76 research outputs found

    Jordanalysmetoder i de nordiska länderna

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Uptake of heavy metals by plants from airborne deposition and polluted soils

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    The concentrations of sulphur, zinc, copper, lead and cadmium in spring wheat grain and straw, Italian rye grass, timothy and lettuce were studied in a three-year field experiment conducted in southern Finland near a copper-nickel smelter and at nonpolluted control sites. A pot experiment with copper- and nickel-contaminated soils and with a nonpolluted soil as the control was conducted to determine the copper and nickel concentrations in soils phytotoxic for plants. Forty, 200 or 1000 mg of copper or nickel as cloride was added to 2 litres of soil. The nickel and copper concentrations in the shoots of oats were measured. The zinc, copper, lead, cadmium and nickel concentrations varied between different plant species and also between experimental years. Near the smelter, the uptake of nickel by different plant species was very effective, as was copper uptake by lettuce, timothy and Italian rye grass. The same applied to the zinc and cadmium uptake of plants grown on plots. Nickel, cadmium and copper were easily accumulated by plants from air deposition. In the pot experiment, high nickel concentrations in soil were more phytotoxic for oats than were high copper concentrations. In acidic soil, nickel and copper concentrations lower than 20 and 100 mg/kg of soil, respectively, decreased the dry matter yield of oats shoots. Liming clearly decreased copper and nickel phytotoxity. In the most highly contaminated soil, the addition of Cu 20 mg/kg of soil decreased the yield of oats shoots.Sinkin, kuparin, lyijyn, kadmiumin ja nikkelin kertymistä lehtisalaattiin, vehnän jyviin ja olkiin, timoteihin ja italianraiheinään tutkittiin vuonna 1985, 1986 ja 1988 Harjavallassa ja sen ympäristössä sekä vertailupaikkakunnalla Jokioisissa. Harjavallassa toimivat Outokumpu Oy:n Harjavallan tehtaat ovat vuodesta 1945 lähtien levittäneet ympäristöönsä raskasmetalleja, erikoisesti kuparia ja nikkeliä. Keskeisin Outokumpu Oy:n Harjavallan tehtaista on ollut kupari- ja nikkelisulatto, joka on lajissaan Suomen ainoa. Harjavallassa on toiminut eräitä muitakin raskasmetallien, erikoisesti lyijyn, päästölähteitä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin raskasmetallien kertymistä kasveihin ilmasta ja saastuneesta maasta. Koepaikat sijaitsivat eri etäisyydellä ja eri suunnissa Outokumpu Oy:n tehtaista. Koepaikkojen valinnalla pyrittiin selvittämään raskasmetallien kulkeutumisetäisyyden ja -suunnan vaikutusta viljelykasvien raskasmetallipitoisuuteen. Jokioisissa vuonna 1990 läpiviedyssä astiakokeessa tutkittiin, mikä viljelymaan kupari- ja nikkelipitoisuus pienentää viljelykasvin satoa. Kahteen harjavaltalaiseen kuparilla ja nikkelillä saastuneeseen hienohietamaahan lisättiin 40, 200 ja 1000 mg kuparia tai nikkeliä kahta maalitraa kohti. Vertailumaana oli Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen Etelä-Pohjanmaan tutkimusasemalta (EPO) noudettu saastumaton savimaa, joka samojen raskasmetallilisäysten lisäksi kalkittiin. Kasvilajien raskasmetallipitoisuudet olivat erisuuria. Myös eri koepaikoilla kasvaneen kasvin raskasmetallipitoisuudet vaihtelivat selvästi. Vehnän jyvien kupari- ja lyijypitoisuudet olivat pieniä kaikilla koepaikoilla. Nikkeli kertyi kasveihin helposti ilmalaskeumasta. Myös kupari ja kadmium siirtyivät helpohkosti ilmasta kasveihin. Astiakokeessa nikkeli oli kuparia myrkyllisempi kauralle. Happamassa EPO-maassa pienehköt nikkeli ja kuparipitoisuudet, Ni 20 mg ja Cu 100 mg maalitraa kohti, pienensivät kauran versojen satoa. EPO-maan kalkitseminen pienensi selvästi nikkelin ja kuparin myrkyllisyyttä. Pahimmin saastuneessa Harjavallan maassa pienin kuparilisäys, Cu 20 mg maalitraa kohti, pienensi ohran versojen satoa. Harjavallassa saattaakin olla happamia viljelymaita, joissa maan korkea kuparipitoisuus voi vähentää kasvien kasvua

    Maan kalkitustarpeen määrittämisestä viljavuustutkimuksessa

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Radioaktiivinen laskeuma ja säteilyvalvonta

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    VokLoppuunmyyty. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    The role of the quality of soil organic matter in cadmium accumulation in plants

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    Two acid soils (pHCaCl2 4—4.5) synthesized by mixing 1 part by weight of Carex or Sphagnum peat with 9 parts by weight of clay, were compared in a pot and an incubation experiment. In the pot experiment the experimental plant was the radish, the cadmium content of whose tops rose in the first harvest by 23 mg/kg and in the second by 16 mg/kg when 5.12 mg of cadmium labelled with 115mCd had been added to the mixture of Carex peat and clay (3 kg/pot). The corresponding contents in radishes grown in a mixture of Sphagnum peat and clay were 51 and 33 mg/kg. In the roots, the corresponding contents were only 1/3—1/4 of the preceding. Of the cadmium added to the mixture of Carex peat and clay, radish tops and roots took up an overall 3.9 %. In the mixture of Sphagnum peat and clay the corresponding proportion was 9.5 %. In the incubation experiment, differences in the solubility of the added cadmium accounted satisfactorily for the differences found in the plant experiment. It was concluded from the results of the pot and incubation experiments and from autoradiographic tracings of cadmium uptake in radishes, that radishes were able to take up cadmium dissolved in soil water with little hindrance, and that translocation occurred in the plant in conjunction with the transpiration stream

    Uptake of radionuclides by spring wheat and barley from cultivated soils supplemented by contaminated sewage sludge

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    After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in April 1986, large amounts of fallout radionuclides originating from Chernobyl were measured in sewage sludge in Finland. Field experiments were performed to evaluate the amount of activity of fallout nuclides transferred from soil to spring wheat and barley grown in fields supplemented by contaminated sewage sludge and further to calculate the soil-grain transfer factors. The experiments were conducted in southern Finland on clay, clay loam and sandy loam soil. The digested sludge was spread on fields, at a ratio of 22 tons of dry matter per hectare. The sludge formed in 1986 was spread in spring 1987 on ploughed fields before the preparation of the seedbed, or in autumn 1987 prior to ploughing. The different plots were fertilized with NPK fertilizer so that the amount of available nutrients was about equal in all treatments. Application of sludge increased the concentration of 137Cs in grain 2-12 times as compared with crops grown in plots without sewage sludge addition. The transfer factor of 137Cs from soil to plant defined as Bq ha-1 in plant (grain and straw) per Bq ha-1 in soil (and sludge) varied in the first experimental years (1987 and 1988) from 20 x 10-6 to 150 x 10-6 and in the second experimental years (1988 and 1989) from 6 x 10-6 to 50 x 10-6 for sludge treated soil and from 10 x 10-6 to 60 x 10-6 and from 8 x 10-6 to 50 x 10-6 for soil without sludge addition, respectively

    Selenoitu kasvintuotanto

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Seleenilannoitus purrut vahvasti

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Selenium fertilization in Finland: selenium soil interactions

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