16 research outputs found

    Building public–private partnerships for agricultural innovation in Latin America: Lessons from capacity strengthening

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    "The International Service for National Agricultural Research�on its own from 2002 until 2003, and as a division of the International Food Policy Research Institute thereafter has studied 124 public–private partnerships in agriculture in nine Latin American countries through its initiative on public–private partnerships for Agro-Industrial Research in Latin America...This paper examines...seven cases of public–private partnership building in which private- sector companies, producer associations, and research organizations engage in collaboration for the purpose of developing innovations in agricultural production and value chains. The paper considers different points of entry to partnership building, emulating best practices. The paper describes (a) how common interests among multiple stakeholders have been identified; (b) how partners have been motivated to participate in partnerships; (c) how the roles of different brokers within or outside the partnerships have fostered partnership development; and (d) how the contributions of partners have been negotiated to ensure that partnership arrangements are in alignment with the interests of the partners, their capacities, and the prevailing technological and market opportunities. The paper targets policymakers and administrators in agricultural development, and collaborators in research and innovation projects who are interested in issues of how best to build partnerships among public and private agents." from Authors' AbstractPublic-private partnerships, Agricultural innovations, Capacity strengthening, Agricultural research,

    Diseño de métodos de control operativo integral, para el personal autorizado para conducir la flota vehicular, que permita disminuir la accidentabilidad, ocasionada por riesgos laborales, en los centros de trabajo de la Unidad de Negocio Hidropaute, año 2015.

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    Este documento contiene archivo en PDF.Se procedió a identificar los factores de riesgo laborales, a los que están expuestos el personal de los diferentes centros de trabajo de la Unidad de Negocio Hidropaute, que conduce los vehículos de la institución, mediante la aplicación de metodologías de acuerdo a los riesgos encontrados, como Método General de Estimación del Riesgo para la identificación de riesgos en general, Método FINE, Wilian T (valoración de Riesgos Mecánicos), Método HAZOP (valoración de Riesgos operacionales), Método OWAS, REBA y RULA (valoración de Riesgos Ergonómicos), Método NFPA para el cálculo de carga, y Metodología MESERI (Riesgo de Incendio), y para los riesgos Físicos de Ruido, se aplicaron mediciones con equipos fabricados para este fin. Luego de realizar un análisis de los resultados de las mediciones, obtenidos por cada factor de riesgo identificado, se presentó una propuesta de solución, mediante la elaboración y aplicación de Métodos de Control Operativo Integral y Estándares, que nos ayudaran a disminuir el número de accidentes laborales de tránsito y su grado de incidencia durante la conducción de las unidades de la flota vehicular de la Unidad de Negocio Hidropaute.This work proceeds to identify occupational risk factors, to which workers are exposed in different workplaces in the Hidropaute business department, which is the leading institution vehicles by applying methodologies according to the risks found, as General Method of Risk Estimation to identifying risks in general, FINE Method Wilian T (Mechanical Risk assessment), HAZOP Method (operational risk assessment), REBA and RULA OWAS Method (assessment of ergonomic hazards), NFPA Method for calculating load and Methodology MESERI (fire risk), and for the physical risks noise measurements were applied with equipment manufactured for this purpose. After conducting an analysis of the measurement results obtained for each identified risk factor, a proposal was presented, through the development and implementation of Integrated Operations, Control Methods and Standards, which will help us to reduce the number of labor traffic accidents and the degree of incidence of the units of vehicles of the Hidropaute business department during operation

    Building public-private partnerships for agricultural innovation:

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    Public-private partnerships are a new way of carrying out research and development (R&D) in Latin America's agricultural sector. These partnerships spur innovation for agricultural development and have various advantages over other institutional arrangements fostering R&D. This report summarizes the experiences of a research project that analyzed 125 public-private research partnerships (PPPs) in 12 Latin American countries. The analysis indicates that several types of partnerships have emerged in response to the various needs of the different partners. Nevertheless, public-private partnerships are not always the most appropriate mechanism by which to carry out R&D and foster innovation in agriculture. Sometimes, it is more efficient to organize research via participatory projects or through research contracts.Public-private partnerships, Agricultural innovations, Capacity strengthening, Agricultural research,

    Implementación del sistema de gestión en seguridad y salud ocupacional bajo la nueva versión de la norma OHSAS 18001: 2007 en la Corporación Eléctrica de Ecuador Celec-Hdropaute

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    La implementación del Sistema de Gestión en Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (SGS&SO) por parte de la Corporación Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC-Hidropaute viene a formar parte de la estrategia de evaluación de riesgos para hacer frente a una legislación cambiante y proteger a su equipo humano. El SGS&SO encaminó a impulsar un entorno laboral seguro y saludable al proporcionar una estructura que permite a la empresa a identificar y controlar los riesgos para la seguridad y la salud ocupacional, reduciendo la posibilidad de accidentes y ayudando a mejorar el rendimiento general. Las normas OHSAS 18001 es la especificación de evaluación sobre sistemas de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional de mayor reconocimiento internacional, desarrollado por un conjunto de importantes organizaciones comerciales y de certificación para cubrir un nicho en lo que a estándares internacionales se refiere. La implementación del sistema de Gestión bajo las normas OHSAS 18001 nos ha ayudado a cubrir las siguientes áreas básicasMagíster en Gestión Ambiental para Industrias de Producción y ServiciosCuenc

    Building Public–Private Partnerships for Agricultural Innovation in Latin America Lessons from Capacity Strengthening

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    15 agricultural research centers that receive principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of which are members of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. IFPRI Discussion Paper 0069

    Public–private partnerships for agricultural innovation: concepts and experiences from 124 cases in Latin America

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    Public–private partnerships that aim at the development of innovations have gained increasing attention from governments, public research and private companies, because they enable partners to draw from complementary resources and profit from synergy and joint learning. This article develops arguments for when partnerships should form and compares them with experiences in real partnership cases in Latin America. Theoretically, partnerships make sense when no partner can do it alone, when partners gain more than they invest, when there is synergy and when the gains are proportionally distributed. Empirical evidence in Latin America shows that partnerships in agricultural innovation often form without clear perceptions of the costs involved and benefits to be obtained. To make public–private partnerships more viable, both parties should practice coherent planning of how to attain the common objective. However, private partners are usually satisfied with partnerships as the investment is low, in-kind, or can be tax-exempted.agriculture; agricultural innovation; Latin America; public–private partnerships; public research.