33 research outputs found

    Theory of the spin-galvanic effect and the anomalous phase-shift φ0\varphi_{0} in superconductors and Josephson junctions with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling

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    Due to the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) an electric current flowing in a normal metal or semiconductor can induce a bulk magnetic moment. This effect is known as the Edelstein (EE) or magneto-electric effect. Similarly, in a bulk superconductor a phase gradient may create a finite spin density. The inverse effect, also known as the spin-galvanic effect, corresponds to the creation of a supercurrent by an equilibrium spin polarization. Here, by exploiting the analogy between a linear-in-momentum SOC and a background SU(2) gauge field, we develop a quasiclassical transport theory to deal with magneto-electric effects in superconducting structures. For bulk superconductors this approach allows us to easily reproduce and generalize a number of previously known results. For Josephson junctions we establish a direct connection between the inverse EE and the appearance of an anomalous phase-shift φ0\varphi_{0} in the current-phase relation. In particular we show that φ0\varphi_{0} is proportional to the equilibrium spin-current in the weak link. We also argue that our results are valid generically, beyond the particular case of linear-in-momentum SOC. The magneto-electric effects discussed in this study may find applications in the emerging field of coherent spintronics with superconductors.Comment: v1: article version of the preprints arXiv:1408.4533 and arXiv:1409.4563 in letter format, with far more results and details. v2: some typos and mistakes corrected, new presentation of the derivation at all temperature in the ballistic regime (section VI), including a new fig.2 to illustrate this section. v3: accepted version, with extra reference

    Ballistic Josephson junctions in the presence of generic spin dependent fields

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    Ballistic Josephson junctions are studied in the presence of a spin-splitting field and spin-orbit coupling. A generic expression for the quasi-classical Green's function is obtained and with its help we analyze several aspects of the proximity effect between a spin-textured normal metal (N) and singlet superconductors (S). In particular, we show that the density of states may show a zero-energy peak which is a generic consequence of the spin-dependent couplings in heterostructures. In addition we also obtain the spin current and the induced magnetic moment in a SNS structure and discuss possible coherent manipulation of the magnetization which results from the coupling between the superconducting phase and the spin degree of freedom. Our theory predicts a spin accumulation at the S/N interfaces, and transverse spin currents flowing perpendicular to the junction interfaces. Some of these findings can be understood in the light of a non-Abelian electrostatics.Comment: published versio

    Spectral Properties and Quantum Phase Transitions in Superconducting Junctions with a Ferromagnetic Link

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    We study theoretically the spectral and transport properties of a superconducting wire with a magnetic defect. We start by modelling the system as a one dimensional magnetic Josephson junction and derive the equation determining the full subgap spectrum in terms of the normal-state transfer matrix for arbitrary length and exchange field of the magnetic region. We demonstrate that the quantum phase transition predicted for a short-range magnetic impurity, and associated with a change of the total spin of the system, also occurs in junctions of finite length. Specifically, we find that the total spin changes discontinuously by integer jumps when bounds states cross the Fermi level. The spin can be calculated by using a generalization of Friedel sum rule for the superconducting state, which we also derive. With these tools, we analyze the subgap spectrum of a junction with the length of the magnetic region smaller than the superconducting coherence length and demonstrate how phase transitions also manifest as change of the sign of the supercurrent.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Current-induced spin polarization at metallic surfaces from first-principles

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    We present the results of first-principles calculations based on density functional theory estimating the magnitude of the current-induced spin polarization (CISP) at the surfaces of the 5d5d transition metals with fcc and bcc crystal structures. We predict that the largest surface CISP occurs for W and Ta, whereas CISP is considerably weaker for Pt and Au surfaces. We then discuss how CISP emerges over a length scale equal to few atomic layers as opposed to the spin accumulation characteristic of the SHE, which is related to the materials' spin diffusion length. Finally, using our estimates for the CISP magnitude, we suggest that the spin density appearing near W surfaces in experiments is mostly due to CISP, whereas that at Pt surfaces stems from the Hall effect

    Sodium: a charge-transfer insulator at high pressures

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    By means of first-principles methods we analyze the optical response of transparent dense sodium as a function of applied pressure. We discover an unusual kind of charge-transfer exciton that proceeds from the interstitial distribution of valence electrons repelled away from the ionic cores by the Coulomb interaction and the Pauli repulsion. The predicted absorption spectrum shows a strong anisotropy with light polarization that just at pressures above the metal-insulator transition manifests as sodium being optically transparent in one direction but reflective in the other. This result provides a key information about the crystal structure of transparent sodium, a new unconventional inorganic electride.Comment: revtex4, 5+8 page

    Theory of magnetic response in finite two-dimensional superconductors

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    We present a theory of magnetic response in a finite-size two-dimensional superconductors with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. The interplay between the latter and an in-plane Zeeman field leads on the one hand to an out-of-plane spin polarization which accumulates at the edges of the sample over the superconducting coherence length, and on the other hand, to circulating supercurrents decaying away from the edge over a macroscopic scale. In a long finite stripe of width W both, the spin polarization and the currents, contribute to the total magnetic moment induced at the stripe ends. These two contributions scale with W and W2 respectively, such that for sufficiently large samples it can be detected by current magnetometry techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; typos correcte

    Dielectric screening in two-dimensional insulators: Implications for excitonic and impurity states in graphane

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    For atomic thin layer insulating materials we provide an exact analytic form of the two-dimensional screened potential. In contrast to three-dimensional systems where the macroscopic screening can be described by a static dielectric constant in 2D systems the macroscopic screening is non local (q-dependent) showing a logarithmic divergence for small distances and reaching the unscreened Coulomb potential for large distances. The cross-over of these two regimes is dictated by 2D layer polarizability that can be easily computed by standard first-principles techniques. The present results have strong implications for describing gap-impurity levels and also exciton binding energies. The simple model derived here captures the main physical effects and reproduces well, for the case of graphane, the full many-body GW plus Bethe-Salpeter calculations. As an additional outcome we show that the impurity hole-doping in graphane leads to strongly localized states, what hampers applications in electronic devices. In spite of the inefficient and nonlocal two-dimensional macroscopic screening we demonstrate that a simple kâ‹…p\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{p} approach is capable to describe the electronic and transport properties of confined 2D systems.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure