294 research outputs found

    Structure of Metastable States in Phase Transitions with High-Spin Low-Spin Degree of Freedom

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    Difference of degeneracy of the low-spin (LS) and high-spin (HS) states causes interesting entropy effects on spin-crossover phase transitions and charge transfer phase transitions in materials composed of the spin-crossover atoms. Mechanisms of the spin-crossover (SC) phase transitions have been studied by using Wajnflasz model, where the degeneracy of the spin states (HS or LS) is taken into account and cooperative natures of the spin-crossover phase transitions have been well described. Recently, a charge transfer (CT) phase transition due to electron hopping between LS and HS sites has been studied by using a generalized Wajnflasz model. In the both systems of SC and CT, the systems have a high temperature structure (HT) and a low temperature structure (LT), and the change between them can be a smooth crossover or a discontinuous first order phase transition depending on the parameters of the systems. Although apparently the standard SC system and the CT system are very different, it is shown that both models are equivalent under a certain transformation of variables. In both systems, the structure of metastable state at low temperatures is a matter of interest. We study temperature dependence of fraction of HT systematically in a unified model, and find several structures of equilibrium and metastable states of the model as functions of system parameters. In particular, we find a reentrant type metastable branch of HT in a low temperature region, which would play an important role to study the photo-irradiated processes of related materials.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Bulk and surface switching in Mn-Fe-based Prussian Blue Analogues

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    Many Prussian Blue Analogues are known to show a thermally induced phase transition close to room temperature and a reversible, photo-induced phase transition at low temperatures. This work reports on magnetic measurements, X-ray photoemission and Raman spectroscopy on a particular class of these molecular heterobimetallic systems, specifically on Rb0.81Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.95_1.24H2O, Rb0.97Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.98_1.03H2O and Rb0.70Cu0.22Mn0.78[Fe(CN)6]0.86_2.05H2O, to investigate these transition phenomena both in the bulk of the material and at the sample surface. Results indicate a high degree of charge transfer in the bulk, while a substantially reduced conversion is found at the sample surface, even in case of a near perfect (Rb:Mn:Fe=1:1:1) stoichiometry. Thus, the intrinsic incompleteness of the charge transfer transition in these materials is found to be primarily due to surface reconstruction. Substitution of a large fraction of charge transfer active Mn ions by charge transfer inactive Cu ions leads to a proportional conversion reduction with respect to the maximum conversion that is still stoichiometrically possible and shows the charge transfer capability of metal centers to be quite robust upon inclusion of a neighboring impurity. Additionally, a 532 nm photo-induced metastable state, reminiscent of the high temperature Fe(III)Mn(II) ground state, is found at temperatures 50-100 K. The efficiency of photo-excitation to the metastable state is found to be maximized around 90 K. The photo-induced state is observed to relax to the low temperature Fe(II)Mn(III) ground state at a temperature of approximately 123 K.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Realization of the mean-field universality class in spin-crossover materials

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    In spin-crossover materials, the volume of a molecule changes depending on whether it is in the high-spin (HS) or low-spin (LS) state. This change causes distortion of the lattice. Elastic interactions among these distortions play an important role for the cooperative properties of spin-transition phenomena. We find that the critical behavior caused by this elastic interaction belongs to the mean-field universality class, in which the critical exponents for the spontaneous magnetization and the susceptibility are β=1/2\beta = 1/2 and γ=1\gamma = 1, respectively. Furthermore, the spin-spin correlation function is a constant at long distances, and it does not show an exponential decay in contrast to short-range models. The value of the correlation function at long distances shows different size-dependences: O(1/N)O(1/N), O(1/N)O(1/\sqrt{N}), and constant for temperatures above, at, and below the critical temperature, respectively. The model does not exhibit clusters, even near the critical point. We also found that cluster growth is suppressed in the present model and that there is no critical opalescence in the coexistence region. During the relaxation process from a metastable state at the end of a hysteresis loop, nucleation phenomena are not observed, and spatially uniform configurations are maintained during the change of the fraction of HS and LS. These characteristics of the mean-field model are expected to be found not only in spin-crossover materials, but also generally in systems where elastic distortion mediates the interaction among local states.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Bisecting GlcNAc Is a General Suppressor of Terminal Modification of N-glycan

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    Glycoproteins are decorated with complex glycans for protein functions. However, regulation mechanisms of complex glycan biosynthesis are largely unclear. Here we found that bisecting GlcNAc, a branching sugar residue in N-glycan, suppresses the biosynthesis of various types of terminal epitopes in N-glycans, including fucose, sialic acid and human natural killer-1. Expression of these epitopes in N-glycan was elevated in mice lacking the biosynthetic enzyme of bisecting GlcNAc, GnT-III, and was conversely suppressed by GnT-III overexpression in cells. Many glycosyltransferases for N-glycan terminals were revealed to prefer a nonbisected N-glycan as a substrate to its bisected counterpart, whereas no up-regulation of their mRNAs was found. This indicates that the elevated expression of the terminal N-glycan epitopes in GnT-III-deficient mice is attributed to the substrate specificity of the biosynthetic enzymes. Molecular dynamics simulations further confirmed that nonbisected glycans were preferentially accepted by those glycosyltransferases. These findings unveil a new regulation mechanism of protein N-glycosylation.This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) to Y.K. [17K07356], Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) project to Y.K. from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), by Takeda Science Foundation, and by Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research

    Radial volumetric imaging breath-hold examination (VIBE) with k-space weighted image contrast (KWIC) for dynamic gadoxetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)-enhanced MRI of the liver: advantages over Cartesian VIBE in the arterial phase

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    To compare radial volumetric imaging breath-hold examination with k-space weighted image contrast reconstruction (r-VIBE-KWIC) to Cartesian VIBE (c-VIBE) in arterial phase dynamic gadoxetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA)-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) of the liver. We reviewed 53 consecutive DCE-MRI studies performed on a 3-T unit using c-VIBE and 53 consecutive cases performed using r-VIBE-KWIC with full-frame image subset (r-VIBEfull) and sub-frame image subsets (r-VIBEsub; temporal resolution, 2.5-3 s). All arterial phase images were scored by two readers on: (1) contrast-enhancement ratio (CER) in the abdominal aorta; (2) scan timing; (3) artefacts; (4) visualisation of the common, right, and left hepatic arteries. Mean abdominal aortic CERs for c-VIBE, r-VIBEfull, and r-VIBEsub were 3.2, 4.3 and 6.5, respectively. There were significant differences between each group (P < 0.0001). The mean score for c-VIBE was significantly lower than that for r-VIBEfull and r-VIBEsub in all factors except for visualisation of the common hepatic artery (P < 0.05). The mean score of all factors except for scan timing for r-VIBEsub was not significantly different from that for r-VIBEfull. Radial VIBE-KWIC provides higher image quality than c-VIBE, and r-VIBEsub features high temporal resolution without image degradation in arterial phase DCE-MRI. aEuro cent Radial VIBE-KWIC minimised artefact and produced high-quality and high-temporal-resolution images. aEuro cent Maximum abdominal aortic enhancement was observed on sub-frame images of r-VIBE-KWIC. aEuro cent Using r-VIBE-KWIC, optimal arterial phase images were obtained in over 90 %. aEuro cent Using r-VIBE-KWIC, visualisation of the hepatic arteries was improved. aEuro cent A two-reader study revealed r-VIBE-KWIC's advantages over Cartesian VIBE.ArticleEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY. 24(6):1290-1299 (2014)journal articl

    Interplay between the Charge Transport Phenomena and the Charge-Transfer Phase Transition in RbxMn[Fe(CN)6]y · zH2O

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    Charge transport and dielectric measurements were carried out on compacted powder and single-crystal samples of bistable RbxMn[Fe(CN)6]y · zH2O in the two valence-tautomeric forms (MnIIFeIII and MnIIIFeII) as a function of temperature (120-350 K) and frequency (10-2-106 Hz). The complex conductivity data reveal universal conductivity behavior and obey the Barton-Nakajima-Namikawa relationship. The charge transport is accompanied by dielectric relaxation that displays the same thermal activation energy as the conductivity. Surprisingly, the activation energy of the conductivity was found very similar in the two valence-tautomeric forms (∼0.55 eV), and the conductivity change between the two phases is governed mainly by the variation of the preexponential factor in each sample. The phase transition is accompanied by a large thermal hysteresis of the conductivity and the dielectric constant. In the hysteresis region, however, a crossover occurs in the charge transport mechanism at T < ∼220 K from an Arrhenius-type to a varying activation energy behavior, conferring an unusual “double-loop” shape to the hysteresis

    Reply to commentary by R Duggleby (2019)

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    Duggleby (2018) has made a numerical analysis of some aspects of the wide range of phenomena we reviewed in Steele et al. (2018) and asserted " .that panspermia as proposed by Steele et al. (2018) is extremely implausible.” It seems to us that Duggleby has based his viewpoint on a quite narrow and specific model of Panspermia which he supposes to be active in the cosmos. Here we address both his conclusions and his numerical analysis. Our response therefore will be at two levels, his specific analysis and his general conclusions. In the specific section below we show that while Duggleby's numerical analysis appears in part correct it is, in the final analysis, quite irrelevant to Cosmic Panspermia. In the general response which follows we address his unsupported conclusion throughout his critique, namely that … " none of the examples mentioned by Steele et al. (2018) is decisive enough to allow no other explanation.