74 research outputs found

    Die Ubichinon- und Inhibitorbindetasche von Komplex I aus Yarrowia lipolytica : eine strukturbasierte Mutagenesestudie

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    The NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is a large membrane bound protein complex coupling the redox reaction of NADH oxidation and quinone reduction to vectorial proton translocation across bioenergetic membranes. The mechanism of proton pumping is still unknown; it seems however that the reduction of quinone induces conformational changes which drive proton uptake from one side and release at the other side of the membrane. In this study the proposed quinone and inhibitor binding pocket located at the interface of the 49-kDa and PSST subunits was explored by a large number of point mutations introduced into complex I from the strictly aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Point mutations were systematically chosen based on the crystal structure of the hydrophilic domain of complex I from Thermus thermophilus. In total, the properties of 94 mutants at 39 positions which completely cover the lining of the large putative quinone and inhibitor binding cavity are described and discussed here. A structure/function analysis allowed the identification of functional domains within the large putative quinone binding cavity. A possible quinone access path ranging from the N-terminal beta-sheet of the 49-kDa subunit into the pocket to tyrosine 144 could be defined, since all exchanges introduced here, caused an almost complete loss of complex I activity. A region located deeper in the proposed quinone binding pocket is apparently not important for complex I activity. In contrast, all exchanges of tyrosine 144, even the very conservative mutant Y144F, essentially abolished dNADH:DBQ oxidoreductase activity of complex I. However, with higher concentrations of Q1 or Q2 the dNADH:Q oxidoreductase activity was largely restored in the mutants with the more conservative exchanges. Proton pumping experiments showed that this activity was also coupled to proton translocation, indicating that these quinones were reduced at the physiological site. However, the apparent Km values for Q1 or Q2 were drastically increased, clearly demonstrating that tyrosine 144 is central for quinone binding and reduction. These results further prove that the enzymatically relevant quinone binding site of complex I is located at the interface of the 49-kDa and PSST subunits. The quinone binding pocket is thought to comprise the binding sites for a plethora of specific complex I inhibitors that are usually grouped into three classes. The large array of mutants targeting the quinone binding cavity was examined with a representative of each inhibitor class. Many mutants conferring resistance were identified which, depending on the inhibitor tested, clustered in well defined and partially overlapping regions of the large putative quinone and inhibitor binding cavity. Mutants with effects on type A (DQA) and type B (rotenone) inhibitors were found in a subdomain corresponding to the former [NiFe] site in homologous hydrogenases, whereby the type A inhibitor DQA seems to bind deeper in this domain. Mutants with effects on the type C inhibitor (C12E8) were found in a narrow crevice. Exchanging more exposed residues at the border of these well defined domains affected all three inhibitor types. Therefore, the results as a whole provide further support for the concept that different inhibitor classes bind to different but partially overlapping binding sites within a single large quinone binding pocket. In addition, they also indicate the approximate location of the binding sites within the structure of the large quinone and inhibitor binding cavity at the interface of the 49 kDa and the PSST subunit. It has been proposed earlier that the highly conserved HRGXE-motif in the 49-kDa subunit forms a part of the quinone binding site of complex I. Mutagenesis of the HRGXE-motif, revealed that these residues are rather critical for complex I assembly and seem to have an important structural role. The question why iron-sulfur cluster N1a is not detectable by EPR in many models organisms is not solved yet. Introducing polar and positively charged amino acid residues close to this cluster in order to increase its midpoint potential did not result in the appearance of the cluster N1a EPR signal in mitochondrial membranes from the mutants. Clearly, further research will be necessary to gain insights to the function of this iron-sulfur cluster in complex I. In an additional project, a new and simple in vivo screen for complex I deficiency in Y. lipolytica was developed and optimized. This assay probes for defects in complex I assembly and stability, oxidoreductase activity and also proton pumping activity by complex I. Most importantly, this assay is applicable to all Y. lipolytica strains and could be used to identify loss-of-function mutants, gain-of-functions mutants (i.e. resistance towards complex I inhibitors) and revertants due to mutations in both nuclear and mitochondrially encoded genes of complex I subunits.Komplex I (NADH:Ubichinon Oxidoreduktase) ist der größte und gleichzeitig auch der am wenigsten verstandene Teil der mitochondrialen Atmungskette. Der membran-ständige Enzymkomplex katalysiert eine Redoxreaktion, bei der Elektronen von NADH auf Ubichinon übertragen werden; wie diese Redoxreaktion an die Proton¬entrans-lokation durch die innere Mitochondrienmembran gekoppelt ist, ist jedoch bisher völlig unbekannt. Neueste Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Reduktion des Ubichinons Konformationsänderungen im Membranteil von Komplex I induziert, die schließlich die Protonentranslokation bewerkstelligen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Ubichinonbindetasche systematisch mittels struktur-basierter Mutagenese charakterisiert. Als Modellorganismus diente dabei die obligat aerobe Hefe Yarrowia lipolytica. Die Ergebnisse erlaubten die Unterteilung dieser weitläufigen Chinonbindetasche in funktionelle Domänen. So wurde ein Bereich identifiziert, der offenbar als Zugang für das Chinonsubstrat fungiert, während das Tyrosin 144 an der Bindung und Reduktion des Chinons beteiligt ist. Andere Bereiche tiefer in der Bindetasche sind hingegen für die Chinonreduktion gänzlich irrelevant. Mit Hilfe von Komplex I spezifischen Inhibitoren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die drei Hauptklassen von Komplex I Inhibitoren tatsächlich alle an teilweise überlappende Bindestellen innerhalb der großen Chinonbindetasche binden. Es war vermutet worden, dass das streng konservierte HRGXE-Motiv an der Chinonbindung beteiligt ist; jedoch deuten die Mutageneseergebnisse dieser Arbeit darauf hin, dass dieses Motiv vor allem eine strukturelle Funktion erfüllt. Die Funktion des Eisen-Schwefel-Zentrums N1a der 24-kDa Untereinheit ist ungeklärt, doch wird spekuliert, dass es die Produktion von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies durch Komplex I reguliert. Durch das Einfügen von polaren und positiv geladenen Aminosäureresten in die Nähe des Eisen-Schwefel-Zentrums sollte das Mittelpunkts-potential angehoben werden. Die Aus¬wirkungen der Mutationen sollen in Kooperation mit der Arbeitsgruppe von Dr. Judy Hirst (MRC, Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Cambridge, England) analysiert werden. In einem separaten Teilprojekt wurde ein neuer und einfacher in vivo Screen zur Identifizierung von Komplex I defizienten Y. lipolytica Stämmen entwickelt. Dieser Screen erlaubt die Untersuchung aller Y. lipolytica Mutanten auf Komplex I Gehalt, Redoxaktivität sowie Protonentranslokationsaktivität

    A self-assembled respiratory chain that catalyzes NADH oxidation by ubiquinone-10 cycling between complex I and the alternative oxidase

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    Complex I is a crucial respiratory enzyme that conserves the energy from NADH oxidation by ubiquinone-10 (Q10) in proton transport across a membrane. Studies of its energy transduction mechanism are hindered by the extreme hydrophobicity of Q10, and they have so far relied on native membranes with many components or on hydrophilic Q10 analogues that partition into membranes and undergo side reactions. Herein, we present a self-assembled system without these limitations: proteoliposomes containing mammalian complex I, Q10, and a quinol oxidase (the alternative oxidase, AOX) to recycle Q10H2 to Q10. AOX is present in excess, so complex I is completely rate determining and the Q10 pool is kept oxidized under steady-state catalysis. The system was used to measure a fully-defined KM value for Q10. The strategy is suitable for any enzyme with a hydrophobic quinone/quinol substrate, and could be used to characterize hydrophobic inhibitors with potential applications as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, or fungicides

    Pathogenic mutations in NUBPL affect complex I activity and cold tolerance in the yeast model Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Complex I deficiency is a common cause of mitochondrial disease, resulting from mutations in genes encoding structural subunits, assembly factors or defects in mitochondrial gene expression. Advances in genetic diagnostics and sequencing have led to identification of several variants in NUBPL (nucleotide binding protein-like), encoding an assembly factor of complex I, which are potentially pathogenic. To help assign pathogenicity and learn more about the function of NUBPL, amino acid substitutions were recreated in the homologous Ind1 protein of the yeast model Yarrowia lipolytica. Leu102Pro destabilized the Ind1 protein, leading to a null-mutant phenotype. Asp103Tyr, Leu191Phe and Gly285Cys affected complex I assembly to varying degrees, whereas Gly136Asp substitution in Ind1 did not impact on complex I levels nor dNADH:ubiquinone activity. Blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunolabelling of the structural subunits NUBM and NUCM revealed that all Ind1 variants accumulated a Q module intermediate of complex I. In the Ind1 Asp103Tyr variant, the matrix arm intermediate was virtually absent, indicating a dominant effect. Dysfunction of Ind1, but not absence of complex I, rendered Y. lipolytica sensitive to cold. The Ind1 Gly285Cys variant was able to support complex I assembly at 28°C, but not at 10°C. Our results indicate that Ind1 is required for progression of assembly from the Q module to the full matrix arm. Cold sensitivity could be developed as a phenotype assay to demonstrate pathogenicity of NUBPL mutations and other complex I defects

    Structure of mammalian respiratory complex I.

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    Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase), one of the largest membrane-bound enzymes in the cell, powers ATP synthesis in mammalian mitochondria by using the reducing potential of NADH to drive protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Mammalian complex I (ref. 1) contains 45 subunits, comprising 14 core subunits that house the catalytic machinery (and are conserved from bacteria to humans) and a mammalian-specific cohort of 31 supernumerary subunits. Knowledge of the structures and functions of the supernumerary subunits is fragmentary. Here we describe a 4.2-Å resolution single-particle electron cryomicroscopy structure of complex I from Bos taurus. We have located and modelled all 45 subunits, including the 31 supernumerary subunits, to provide the entire structure of the mammalian complex. Computational sorting of the particles identified different structural classes, related by subtle domain movements, which reveal conformationally dynamic regions and match biochemical descriptions of the 'active-to-de-active' enzyme transition that occurs during hypoxia. Our structures therefore provide a foundation for understanding complex I assembly and the effects of mutations that cause clinically relevant complex I dysfunctions, give insights into the structural and functional roles of the supernumerary subunits and reveal new information on the mechanism and regulation of catalysis

    The Evolution of Respiratory Chain Complex I from a Smaller Last Common Ancestor Consisting of 11 Protein Subunits

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    The NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) has evolved from a combination of smaller functional building blocks. Chloroplasts and cyanobacteria contain a complex I-like enzyme having only 11 subunits. This enzyme lacks the N-module which harbors the NADH binding site and the flavin and iron–sulfur cluster prosthetic groups. A complex I-homologous enzyme found in some archaea contains an F420 dehydrogenase subunit denoted as FpoF rather than the N-module. In the present study, all currently available whole genome sequences were used to survey the occurrence of the different types of complex I in the different kingdoms of life. Notably, the 11-subunit version of complex I was found to be widely distributed, both in the archaeal and in the eubacterial kingdoms, whereas the 14-subunit classical complex I was found only in certain eubacterial phyla. The FpoF-containing complex I was present in Euryarchaeota but not in Crenarchaeota, which contained the 11-subunit complex I. The 11-subunit enzymes showed a primary sequence variability as great or greater than the full-size 14-subunit complex I, but differed distinctly from the membrane-bound hydrogenases. We conclude that this type of compact 11-subunit complex I is ancestral to all present-day complex I enzymes. No designated partner protein, acting as an electron delivery device, could be found for the compact version of complex I. We propose that the primordial complex I, and many of the present-day 11-subunit versions of it, operate without a designated partner protein but are capable of interaction with several different electron donor or acceptor proteins

    Reduction of Hydrophilic Ubiquinones by the Flavin in Mitochondrial NADH:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase (Complex I) and Production of Reactive Oxygen Species†

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    ABSTRACT: NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from bovine heart mitochondria is a complicated, energy-transducing, membrane-bound enzyme that contains 45 different subunits, a non-covalently bound flavin mononucleotide, and eight iron-sulfur clusters. The mechanisms of NADH oxidation and intramolecular electron transfer by complex I are gradually being defined, but the mechanism linking ubiquinone reduction to proton translocation remains unknown. Studies of ubiquinone reduction by isolated complex I are problematic because the extremely hydrophobic natural substrate, ubiquinone-10, must be substituted with a relatively hydrophilic analogue (such as ubiquinone-1). Hydrophilic ubiquinones are reduced by an additional, non-energy-transducing pathway (which is insensitive to inhibitors such as rotenone and piericidin A). Here, we show that inhibitor-insensitive ubiquinone reduction occurs by a ping-pong type mechanism, catalyzed by the flavin mononucleotide cofactor in the active site for NADH oxidation. Moreover, semiquinones produced at the flavin site initiate redox cycling reactions with molecular oxygen, producing superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide. The ubiquinone reactant is regenerated, so the NADH:Q reaction becomes superstoichiometric. Idebenone, an artificial ubiquinone showing promise in the treatment of Friedreich’s Ataxia, reacts at the flavin site. The factors which determine the balance of reactivity between the two sites of ubiquinone reduction (the energy-transducing site and the flavi

    Mammalian NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I) and nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt) together regulate the mitochondrial production of H2O2—Implications for their role in disease, especially cancer

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