2,174 research outputs found

    Pioglitazone-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles: Towards the Most Reliable Synthesis Method

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    Recent findings have proved the benefits of Pioglitazone (PGZ) against atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. Since the systematic and controllable release of this drug is of significant importance, encapsulation of this drug in nanoparticles (NPs) can minimize uncontrolled issues. In this context, drug delivery approaches based on several poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles have been rising in popularity due to their promising capabilities. However, a fully reliable and reproducible synthetic methodology is still lacking. In this work, we present a rational optimization of the most critical formulation parameters for the production of PGZ-loaded PLGA NPs by the single emulsification-solvent evaporation or nanoprecipitation methods. We examined the influence of several variables (e.g., component concentrations, phases ratio, injection flux rate) on the synthesis of the PGZ-NPs. In addition, a comparison of these synthetic methodologies in terms of nanoparticle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential (ζp), drug loading (DL%), entrapment efficiency (EE%), and stability is offered. According to the higher entrapment efficiency content, enhanced storage time and suitable particle size, the nanoprecipitation approach appears to be the simplest, most rapid and most reliable synthetic pathway for these drug nanocarriers, and we demonstrated a very slow drug release in PBS for the best formulation obtained by this synthesis.Recent findings have proved the benefits of Pioglitazone (PGZ) against atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes. Since the systematic and controllable release of this drug is of significant importance, encapsulation of this drug in nanoparticles (NPs) can minimize uncontrolled issues. In this context, drug delivery approaches based on several poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles have been rising in popularity due to their promising capabilities. However, a fully reliable and reproducible synthetic methodology is still lacking. In this work, we present a rational optimization of the most critical formulation parameters for the production of PGZ-loaded PLGA NPs by the single emulsification-solvent evaporation or nanoprecipitation methods. We examined the influence of several variables (e.g., component concentrations, phases ratio, injection flux rate) on the synthesis of the PGZ-NPs. In addition, a comparison of these synthetic methodologies in terms of nanoparticle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential (ζp), drug loading (DL%), entrapment efficiency (EE%), and stability is offered. According to the higher entrapment efficiency content, enhanced storage time and suitable particle size, the nanoprecipitation approach appears to be the simplest, most rapid and most reliable synthetic pathway for these drug nanocarriers, and we demonstrated a very slow drug release in PBS for the best formulation obtained by this synthesis

    Bentonite in two-component grout applications

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    Two-component grout is a cement-based material, currently the most used technology for backfilling in tunnelling applications. Despite its intensive, knowledge on this material is quite limited, especially as concern the role of ingredients and their effect on the properties of fresh mortar and hardened grout. In this work, an accurate and innovative test campaign focused on the role of the bentonite was performed. Three different bentonites were used. The activation of the bentonite and its effect on both mortar stability and grout strength was investigated with the purpose to recognise the bentonite parameters useful to select, at the design stage, the best bentonite according to the designers’ requirements. Swell index and Atterberg's liquid limit were recognised as useful parameters for predicting results in terms of suitable bleeding and surface compression strength

    Impiego di batteri lattici autoctoni per il miglioramento igienico-sanitario del Pecorino Siciliano DOP

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    Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8 considerato il pi\uf9 antico formaggio prodotto in Sicilia e, probabilmente, d\u2019Europa. Le citazioni storiche sulla sua antica origine risalgono al IX secolo a.C. in uno dei passi pi\uf9 famosi dell\u2019odissea di Omero, quando Ulisse incontra Polifemo. In seguito, anche Aristotele e Plinio esaltano il gusto unico di questo formaggio. In particolare, proprio Plinio, nella sua opera \u201cNaturalis Historia\u201d, redige una carta dei formaggi nella quale vengono citati, tra i migliori pecorini,quelli provenienti da Agrigento. Fra le caratteristiche peculiari del Pecorino Siciliano DOP vanno annoverati il sapore leggermente piccante e l\u2019incantevole profumo di pascolo. Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8 un formaggio a pasta dura, semicotto, prodotto con latte intero crudo di pecora. L\u2019areale di produzione si estende su tutta la regione Sicilia. La forma \ue8 cilindrica a facce piane o lievemente concave, pesa dai 4 ai 12 kg, lo scalzo \ue8 di 10-18 cm. La crosta \ue8 bianca-giallognola,con la superficie rugosa per la modellatura lasciata dal canestro in giunco dove avviene la formatura, spesso viene cappata con olio. La pasta \ue8 compatta, di colore bianco o giallo paglierino, con occhiatura scarsa. Il sapore \ue8 piccante e caratteristico, l\u2019aroma \ue8 intenso. La stagionatura minima prevista dal disciplinare \ue8 di 4 mesi. Il Pecorino Siciliano ha acquisito la certificazione DO nel 1955 e la DOP nel 1996 con regolamento CE n. 1107/96 della Commissione del 12 giugno 1996 (Gazzetta Ufficiale Comunit\ue0 Europea L 148 del 21/6/1996). Attualmente, le attivit\ue0 di promozione, valorizzazione e vigilanza sono affidate al Consorzio di tutela del Pecorino Siciliano DOP, che \ue8 stato riconosciuto dal ministero delle Politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali (Mi- Paaf) dal 2005 a oggi. L\u2019elevata eterogeneit\ue0 del prodotto osservata nelle forme presenti sul mercato \ue8 dovuta sia ai metodi di produzione artigianali sia al vecchissimo disciplinare di produzione, risalente al 1956. Ci\uf2 ha indotto il consorzio di tutela a intraprendere una proficua collaborazione tecnico-scientifica con l\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo prima e l\u2019Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, il Corfilac e l\u2019Universit\ue0 di Catania successivamente, con l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare la qualit\ue0 igienico-sanitaria del formaggio Pecorino Siciliano DOP e ridurre l\u2019eccessiva variabilit\ue0 qualitativa fra le forme ottenute da differenti caseificazioni

    Reconstructing change in firing technology during the Final Neolithic–Early Bronze Age transition in Phaistos, Crete. Just the tip of the iceberg?

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    Changes in firing practice have been suggested as representing a revolution in ceramic technology at the beginning of the Bronze Age in Crete. The introduction of kiln structures has been held responsible for such a change, perhaps by newcomers to the island, along with other innovative technologies. However, these hypotheses were often based on limited analytical data and mostly on macroscopic examination. This paper re-examines the suggestion of a transformation in firing technology at the beginning of the Bronze Age by presenting analyses of the rich ceramic assemblage from the site of Phaistos in South-Central Crete, which offers a rare, good stratigraphic sequence from the end of the Final Neolithic into the Early Bronze Age. Here, firing technology is reconstructed by macroscopic examination of colour across vessel breaks, by SEM examination and FT-IR analysis. This allows the reconstruction of temperature ranges and firing rates over the phases considered and a re-assessment of changes in firing technology, revealing a more multi-faceted pattern of change. Finally, changes in firing procedure are contextualised in the overall ceramic operational sequence, revealing a complex, stepped picture of change in ceramic production over the transition from the Final Neolithic

    A new endogenous primate type C virus isolated from the Old World monkey Colobus polykomos.

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    First record of Chaetonotus (Primochaetus) heideri(Gastrotricha, Chaetonotida) from India

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    This study briefly reports a newly recorded gastrotrich species, Chaetonotus (Primochaetus) heideri Brehm, 1917, which was isolated from the water sample collected from the Ramsar site Khajjiar Lake, Himachal Pradesh, India. A brief description of the Indian population, based on photomicrographs taken from live specimens, is presented here. The species is reporte

    A New Species of Paraturbanella Remane, 1927 (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) from the Brazilian Coast, and the Molecular Phylogeny of Turbanellidae Remane, 1926

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    The family Turbanellidae includes Paraturbanella and five other genera. Despite the fact that the monophyly of these genera were not satisfactorily tested, species belonging to the genus Paraturbanella are distinguished from turbanellids by sharing a peculiar group of tubes on the ventrolateral side of the anterior pharyngeal region known as “dohrni” tubes. In this study, Paraturbanella tricaudata species nova (sp. nov.) from the intertidal zone of a sandy beach in Trindade (Rio de Janeiro State) and the sublittoral sand of Prumirim Island (São Paulo State), Brazil, is described. The new species can be distinguished from all other Paraturbanella species by the presence of three caudal cones (one medial and two laterals to it) and peculiar arrangement of the male system. This is the first description of a Paraturbanella species from Brazil and the third registered from the Southern Hemisphere (as opposed to 19 species in the Northern Hemisphere); thus, knowledge of marine gastrotrichs biodiversity in this region is far from satisfactory

    Evidence of a biodiversity crisis documented on a peritidal carbonate succession from western Tethys (Sicily): new data on the End Triassic Mass Extinction

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    A biodiversity crisis was observed in the latest Triassic on both macro-and micro-benthic communities from a western Tethyan carbonate platform. The studied succession represented by the Monte Sparagio section consists of a continuous Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic peritidal limestones organized in shallowing upward cycles. The subtidal facies in the lower part of this section (Unit A) contains very abundant and highly diverse fossiliferous assemblages consisting of very large megalodontoids (up to 40 cm). Up-section, a reduction of biodiversity, abundance and shell size of megalodontoids (up to 15 cm) tipifies Unit B. Similarly, in this last Unit, the average dimensions of the benthic foraminifer T. hantkeni decreases (ca. 30%). After a short interval marked by a bloom of the problematic alga T. parvovesiculifera, the overlying Unit C accounts for the recovery of the Jurassic benthic community. The geochemical analyses of stable isotopes (C, O and S) seem correlative to the drastic reduction in the Rhaetian biodiversity between Unit A and Unit B. These biodiversity crises in the Rhaetian horizons can be interpreted as a precursor of the End Triassic Extinction and provide new insights into the existence of two extinction pulses at the end of Triassic. These data are in accordance with the environmental parameters of survival in a modern tropical shallow water platform (T-factory). In particular, the sea surface temperature (SST) of a T-factory ranges from 18 degrees C to 30.5 degrees C representing respectively the minimum SST for the carbonate factory persistence and the maximum SST that a T-factory can tolerate


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    This study compared the meat quality of Sicilian and Landrace pigs breeds and supported these results with biochemical and histological measurements on the samples collected from the m. Longissimus Dorsi, at the level of the 8th thoracic vertebra, before electrical stimulation. Twenty clinically healthy swine, 10 male (5 for each pig breed) and 10 female (5 for each pig breed), were slaughtered at 1 year of age at a body mass of 135±10 kg and 150±10 respectively for Sicilian and Landrace pigs. Particularly on the muscle considered the morphometric characteristics of FG (fast glycolytic), FOG (fast oxidative glycolytic) and SO (slow oxidative) fibre types and their percentage were determined. Measurements related to myofibrillar fragmentation, sarcomere length and connective tissue properties gave convincing support. Sicilian pig produced more tender meat than Landrace, mainly due to favourable calpain-to-calpastatin ratios

    Mentoring to Grow Library Leaders

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    Article discussing mentoring and growing library leaders
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