23 research outputs found

    Vasúti kutatások - az európai vasúti ágazat versenyképessége

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    Az InnoTrans 2016 kiállítás – ami az egyik legnagyobb vasúti ipari fórum – fő motívuma volt a vasúti ipar digitalizálódása és annak jövőbeni kihívásai. A digitalizáció egy új lehetőséget teremt, amely a vasúti ipar jövőjét jelenti. A digitális korszak és a közlekedés digitális fejlődése hozzájárul az az európai vasúti ágazat versenyképességéhez

    Okos mobilitás

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    Az okos városban létrejövő folyamatok egyik fontos eleme az okos mobilitás. A témán belül egy speciális területtel foglalkozunk ez pedig az intelligens vasúti rendszer kialakítása. A cikkben egyszerre foglalkozunk majd az innováció mozgatta okos város létrehozásának okaival és annak lényeges elemével, az okos mobilitással

    Adaptation of Cloud Theory in the Infocommunication System of Autonomous Vehicles

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    Transport infrastructures are part of the global transport architecture. The operation of each nation\u27s transport infrastructure is essential for the sustainability of national economies. Therefore, these systems are considered as critical infrastructures from the perspective of national security. It is understandable that smart mobility is one of the indicators of the smart city concept. An important element of the transportation system is the IT infrastructure, which is connected to the local systems of smart cities. In the system of a smart city the central management subsystem is the server component and the moving objects are the client devices. Autonomous vehicles can obtain the information they need for transport from their on-board equipment, from the central control of the smart city or from each other. The most important requirement of the autonomous vehicle\u27s own system is high availability with adequate performance. For this reason, it is worth examining the applicability of availability-enhancing technologies in these vehicles. This article examines the adaptations of the cloud system requirements and cloud building technologies in the infocommunication system of autonomous vehicles

    Radiofrequency Identification by using Drones in Railway Accidents and Disaster Situations

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    Today, railway operation procedures include the transportation of large amount of hazardous substances. Our research has been motivated by the desire to find concrete and urgent solutions to the safety issues of handling waste generated manly in case of accidents and disaster situations during the transportation of hazardous substances In order to ensure safety in the transportation of dangerous goods, and to facilitate the fast and efficient waste handling of hazardous substances released into the environment during unexpected events, we have elaborated a new method, in which we suggest the radiofrequency identification of dangerous consignments in case of disaster situations by the use of drones

    Okos, fenntartható és biztonságos városok = Smart sustainable and safe cities

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    Smart, sustainable and safe cities. But how can a traditional metropolis achieve this complex aim? What facts are go handed together with the sustainability and the safety expected by the townsmen? How could we improve our city better all by ourselves? What kinds of technological side has got a smart city’s construction and development? We could easily illustrate the answers several numbers from among the urban infrastructures. At the same time in our sight the urban traffic infrastructure in the city's fabric such as the vascular system which encompassed human bodies. The vehicular traffic in cities is almost look likes the flow of the blood in our body. Accordingly, we will point out the local transport system of the city only subjective way. The reason of the above applied method is that we would like to analyse the main qualities of the clever city transport subsystem

    Okos, fenntartható és biztonságos városok = Smart sustainable and safe cities

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    Smart, sustainable and safe cities. But how can a traditional metropolis achieve this complex aim? What facts are go handed together with the sustainability and the safety expected by the townsmen? How could we improve our city better all by ourselves? What kinds of technological side has got a smart city’s construction and development? We could easily illustrate the answers several numbers from among the urban infrastructures. At the same time in our sight the urban traffic infrastructure in the city's fabric such as the vascular system which encompassed human bodies. The vehicular traffic in cities is almost look likes the flow of the blood in our body. Accordingly, we will point out the local transport system of the city only subjective way. The reason of the above applied method is that we would like to analyse the main qualities of the clever city transport subsystem

    A vasúti sín felületi repedésterjedésének felügyelete

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    A nagy tömegben gyártott sín anyagok tartalmazhatnak hibákat, melyek még nem okoznak károsodást. Amennyiben azonban a keletkezett repedés növekedni kezd, elérheti azt a kritikus méretet mely már törést okoz. A törésmechanika számos elméletet dolgozott ki, mely méretezés során alapul szolgálhat. A repedések folyamatos ellenőrzése a sínpálya állapotfelügyelet tehát elengedhetetlen a folyamatos és biztonságos szállítás, közlekedés biztosításához

    Monitoring System of Rail Surface Crack Propagation

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    Industrially produced rails can contain some inherent failures without evident damage. If a fracture propagates beyond a critical size, it can lead to breakage. The study of fracture mechanics suggests many different theories for detecting the fracture. Continuous monitoring of the rail surface state is necessary in order to assure uninterrupted and safe transportation