20 research outputs found


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    Abstract   Labor issues in Indonesia is an issue that over the years have always not solved because of the amount of labor in comparison with job availability is not balanced. Besides the problem of limited employment, are compounded by the low wages of workers/laborers in our country. Wage system still uses the term minimum wage is not worth living needs. The informal sector and transmigration may be one solution for the provision of jobs.   Kata kunci : Upah dan Pekerja Sektor Informa


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    In daily life by people in Indonesia the use of the term customs with customary law is often equated. It is as  if the two terms have the same meaning and meaning or even people say custom. Custom or habit is always connoted as a reflection of the life of a particular society, a society that has not known progress, or society that is still old, traditional, not familiar with modernization. Habits can be seen for example from behavior, speech, politeness that can describe the characteristics of a society. With the advancing civilization of society which is driven by economic development, science and technology, the level of conflict or dispute in society is also higher. Settlement of disputes or conflicts should not always be resolved through formal legal channels eg through a complaint to law enforcement officers (police) or filing a lawsuit through courts but can also  be resolved through consensus or peace agreement using customary law (including local wisdom). When customary law plays its role at that time the public will realize that modernization does not forever necessarily leave and even eliminate the role of customary law. Customary law is also capable of resolving the various conflicts that arise in society.     Keywords: Customary law as legal institution to solve various conflicts in societ


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    Arbitration is not well known, especially by the workers/laborers because of lack of internalization by the government, trade unions/workers and by employers. So until now there has been no industrial disputes are resolved through arbitration. With a variety of reasons the parties prefer the Industrial Relations Court (PHI) rather than arbitration and other settlement alternatives (conciliation) even prescribed pattern that justice can only be obtained through the courts alone. Changing the paradigm so that people do not always think only through PHI, justice and legal certainty can be obtained (justice in many rooms) arbitration should be empowered to propose improved regulation (amendment through MK), the institutional approach, culture, law. Model arbitration offered so-called Arbitration Pancasila because at each stage of the examination should be preceded by consensus, peace. Legal political perspective of stakeholders will give birth to the dispute settlement mainstreaming regulation on fairness, expediency and legal certainty through arbitration institutions.Kata Kunci: Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial, Pemberdayaan Arbitrase, Model Arbitrase dan Perspektif Politik Huku

    Political Perspective of Law on Empowerment of Arbitration as Institution for Settlement of Industrial Relation Disputes

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate and analyze: (1) why industrial relations court is chosen in the settlement of industrial disputes rather than arbitration, (2) what the significance or role the arbitration can do in the settlement of industrial relation disputes that it should be empowered, (3) how does the form of empowerment and arbitration model of industrial disputes that is expected. The research was done by doctrinal methodology that examines the law that is conceived and developed on the basis of the doctrine adopted by researchers and non-doctrinal research that examines laws that live and thrive and prevail in society. To support these two approaches, the researcher used several theories, including the theory of justice, dispute resolution theory, the theory of empowerment, and politic of law theory. The results shown that (1) the court of industrial relations (PHI) is still the main choice simply because of its pragmatic reason since there are no court fees and costs of execution until the lawsuit reaches the value of Rp.150 million, the lack of socialization on arbitration (internalization) that made it unknown, especially to workers, and consideration that cost of arbitration is expensive; (2) the significance and the role that can be carried out by arbitration: the public have lost confidence toward the court, including PHI (distrust), which needs to be canalized through arbitration, as a professional institution, having high competence, legal certainty, with its decision being final and binding that can be directly executed, where the relationship of the disputants remain good as the investigation is closed, and reducing the number of cases piling up in the Supreme Court; (3) the form of empowerment: to change the paradigm of society that does not always think only through PHI, justice and legal certainty can be obtained (justice in many rooms), comparing arbitration in various countries, improvement of various regulations by proposing amendments so that the competence upon disputes can be resolved through arbitration equally as the competence of PHI. Arbitration model for industrial relation disputes puts deliberation for consensus and is referred to as the Arbitration of Five Pilars (Pancasila), in every stage of examination; it should be started with deliberation for consensus, and peace. Amendment and replacement of laws governing the settlement of disputes by UUPPHI a legal perspective that needs promptly to be done under political will support from government, legislator and stakeholders. To create regulation on dispute resolution with mainstream being focused on fairness, benefit and legal would certainty be realized through the institution of arbitration? Keywords: Industrial Relations Court, Empowerment of Arbitration, Political Perspective of Law, Arbitration Model

    Human Enslavement: Indonesians' Encounter During Dutch Colonization

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    This qualitative paper aims to explore slavery and genocide in Indonesia during the Netherlands colonial times from the standpoints of life and human dignity. The slave labour scheme (Rodi) was a violent slave labour system established by the Dutch against local indigenous Indonesians, leading to the deaths of vast numbers of the indigenous population (Pribumi) because of slavery and the Forced Cultivation strategy, all for the benefit of the Dutch economy. A further tactic would be to forcefully transport indigenous Indonesians from one area to another and then from Indonesia to overseas countries, including Suriname, as enslaved people for the Dutch. Many Indonesians died needlessly during such a period. Second, they forced Indonesian natives to work for the Dutch economy, inspired by Meillassoux's concept of slavery as a trading relationship. Third, they forcibly removed Indonesians from the community where they had grown up. As per this article, practiced slavery during the Dutch colonial era resulted in the loss of identity for many Indonesians and the perpetuation of rampant corruption. More research into Dutch slavery, the slave trade, and broader coercive labour and colonial regimes in Indonesia is required to elucidate the interplay and links of domestic and international structures. Keywords: Dutch slavery, forced cultivation, loose of identit

    Legal protection for consumers related to standard clauses according to law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection

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    The application of standard clauses by business actors to consumers in business activities through standard agreements in Indonesia existed before issuing the Consumer Protection Law. It then creates a dispute or problem that must be resolved by filing a lawsuit to the court because the standard agreement has harmed consumers and is contrary to the principles in the agreement and is contrary to Article 1320 in conjunction with Civil Code Article 1338. The issuance of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection can also not minimize the risk of loss by consumers related to the application of standard clauses considering that these regulations are still minimal because there is only one article, namely Article 18. Due to the lack of regulation of standard clauses in the Consumer Protection Law, the practice of disputes between business actors and consumers related to standard clauses continues to be a legal problem in Indonesia that needs to be addressed. This study examines how entrepreneurs apply standard clauses in standard agreements with consumers, which in their implementation cause legal disputes and examine consumer protection against the application of standard clauses in terms of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and includes several examples of cases relating to the standard application of clauses in the standard agreement which is settled through the civil court. Keywords: legal protection, standard clauses, law, consumer protectio

    PERPU Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 Antara Kegentingan yang Memaksa dan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi

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    Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 adalah sebuah regulasi yang dibuat untuk mengatasi situasi yang mendesak di tengah kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Namun, beberapa pasal dalam peraturan tersebut menuai kontroversi dan mendapat tantangan dari berbagai pihak, termasuk masyarakat sipil dan beberapa partai politik. Akhirnya, kasus tersebut sampai ke Mahkamah Konstitusi dan pada akhirnya Mahkamah memutuskan beberapa pasal dalam peraturan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan Konstitusi dan harus dihapus atau diubah. Putusan ini menjadi penting karena memberikan pengaruh pada implementasi peraturan dan mengingatkan pentingnya memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip konstitusional dalam pembuatan regulasi, terutama dalam situasi darurat atau kegentingan yang memaksa. Kata kunci: Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang Undang, Kegentingan Yang Memaksa, Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. / Government Regulation Number 2 of 2022 is a regulation created to address the urgent situation amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some articles in the regulation have been controversial and challenged by various parties, including civil society and some political parties. Eventually, the case was brought to the Constitutional Court and the Court ultimately ruled that some articles in the regulation were not in accordance with the Constitution and must be deleted or amended. This decision is important as it has an impact on the implementation of the regulation and serves as a reminder of the importance of considering constitutional principles in the creation of regulations, especially in emergency or urgent situations. Keywords: Government Regulations In Lieu of Laws, Coercive Crunch, Constitutional Court Rulings


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti Konsep Kelangsungan Usaha (Going Concern) dalam Kepailitan dan untuk menganalisis Penerapan Asas Kelangsungan Usaha dalam Hukum Kepailitan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Yuridis Normatif yang didasarkan pada bahan hukum sekunder. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan: statute approach, dan conceptual approach. Tehnik penelusuran bahan hukum menggunakan tehnik studi dokumen (library Research), serta analisis kajian menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Asas kelangsungan usaha adalah dimungkinkannya perusahaan debitor yang prospektif tetap dilangsungkan. Dalam kepailitan perusahaan tidak selalu secara otomatis menyebabkan perseroan berhenti melakukan segala perbuatan hukumnya termasuk melakukan kegiatan usaha. Terdapat pihak-pihak tertentu antara lain Hakim Pengawas dan Kurator yang akan menilai dan mempertimbangkan berlakunya akibat hukum kepailitan, antara lain menentukan kelangsungan usaha perusahaan. Hal ini sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 104 ayat (1) UUK-PKPU yang memberikan kewenangan kepada kurator untuk dapat melanjutkan usaha debitor yang dinyatakan pailit dengan persetujuan panitia kreditor sementara atau atas izin hakim pengawas jika tidak diangkat panitia kreditor   Kata Kunci: Asas Kelangsungan Usaha, Debitor Pailit, Perkara Kepailita


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian terhadap Keppres No. 12 Tahun 2020 tentang Penetapan Bencana Nonalam Penyebaran Corona Virus Diesase ( Covid – 19 ) sebagai bencana Nasional yang sangat di harapkan berdampak positip terhadap meningkatnya Kesehatan masyarakat secara nasional dan secara tidak langsung bahwa keppres No. 12 Tahun 2020 ini berdampak sangat besar terhadap laju perkembangan ekonomi di Indonesia, dan berdampak buruk terhadap para pebisnis / pelaku ekonomi dalam suatu kontrak atau perjanjian yang telah disepakati dimana salah satu pihak dari para pihak yang membuat suatu perjanjian akan mengalami halangan dalam melakukan prestasi atau memenuhi kewajiban yang telah disepakati, Ketika Keppres No. 12 Tahun 2020 diterapkan maka para Gubernur, Walikota dan Bupati sebagai Pelaksana Ketua Gugus Covid  menindaklanjuti Keppres No.12 Tahun 2020 dengan menerapkan Peraturan Daerah untuk pencegahan penularan covid – 19  dengan menerbitkan Peraturan daerah untuk melaksanakan PSBB ( Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar ) yang diterbitkan oleh Kementrian Kesehatan dalam rangka percepatan penanganan Covid – 19 di daerah – daerah yang khususnya mendapat perhatian untuk penanganan kesehatan tersebut, selain larangan beraktivitas dan berkumpul Pemerintah Daerah juga mengeluarkan peraturan Physical distancing ( Menjaga jarak ) bagi masyarakt baik dalam komunikasi dan beraktivitas. Apakah keppres ini akan melindungi para pelaku bisnis serta penilaian para pakar hukum ketika keppres No. 12 Tahun 2020 diterbitkan saling bertentangan antara satu pakar hukum dan satu pakar hukum lainnya dan menimbulkan multi tafsir, bagaimana Dassollen ( KUHPerdata Pasal 1245 ) dan Dassein ( Keppres N0.12 Tahun 2020) terhadap suatu Perjanjian – Keadaan Memaksa / Force Majeure.   Kata kunci : Bencana Nasional Nonalam.--Force majeure,--Perjanjia

    Consumer protection law on the circulation of goods and services through electronic systems and law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection

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    Consumer Protection Law (CPL) is expected to protect consumers from the deviant behaviour of business actors. Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 50 of 2020 is expected to be a condition of provisions for business actors in business licenses, advertising, and government guidance and supervision of Trading through electronic systems. The government's active role in enforcing CPL and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 50 of 2020 will have an impact on consumers regarding the right to protection for the activities of business actors. The problems studied are: (1) How is consumer protection against the circulation of goods and services through electronic transaction systems and legal provisions in trade transactions based on Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 50 of 2020, and (2) How is the supervision of business actors in trading through electronic systems related to Law Number 8 the Year 1999 About Consumer Protection? The research method used in compiling this research is normative juridical, carried out by reviewing secondary data or library materials as basic materials in researching, namely by tracing regulations and literature related to the problem being studied. The results showed that the CPL Law and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 50 of 2020 could complement each other in strengthening the law related to consumer protection for business actors. Provisions or rules imposed on business actors in Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 50 of 2020 In addition to disciplining business activities, it also impacts consumer rights, namely that the government supervises business actors for all their activities. It is because business actors must report data on their business activities. It means that the government can easily monitor business actors. If business activities work according to the provisions, it will indirectly impact consumers in getting protection. Keywords: consumer protection law, circulation of goods and services, electronic systems, law number 8 of 199