13 research outputs found

    Peran Tokoh Agama Dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Umat Untuk Mencegah COVID-19 Di Era Tatanan Normal Baru

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    Religious activities in the context of this pandemic are often considered a driving factor in the transmission of COVID-19. This study discusses the role of religious leaders in increasing community participation in preventing COVID-19 in the New Normal Order era. public. The study uses a qualitative approach with the aim of describing the role of religious leaders in increasing community participation to prevent Covid-19. The sampling technique used was Snowball with the key informant being the Parish Priest, the main informant: the head of the neighborhood, and the supporting informant: the head of the Community of Basis (KUB). The process of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation where the main instrument is the researcher himself supported by other instruments. After the data is collected, it is analyzed using the inductive method. The results of the study indicate that the roles that have been fully implemented are preparing the people, conducting health education/counseling, implementing health protocols. Meanwhile, the role that has not been carried out optimally is to build a work system and supervise the implementation of health protocols by the people. It was concluded that in general the Religious Leaders in the St. Parish. Yosef Frainademetz Mautapaga Ende has performed his role well in increasing community participation to prevent COVID-19 in the era of the new normal order

    Level of Knowledge of Pregnant Women Risk Factors for Occurrence of Low Birth Weight at the Onekore Health Center

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    Background: SDKI 2003, the prevalence of BBLR in Indonesia is about 9%.BBLR generally subjected to the process of life long-term less than good. 2015 BBLR in Ende 169 people (3,73%) of 4.527 live births, with the highest proportion in puskesmas Onekore 35 people (20,71%). Goals and benefits: know the level of knowledge of pregnant women BBLR the risk factors, benefits for public health and the public may minimize BBLR events, to advise on an relevant agencies Method research: the design descriptive quantitative, done at puskesmas Onekore months agustus-september 2017. Sample 79 respondents, simple random sampling system, the instruments the questionnaire, use single variable, namely knowledge pregnant women, univariat analysis. Research result: The average level of knowledge enough 58 respondents (73%), less 21 respondents (27%), awareness levels factors the age of pregnant women and the distance pregnancy against a risk BBLR events good 66 respondents (83%), 23 respondents (29%), factors the condition of pregnant women against a risk BBLR events enough 56 respondents (71%), 23 respondents (29%), factors a problem for pregnant women against a risk BBLR events enough 55 respondents (69%), less 24 respondents (31%), factors on the baby against a risk BBLR events enough by the 53 respondents in (67%), and less 26 respondents (33%). Conclusions: the level of knowledge pregnant women about the incident BBLR risk factors, knowledge enough 58 respondents (73%) and knowledge less 21 respondents (27%)


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    Posyandu is a form of community participation in the health sector which is managed by cadres with the target of all members of the community. According to Siswanto (2010), one of the reasons for the lack of visits by toddlers to Posyandu is the lack of trust of mothers in the performance of Posyandu cadres. The aim of the study was to determine the level of satisfaction of mothers with toddlers regarding cadre services at Posyandu Melati, Magekapa Village, the working area of ​​the Maukaro Ende Health Center. The type of research used is descriptive with a survey research design. The population is all mothers under five who were recorded at the beginning of 2020, namely 42 people. The sampling technique is the total population by reason of the limited number of samples. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. The data were then analyzed and reported descriptively. The results showed that 23 people (54.76%) were dissatisfied with pre-activity services by cadres at Posyandu Melati, 27 people (64.29%) were dissatisfied with services during activities by cadres at Posyandu Melati and 25 people (59.52) %) were dissatisfied with post-activity services by cadres at Posyandu Melati. The results of the study concluded that the majority of respondents were dissatisfied with the services of cadres at Posyandu Melati, namely as many as 30 people (71.43%) and the rest were satisfied, namely as many as 12 people (28.57%). Therefore, the Puskesmas is advised to provide training to cadres so that cadres are able to provide optimal service and with a friendly approach to the communit

    Penerapan Terapi Kognitif dan Senam Lansia dalam Upaya Menjaga Kesehatan Fisik dan Mental Lansia di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

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    The COVID-19 outbreak, which in recent years has become a pandemic in almost all countries in the world, has had a negative impact on the physical and psychological health of individuals and communities. One of the age groups that is a concern during this pandemic is the elderly. During the pandemic, to prevent the elderly from feeling lonely, anxious, stressed which can affect the health of the elderly such as a decrease in the body's immunity, decreased cognitive function, a program of elderly activities is needed, including cognitive therapy and elderly gymnastics. The health conditions and psychological conditions faced by the elderly during the pandemic as a whole can have an impact on health, especially on the body's immunity and the quality of life of the elderly. The purpose of this activity is so that the elderly can take an active role in cognitive therapy and gymnastics activities for the elderly and understand and apply the importance of maintaining health during a pandemic. This strengthening is a preventive and rehabilitative effort in improving the health and quality of life of the elderly. The form of activity program carried out by the method of carrying out socialization, implementing cognitive therapy in the elderly, seeing the results of evaluation of changes after therapy is carried out, carrying out elderly gymnastics activities in Gheo Ghoma Village, Ende Regency. The results of this activity can be seen from the participation of the elderly in carrying out cognitive therapy and gymnastics for the elderly. There are changes in the cognitive improvement of the elderly after therapy and an increase in public insight and understanding of the importance of maintaining the health of the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cognitive therapy and elderly gymnastics programs are simple things that need to be done regularly and consistently, in order to build community awareness in maintaining the health of the elderly and improving the quality of life of the elderly, especially during the current pandemi


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    Generally, ISPA usually attacked the children under five because of low of the body power and the immunity, wasn’t given exclusive Mother’s Milk, uncompleted immunization, the weather and the environment didn’t support too.  The aim of research to analyze the relation of immunity, exclusive Mother’s Milk, nutrient and environment with the occurrence of ISPA to the children under five in Rewarangga Community Health Centre, East Ende Sub district, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The sort of research was an analytical research by the Cross Sectional design. The populations for an examination 201, the number of the samples consisted of 60 people by the sampling purposive technic. The result of research showed that there was a meaningful relation among immunity, exclusive Mother’s Milk, nutrient and environment with the occurrence of ISPA to the children under five by the value of p < 0.005, namely immunity value p=0.013, exclussive mother’s milk p=0.011, nutrient p=0.008 and enviroment p=0.021. Based on the values above so could be concluded that the environmental factor which the biggest Influenced ISPA to the children under five and suggested in order that the children under five was able to examined in Rewarangga Community Health Centre accordance with the timetable that has been determined and tried to avoid the children under five from the pollution of the environmen


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    Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan di mana adanya peningkatan tekanan darah di atas normal. Penyakit hipertensi merupakan peningkatan tekanan darah yang memberi gejala yang berlanjut untuk suatu target organ, seperti stroke, penyakit jantung koroner dan bahkan kematian. Penderita hipertensi harus segera ditangani dengan segera sehingga tidak menyebabkan kematian. Penyakit ini telah menjadi masalah utama dalam kesehatan masyarakat yang ada di Indonesia maupun di beberapa negara yang ada di dunia. Rancangan/desain yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan September 2020 dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu analisa deskriptif yang digunakan untuk mengetahui frekuensi dari masing–masing responden. Tempat/lokasi yang dilakukan studi kasus adalah di wilayah Kabupaten Ende. Hasil penelitian  diketahui bahwa sebagian besar responden berperan kurang sebagai kader posyandu lansia sebanyak 75%, cukup sebanyak 25% dan baik sebanyak 0%.. Kader sebagai pengerak masyarakat di kabupaten Ende masih belum optimal dalam melaksanakan perannya sehingga perlu pendampingan dari tenaga Puskesmas berupa pemberian informasi dan pelatihan demi pengendalian hipertensi pada lansia. Oleh karena itu diharapkan agar para kader tetap semangat dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai kader dengan terus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan khususnya tentang penanganan dan pengobatan  hipertensi sehingga dapat mencegah kejadian komplikasi hipertens

    Analysis of the Level of Larvae Aedes Aegypty with the Risk of Transmission of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

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    Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has caused health problems in Ende Regency, there were 121 DHF cases, 30 of them reside in the Ende City Health Center area. One of the suspected factors is the high population of Aedes aegypti larvae. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the level of Aedes aegypty larvae density to estimate the risk of dengue transmission in Ende City Health Center in 2018.  Method: This type of research is a secondary data analysis, the population is data houses / buildings and clean water reservoirs declared positive Aedes larvae aegypti results of examination of Ende City Health Center in 2017 with saturated sampling method The research was conducted at the Ende City Health Center  in August 2018. Result:  Analysis of Aedes aegypty larvae level using House Index (H1) indicator 36% means that the house / building being examined is included in the high risk category because HI> 5% Contener Index (CI) 21% means that the water reservoir being examined is included in the risk category high because CI> 5%, Breteau Index (BI) 52% means positive water catchment sites of all houses / buildings being examined are included in the high risk category because BI> 50% These three indicators are then linked to the Density Figure (DF) indicator then the City Health Center is included in the area with larvae level is high because DF is 6. Conclusion: Ende City health center is an area with a high risk of transmission of dengue in 2018

    Sosialisasi dan Edukasi Pencegahan dan Penanganan Covid-19 pada Masyarakat di Dusun Mbomba I Desa Gheo Ghoma Kabupaten Ende

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    Covid-19 has become an endemic outbreak that has hit all regions of the world that began at the end of 2019 in Wuhan City, China. The increase in the number of cases of the disease is very fast, so that its spread affects to various ages from children to the elderly. For this reason, there is a need to strengthen education and socialization for the community on how to prevent and handle Covid-19. The goal is for the public to understand and implement Covid-19 prevention behavior. This strengthening is also a preventive effort in suppressing the spread of Covid-19 transmission. As for the form of activity programs carried out by direct methods of socialization, education to the community, making hand washing pilots for community residents and installing sticker posters that are informative and easily understood by the community in Mbomba I Village Gheo Ghoma Ende Regency. The results of this activity can be seen from the increasing public knowledge about the prevention of Covid-19 and being able to implement Covid-19 prevention behavior quite well. Educational activities and socialization to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus become simple things that need to be done consistently, in order to build community concern in maintaining health, doing a clean and healthy lifestyle, especially in the current pandemic period


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    Desa Numba merupakan salah satu wilayah di kabupaten Ende Propinsi NTT dan menjadi salah satu wilayah yang berpotensi terjadi bencana karena topografi wilayah daerah pesisir pantai dan terdapat pemukiman warga di sekitar area pantai. Bencana yang sering terjadi di wilayah Numba antara lain abrasi pantai, gempa bumi, longsoran dan sekarang pandemi COVID-19. Walapun telah dibangun tembok penahan ombak namun masih dapat menyebabkan pengikisan pantai sehingga berisiko terjadinya abrasi. Kesiapsiagaan keluarga dalam menghadapi bencana merupakan tindakan-tindakan yang dapat dilakukan di dalam keluarga untuk mempersiapkan diri dan keluarga dalam menghadapi bencana ketika sebelum terjadinya suatu bencana agar dapat mengurangi korban risiko bencana. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pemahaman keluarga tentang kesiapannya dalam menghadapi bencana di desa Numba. Proses pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari edukasi dan praktik dengan materi kesiapan  keluarga dan partisipatif  keluarga dalam menghadapi bencana. Perubahan kognitif sebelum dan sesudah edukasi dievaluasi dengan menggunakan kuisioner pertanyaan dengan nilai rata-rata 35 menjadi 75 dan kesiapan  keluarga dari 30% meningkat menjadi 60%. Keluarga sangat antusias dalam mengikuuti program edukasi kesiapan menghadapi bencana abrasi pantai. Pengabdian masyarakat dengan memberikan edukasi kesiapan menghadapi bencana menjadi bagian dari pra-bencana dalam pengurangan risiko bencana. Tindak lanjut dari pengabdianmasyarakat ini yaitu membuat sistem peringatan dini dan alur evakuasi bencana abrasi panta