183 research outputs found

    Organizational Change and Leadership: Out of the Quagmire

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    The intention of this annual editorial is to Make A Difference (MAD) through outlining suggestions to where we need to direct future organizational change and leadership discourse, research and practitioner efforts. Engaging in immensely important fields of study and practice, we have a responsibility to assist the sustainable development of organizations and the wider society. Much good work is undertaken in support of the further development of both theory and practice. However, I do observe in my role as editor-in-chief a sustained tendency amongst both scholars and practitioners of being stuck in a quagmire peddling a dominant orthodoxy that is somewhat lacking in progress, initiative and imagination (it still sells articles, books, courses and seminars though …). Becoming unstuck through reframing the challenges faced is required for our work to stay relevant, and it takes real and conscious effort to make this happen. Or blood, toil, tears and sweat as Churchill would put it.publishedVersio

    Stakeholder Capitalism and Implications for How We Think About Leadership

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    MAD statement The intention of this leading article is to help reframe our take on capitalism and leadership. Rather than presenting a linear, one-solution approach, it promotes an often messy, uncertain approach based on purpose, co-creation, creativity, courage and action delivering on a multitude of stakeholders’ needs and interests.publishedVersio

    En historiepreget ungdomskultur: En empirisk studie av historiekulturen blant ungdommer på Vestlandet

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    I denne studien ønsker jeg å gjøre rede for ungdommers forhold til historie på ulike områder og nivåer, og med dette definere deres historiekultur. For å bygge oppgaven på god empirisk data har jeg gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse med rundt 200 ungdommer i alderen 12-19 år ved ulike skoler på Vestlandet. Undersøkelsen tar for seg ulike områder av ungdommenes forhold til historie, og bygger mye på begrepene historiebevissthet, historiebruk og historiekultur, samt mer trivielle begrep som popkultur og interesse. Undersøkelsen viser at ungdommen absolutt har et bevisst forhold til fortiden, og den generelle fellesnevneren er at ungdom ser historie som nødvendig kunnskap for å kunne skape en bedre fremtid. Flere av oppgavens funn bryter med tidligere forskning hvor elever finner historiefaget kjedelig og tørt. Selv om det absolutt er en andel som mener dette, har det i det store og hele vært positive besvarelser. Særlig vektlegger ungdommene den historiske interessen som kommer gjennom populærkulturens historiefremstilling. Oppgaven tar for seg flere innfallsvinkler til ungdommenes popkultur, og viser en klar sammenheng mellom hva ungdommene oppfatter som interessant og relevant, med deres vilje til å tilegne seg historisk kunnskap. Ungdommen er generelt sett tett knyttet til sin egen fortid og familiehistorie, men også verdens historie som et helhetlig samfunn. I motsetning til tidligere forskning viser mine funn at ungdommer er langt mer opptatt av omverden rundt, og samfunnet i sin helhet, i motsetning til ungdommer før tusenårsskiftet. Nøkkelord: Historiekultur, historiebevissthet, historiebruk, populærkultur/popkultur, interesse, samfunnskunnskap, ungdommer, ungdomskultur, fortid, skole, undervisningIn this study I want to account for young people’s relations to history on various areas and levels, and thereby define their historical culture. To build the thesis on good empirical data, I have conducted a survey with about 200 youths in the age 12-19 years old, from different schools in Western Norway. The survey investigates various areas regarding youth’s relation to history, building on historical consciousness, historical use and historical culture, as well as more trivial concepts such as pop culture and personal interests. The findings shows that the youth have a conscious relation to the past, and in general denominator is that they regard history as a necessary knowledge to create a better future. Several of the thesis's findings break with previous research that pupils find history boring and dry, although there is certainly a proportion who still has this attitude. Even though several still think this, the answers have all in all been more positive. In particular they emphasize their historical interests through pop culture and it’s convey of historical content. This thesis has several angles regarding young people’s intrest in pop culture and shows close connection between what they find interesting and relevant to their will to obtain historical knowledge. In general, they have close connection to their own past and their family history, but also to world history. Unlike previous studies my findings shows that youths are far more interested in their surroundings, and the society as a whole, unlike youth’s born pre-millennium. Key words: Historical culture, historical consciousness, historical use, popular culture/pop culture, interest, social studies, youths, youth culture, past, school, teachin

    Låvetørking og solvarme

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    Reimagining Organisational Change Leadership

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    Reimagining organisational change leadership orthodoxy requires revisiting theseminal work of Kurt Lewin and James M. Burns. Being the 20thcentury mostinfluential organisational change and leadership scholars, both radicallyreimagined their respective fields. However, often misinterpreted, misunderstoodand even misrepresented, their true recommendations were largely ignored. In thisarticle we discuss why this is so. Despite three decades of transformation andorganisational change leadership discourse, leadership is still in crisis. Workingtowards an alternative to the current orthodoxy, we reimagine organisationalchange leadership as a utilitarian consequentialist process

    Smyle (Avenella flexuosa) - avling, gjenvekst og fôrkvalitet

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    Avenella flexuosa is the main pasture plant in blueberry mountain birch forest and dwarf birch— blueberry moorland, which covers large parts of outfield pastures in the mountainous region of southern Norway. Four sites in blueberry mountain birch forest in Vingelen, Tolga, Hedmark, was fenced in and harvested at different times in summer 2014. Regrowth was also recorded. The grass from sample plots was dried after harvest, and analyzed for feed quality using NIRS. There were no statistically significant differences in total yields between different harvesting systems. Grass growth was highest in early summer, and harvesting on July 3 gave 70% of the total grass yield in the season. Grass yields in undisturbed turf increased until the last harvest (early September). Regrowth after harvest was small at the end of the season, but growth here corresponded growth in undisturbed turf. Avenella flexuosa remained at leaf stage during the season. The energy value was highest at harvest first in July, and relatively constant at later harvests at a level around 0.80 feed units per kg dry matter. The protein content was 8 to 10 percent of dry matter, with the highest content in the first half of the growing season, and in regrowth. The content of water-soluble carbohydrates ranged between 18 and 25 percent of dry matter. Avenella flexuosa in blueberry mountain birch forest showed great flexibility in relation to defoliation as grass yields and feed quality were little affected by harvesting management

    The impact of extended electrodiagnostic studies in Ulnar Neuropathy at the elbow

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    Background: This study aimed to explore the value of extended motor nerve conduction studies in patients with ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow (UNE) in order to find the most sensitive and least time-consuming method. We wanted to evaluate the utility of examining both the sensory branch from the fifth finger and the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve. Further we intended to study the clinical symptoms and findings, and a possible correlation between the neurophysiological findings and pain. Methods: The study was prospective, and 127 UNE patients who were selected consecutively from the list of patients, had a clinical and electrodiagnostic examination. Data from the most symptomatic arm were analysed and compared to the department's reference limits. Student's t - test, chi-square tests and multiple regression models were used. Two-side p-values < 0.05 were considered as significant. Results: Ulnar paresthesias (96%) were more common than pain (60%). Reduced ulnar sensitivity (86%) and muscle strength (48%) were the most common clinical findings. Adding a third stimulation site in the elbow mid-sulcus for motor conduction velocity (MCV) to abductor digiti minimi (ADM) increased the electrodiagnostic sensitivity from 80% to 96%. Additional recording of ulnar MCV to the first dorsal interosseus muscle (FDI) increased the sensitivity from 96% to 98%. The ulnar fifth finger and dorsal branch sensory studies were abnormal in 39% and 30% of patients, respectively. Abnormal electromyography in FDI was found in 49% of the patients. Patients with and without pain had generally similar conduction velocity parameter means. Conclusion: We recommend three stimulation sites at the elbow for MCV to ADM. Recording from FDI is not routinely indicated. Sensory studies and electromyography do not contribute much to the sensitivity of the electrodiagnostic evaluation, but they are useful to document axonal degeneration. Most conduction parameters are unrelated to the presence of pain

    De los silos a la colaboración interprofesional: un estudio de caso de métodos mixtos que utiliza investigación-acción participativa para fomentar equipos multidisciplinarios en un departamento de cirugía de un centro de día

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    This single case study reports on the establishment of a multidisciplinary day care surgery at a Norwegian University Hospital utilising participating action research design principles drawn from sociotechnical theory. Data was collected through mixed methods including stakeholder analysis, document studies, observations of meetings, semi-structured interviews and participating group methods. The senior management at the hospital had decided to implement a department that diverged from organising around professional disciplines, and this decision evoked strong resistance among several professional groups in the first phases of this project. This case follows the implications of the decision to establish a multidisciplinary day care surgery through re-organising location, staff and management structures. The findings suggest that the hospital achieved the vision of creating an efficient multidisciplinary work environment, reducing the culture of tribalism between professions, and creating a work environment with a high degree of knowledge transfer. This case describes how action research can be used to reduce organisational silos and to improve multidisciplinary co-operation

    Utmarksbeite, fôrkvalitet til sau

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    Fôrkvalitet hos vanlig forekommende grasarter i utmarksbeite til sau i Vingelen og Rendalen i Nord-Østerdal er undersøkt ved hjelp av NIRS-analyse. Smyle, som er svært vanlig i blåbærskog og rishei, holdt energiverdien godt oppe utover sommeren, men proteininnholdet var lavt på ettersommeren, spesielt i Rendalen. Sølvbunke hadde tilfredsstillende energiverdi tidlig på sommeren, men falt i verdi utover sommeren og viste et høyt innhold av ufordøyelig fiber. Proteininnholdet i sølvbunke var imidlertid høyere enn i smyle. Prøver av artene engkvein, gulaks og fjelltimotei fra Vingelen viste generelt høy fôrverdi. Omfanget av beiting på ulike urter er undersøkt ved å sammenligne dekningsgrad på fem flater med og uten beitebur i urterik engbjørkeskog i Vingelen. Skogstorkenebb var den mest prefererte urten med stor nedgang i dekningsgrad med beiting og tydelige beitespor på plantene. Blåbær, engsyre, gullris, fjellfiol og gaukesyre hadde også beitespor og tydelig mindre dekningsgrad med beiting. Andre urter av noe omfang i rutene viste mindre utslag av beiting, dette gjaldt marikåpe, engsoleie, harerug og ryllik. Mange andre urter ble registrert, men disse hadde for lite omfang til at å si noe sikkert om beitepåvirkning. Prosjektet ble finansiert av Småfeprogrammet for Fjellregionen

    Vannkjemiske undersøkelser i Djupavatnet 2021-2022

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    Sør-Norge var frem til 1990-tallet sterkt preget av forsuring som følge av utslipp av nitrogen og svovel fra industrien. Den sakte forvitrende berggrunnen i Rogaland gjorde at forsuringen hadde stor innvirkning på vannkvaliteten og fiskebestanden. Djupavatnet er lokalisert i Hunnedalen i Gjesdal kommune og var ett av flere vann som ble fisketomme som et resultat av forsuringen. Et tiltak mot forsuringen var at flere vann, inkludert Djupavatnet, ble kalket årlig i perioden 1990-2016. Statsforvalteren i Rogaland har jevnlig foretatt undersøkelser av fiskebestanden og vannkvaliteten gjennom hele kalkingsperioden og årene etter endt kalking. Målet med denne bacheloroppgaven er å se om kalkingen utført i Djupavatnet har vært vellykket og om vannkvaliteten har stabilisert seg etter endt kalking i 2016. For å undersøke dette, har vannkvaliteten i Djupavatnet blitt overvåket gjennom månedlige prøvetakinger utover året 2021 og begynnelsen av 2022. Vannkvaliteten ble analysert ved å måle totalt 12 ulike parametere. Til denne oppgaven har vi fått tilgang til data fra Espen Enge, Mats Grendal og Statsforvalteren i Rogaland, som alle har analysert Djupavatnet ved tidligere anledninger. Dette har gjort det mulig å se utviklingen i vannkvaliteten fra 1990 til 2022. Forsuringen i Djupavatnet ble funnet til å være ubetydelig, med kun lave verdier av nitrat og ikke-marint sulfat. Estimert opprinnelig pH for Djupavatnet var ikke signifikant forskjellig fra den målte, noe som også støtter opp om at Djupavatnet ikke lenger er forsuret. pH har vært stabil etter endt kalking, og konsentrasjonen av toksiske Al-forbindelser har vært lave i prøvetakingsperioden. Kalkingseffekten i Djupavatnet ser ut til å være helt borte og vannkvaliteten er tilnærmet uforsuret og tilstrekkelig for naturlig rekruttering av fisk