856 research outputs found

    Time-convolutionless mode-coupling theory near the glass transition: Numerical solutions for the Percus-Yevick model

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    The full numerical solutions of the time-convolutionless modecoupling theory (TMCT) equation recently proposed by Tokuyama are compared with those of the ideal mode-coupling theory (MCT) equation based on the Percus-Yevick static structure factor for hard spheres qualitatively and quantitatively. The ergodic to non-ergodic transition at the critical volume fraction φc predicted by MCT is also shown to occur even for TMCT. Thus, φc of TMCT is shown to be much higher than that of MCT. The dynamics of coherent-intermediate scattering functions and their two-step relaxation process in a ÎČ stage are also discussed

    Thin-film piezoelectric impact sensor array fabricated on a Si slider for measuring head-disk interaction

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    A new type of Acoustic Emission sensor using a thin film piezoelectric material (sputtered ZnO) was developed for measuring head-disk interaction in a rigid magnetic disk system. The sensor is mounted on a Si slider (length: 3 mm) and was fabricated using micro-machining techniques in our on-going efforts to downsize sliders. Some fundamental tests of the sensor were conducted: sensitivity and frequency characteristics, and a flying test over a rotating bump disk

    Piezoelectric impact force sensor array for tribological research on rigid disk storage media

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    This paper presents a method to measure impact forces on a surface by means of a piezoelectric thin film sensor array. The output signals of the sensor array provide information about the position, magnitude and wave form of the impact force. The sensor array may be used for tribological studies to the slider disk interface of a rigid disk storage device. In such a device a slider head assembly is flying above the rotating disk with a typical spacing of 100nm. Possible mechanical interactions between the slider and the disk are expected to produce impact forces in the order of 0.1N with a frequency range from 100kHz to 100MHz [1]

    Distance traveled by random walkers before absorption in a random medium

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    We consider the penetration length ll of random walkers diffusing in a medium of perfect or imperfect absorbers of number density ρ\rho. We solve this problem on a lattice and in the continuum in all dimensions DD, by means of a mean-field renormalization group. For a homogeneous system in D>2D>2, we find that l∌max⁥(Ο,ρ−1/2)l\sim \max(\xi,\rho^{-1/2}), where Ο\xi is the absorber density correlation length. The cases of D=1 and D=2 are also treated. In the presence of long-range correlations, we estimate the temporal decay of the density of random walkers not yet absorbed. These results are illustrated by exactly solvable toy models, and extensive numerical simulations on directed percolation, where the absorbers are the active sites. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for diffusion limited aggregation (DLA), and we propose a more effective method to measure ll in DLA clusters.Comment: Final version: also considers the case of imperfect absorber

    Qubit Decoherence and Non-Markovian Dynamics at Low Temperatures via an Effective Spin-Boson Model

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    Quantum Brownian oscillator model (QBM), in the Fock-space representation, can be viewed as a multi-level spin-boson model. At sufficiently low temperature, the oscillator degrees of freedom are dynamically reduced to the lowest two levels and the system behaves effectively as a two-level (E2L) spin-boson model (SBM) in this limit. We discuss the physical mechanism of level reduction and analyze the behavior of E2L-SBM from the QBM solutions. The availability of close solutions for the QBM enables us to study the non-Markovian features of decoherence and leakage in a SBM in the non-perturbative regime (e.g. without invoking the Born approximation) in better details than before. Our result captures very well the characteristic non-Markovian short time low temperature behavior common in many models.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Aspects of the dynamics of colloidal suspensions: Further results of the mode-coupling theory of structural relaxation

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    Results of the idealized mode-coupling theory for the structural relaxation in suspensions of hard-sphere colloidal particles are presented and discussed with regard to recent light scattering experiments. The structural relaxation becomes non-diffusive for long times, contrary to the expectation based on the de Gennes narrowing concept. A semi-quantitative connection of the wave vector dependences of the relaxation times and amplitudes of the final α\alpha-relaxation explains the approximate scaling observed by Segr{\`e} and Pusey [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 77}, 771 (1996)]. Asymptotic expansions lead to a qualitative understanding of density dependences in generalized Stokes-Einstein relations. This relation is also generalized to non-zero frequencies thereby yielding support for a reasoning by Mason and Weitz [Phys. Rev. Lett {\bf 74}, 1250 (1995)]. The dynamics transient to the structural relaxation is discussed with models incorporating short-time diffusion and hydrodynamic interactions for short times.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev.
