18 research outputs found

    The Prairie Campaign and Kennedy Caucus: A Study of Amateur Groups in North Dakota

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    The problem examined in this thesis is the one of whether or not the Prairie Campaign for Economic Democracy and Kennedy caucus members at the 1980 State Democratic-NPL Convention were political amateurs who placed issues and ideology above winning. The Prairie Campaign for Economic Democracy and the Kennedy for President Caucuses were statewide organizations. In this thesis the caucus members are hypoth esized to be amateurs who, when compared to the convention delegates as a whole, had the following characteristics: 1. Were more likely to be under 35 2. Had higher education 3. Perceived issues differently 4. Had lower party loyalty 5. Were more likely to bolt the party The goal is to determine if these caucuses were a cadre of younger, more educated party members motivated more by ideological concerns rather than party identification and thus, more likely to bolt their party in elections. The method used to examine this problem was a survey mailed out to all 380 members of these two caucuses. A total of 208 responses were received, allowing determination of the demographic, ideological, and behavioral characteristics of these caucuses. Some hypotheses were supported and others were not. First the Prairie Campaign and Kennedy people were both younger than the delegates as a whole but were not shown to possess higher education than the dele gates as a whole. The third hypothesis which concerned perception of issues were not supported except when the issue of abortion was examined. The hypothesis that the Prairie Campaign and Kennedy people possess less party loyalty than delegates as a whole was supported. The fifth hypo thesis was that they are more likely to bolt the party than delegates as a whole and would then vote for a third-party presidential candidate. This was shown to be true as one-fourth of the Prairie Campaign and Kennedy delegates voted for a third-party presidential candidate as compared to 12% of the delegates as a whole. Thus, the Prairie Cam paign and Kennedy caucus delegates by meeting four of the five hypo theses were shown to be amateurs

    Artificial reef plan for sport fish enhancement

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    Hard bottom substrate provides habitat for a multitude of marine fishes, invertebrates, and plants - particularly giant kelp - which are of direct and indirect importance to sport and commercial fisheries. These reefs also enhance esthetic uses of the marine environment. This document sets forth the plan of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) for the construction of artificial reefs. The plan includes an outline for defining the purpose of reef construction, gathering information pertinent to reef placement and design, selecting a reef site, preparing a project narrative, obtaining permits and approvals for reef construction, developing a general permit for reef construction, and establishing a system of fisheries habitat enhancement areas. Procedures for constructing and mapping reefs are discussed and an outline for conducting short- and long-term biological studies of reef communities is presented. Since 1958, CDFG has constructed 31 reefs off southern California. Thirteen of the largest and most frequently used reefs were mapped using hydroacoustic and radio-locating techniques. Maps of these reefs were published in a 1989 CDFG booklet entitled "A Guide to the Artificial Reefs of Southern California". Since 1978, seven developmental reefs have been constructed: 1) Pendleton Artificial Reef (1980) - San Diego County; 2) Pitas Point Artificial Reef (1984) Ventura County; 3) Marina Del Rey Artificial Reef (1985) - Los Angeles County; 4)Oceanside Artificial Reef (1987) - San Diego County; 5) Pacific Beach Artificial Reef (1987) - San Diego County; 6) Santa Monica Artificial Reef (1987) - Los Angeles County; and 7) Topanga Artificial Reef (1987) - Los Angeles County. These reefs were built to improve habitat for sport fishes and associated fauna and to evaluate the enhancement characteristics of reefs related to geographic location, depth, height, rock size, and reef spacing. Short-term studies revealed that all reefs have provided shelter, food, nesting, and nursery areas for important fish species and have increased sport fishing opportunities. Furthermore, giant kelp has been observed on all reefs built at suitable depths. More extensive long-term studies are planned in 1998 when reef communities will be at successional equilibrium. These studies will provide additional information concerning the long-term potential of artificial reefs as habitat for sport fish, invertebrates, and plants. The plan discusses different types of man-made reefs, including developmental, production, and fishing access reefs, and provides examples of each. It documents CDFG policy regarding the use of reefs as mitigation for impacts on rocky habitat and kelp. It also documents the laws authorizing CDFG to administer reef construction and studies in California. The activities involved in designing, permitting, constructing, and evaluating Pendleton Artificial Reef are provided as an example of the reef building and study process. A list of reefs is provided to document the location, depth, area, materials, and funding sources for all reefs constructed and/or augmented in California. (85pp.

    Som far så datter? Ideologisk fornyelse og retorikk i praksis i Front National

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    Frankrikes høyrepopulistiske parti, Front National, har befestet seg som et av landets største partier. Flere har pekt på at det har skjedd en endring i partiet etter at datter, Marine Le Pen tok over ledervervet etter sin far, Jean-Marie etter nesten 40 år som leder for det populistiske partiet. Samtidig mangler denne påstanden om endring en klargjøring av hva og hvilke endringer som faktisk har skjedd. Med utgangspunktet i den antatte endringen undersøker jeg i denne masteroppgaven i hvilken grad det har skjedd en ideologisk endring i Front National og hvor partiet ideologisk står i dag. For å få grep om dette utvikler jeg et idéanalyseskjema, hvor jeg skisserer opp tre ulike former for høyrepopulisme, ved hjelp av et omfattende historisk bakgrunnsmateriale. Dette skjemaet benyttes så som verktøy for å utgjøre en idéanalyse av valgprogram med utgangspunkt i de to presidentvalgene av 2002 og 2012. Som et supplement til idéanalysen er det utført en analyse av de to ledernes retorikk for å gjøre oppgaven fyldigere. Ut fra de to analysene tegner det seg et bilde av far og datter som til dels plasserer dem innenfor forskjellige tradisjoner av høyrepopulisme som ble skissert opp i mitt idéanalyseskjema. Det viser seg at Marine Le Pen i større grad enn sin far kan plasseres innenfor den moderne høyrepopulistiske tradisjonen. Den retoriske analysen tar for seg kongresstaler samt et kort tv-intervju i programmet les 4 vérites av far og datter. Ut fra det empiriske retoriske materialet viser det seg at Marine Le Pens visjoner for landet kommuniseres i et mer virkelighetsnært språk sammenlignet med hennes far, i form av klarere visjoner for å styre landet. Jean-Marie er dessuten mer direkte i sin innvandringspolitikk og bruker mye mer av sin taletid til å rakke ned på tidligere ledere sammenlignet med hans datter. Oppgaven viser hvordan far og datter Le Pens politiske ideer skiller seg fra hverandre og hvilke ideer som fortsatt er relativt like mellom de to partilederne

    Fontana delle Tartarughe : The iconography of a Roman fountain

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    La Fontana delle Tartarughe the turtle fountain - is a Roman fountain from the late sixteenth century(1585). Its design was made by the papal architect Giacomo della Porta and the young Florentine artist Taddeo Landini, and the patron of the fountain was Muzio Mattei. This thesis sets out to present a new interpretation of the iconography of the Fontana delle Tartarughe. The bronze turtles, that have given the fountain its name, were not added to the fountain until nearly eighty years after the fountains original completion, in 1659. The turtles were in other words not a part of the original iconography. Prior interpretations of the iconography seems to lean towards the more general term Festina Lente make haste slow. This interpretation was a common theme for the late Roman Renaissance and Mannerist monuments, but that does not exclude another iconographical theme aswell. And the Festina lente interpretation does not explain the odd contraposto pose which the young bronze boys in the fountain have, their lack of attributes or their nudity. In this thesis I argue that the fountain originally was a representation of the homoerotic antique Roman myth of Jupiter and Ganymede. There exists a long iconographical tradition where this myth is represented by Jupiter in the shape of an eagle, and the young shepherd Ganymede, most frequently depicted in the nude, in a strange contraposto, and with a lack of attributes. This iconographical tradition goes back to Antiquity, and was an important theme all through the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Mannerism. There also seems to be a thematical link between this iconographical theme in the fountain, and the addition of the turtles. Through the Roman syncretism Jupiter Sabazio there excists a link between the turtle and Jupiter, and between the turtle and Ganymede. In this sense, the four turtles in Fontana delle Tartarughe might be interpreted as an extention of the original iconographical programme of the fountain. In this thesis I have also detected that this myth seems to have been a part of a complex iconographical programme that is represented in at least twelve of the Mattei family s (the patron of the fountain) decorations; in amongst other a canvas by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, a fountain by Gianlorenzo Bernini, a castle by Baldassarre Peruzzi and in other decorations in the buildings and monuments in possession of the Mattei. This iconographical programme possibly depicting the myth of Jupiter and Ganymede, is detectable during five generations of Mattei: in a period of over a hundred years, from the 1542 to 1643

    Achievement of therapeutic objectives : an analysis of micro-processes within a single-case observational design

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    Objective: This study uses data from a single subject based on the previously published Randomized Control Trial of Brief Cognitive and Dynamic Therapy (Svartberg, Stiles & Seltzer, 2005). The present study investigates the change of four process variables: Insight, Motivation, Activating affects and Inhibitory affects, both within and across sessions. The study also inquires into whether there are sequential relationships between these four variables. Method: the patient in this study received Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy for 40 weeks. The patient met the criteria for a Cluster-C personality disorder. The data consists of process measures from the Achievement of Therapeutic Objectives Scale (ATOS), outcome measures from SCL-90, MCMI-C and IIP, in addition to qualitative observations. Results: The data was analyzed by a two-way Analysis of Variance design, linear regression and a Cross Lagged Correlation design. Variance, trends and the sequential relationships between the process variables were investigated. Results show only small changes in the process variables during the course of therapy. Within a therapy session there were found two small trends of sequential relationships: 1. Affective activation predicted Insight. 2. Inhibition predicted Insight. Conclusion: The overall results showed small changes during treatment. Such finding needs to be interpreted in light of that the patient‘s symptoms and functioning at treatment end and at a 2-year follow-up were unimproved

    Motivasjon i frivillig arbeid

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    Denne masteroppgaven handler om faktorer som har innvirkning på motivasjonen til individer i frivillig arbeid, og da spesifikt motivasjonen til speiderlederne i Norges speiderforbund. Det avdekkes faktorer som fører til intensjon om å slutte. Det som betyr mest er svak organisasjonstilknytning og lav jobbtilfredshet. Frivillig arbeid er en viktig sektor hvor individer kan lære å utvikle sin kompetanse (Gjørts 2013; Ness, Sørebø, Holm & Berg 2007). Forskning har vist at det har vært en nedgang i det frivillige arbeidet mellom 1997-2009 (Wollebæk & Sivesind 2010). I Norges speiderforbunds medlemsblad påpeker og opplyses det om viktigheten av å engasjere frivillige og de søker stadig etter nye speiderledere. For at barn og unge skal få en best mulig opplevelse er det viktig å ikke mangle engasjerte speiderledere. Det er bekreftet at det er flere faktorer som motiverer de frivillige og disse faktorene motvirker intensjon om å slutte. Dermed kan speiderforbundet jobbe aktivt og strategisk for å oppmuntre og beholde sine ledere. Det har blitt benyttet en kvantitativ metode med et deskriptivt og korrelerende design. Videre falt valget på en tversnittstudie med bruk av spørreskjem

    Prenatal diagnostikk av nevralrørsdefekter : Måling av alfaføtoprotein i fostervann

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    Objective: To evaluate the contemporary usefulness of amniotic alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) measurements in the prenatal diagnosis of neural tube defects (NTDs). Methods: Two retrospective studies were performed. In Part I we reviewed 77 cases with elevated levels of amnioitic AFP. We examined whether elevated amniotic AFP corresponded with a fetal diagnosis, and which fetal conditions it revealed. In Part II we reviewed 24 cases of prenatally diagnosed meningomyelocele (MMC). We examined how this condition was revealed. Results: In Part I 24 of the 77 fetuses had malformations. 92 % of these were detected on ultrasound. In 8 % of the cases the AFP level led to further investigations, and the malformations were revealed on a follow-up sonography. The malformations included 9 multiple malformations (more than two organ systems involved), 6 MMCs, 4 anencephalis, 1 cleft platelet, 1 omfalocele, 1 hydrops foetalis, 1 trisomi 18 and 1 malformations of the urinary tract. In Part II all patients were diagnosed prenatally with MMC. The condition was exclusively detected on ultrasound examnination. None of the women had amniocentesis before the diagnostic ultrasound examination. In addition to MMC 20 cases had hydrocefalus, 2 had omfalocele, 1 had VSD and 1 had malformation of the urinary tract. Conclusion: Ultrasound examination has become the most important method for prenatal diagnosis of NTDs. The measurment of amniotic AFP is no longer justified