناكامی عثمانی‌ها در ادامه این مسیر و دستیابی به تحولی بنیادین در حوزه پزشكی در عصر اول امپراطوری اختصاص دارد. نتیجه‌گیری: عوامل گوناگونی از جمله نبود ظرفیت‌های لازم مانند عدم داشتن پشتوانه مذهبی، برخلاف زبان عربی که زبان قرآن و احادیث بود و همچنین عدم گسترش زبان عثمانی متناسب با گسترش قلمرو و انحصار آن تنها به منطقه آناتولی و آغاز عصر رنسانس و تحولات فکری و فرهنگی در غرب از جمله مهم‌ترین عوامل ناکامی عثمانی‌ها در این روند بوده است.Background and Aim: We traced the actions of Ottoman rulers during the first empire period in the establishment of medical institutions in accordance with the development of the territory and the reason for their failure to succeed in this course. Materials and Methods: This research, which is in the field of medical history studies, was performed using library resources, catalogs, documents and handwritten books. Ethical considerations were observed in the citations. Findings: We traced the course of the Ottoman government's efforts to establish medical institutions proportionate to the empire and the reason for their failure to succeed in this path. The formation of the Ottoman state and its extension from a tribal power to a state and then to an empire necessitated the establishment of various institutions appropriate to this expansion. To create these institutions, the Ottomans adopted former patterns of Islamic Caliphate, Seljuq, Byzantine and Ancient Iran. One of the institutions adopted from Islamic models was a medical institution. By attracting Iranian and Islamic physicians and using their scientific and practical experience, they began to establish medical centers and medical schools. For teaching, they translated and adopted medical textbooks, mainly from Arabic sources. Among the translated books was the book "Al-Tasrif Lehman Ajz-e Aslif" written by Abolqasem Zahravi of the 4th century AH in Andalusia, which was translated by Sharafuddin Sabounchi Oghlu. The article describes this process and the factors leading to the failure of Ottomans to achieve a fundamental transformation in the field of medicine in the first era of the empire. Conclusion: Various factors could account for the failure of Ottomans in establishing medical institutions, such as the lack of necessary capacities such as lack of religious support, in spite of the Arabic language, which was the language of the Qur'an and hadiths, as well as the lack expansion of the Ottoman language in proportion with the expansion of its territory and its exclusiveness only to the Anatolian region. In addition, the beginning of the Renaissance era and the intellectual and cultural developments in the West were among the most important factors in the failure of the Ottomans in this process.   Please cite this article as: Rajabnejad MR, Tajmiari B, Tolabi M. Development of Medical Institutions in the First Era of the Ottoman Empire from the Establishment to the End of the Great Soleyman Era (679-974 AH/ 1280-1566). Med Hist J 2017; 9(31): 7-22

    A critical review on polydopamine surface-modified scaffolds in musculoskeletal regeneration

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    Increasing concern about age-related diseases, particularly musculoskeletal injuries and orthopedic conditions, highlights the need for strategies such as tissue engineering to address them. Surface modification has been developed to create pro-healing interfaces, personalize scaffolds and provide novel medicines. Polydopamine, a mussel-inspired adhesive polymer with highly reactive functional groups that adhere to nearly all substrates, has gained attention in surface modification strategies for biomaterials. Polydopamine was primarily developed to modify surfaces, but its effectiveness has opened up promising approaches for further applications in bioengineering as carriers and nanoparticles. This review focuses on the recent discoveries of the role of polydopamine as a surface coating material, with focus on the properties that make it suitable for tackling musculoskeletal disorders. We report the evolution of using it in research, and discuss papers involving the progress of this field. The current research on the role of polydopamine in bone, cartilage, muscle, nerve, and tendon regeneration is discussed, thus giving comprehensive overview about the function of polydopamine both in-vitro and in-vivo. Finally, the report concludes presenting the critical challenges that must be addressed for the clinical translation of this biomaterial while exploring future perspectives and research opportunities in this area

    The Intervening Role of Tourists’ Perception in the Effect of Word of Mouth Advertisement on the Intention to Visit Religious Tourism Destinations (Case Study: Mashhad)

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    Objective Successful development of tourism in many tourism destinations around the world depends on how to manage tourists’ perceptions by marketing managers and tourism planners. Thus, any information source about the tourists is of high importance that can be used to affect their beliefs towards the religious destinations. Therefore, it is important to identify the formation of such perceptions of a destination and the affecting factors, esficifically word of mouth (WOM) advertisement, in order to develop religious tourism industry and plan for appropriate related marketing. The aim of this study is to identify whether tourists’ perception of religious destinations can play an intervening role in the effect of WOM advertisement on tourists intention for a destination.   Methodology The present study is practical in nature and is considered a descriptive-exploratory research. The statistical population includes the residents of Ilam and KhoramAbad cities. The sample size was determined based on Krejcie and Morgan’s range of participants. So a sample of 450 available residents was selected. Descriptive and inferential data analyses were conducted. Then, factor analysis was run and structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses.   Findings The findings showed that WOM advertisement had a positive effect on tourists’ mental image of reigous destination which is in line with the effect of religious leaders’ WOM advertisement on tourists’ perception i.e. WOM helps create an image of more abstract and intangible characteristics of a destination such as the atmosphere or the friendliness of people for tourists. WOM was proved effective on tourists’ awareness of the religious destinations. In fact, face-to-face interactions, WOM advertisement builds a database for tourists and affects his/her beliefs about the characteristics of the tourism destinations. It was also shown that WOM can help visualize the religious destination in the mind of the tourists. The more the desirable information about the destination, it makes it easier and quick for tourists to choose that destination among other tourism options. WOM was also influential on tourists’ intention of visiting a religious destination. In addition, the mental image of the religious destination affects tourists’ intention of such trips. If tourists have a more psychologically desirable perception of the destination in mind and if they are more informed about the intangible (the quality of hotels or restaurants and hospitality of the people) and tangible (transfer, the quantity of hotels and restaurants) features of a destination, they would have a more desirable image of the destination in mind.   Conclusion Positive beliefs and excitements in the minds of tourists can result in the selection of that destination by the tourist. Moreover, awareness of a religious tourism destination affects the tourists’ intention of travel. This can prove the positive relationship between brand awareness and the purchasing intention of the customers which means the more desirable the awareness of the destination, the easier for tourists to give priority to that destination. Finally, the mental image of a religious destination affects the intention of travel to that destination which is in line with the fact that there is a significantly positive relationship between brand image and customers’ purchasing intention

    Novel Hybrid Fuzzy-Intelligent Water Drops Approach for Optimal Feeder Multi Objective Reconfiguration by Considering Multiple-Distributed Generation

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    This paper presents a new hybrid method for optimal multi-objective reconfiguration in a distribution feeder in addition to determining the optimal size and location of multiple-Distributed Generation (DG). The purposes of this research are mitigation of losses, improving the voltage profile and equalizing the feeder load balancing in distribution systems. To reduce the search space, the improved analytical method has been employed to select the optimum candidate locations for multiple-DGs, and the intelligent water drops approach as a novel swarm intelligence based algorithm is used to simultaneously reconfigure and identify the optimal capacity for installation of DG units in the distribution network. In order to facilitate the algorithm for multi-objective search ability, the optimization problem is formulated for minimizing fuzzy performance indices. The proposed method is validated using the Tai-Power 11.4-kV distribution system as a real distribution network. The obtained results proved that this combined technique is more accurate and has the lowest fitness value as compared with other intelligent search algorithms. Also, the obtained results leadto the conclusion that multi-objective simultaneous placement of DGs along with reconfiguration can be more beneficial than separate single-objective optimization

    A SAIWD-Based Approach for Simultaneous Reconfiguration and Optimal Siting and Sizing of Wind Turbines and DVR units in Distribution Systems

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    In this paper, a combination of simulated annealing (SA) and intelligent water drops (IWD) algorithm is used to solve the nonlinear/complex problem of simultaneous reconfiguration with optimal allocation (size and location) of wind turbine (WT) as a distributed generation (DG) and dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) as a distributed flexible AC transmission systems (DFACT) unit in a distribution system. The objectives of this research are to minimize active power loss, minimize operational cost, improve voltage stability, and increase the load balancing of the system. For evaluation purposes, the proposed algorithm is evaluated using the Tai-Power 11.4-kV real distribution network. The impacts of the optimal placement of the WT, DVR, and WT with DVR units are separately evaluated. The results are compared in terms of statistical indicators. By comparing all the testing scenarios, it is observed that the multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithm is more beneficial than its single-objective optimization counterpart. Also, the obtained results show that the proposed SAIWD method outperforms the IWD method and other intelligent search algorithms such as genetic algorithm or particle swarm optimization

    Effect of zinc sulphate fertilizer rate on the breakage susceptibility of three wheat varieties

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    Mechanical damage of seeds due to harvest, handling and other process is an important factor that affects the quality and quaintly of seeds. Seed damage results in lower grain value, storability problem, and reduces seed germination and seedling vigor and subsequent yield of crops. The objectives were to determine the effect of different levels of zinc sulphate fertilization on the breakage susceptibility of three irrigated wheat varieties (Bahar, Shiraz and Pyshtaz). An experiment was conduct at the Experimental research station of Lorestan University, Iran. A factorial experiment was conducted with three replicates in a completely randomized block design (CRBD). Factors included three levels of zinc sulphate. Zinc sulphate treatments were combinations of three fertilization rates (0 - control, 25 and 50 kg/ha) at three replicates. The harvested seeds were subjected to impact energies of 0.05 and 0.1 J at constant moisture contents of 9.8, 15 and 20% using an impact test apparatus. The analysis of variance showed that wheat variety, fertilization level of zinc sulphate and moisture content significantly influenced breakage susceptibility of wheat seeds at the 1% probability level. Resistance to the breakage of wheat seeds for all varieties increased, as polynomial functions, with increase in the zinc sulphate rate. The average values of percentage breakage of seeds decreased from 37.07 to 27.80% as the fertilization level of zinc sulphate increased from 0 to 50 kg/ha. Bahar variety exhibited the highest resistance to breakage than other varieties. As the moisture content increased from 9.8 to 20% the percentage breakage of seeds decreased from 36.58 to 30.03%. Increasing the impact energy from 0.05 to 0.1 J caused an increase in the percentage breakage of seeds from 16.19 to 50.47%

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengiriman Kargo Untuk Perusahaan Ekspedisi Antar Pulau (Studi Kasus Pt Abadi Mitra Andhika)

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    PT Abadi Mitra Andhika (AMA) adalah perusahaan ekspedisi antar pulau yang didirikan pada tahun 1997. Kondisi saat ini informasi pengiriman kargo mulai dari penerimaan barang dari pengirim dan penyerahan barang dilakukan dengan manual. Pengirim datang langsung ke PT Abadi Mitra Andika untuk mengantar barang yang kemudian akan diterima dan dicatat oleh oleh Sales menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Apabila pelanggan menanyakan status posisi barang, Sales akan menghubungi pihak Operational dan Vendor dooring. Dari hal tersebut terjadi keterlambatan dalam proses tracking informasi dan operasional sehingga untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, diperlukan sistem informasi pengiriman kargo ekspedisi antar pulau. Untuk membangun sistem sistem informasi pengiriman kargo ekspedisi antar pulau yang baik diperlukan analisis dan perancangan sistem. Analisis dan perancangan sistem menggunakan pedekatan OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) dan digambarkan menggunakan UML (Unifed Modeling Language). Penelitian ini menghasilkan pemodelan proses bisnis saat ini dan proses bisnis usulan, analisis persyaratan sistem, perancangan sistem dan evaluasi dilakukan dengan tinjauan proses bisnis, skenario use case, useability antarmuka menggunakan WEBUSE (Website Usability Evaluation) dan matriks kerunutan. Hasil evaluasi dari proses tinjauan dan matriks kerunutan didapatkan hasil bahwa alur pengguna sudah sesuai dengan alur pada spesifikasi use case dan semua persyaratan memiliki kode unik yang dapat dilacak kedalam fitu

    Examining the Effect of Information Resources on Tourism Destination Image The Case Study: Khorramabad Province

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    Researchers believe that information resources have a significant influence on tourism destination image. Accordingly, this research attempts to investigate the influence of information resources on destination image and as a result, travel intention. Data was collected through a questionnaire and was analyzed by structural equation modeling using SPSS 22 and AMOS 18. The statistical population includes all the internal tourists who visited Khorramabad Province during the period of research. A sample of 221 tourists was selected by convenience sampling approach. Reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha. According to structural analysis, it is determined that information resources of tourists have a significant influence on their cognitive-emotional image. Further, the cognitive image was effective on emotional image. In addition, cognitive-emotional image has significant influence on overall image. Finally, overall image had significant effect on travel intention of tourists