4,514 research outputs found


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    A structural reform is underway in Bulgarian agriculture. The aim is to bring the sector out of the grave crisis. The paper presents the main directions of the structural reform in the sector, basing on the analysis of its current situation: - providing of due legislation; - development of the land market and rent relations; - development of operative production structures; - regulating the functions of the administrative and branch organizations governing the implementation of the agrarian policy

    NeugezĂĽchtete flugbrandresistente Gerste aus Bulgarien

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    Our study presents a part of the long-term program for resistance breeding to smuts in barley in Bulgaria. 56 dihaploid lines were derived from F1-hybrids of two barley crosses between resistant and susceptible Bulgarian and foreign cultivars bearing the resistant genes Run12 and Run13. The DH progenies were tested in 3 generations for loose smut resistance on the field and in the lab with the embryotest. 10 resistant DH-progenies with gene Run12 and 16 resistant DH-progenies with Run13 were selected and agronomically characterised for new cultivar development

    Kinetic hindrance during the initial oxidation of Pd(100) at ambient pressures

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    The oxidation of the Pd(100) surface at oxygen pressures in the 10^-6 to 10^3 mbar range and temperatures up to 1000 K has been studied in-situ by surface x-ray diffraction (SXRD). The results provide direct structural information on the phases present in the surface region and on the kinetics of the oxide formation. Depending on the (T,p) environmental conditions we either observe a thin sqrt(5) x sqrt(5) R27 surface oxide or the growth of a rough, poorly ordered bulk oxide film of PdO predominantly with (001) orientation. By either comparison to the surface phase diagram from first-principles atomistic thermodynamics or by explicit time-resolved measurements we identify a strong kinetic hindrance to the bulk oxide formation even at temperatures as high as 675 K.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures, Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    The 22-year cycle in the geomagnetic 27-day recurrences reflecting on the F2-layer ionization

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    Solar cycle variations of the amplitudes of the 27-day solar rotation period reflected in the geomagnetic activity index <i>A<sub>p</sub></i>, solar radio flux F10.7cm and critical frequency <i>fo</i>F2 for mid-latitude ionosonde station Moscow from the maximum of sunspot cycle 18 to the maximum of cycle 23 are examined. The analysis shows that there are distinct enhancements of the 27-day amplitudes for <i>fo</i>F2 and <i>A<sub>p</sub></i> in the late declining phase of each solar cycle while the amplitudes for F10.7cm decrease gradually, and the <i> fo</i>F2 and <i>A<sub>p</sub></i> amplitude peaks are much larger for even-numbered solar cycles than for the odd ones. Additionally, we found the same even-high and odd-low pattern of <i>fo</i>F2 for other mid-latitude ionosonde stations in Northern and Southern Hemispheres. This property suggests that there exists a 22-year cycle in the F2-layer variability coupled with the 22-year cycle in the 27-day recurrence of geomagnetic activity.<br><br> <b>Key words.</b> Ionosphere (mid-latitude ionosphere; ionosphere- magnetosphere interactions) – Magnetospheric physics (solar wind-magnetosphere interactions

    Pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana isolates toward Leptinotarsa decemlineata [Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae], Myzus persicae [Homoptera : Aphididae] and their predator Coleomegilla maculata lengi [Coleoptera : Coccinellidae]

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    L'effet pathogène de dix isolats de Beauveria bassiana de différentes sources et provenances géographiques a été évalué au laboratoire à une concentration de 107 conidies ml-1 sur deux insectes ravageurs, le doryphore de la pomme de terre ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata) et le puceron vert du pêcher ( Myzus persicae), et leur prédateur, la coccinelle maculée ( Coleomegilla maculata lengi). Six isolats ont provoqué une mortalité élevée sur les trois espèces d'insectes. Les quatre autres ont démontré un différent degré de spécificité pour les insectes visés. Les isolats 49, 233 et 210087 se sont avérés les plus intéressants comme agents de lutte biologique parce qu'ils ont démontré une forte virulence pour les insectes nuisibles mais ne causant qu'une faible mortalité pour la coccinelle.Ten isolates of Beauveria bassiana from different sources and geographical sites were evaluated under laboratory conditions at a concentration of 107 conidia ml-1 for their pathogenicity against two insect pests, the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) and the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), and their predator, the spotted ladybird beetle (Coleomegilla maculata lengi). Six isolates were highly virulent to all three insect species. Four others showed different degrees of specificity. The isolates 49, 233 and 210087 were the most interesting for their potential development as biological control agents because they were highly virulent for the two insect pests and caused low mortality in the coccinellid
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