14 research outputs found

    Humanized celiac-prone epithelium in vitro express MHC-II and co-stimulatory molecules necessary for gluten peptide presentation

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    Background: The role intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) play in the breakdown of tolerance to gluten at an early stage in celiac disease (CeD) is unclear. Epithelial stress is a feature of CeD, and although the triggers are largely unknown, it is accompanied by expression of several markers that could be involved in initiation of inflammatory responses. IECs have been shown to express MHC class II (MHC-II) molecules and participate in antigen presentation in several models. Whether IECs can participate in gluten peptide presentation, the major environmental trigger in celiac disease, is unknown. To study this, a model expressing human MHC-II, HLA DQ8 or HLADQ2, would be required. Aims: To develop organoid monolayers from transgenic mice expressing human celiac risk genes: HLA-DQ8 and -DQ2. To investigate conditions leading to the induction of epithelial MHC-II and its main co-stimulatory molecules, CD80, CD86 and CD40, that could enable early gluten peptide presentation.Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    The Fabrication and Bonding of Thermoplastic Microfluidics: A Review

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    Various fields within biomedical engineering have been afforded rapid scientific advancement through the incorporation of microfluidics. As literature surrounding biological systems become more comprehensive and many microfluidic platforms show potential for commercialization, the development of representative fluidic systems has become more intricate. This has brought increased scrutiny of the material properties of microfluidic substrates. Thermoplastics have been highlighted as a promising material, given their material adaptability and commercial compatibility. This review provides a comprehensive discussion surrounding recent developments pertaining to thermoplastic microfluidic device fabrication. Existing and emerging approaches related to both microchannel fabrication and device assembly are highlighted, with consideration toward how specific approaches induce physical and/or chemical properties that are optimally suited for relevant real-world applications

    Self-Cleaning Ceramic Tiles Produced via Stable Coating of TiO2 Nanoparticles

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    The high photocatalytic power of TiO2 nanoparticles has drawn great attention in environmental and medical applications. Coating surfaces with these particles enables us to benefit from self-cleaning properties and decomposition of pollutants. In this paper, two strategies have been introduced to coat ceramic tiles with TiO2 nanoparticles, and the self-cleaning effect of the surfaces on degradation of an organic dye under ultraviolent (UV) exposure is investigated. In the first approach, a simple one-step heat treatment method is introduced for coating, and different parameters of the heat treatment process are examined. In the second method, TiO2 nanoparticles are first aminosilanized using (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) treatment followed by their covalently attachment onto CO2 plasma treated ceramic tiles via N-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) chemistry. We monitor TiO2 nanoparticle sizes throughout the coating process using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and characterize developed surfaces using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Moreover, hydrophilicity of the coated surfaces is quantified using a contact angle measurement. It is shown that applying a one-step heat treatment process with the optimum temperature of 200 °C for 5 h results in successful coating of nanoparticles and rapid degradation of dye in a short time. In the second strategy, the APTES treatment creates a stable covalent coating, while the photocatalytic capability of the particles is preserved. The results show that coated ceramic tiles are capable of fully degrading the added dyes under UV exposure in less than 24 h

    Phage display for the detection, analysis, disinfection, and prevention of Staphylococcus aureus

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    Abstract The World Health Organization has designated Staphylococcus aureus as a global health concern. This designation stems from the emergence of multiple drug‐resistant strains that already account for hundreds of thousands of deaths globally. The development of novel treatment strategies to eradicate S. aureus or mitigate its pathogenic potential is desperately needed. In the effort to develop emerging strategies to combat S. aureus, phage display is uniquely positioned to assist in this endeavor. Leveraging bacteriophages, phage display enables researchers to better understand interactions between proteins and their antagonists. In doing so, researchers have the capacity to design novel inhibitors, biosensors, disinfectants, and immune modulators that can target specific S. aureus strains. In this review, we highlight how phage display can be leveraged to design novel solutions to combat S. aureus. We further discuss existing uses of phage display as a detection, intervention, and prevention platform against S. aureus and provide outlooks on how this technology can be optimized for future applications

    Self-assembling nanofibrous bacteriophage microgels as sprayable antimicrobials targeting multidrug-resistant bacteria

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    Abstract Nanofilamentous bacteriophages (bacterial viruses) are biofunctional, self-propagating, and monodisperse natural building blocks for virus-built materials. Minifying phage-built materials to microscale offers the promise of expanding the range function for these biomaterials to sprays and colloidal bioassays/biosensors. Here, we crosslink half a million self-organized phages as the sole structural component to construct each soft microgel. Through an in-house developed, biologics-friendly, high-throughput template method, over 35,000 phage-built microgels are produced from every square centimetre of a peelable microporous film template, constituting a 13-billion phage community. The phage-exclusive microgels exhibit a self-organized, highly-aligned nanofibrous texture and tunable auto-fluorescence. Further preservation of antimicrobial activity was achieved by making hybrid protein-phage microgels. When loaded with potent virulent phages, these microgels effectively reduce heavy loads of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli O157:H7 on food products, leading to up to 6 logs reduction in 9 hours and rendering food contaminant free

    Sentinel Wraps: Real-Time Monitoring of Food Contamination by Printing DNAzyme Probes on Food Packaging

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    Here, we report the development of a transparent, durable, and flexible sensing surface that generates a fluorescence signal in the presence of a specific target bacterium. This material can be used in packaging, and it is capable of monitoring microbial contamination in various types of food products in real time without having to remove the sample or the sensor from the package. The sensor was fabricated by covalently attaching picoliter-sized microarrays of an E. coli-specific RNA-cleaving fluorogenic DNAzyme probe (RFD-EC1) to a thin, flexible, and transparent cyclo-olefin polymer (COP) film. Our experimental results demonstrate that the developed (RFD-EC1)-COP surface is specific, stable for at least 14 days under various pH conditions (pH 3–9), and can detect E. coli in meat and apple juice at concentrations as low as 10<sup>3</sup> CFU/mL. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our sensor is capable of detecting bacteria while still attached to the food package, which eliminates the need to manipulate the sample. The developed biosensors are stable for at least the shelf life of perishable packaged food products and provide a packaging solution for real-time monitoring of pathogens. These sensors hold the potential to make a significant contribution to the ongoing efforts to mitigate the negative public-health-related impacts of food-borne illnesses

    Comprehensive fluorescence profiles of contamination-prone foods applied to the design of microcontact-printed in situ functional oligonucleotide sensors

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    Abstract With both foodborne illness and food spoilage detrimentally impacting human health and the economy, there is growing interest in the development of in situ sensors that offer real-time monitoring of food quality within enclosed food packages. While oligonucleotide-based fluorescent sensors have illustrated significant promise, the development of such on-food sensors requires consideration towards sensing-relevant fluorescence properties of target food products—information that has not yet been reported. To address this need, comprehensive fluorescence profiles for various contamination-prone food products are established in this study across several wavelengths and timepoints. The intensity of these food backgrounds is further contextualized to biomolecule-mediated sensing using overlaid fluorescent oligonucleotide arrays, which offer perspective towards the viability of distinct wavelengths and fluorophores for in situ food monitoring. Results show that biosensing in the Cyanine3 range is optimal for all tested foods, with the Cyanine5 range offering comparable performance with meat products specifically. Moreover, recognizing that mass fabrication of on-food sensors requires rapid and simple deposition of sensing agents onto packaging substrates, RNA-cleaving fluorescent nucleic acid probes are successfully deposited via microcontact printing for the first time. Direct incorporation onto food packaging yields cost-effective sensors with performance comparable to ones produced using conventional deposition strategies

    Highly Stable Hierarchically Structured All-Polymeric Lubricant-Infused Films Prevent Thrombosis and Repel Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens

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    Thrombus formation and infections caused by bacterial adhesion are the most common causes of failure in blood-contacting medical devices. Reducing the interaction of pathogens using repellent surfaces has proven to be a successful strategy in preventing device failure. However, designing scale-up methodologies to create large-scale repellent surfaces remains challenging. To address this need, we have created an all-polymeric lubricant-infused system using an industrially viable swelling-coagulation solvent (S-C) method. This induces hierarchically structured micro/nano features onto the surface, enabling improved lubricant infusion. Poly(3,3,3-trifluoropropylmethylsiloxane) (PTFS) was used as the lubricant of choice, a previously unexplored omniphobic nonvolatile silicone oil. This resulted in all-polymeric liquid-infused surfaces that are transparent and flexible with long-term stability. Repellent properties have been demonstrated using human whole blood and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria matrices, with lubricated surfaces showing 93% reduction in blood stains and 96.7% reduction in bacterial adherence. The developed material has the potential to prevent blood and pathogenic contamination for a range biomedical devices within healthcare settings.E.A. thanks Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the FPI Grant (BES-2017-080057). T.F.D. acknowledges support from NSERC Discovery Grant, Ontario Early Researcher Award and McMaster Start-up funds to T.F.D. T.F.D and Z.H.D are Tier II Canada Research Chairs