22 research outputs found

    The influence of electromagnetic field (2 mT, 50 Hz) on spontaneous bioelectrical activity of antennal lobe neurons of adult Morimus funereus (Insecta, Coleoptera)

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    SpoljaÅ”nja magnetna polja (MP) naruÅ”avaju ravnotežu bioloÅ”kih sistema, čak i tokom kraćeg vremena izlaganja, Å”to za posledicu ima poremećaje na različitim nivoima organizacije. Na ovaj način nastali poremaćaji akumuliraju se u organizmima, Å”to je jedan od razloga za traženje objaÅ”njenja bioloÅ”kih efekata MP. S druge strane, veoma važna činjenica koja nas usmerava na Å”to bolje razumevanje ove problematike je potreba za zaÅ”titom ljudskog zdravlja zbog uvođenja novih tehnologija u svakodnevni život, industriju i medicinu, kao i zbog terapijske upotrebe MP. Pretpostavka je da se interakcija spoljaÅ”njih MP i organizama deÅ”ava na svim nivoima organizacije, uključujući i nervni sistem. Stoga je cilj ovih istraživanja bio ispitivanje uticaja elektromagnetnog polja (2 mT, 50 Hz) različitih karakteristika (trajanje, talasni oblik) na spontanu bioelektričnu aktivnost neurona antenalnog lobusa adulta Morimus funereus. Aktivnost neurona (pozadinskih/neuronske populacije i najbližih registrujućoj elektrodi) je registrovana kroz nekoliko faza u kojima smo adulte izlagali sinusoidalnom ili kvadratnom MP različitog trajanja: 5, 10 i 15 min (MP-5, MP-10, MP-15, respektivno). Uticaj MP smo procenjivali na osnovu promena u neuronskoj aktivnosti, a procenjivali smo i (i)reverzibilnost promena između tripleta formiranih od određenih eksperimentalnih faza. U tripletima koji slede vremenski tok eksperimenta, a podrazumevaju delovanje MP određenog trajanja (MP-5, MP-10 i MP-15, respektivno), testirali smo i njihove međusobne razlike. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da primenjeno MP, bez obzira na dužinu izlaganja i talasni oblik, menja aktivnost neurona antenalnog lobusa. U sinusoidalnom MP, te promene su najizraženije nakon delovanja MP-15, a u kvadratnom MP, nakon delovanja MP-5. Pokazano je da je kontrolna aktivnosti pozadinskih neurona značajno promenjene nakon delovanja sinusoidalnog MP-5, kao i nakon delovanja MP-10, a značajno je manja nakon delovanja MP-15. S druge strane, sinusoidalno MP, bez obzira na dužinu izlaganja izaziva značajnu inhibiciju kontrolne aktivnosti najbližih neurona...External magnetic fields (MF) disturb the equilibrium of biological systems, even during short-term exposure, resulting in disturbances at different levels of organization. These changes accumulate in organisms, which is one of the reasons for testing biological effects of MF. On the other hand, the fact that modern man is exposed to increasing number of MF sources due to the use of new technologies in everyday life, industry, medicine, as well as therapeutic application of MF, makes this topic even more important, in terms of human health protection. It is assumed that the interaction between external MF and organisms takes place at all levels of organization, including the nervous system. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of electromagnetic field (EMF) of different characteristics (exposure duration, waveform) on spontaneous bioelectrical activity of antennal lobe neurons of adult Morimus funereus. Neurons activity (background/neuronal population and those nearest to the recording electrode) was registered through several phases of exposure of adult longhorn beetles to sine wave or square wave MF of different exposure duration: 5, 10 and 15 minutes (MP-5, MP-10 and MP-15, respectively). Estimation of MF influence was based on registered changes of neuronal activity. (I)reversibility of such changes was tested through comparison the triplets formed by particular experimental phases. Changes in triplets that follow the time course of the experiment, with reference to MF influence of different exposure duration (MP-5, MP-10 and MP-15, respectively), were also tested. Results of this study showed that the applied MF, regardless of exposure duration and waveform, modifies the activity of antennal lobe neurons. In sine wave MF, the most prominent changes are recorded after MP-15, while in square wave MF such changes were recorded after MP-5. Control activity of the neuronal population was significantly changed both after MP-5 and MP-10, as well as significantly decreased after MP-15. Sine wave MF, regardless of exposure duration, significantly inhibits control activity of nearest neurons..

    Uticaj cimiazol hidrohlorida na mitotsku i proliferativnu aktivnost u kulturama humanih limfocita

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    Cymiazole hydrochloride is the active ingredient of a synthetic systemically acting acaricide used in beekeeping (ApitolĀ®, ApichemĀ®). Considering that residues of cymiazole hydrochloride were detected in all bee products being used for human nutrition and as alternative medications in human and veterinary medicine, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cymiazole hydrochloride on mitotic activity of cultured human lymphocytes. The mitotic and proliferation indices in phytohaemagglutinin-activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined using three experimental concentrations of cymiazole hydrochloride (0.01; 0.1; 1mg/ml). All experimental concentrations of cymiazole hydrochloride increased mitotic index values (MI) by a statistically highly significant amount (p lt 0.001). Moreover, proliferation index (PI) was also changed very significantly (p lt 0.001) after each experimental cymiazole hydrochloride treatment. The dose dependent increase in proliferation index values clearly demonstrates the ability of cymiazole hydrochloride to induce significant alterations of cell cycle kinetics having an influence on G0 state and arousing cell division. This indicates a risk from consuming bee products with cymiazole hydrochloride residues particularly in those predisposed to malignant diseases. Strict respect to the withrawal time while using cymiazole hydrochloride (ApitolĀ®, ApichemĀ®) is of great importance because residue levels higher than the permitted one can easily occur in honey and other bee products from treated honey bee colonies.Cimiazol hidrohlorid predstavlja aktivnu supstancu sintetičkih akaricida sa sistemskim dejstvom koji se koriste u pčelarstvu (ApitolĀ®, ApichemĀ®). Obzirom da su rezidue cimiazol hidrohlorida detektovane u svim pčelinjim proizvodima, koji se koriste u ishrani i kao alternativni lekovi u humanoj i veterinarskoj medicini, cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje efekata cimiazol hidrohlorida na mitotsku i proliferativnu aktivnost humanih limfocita u kulturi. Analizirani su mitotski i proliferativni indeksi humanih limfocita aktiviranih fitohemaglutininom pri čemu su korŔćene tri eksperimentalne koncentracije cimiazol hidrohlorida u opsegu od 0.001 mg/ml do 1 mg/ml. Sve tri eksperimentalne koncentracije cimiazol hidrohlorida izazvale su vrlo visoko signifikantno (p lt 0.001) povećanje vrednosti mitotskog indeksa (MI) humanih limfocita. Takođe, vrednosti proliferativnog indeksa (PI) su vrlo visoko signifikantno (p lt 0.001) povećane nakon svakog eksperimentalnog tretmana cimiazol hidrohloridom. Dozno zavisno povećanje vrednosti proliferativnog indeksa jasno pokazuje sposobnost cimiazol hidrohlorida da izazove značajne promene u kinetici ćelijskog ciklusa utičući na G0 tačku i podstičući ćelijsku deobu, Å”to ukazuje na rizik prilikom konzumiranja pčelinjih proizvoda sa reziduama cimiazol hidrohlorida, posebno kod jedinki sklonih malignitetima. Izuzetno je značajno strogo poÅ”tovanje karence prilikom upotrebe cimiazol hidrohlorida (ApitolĀ®, ApichemĀ®) jer rezidue, u količini većoj od dozvoljene, mogu veoma lako dospeti u med i druge pčelinje proizvode dobijene od tretiranih pčelinjih druÅ”tava

    Temperature and magnetic field effects on the activity of protocerebral neurosecretory neurons and corpora allata in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae

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    The effects of constant temperature and an extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELFMF, 50 Hz and average induction of 20 mT) on the activity of medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons (A1 and A2) and corpora allata were investigated in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae after 30 days of exposure. Both constant temperature of 23Ā°C and the ELFMF led to decrease in activity of A1 and A2 neurosecretory neurons and increase in activity of corpora allata compared to the control group (larvae from natural conditions). The changes are more pronounced in A2 than A1 neurons.Ispitivan je uticaj konstantne temperature i ekstremno niskofrekventnog magnetnog polja (ELFMF, 50 Hz i prosečna indukcija 20mT) na aktivnost medijanih protocerebralnih neurosekretnih neurona (A1 i A2) i corpora allata kod larvi Cerambyx cerdo posle 30 dana izlaganja i konstantna temperatura od 23Ā°C i ELFMF dovode do smanjenja aktivnosti A1 i A2 neurosekretnih neurona i povećanja aktivnosti corpora allata u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (larve iz prirodnih uslova). Promene su viÅ”e izražene kod A2 nego kod A1neurona.nul

    Influence of a trout farm on antioxidant defense in larvae of Ephemera danica (Insecta: Ephemeroptera)

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    The aim of this study was to establish the influence of a trout farm on the activity of enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and total glutathione concentration (GSH), in larvae of Ephemera danica, and on environmental parameters in the receiving watercourse. The investigations were carried out seasonally (April, July, and October of 2016 and January of 2017) at four localities (SK1 - control, and SK2, SK3, and SK4 - 30 m, 330 m and 630 m below the fish farm, respectively) along the Skrapez River. Discharged water had the greatest effect on the concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO), ammonium ions, nitrates (NO3-), and total phosphorus. In the case of SOD and GSH, seasonal changes were greater than longitudinal, with maximal values attained in spring and summer and minimal in autumn and winter. SOD showed the strongest correlation with DO, and GSH with total nitrogen. Activity of GPx demonstrated greater longitudinal variability with maximum at SK2 in all seasons and the strongest correlation with NO3-. The obtained results indicate that GPx activity was the most sensitive to the trout farm effects, while SOD and GSH were more influenced by natural seasonal changes of environmental parameters

    The response of dorsomedial A1' and dorsolateral L2' neurosecretory neurons of Lymantria dispar L. caterpillars to the acute effects of magnetic fields

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    The morphometric changes (size of neurons and their nuclei) of protocerebral dorsomedial A1' and dorsolateral L2' neurosecretory neurons were analyzed in Lymantria dispar larvae after exposure to strong static (SMF, 235 mT) and extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MF, 2 mT). Increase in the size of A1' neurons and their nuclei were observed after acute exposure to SMF. Decrease in the size of these neurons and their nuclei was observed after exposure to ELF MF. The size of L2' neurons and their nuclei tend to decrease after exposure to SMF and ELF MF. The quantification of protein bands within the Mr range corresponding to the large form of the prothoracicotropic neurohormone indicates that the amount of protein decreased after exposure to both types of magnetic fields.Projekat ministarstva br. 17302

    Temperature and magnetic field effects on the activity of protocerebral neurosecretory neurons and corpora allata in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae

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    The effects of constant temperature and an extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELFMF, 50 Hz and average induction of 20 mT) on the activity of medial protocerebral neurosecretory neurons (A1 and A2) and corpora allata were investigated in Cerambyx cerdo L. larvae after 30 days of exposure. Both constant temperature of 23Ā°C and the ELFMF led to decrease in activity of A1 and A2 neurosecretory neurons and increase in activity of corpora allata compared to the control group (larvae from natural conditions). The changes are more pronounced in A2 than A1 neurons.Ispitivan je uticaj konstantne temperature i ekstremno niskofrekventnog magnetnog polja (ELFMF, 50 Hz i prosečna indukcija 20mT) na aktivnost medijanih protocerebralnih neurosekretnih neurona (A1 i A2) i corpora allata kod larvi Cerambyx cerdo posle 30 dana izlaganja i konstantna temperatura od 23Ā°C i ELFMF dovode do smanjenja aktivnosti A1 i A2 neurosekretnih neurona i povećanja aktivnosti corpora allata u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (larve iz prirodnih uslova). Promene su viÅ”e izražene kod A2 nego kod A1neurona.nul

    The response of dorsomedial A1' and dorsolateral L2' neurosecretory neurons of Lymantria dispar L. caterpillars to the acute effects of magnetic fields

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    The morphometric changes (size of neurons and their nuclei) of protocerebral dorsomedial A1' and dorsolateral L2' neurosecretory neurons were analyzed in Lymantria dispar larvae after exposure to strong static (SMF, 235 mT) and extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MF, 2 mT). Increase in the size of A1' neurons and their nuclei were observed after acute exposure to SMF. Decrease in the size of these neurons and their nuclei was observed after exposure to ELF MF. The size of L2' neurons and their nuclei tend to decrease after exposure to SMF and ELF MF. The quantification of protein bands within the Mr range corresponding to the large form of the prothoracicotropic neurohormone indicates that the amount of protein decreased after exposure to both types of magnetic fields.Projekat ministarstva br. 17302

    The embryonic and post-embryonic development in two Drosophila species exposed to the static magnetic field of 60 mT

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    In this study, a static magnetic field influence on development and viability in two different species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila hydei, was investigated. Both species completed development (egg--adult), in and out of the static magnetic field induced by double horseshoe magnet. Treated vials with eggs were placed in the gap between magnetic poles (47 mm) and exposed to the average magnetic induction of 60 mT, while control ones were kept far enough from magnetic field source. We found that exposure to the static magnetic field reduced development time in both species, but statistical significance was found only for D. hydei. Furthermore, we found that the average viability of both Drosophila species exposed to the magnetic field was significantly weaker compared to control ones. These results indicate that 60 mT static magnetic field could be considered as a potential stressor, influencing on different levels the embryonic and post-embryonic development of individuals.</.Ministry of Education and Science Development, Republic of Serbia [173012, 173027

    The embryonic and post-embryonic development in two Drosophila species exposed to the static magnetic field of 60 mT

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    In this study, a static magnetic field influence on development and viability in two different species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila hydei, was investigated. Both species completed development (egg--adult), in and out of the static magnetic field induced by double horseshoe magnet. Treated vials with eggs were placed in the gap between magnetic poles (47 mm) and exposed to the average magnetic induction of 60 mT, while control ones were kept far enough from magnetic field source. We found that exposure to the static magnetic field reduced development time in both species, but statistical significance was found only for D. hydei. Furthermore, we found that the average viability of both Drosophila species exposed to the magnetic field was significantly weaker compared to control ones. These results indicate that 60 mT static magnetic field could be considered as a potential stressor, influencing on different levels the embryonic and post-embryonic development of individuals.</.Ministry of Education and Science Development, Republic of Serbia [173012, 173027