51 research outputs found

    Promoting Sustainable Development Through Participatory Design in a Small Town:: Mebane, North Carolina: 2nd Phase

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    The goal of this project is to generate appropriate design guidelines and implementation strategies for development in key locations of downtown Mebane, North Carolina. One of the main objectives of the project is to enhance community participation in this process. The appropriate goal setting technique in this regard is chosen as charrette process, i.e., the rapid pace at which the design is finalized with a guiding principle: consensus (Sanoff, 2000). The charrette process is planned in three phases. In the first phase, objectives and strategies were determined based on the identified problems. The second phase elaborates on design implications of these strategies. Finally, in the third phase the appropriate design guidelines will be generated for the development of downtown Mebane. Following the first phase of the process, which was presented in the ARCC spring 2001 conference, second phase is prepared, illuminating the third phase

    Research Based Decision Making in Architectural Programming of Workplaces:: Case of Pamlico County Government Offices, North Carolina

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    Social, economical and technological developments in the recent decades, especially in the early days of the twenty-first century have consistently revealed the importance of knowledge as a base for decision-making processes. The ever-increasing dependence of productivity and competitiveness on knowledge in many fields has resulted in perception of knowledge as a commodity itself (Castells and Hall 1994). Consequently, the emphasis on knowledge generation has been identified by extensive research based applications in many fields and many societies. Within the field of architecture, knowledge generation and knowledge-based practices have started to be complementary to decision making and design processes especially in the last decades. The connotation of architecture with "art and design” has been accompanied by increased knowledge generation efforts, which has also brought architecture a connotation with "science”. The resultant forces have complemented the term "architecture as art” with another: "architecture as a knowledge-based tool” (Toker and Rifki 2001)


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    A contemporary nexus of urban development discussions is the concept of sustainability, which is often presented as a viable remedy to many of the contemporary urban ills, i.e., diminished livability that is mostly blamed on suburban sprawl. Not only large metropolitan areas experience sprawl. Numerous relatively small towns have also been undergoing this kind of spatial transformation as their cores are emptied in favor of suburbs. Town of Mebane, North Carolina, is one such small town. Today, downtown Mebane is home to manufacturing plants, retail stores, institutional buildings, and residences as well as empty lots and boarded-up buildings. Its architectural scale is still charming and its gridiron network of streets is capable of accommodating various modes of traffic although precedence is given to the car. Furthermore, some of the downtown buildings are worthy of consideration as historic landmarks, although many have been clad with metal panels, disguising their authenticity. This paper is a progress report on the first of three phases of an urban design actionresearch project on downtown Mebane, being undertaken by NC State University Architecture Faculty and Doctoral Students. The goal of the project is to generate sustainable urban development principles, guidelines and standards that promote urban livability. This phase involves an inventory of the town's physical, social, environmental and economical resources with New Urbanist "lenses" to develop specific sustainable urban development goals for the town's future and strategies to achieve these. In the subsequent phase of the project, proposals will be developed with citizens' input through citizens' charettes. It is envisioned that the process and the consequent proposal developed for Mebane is presented as a model to other small North Carolina towns that are striving to alleviate many of the ills of sprawl in the last phase of the project

    Sıra azaltan dönüşüm yarıgruplarının sıfır-bölen çizgesi

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    An interview with Professor Nabeel Hamdi, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom on “community design today”

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    Special file: contemporary interpretations of community design

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    Bir Hastanede Çalışan Ebelerin Mesleki Örgütlenme Durumu, İş Doyumu ve Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma, bir kamu hastanesinde çalışan ebelerin, iş doyu-mu, tükenmişlik düzeyi ve mesleki örgütlenme durumunun değerlen-dirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Materyal ve Metod: Tanımlayıcı tipte olan bu araştırmanın örnek-lemini bir kamu hastanesinde ebe kadrosu ile görev yapan ve araş-tırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 68 ebe oluşturmuştur. Veriler, Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Minnesota İş Doyumu Ölçeği ve Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Bulgular: Ebelerin %91,2’si mesleki derneğe üye olmadığını bildir-mişlerdir. Ebelerin Minnesota İş Doyum Puan toplamı 54,91±1,63, genel iş doyum puanı 2,75±0,08, İçsel Doyum Alt Boyut Puanı 2,91±0,09, Dışsal Doyum Alt Boyut Puanı ise 2,49±0,09 olarak tes-pit edilmiştir. Ebelerin, Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği Alt Boyutların-dan, Duygusal Tükenme Puanı 17,49±0,85, Duyarsızlaşma Puanı 10,76±0,59, Kişisel Başarı Puanının ise 10,09±0,64 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Minnesota İçsel Doyum puanı ile Maslach Duyarsızlaş-ma Puanı arasında negatif yönde ve anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışmada ebelerin örgütlenmelerinin yetersiz, mesleki iş doyumlarının düşük olduğu ve tükenmişlik yaşadıkları (duyarsızlaş-ma alt boyutu hariç) sonucuna varılmıştır

    Mikrodeformasyon ile Yüzey Özellikleri Değiştirilen 316L Paslanmaz Çeliğin Sentetik Vücut Sıvısı ile Etkileşimi

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    Bu çalışmada ortopedik uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılan bir biyomedikal alaşım olan 316L paslanmaz çelik yüzeyinde mikro sertlik ölçüm cihazı kullanılarak mikrodeformasyon alanları oluşturulmuş ve elde edilen farklı yüzey desenlerinin biyouyumluluğa etkisi sentetik vücut sıvısı içi statik daldırma deneyleri ile test edilmiştir. 7 ve 21 günlük daldırma periyotlarının ardından örnek yüzeyleri oksit ve kalsiyum-fosfatlı yapıların çökelmesi, sıvılar ise iyon salımı açısından incelendiğinde, her iki açıdan da oluşturulan farklı mikrodeformasyon desenlerinin kontrol numunesine kıyasla iyileştirme sağladığı saptanıştır. Oluşturulan desenler arasında ise iz boyutu büyük, izler arası mesafesi geniş olan paternin optimum özellikleri sağlayan yüzey olduğu gözlenmiştir. Yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve sıvı içi oksit ve kalsiyum-fosfatlı yapıların çökelmesi arasında bir doğru orantı tespit edilememiş, bu da yüzey enerjisini belirlemede mikrodeformasyonun mikroyapısal mekanizmalar üzerindeki etkisinin daha belirleyici olabileceğine dair ön bulgular ortaya koymuştur

    Diagnosis and management of Cornelia de Lange syndrome:first international consensus statement

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is an archetypical genetic syndrome that is characterized by intellectual disability, well-defined facial features, upper limb anomalies and atypical growth, among numerous other signs and symptoms. It is caused by variants in any one of seven genes, all of which have a structural or regulatory function in the cohesin complex. Although recent advances in next-generation sequencing have improved molecular diagnostics, marked heterogeneity exists in clinical and molecular diagnostic approaches and care practices worldwide. Here, we outline a series of recommendations that document the consensus of a group of international experts on clinical diagnostic criteria, both for classic CdLS and non-classic CdLS phenotypes, molecular investigations, long-term management and care planning