10 research outputs found

    Radiocarbon in the Water Column of the Southwestern North Pacific Ocean—24 Years After Geosecs

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    From the 18th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Wellington, New Zealand, September 1-5, 2003.In the framework of the Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies (WOMARS) project, water profile samples for radiocarbon measurements were taken during the IAEA97 cruise at 10 stations in the southwestern North Pacific Ocean. While 14C concentrations were rapidly decreasing from the surface (∆14C about 100 ppm) down to about 800 m at all visited stations (∆14C about -200 ppm), the concentrations below 1000 m were almost constant. Some stations were in proximity to the GEOSECS stations sampled in 1973; thus, 14C profiles could be compared after a 24-yr interval. Generally, 14C concentrations had decreased in surface waters (by 50-80 ppm) and increased (by about the same amount) in intermediate waters when compared with GEOSECS data. In deep waters (below 1000 m), the observed 14C concentrations were similar to GEOSECS values. The bomb-produced 14C inventory had increased by more than 20% over the 24 yr from 1973 to 1997 and was estimated to be about (32 +/5) 10^12 atom m-2, with an annual 14C flux of (1.3 +/0.3) 10^12 atom m^-2 yr-1. The results suggest that bomb-produced 14C has been advected northwards by the Kuroshio Current and the Kuroshio Extension and stored in the intermediate layer as North Pacific Intermediate Water.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202