114 research outputs found

    Realizzazione della piattaforma web Energy+ per l’archiviazione dei dati energetici delle utenze del CNR

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    Descrizione delle caratteristiche della piattaforma web per l’archiviazione dei dati sui consumi energetici, delle bollette e dei documenti tecnici riguardanti le utenze del CNR, realizzata nel corso del progetto Energy+

    Involvement of caspase-3 and GD3 ganglioside in ceramide-induced apoptosis in Farber disease

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    Farber's disease (FD) is a rare genetic disorder caused by ceramidase deficiency, which results in ceramide accumulation in lung, liver, colon, skeletal muscle, cartilage, and bone. Although this disease has been symptomatically characterized, little is known about its molecular pathogenetic process. Because recent studies reported that ceramide accumulation induces GD3 ganglioside formation and apoptosis, we investigated, in tissue obtained via colonoscopy from seriously involved patients, the possible involvement of ceramide in FD colonocyte destruction. Histochemical and TUNEL analyses of paraffin-embedded sections revealed that 45 ± 4.3% of FD colonocytes showed morphological signs of apoptosis compared with the 8 ± 2.3% of constitutive epithelial cell death. Importantly, immunohistochemical study for pro-apoptotic factors showed that GD3 accumulation colocalized with active caspase-3 and cleaved K18 in FD colon tissue. These findings provide evidence for a role of the apoptotic ceramide pathway in the pathogenesis of FD

    Laboratory Test Campaign Aimed at the Analysis of an Uncommon Wear Phenomenon in a Marble Quarry

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    The use of ornamental stones has a historical value that makes them strategically precious in Italy; marble can offer high performance in architectural applications, even though the variability of the rock mass requires detailed studies to optimize the exploitation techniques and reduce waste. Italy is world famous for its marble, which is extracted mainly through chainsaw cutting machines, which are currently used intensively due to their high‐safety working conditions compared to alternative techniques and for their great versatility, especially in underground applications. Although this cutting technique is well‐rooted, an uncommon problem of tool wear was found in the quarry under study, which strongly affected productivity. A series of laboratory test were carried out to estimate the wear potential of the rock and the suitability of the tools. The Cerchar abrasivity test highlighted a mean wear potential for the marble of 2.77, while microhardness outcomes pointed out the presence of quartz veins in the tested material (values over 10000 MPa). Finally, additives typically used in the conditioning process of EPB machines in tunneling were tested with the purpose of reducing the extent of wear. A reduction of about 50% in the wear (in terms of weight lost) was obtained for a moisture content of 9%

    Oxidases activities and antioxidant capacity of minimally processed baby romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. duende) cultivated under different salinity conditions

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    [SPA] El pardeamiento enzimático es uno de los principales problemas implicados en el procesamiento mínimo y en la siguiente conservación de hortalizas de hoja, reduciendo la vida comercial del producto. Se han evaluado las variaciones de las dos principales oxidasas, polifenol oxidasa (PPO) y peroxidasa (POD), así como del contenido en fenoles, del color y de la capacidad antioxidante (metodo ORAC) durante 10 días de conservación a 4 °C de lechuga Baby Romaine (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Duende) mínimamente procesada, cultivada bajo 3 distintas condiciones de salinidad (2,8, 3,8, 4,8 dS/m), para determinar la condición más apta al siguiente procesamiento. Niveles crecientes de salinidad redujeron las dos actividades enzimáticas durante 7 días de conservación. En las muestras cultivadas en condición de elevada salinidad se observó también la menor variación de color, expresada como ΔE* [(ΔL*2+Δa*2+Δb*2)1/2], y la menor reducción de contenido en fenoles y de capacidad antioxidante en el día 3. [ENG] Enzymatic browning is a main problem involved in minimal processing and further storage of leafy vegetables, leading to shorter shelf-life of the product. Changes in the two oxidative activities, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD), as well as in total phenolic content, colour parameters and antioxidant capacity (assayed with ORAC method), were monitored during 10 days of storage at 4 °C of minimally processed Baby Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Duende) cultivated under 3 different salinity conditions (2,8, 3,8, 4,8 dS/m), in order to determine the most suitable condition for further processing. Increasing levels of salinity reduced both oxidases activities immediately after cutting and throughout 7 days of storage. Samples cultivated under high salinity had also the lowest change in colour, expressed as ΔE* [(ΔL*2+Δa*2+Δb*2)1/2], and showed the lowest reduction in total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity after 3 days of storage

    Tecnologie alimentari: problemi svolti di operazioni unitarie

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    Le Operazioni Unitarie (OU) costituiscono gli elementi base del flow-sheet di un processo produttivo. Le OU fondamentali comuni a più processi si basano sugli stessi principi, relativi a fenomeni chimico-fisici e biologici, e quindi su tecnologie simili, anche se naturalmente le apparecchiature, i materiali di costruzione e le condizioni operative devono essere adattate. Questa scomposizione logica, permette di realizzare un qualsiasi processo mediante una sequenza ottimale di OU (Biardi G., ed. Città Studi, 2009), in cui occorre che lo studente acquisisca le medesime conoscenze e competenze. Per tale motivo le OU, vengono impartite in un insegnamento a parte, con un metodo “unitario”, che prescindendo dai specifici processi e prodotti alimentari ne semplifica lo studio e ne permette il controllo, l’ottimizzazione e il dimensionamento nelle realtà aziendali. A tal fine lo studio delle OU, impartito nei corsi di studio di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (L/26 e LM/70) e in altri (di chimica, ingegneria, tecnologie farmaceutiche, etc.), si avvale della modellazione, in particolare di quella matematica, per simulare fenomeni reali e prevederne gli effetti; l’acquisizione pertanto di conoscenze di base di tipo fisico-matematico diventa indispensabile

    Manuale d'uso della piattaforma web Energy+ per energy manager e referenti energetici delle strutture del CNR

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    La piattaforma CNR Energy+ è stata realizzata1 come strumento di lavoro per gli energy manager e per i referenti energetici delle strutture del CNR (Aree della ricerca e Istituti). All’interno della piattaforma, ogni Energy manager o referente energetico può effettuare, per la struttura CNR di propria competenza, le seguenti operazioni: - Registrare periodicamente i dati sui consumi energetici e sui costi di energia elettrica, gas naturale e/o altri combustibili; - Archiviare le bollette energetiche; - Archiviare qualunque documento di interesse energetico (planimetrie, schede tecniche, relazioni, rapporti su campagne di misura, attestati di prestazione energetica, diagnosi energetiche, ecc…). Questo strumento ha lo scopo di facilitare il monitoraggio dei consumi e la raccolta di materiale tecnico necessario alla preparazione di progetti di riqualificazione energetica delle strutture del CNR

    In situ remediation of contaminated marinesediment: an overview

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    Sediment tends to accumulate inorganic and persistent hydrophobic organic contaminants representing one of the main sinks and sources of pollution. Generally, contaminated sediment poses medium- and long-term risks to humans and ecosystem health; dredging activities or natural resuspension phenomena (i.e., strongly adverse weather conditions) can remobilize pollution releasing it into the water column. Thus, ex situ traditional remediation activities (i.e., dredging) can be hazardous compared to in situ techniques that try to keep to a minimum sediment mobilization, unless dredging is compulsory to reach a desired bathymetric level. We reviewed in situ physico-chemical (i.e., active mixing and thin capping, solidification/stabilization, chemical oxidation, dechlorination, electrokinetic separation, and sediment flushing) and bio-assisted treatments, including hybrid solutions (i.e., nanocomposite reactive capping, bioreactive capping, microbial electrochemical technologies). We found that significant gaps still remain into the knowledge about the application of in situ contaminated sediment remediation techniques from the technical and the practical viewpoint. Only activated carbon-based technologies are well developed and currently applied with several available case studies. The environmental implication of in situ remediation technologies was only shortly investigated on a long-term basis after its application, so it is not clear how they can really perform

    Physical Activity and Exercise Addiction During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Italy

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    © 2022, The Author(s). This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, to view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Severe restrictive measures were implemented globally to limit the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic leading to significant lifestyle changes and impacting on both the physical and the mental health of citizens. Caught by the fear of getting sick, some individuals have adopted behaviors which favored the development of exercise addiction (EA). Our aim was to evaluate physical activity habits and the risk of EA in the general Italian population during phase 1 of the lockdown. The role of appearance anxiety (AA), self-compassion, and use of performance and image enhancing drugs (PIEDs) as predictors of EA development were investigated. A comparison between physically active subjects with the inactive ones was also included. Between April and May 2020, an online survey was conducted across Italy. Nine hundred thirty-six answers were collected. The rate of EA in the physically active sample (782 subjects) was 4.1%. The physically active group showed higher SCS scores and a greater use of PIEDs. Of the physically active participants, 84.2% reported variations in their fitness routine. Perceived benefit of exercising resulted significantly higher in those with EA. Subjects with EA reported stronger motivation in engaging in physical activity as for “physical wellness,” “psychological well-being,” and “sexual attractiveness and confidence in relationship.” A higher level of AA, a lower level of self-compassion, and a higher perceived benefit of exercising during lockdown were all significant predictors for the presence of EA. Our findings suggest that the fear of getting sick from Covid-19, combined with radical changes in the lifestyles induced by the lockdown and individual personological characteristics, can favor the development of EA and related phenomena in the general population.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    CD95 death-inducing signaling complex formation and internalization occur in lipid rafts of type I and type II cells

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    We investigated the membrane localization of CD95 in type I and type II cells, which differ in their ability to recruit and activate caspase-8. We found that CD95 was preferentially located in lipid rafts of type I cells, while it was present both in raft and non-raft plasma membrane sub-domains of type II cells. After stimulation, CD95 located in phospholipid-rich plasma membrane was recruited to lipid rafts in both types of cells. Similarly, CD95 cross-linking resulted in caspase-independent translocation of FADD/MORT1 and caspase-8 to the lipid rafts, which was prevented by a death domain-defective receptor. CD95 internalization was then rapid in type I and delayed in type II cells and showed a substantial correlation with the kinetics of Fas-associated death domain (FADD) and caspase-8 recruitment to lipid rafts. Finally, electron microscopy analysis showed that after CD95 stimulation lipid rafts aggregated in large clusters that were internalized in endosomal vesicles, where caspase-8 underwent massive processing. Taken together, our data demonstrate that CD95 death-inducing signaling complex formation and internalization in type I and type II cells occur in lipid rafts, which are a major site of caspase-8 activation. © 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA