14 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Upah Kerja Terhadap Motivasi Tenaga Kerja: (Studi Kasus PT. Satria Bahari Utama Ende)

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    The results showed that: (1) Wages are on holiday on the motivation of workers unloading the goods at PT. Satria main Bahari Ende No effect is shown by the multiple linear regression equation b1 F_ (count) greater than 3.145 of F_ (table) 3.20; (2) The provision of wages on a normal day on the motivation of workers unloading the goods at PT. Satria main Bahari Ende have no effect this is indicated by multiple linear regression equation b2 F_ (count) is smaller -.0,317 of F_ (table) 3.20; (3) The results of data analysis showed that there was no effect of the wage system of work motivation (Y) which is indicated by the test of significance ? = 0.5% and 0.1% with degrees of freedom (df) = 46 obtained F_tabel> F_hitung> F_ ( table) = shown in figure 3.20> -12.66> 5.10. To maintain the existing wage system, PT. Satria main nautical should maintain the existing remuneration and motivation necessary to further improve their bonuses in the form of THR in accordance with the ability of the company

    Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian Sebagai Basis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pedesaan : (Kajian Kepustakaan)

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    Ende has enormous agricultural potential views of the undertaking in the agricultural sector. This article would reveal the agricultural sector sustain rural economic growth base. In promoting development, local government menentapkan strategy for improving the quality of human resources, through formal and informal education, which is a development policy with the aim of expanding employment opportunities for the people to be tried either in agriculture, industry and engaged in the services sector. When everything is moving forward at a rapid pace, it will be followed by an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and economic growth in the region will be better. This potential allows Ende can boost development in agriculture. From the data (GDP) found that: the undertaking (1) Plant material feeding, (2) Plant & Farming, (3) Ranch (4) Forestry (5) Fisheries, in Ende is still dominated by plants to eat from the year 2013 by 12,45, the year 2014 amounted to 12.16 and 2015 amounted to 11.94 of the most prominent businesses that eat plants

    Analisis Kinerja Kepala Desa Dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa : Studi Kasus Desa Nduaria Kecamatan Kelimutu Kabupaten Ende Propinsi NTT

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    This study aims to determine the work performance of the Village Head and the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in the development of village infrastructure. The data collection process in this study used interview, observation and documentation techniques as field evidence. The research took place in Nduaria Village, Kelimutu District, Ende Regency. Based on field data, it was found that 8 village infrastructure development programs that were realized reached 100 percent completion and 6 work programs had not been realized due to lack of funds and waiting for the next stage of village fund disbursement. This factor is an obstacle to the infrastructure development process in Nduaria Village

    Analisis Produksi Pertanian Kakao Di Kecamatan Nangapanda Kabupaten Ende

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    This study aims to indentify input factors influence toward cocoa agricultural productivity and cocoa farmer income at Nagapanda district in Ende Regency. This research hoped useful for the Ende Regency to evaluate policies so capable to increasing cocoa agriculture. This study uses primary data which is obtained bydistrbuting a quetioner to 100 samples in order to define the input defference of the field area, worker seed, tools, chemical, and fertilizer used to obtain cocoa agricultural productivity increment. Sample taking method use simple non probability sampling that is proposive sampling. Proposive sampling is taking sample from population based on certain criteria. The used criteria can be based on certain judgement. The used analysis tool is double analyses regretion, statical test, econometric test, and measuring the cocoa farmer production differences. Statistic test showed that field area factors, workers, tools, chemical, and fertilizer give significant influence to cocoa agricultural productivity at Nangapanda distric while seed factors give less signifcant influence (?=0,415); there are cocoa agriculture prpoductivity diference between zozozea villagen and rapowawo village where zozozea village is more productive ( t = 2,557, p = 0,006). Statiscaly, there is a siginificant  diffrence cocoa farmers level in zozozea 98,405 kg and Rapowawo village 69.021 kg. &nbsp

    Upaya Pemberian Kredit Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Usaha Mikro Kecil : (Studi Kasus Koperasi Kredit Simpan Pinjam Gaharu Ende)

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    This research aim to know: how credit increase the micro business on Ende Gaharu Union. This research use descriptive statistic as its method, The result tells that there are 40 research instruments–which consist of 20 (x) questions of variable and 20 (y) questions of variable—that shows an impact of credit given on the increasing of micro business income on Gaharu Ende Credit Union as 88,9%. The impact of credit given on the increasing of micro business is positive. This is depicted through the impact of credit given on the increasing of micro business income as 88,9% and 11,1% careless factors. The testing of the effort on giving credit on micro business has touched a good phase on prospering the micro business in Ende. Thus, creditors have to pay their credit punctually for the continuity of micro business. Besides, the union members need to save as well in order to increase the prosperity

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Anggaran Dana Desa: (Studi Kasus Desa Borokanda Kecamatan Ende Utara Kabupaten Ende Propinsi NTT)

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    This research aims to know 1) the implementation of rural budgetary funds and 2) the effectiveness of the management of Borokonda’s rural fund in 2016 and 2018. The proponent factor on managing this rural fund is the high participation in managing and implementing the rural funds. Based on the effectiveness ratio, the management of rural funds in Borokonda from 2016 to 2018 is highly effective, with 99,98% stage of effectiveness. This is based on effectiveness ratio. This data is show as well that not every stage of effectiveness will be on 100% because there will always be a target which doesn’t realized optimally and it is also found that the rural fund which received by the government of Borokanda from 2016 to 2018 fluctuated, in which the received amount of rupiahs tends to change. Thus, the implementation of managing rural budgetary fund can be concluded as highly effective because it is consistent with the extent of society, appropriate, and effective as well

    Pengaruh Pendapatan Petani Terhadap Biaya Pendidikan Anak Usia Sekolah Kecamatan Nangaroro Kabupaten Nagekeo

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    This study aims to determine: Income of farmers, and Effect of income level of farmers to the education of children in the village Ulupulu Nangaroro district in Nagekeo Regency. The approach used is a quantitative approach. The independent variables in this study were farmers' income (x) and the dependent variable is education (y). The samples are 50 farmers in the village Ulupulu Nangaroro district in Nagekeo Regency. The analysis showed that the average income of the parents of more than 2.000.000 million Rupiah. Income parents heve a value of correlation rxy = 0,3887, it indicates there is an influence of income on the level of education of children. &nbsp

    Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Mahasiswa Universitas Flores Dalam Memilih Lokasi Tempat Tinggal Kos : (Studi Kasus Kelurahan Paupire Kecamatan Ende Tengah, Kabupaten Ende)

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    Research results show that; (1) the influence of the environment on the interest of students of Flores University in choosing a place to live in boarding house can be seen that the value of t arithmetic on the environment variable is equal to 1.761 with a significance level of 0.004. Because the value of t count is greater than t table, namely (1.761)> (1.673) and its significance value (0.004) <(0.05) then it is said to be valid and fulfilling the requirements; (2) the effect of the price on the interest of Flores University students in choosing a boarding house location can be seen that the value of t count is greater than t table (2.317)> (1.673) and the significance value (0.022) <(0.05) is said to be valid and qualify; (3) the influence of facilities on the interest of Flores University students in choosing a boarding house location can be seen that the calculated value is greater than t table (1,691)> (1,673) and the significance value (0,007) <(0,05) is said to be valid and qualify; (4) the influence of decisions on the interest of Flores University students in choosing a place to live in boarding house can be seen that the value of t count is greater than t table (1.797)> (1.673) and its significance value (0.008) <(0.05)


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    ABSTRAKIndonesia kerap menghadapi berbagai macam bencana yang datang silih berganti. Gempa bumi, tsunami, banjir, longsor, gunung meletus dan Kebakaraan kerap terjadi di Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kondisi geografis Indonesia khususnya propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Kabupaten Ende yang sangat rawan bencana. Potensi bencana di Kabupaten Ende sangat besar karena kondisi geografis, geologis, hidrologis, dan demografis yang sangat berperan dalam terjadinya bencana. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana partisipasi kepedulian Mahasiswa program mata kuliah Pramuka Prodi PGSD Universitas Flores terhadap korban bencana alam kebakaran rumah adat di desa Ngelaa .Hasil kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa bagaimana perhatian dan kepedualian mahasiswa untuk membantu sesama umat manusia yang terkenah musibah bencana Alam Kebakaran Rumah Adat di Desa Ngella, Masyarakat juga  mendapatkan Santun untuk keperluan mereka yang mengalami musibah,karena kepedulian Mahasiswa inisiatif untuk mengalang dana untuk mengurangi beban yang di alami masyarakat Rumah adat Desa Nggela. Kata Kunci : penyaluran bantuan; keterpenuhan korban bencana ABSTRACTIndonesia often faces various kinds of disasters that come and go. Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions and fires often occur in Indonesia. This is due to the geographical condition of Indonesia, especially the province of East Nusa Tenggara, Ende Regency which is very prone to disasters. The potential for disaster in Ende Regency is very large because of the geographical, geological, hydrological and demographic conditions that play a big role in the occurrence of disasters. The purpose of this activity is how the participation of students in the Scout program of the PGSD Study Program at the University of Flores towards victims of natural disasters from the fire of a traditional house in Ngelaa village. The results of community service activities show that the attention and concern of students to help fellow human beings who are hit by natural disasters Fire of the Traditional House in Ngella Village, the community also gets Santun for the needs of those who experience disaster, because of the student's concern for the initiative to raise funds to reduce the burden experienced by the community of the Nggela Village traditional house. Keywords: distribution of aid; disaster victim fulfillmen

    Lingkungan Sosial dan Perilaku Konsumsi Moke Pada Remaja di Kelurahan Madawat

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the social environment on alcohol consumption behavior (moke) in adolescent boys in the Madawat Village. This study uses quantitative methods with questionnaire data collection techniques (questionnaires) and documentation where the questionnaires are distributed to male adolescent respondents aged 11-22 years and documented in the form of photos in the field. From the results of the study, it is known that the social environment has a significant influence on the consumption behavior of moke in adolescents, especially boys. These results state that the social environment is one of the factors that can influence a person and even a group to be able to take an action as well as changes from each individual. Where the constant value for the regression equation is 12,366 with positive parameters. This regression coefficient can be explained that if there is an increase in the Social Environment variable (X) by one unit, it will result in an increase in the Alcohol Consumption Behavior (Moke) variable (Y) by 654 units. From the results of research using the t-test obtained 6.743 > 1.994, so Ho is rejected, meaning that the Social Environment (X) has a significant effect on Moke Consumption Behavior (Y