9 research outputs found

    Medical-social aspects of iron deficiency anemia of children in first year of life

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    Catedra Igienă USMF ,, Nicolae Testemiţanu”One of the most current nutritional problems in the Republic of Moldova has become the iron- deficiency anemia for the children in the first year of life, which has a negative impact both for the economic performance of our state and for the public health. The prevention strategies against this anemia must be directed towards facilitating access to various foods, to supply the food with iron and to improve the public health services. Una dintre cele mai actuale probleme nutriţionale în Republica Moldova a devenit cea a anemiilor feriprive la copii primului an de viaţă, care are un impact negativ atît a performanţelor economice ale statului, cît şi a sănătăţii publice. Strategiile de prevenire a acestei anemii trebuie îndreptate spre facilitarea accesului la produse alimentare variate, suplimentarea alimentelor cu fier, ameliorarea serviciilor de sănătate publică

    The evaluation of the morbidity dynamics trough malignant tumors in municipalities and in the country during the period of 2007 – 2012

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    Catedra Igiena USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The relevant issues have been studied in order to assess the dynamics of malignant neoplasm among adults and children aged between 0-18 years. It was studied the incidence and prevalence rates in two municipalities (Chisinau and Balti) and totals in Moldova. This study was conducted during the years 2007-2012. Tema dată a fost studiată cu scopul de a aprecia dinamica neoplasmului malign în rîndul adulţilor şi copiilor cu vârsta cuprinsă între 0-18 ani. A fost studiată rata incidenţei şi a prevalenţei în două municipii (mun. Chişinău şi mun. Bălţi) şi totalurile în Republica Moldova. Studiul dat a fost efectuat în perioada anilor 2007 – 2012


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    În condițiile ecologice actuale de intensificare a presingului antropic se constată progresia biologică în ecosistemele acvatice din Republica Moldova a speciilor de guvizi de origine ponto-aralo-caspică. În lucrarea de față se analizează diversitatea guvizilor, indicii ecologici analitici, principalele particularități biologice, strategiile de expansiune și măsurile necesare în reglarea numerică a efectivelor populaționale.BIOLOGICAL PROGRESS OF GOBIES SPECIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: DETERMINANT CAUSES AND NUMERICAL CONTROL METHODSIn the present ecological conditions of intensification of the anthropogenic pressing, it has been noted a biological progression in the aquatic ecosystems of theRepublicofMoldovaof the gobiidae species of Ponto-Aralo-Caspian origin. In this paper, we analyze the diversity of gobies, the ecological analytical indices, the main biological features, the expansion strategies and the necessary measures for the numerical population regulation.</p


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    În articol este studiată influenţa unor grupuri de substanţe metaloorganice asupra microorganismelor acvatice. Este utilizată metoda de biotestare toxicologică a compuşilor coordinativi CMT-28 şi CMA-18 asupra ciliatelor Paramecium caudatum Ehrnbg, în concentraţii de 100, 10, 1, 0,1, 0,01 uM/L, comparativ cu prototipul. Metoda de biotestare ne permite să formulăm rapid concluzii în plan comparat, evitând riscul unei erori înalte.Proprietăţile compuşilor metaloorganici au fost cercetate prin metoda diluărilor în serie, în mediul nutritiv lichid (1 gsoluţie nutritivă/1 l apă). În calitate de culturi de referinţă au fost folosite ciliatele Paramecium caudatm.Infuzoriile, ca obiecte de cercetare, sunt foarte comode, se reproduc destul de rapid, fiind cele mai convenabile test-obiecte pentru investigaţii în condiţii de laborator, în care factorul timp joacă un rol decesiv, inclusiv pentru elucidarea impac­tului unor factori abiotici (substanţelor metaloorganice) asupra procesului de reproducere asexuată la Paramecium caudatum.Activitatea substanţelor a fost evaluată după caracterul toxicităţii preparatelor (LT50 şi LC50), iar activitatea ciliatelor a fost studiată după caracterul viabilităţii şi parametrii reproductivi (creşterea sau diminuarea efectivului numeric şi a ratei lor de reproducere).Toxicitatea acută (LT50 şi LC50) a compuşilor a fost cercetată conform recomandărilor metodice privind studierea toxicităţii generale a remediilor farmaceutice.LC50 (concentraţia letală, 50%) – concentraţia care cauzează moartea a 50% din test-organisme într-o anumită perioadă de timp.LT50 (timpul letal, 50%) – timpul în care concentraţia utilizată a compusului testat cauzează moartea a 50% din organismele testate.THE BIOASSAY AND ESTIMATION OF THE TOXICITY OF METALLOORGANIC COMPOUNDS IMPACTING THE POPULATION OF PARAMECIUM CAUDATUMThis work will focus on the study of groups of metalloorganic substances on aquatic organisms. Toxicological testing method of coordination compounds CMT-28 and CMA-18 is used on Paramecium caudatum Ehrnbg ciliates, at concentrations of 100, 10, 1, 0,1, 0,01 uM/L, compared to the prototype. Bioassay method allows us to develop fast and comparative conclusions, avoiding a high risk of errors.The investigation of metalloorganic compounds was performed by the method of serial dilutions in the liquid nutrient medium (1 gnutrient solution / 1l water). As a reference cultures were used ciliates Paramecium caudatum.Infusorians, as objects of research are very comfortable, they reproduce quickly enough, being the most convenient test-objects for study in the laboratory conditions, because of time factor which plays a decisive role and also is more simple to elucidate the impact of abiotic factors (metalloorganic substances) on the process of asexual reproduction of Paramecium caudatum.The activity of substances was evaluated according to the character of the toxicity of the preparations (LT50 and LC50), while the activity of ciliates was studied according to the character of viability and reproductive parameters (increasing or decreasing of numbers and their reproductive rate).The acute toxicity study (LC50 and LT50) of the compounds was performed according to the methodical recommendations on overall toxicity of pharmaceutical remedies.LC50 (lethal concentration, 50%) – concentration which causes death of 50% of test-organisms in a given period of time.LT50 (lethal time, 50%) – time, during which the used concentration of the test compound causes the death of 50% of the test organisms.</p


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    În condiţiile intensificării presingului antropic în ecosistemele acvatice din Republica Moldova majoritatea speciilor stenobionte au devenit ameninţate cu dispariţia, însă unele, cu potenţial adaptiv înalt, dimpotrivă, pe fonul eliberării nişe­lor spaţiale, pot prolifera în exces şi chiar provoca efect invaziv. Pentru fluviul Nistru (limitele Republicii Moldova) un exemplu elocvent este ghidrinul Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758 care, după construcţia hidrocentralei dela Novodnestrovsk (1981) a devenit o specie multidominantă, formând până la or. Soroca o populaţie locală deosebit de numeroasă.În lucrare sunt analizate particularităţile bioecologice ale ghidrinului şi sunt evidenţiaţi factorii de mediu ce au con­tribuit la invazia taxonului în fl. Nistru (limitele Republicii Moldova).THE INVASION OF THREE-SPINED STICKLEBACK – GASTEROSTEUS ACULEATUS LINNAEUS, 1758 IN DNIESTER RIVER (LIMITS OF REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA) AND ITS DETERINANT FACTORS Under the intensification of anthropogenic pressure in aquatic ecosystems of Republic of Moldova, most of stenobionte species became threatened with extinction, but some species, potentially high adaptive, contrast, in present demonstrates an evident biological progression, in some hydrobiotops causing a stressed invasive effect. For Dniester River (limits of Republic of Moldova) three-spined stickleback – Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758 is a good example, after the construction of Novodnestrovsk hydropower (1981) became a multidominate species forming to Soroca city a particularly large local population.In this paper are analyzed bio- ecological peculiarities of three-spined stickleback and are highlighted environmental factors that contributed to taxon invasion in Dniester River (limits of Republic of Moldova).</p


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    В условиях реки Лопатна самки ротана выметывают три порции икры. Выявлена высокая степень асинхрон-ности в развитии ооцитов, что обусловливает порционное икрометание в период репродуктивного цикла. В сезон размножения у половозрелых самок отмечается более высокое значение гонадосоматического индекса перед первым икрометанием по отношению к последующим генерациям яйцеклеток, подготавливающихся к вымету. Показаны патологические изменения в развитии половых клеток у самок ротана-головешки в данном водоеме.MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GONADS OF MATURE FEMALES PERCCOTTUS GLENII DUBOWSKI, 1877 IN LOPATNA RIVERUnder the conditions of the Lopatna river the females of Chinese sleeper spawn three portions of eggs. It was revealed the high degree of asynchrony in the development of oocytes, which provides portion spawning in the period of the reproductive cycle. In the reproduction season in adult females was registered higher gonadosomatic index value before the first spawning, in comparison with the subsequent generations of oocytes, preparing for spawning. Pathological changes in the development of sexual cells in chinese sleeper females in the given water basin are shown.</p


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    Abstract The aim of the research was to evaluate and test the influence of organic coordination compounds containing rare microelements, on the vital functions and on the development of the morpho-character o

    Screening of biological properties of MoV2O2S2- and MoV2O4-based coordination complexes: Investigation of antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidative and antitumoral activities versus growing of Spirulina platensis biomass

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the biological potential of coordination compounds based on binuclear core [Mo V 2O2E2] 2+ (E = O or S) coordinated with commercially available ligands such as oxalates (Ox 2-), L-cysteine (L-cys 2-), Lhistidine (L-his-), Iminodiacetate (IDA 2-), Nitrilotriacetate (HNTA 2or NTA 3-) or ethylenediamine tetraacetate (EDTA 4-) by means of various in vitro assays in a screening approach. Results suggest that the obtained complexes show weak antibacterial and antifungal properties while not being cytotoxic on cancerous and mammalian cells. In contrast, [Mo2O2E2(L-cys)2] 2complexes stand out as powerful antioxidant, whereas [Mo2O2E2(EDTA)] 2associating tetraphenylphosphonium counter-cations display strong antibiotic activity. Finally, some complexes have evidenced a positive activity towards the growing of spirulina platensis together with a modification of the proportions of biological components inside the cells. These findings reveal promising bioactivity of the bridged binuclear Mo (+V) cores inside complexes and encourage further research for new highly active yet non-toxic molecules for biomedical applications