24 research outputs found

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    Notatet er basert på tiltredelsesforelesningen ved Høgskulen i Volda 20. oktober 2010. Det argumenteres med en potensiell nytteeffekt for pedagogikken (som disiplin) og for samfunnet. Nytten ligger i hva samfunnet kan lære om seg selv gjennom erkjennelsen som disiplinen klarer å produsere. Slik sett kan man snakke om opplysning som gjør refleksjonsprosesser mulig

    On the hidden curriculum of the mouse click: An anthropologically drama

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    Any process of education is media based. But the advent of computer based media in the classroom caused a qualitative change. This new type of media serves as a bodily and cognitive extension of man. The aim of the article is to demonstrate educational consequences of these new anthropologically premises. The article discusses the structure and concept of digital communication culture as it denies the existence of spatial distance. The click option of the mouse will be framed as digital communications hidden curriculum. In order to navigate in the digital world of education the texts concludes with that man has to develop sign-literacy to be able to master the iconic turn in education

    On the hidden curriculum of the mouse click: An anthropologically drama

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    Any process of education is media based. But the advent of computer based media in the classroom caused a qualitative change. This new type of media serves as a bodily and cognitive extension of man. The aim of the article is to demonstrate educational consequences of these new anthropologically premises. The article discusses the structure and concept of digital communication culture as it denies the existence of spatial distance. The click option of the mouse will be framed as digital communications hidden curriculum. In order to navigate in the digital world of education the texts concludes with that man has to develop sign-literacy to be able to master the iconic turn in education

    Norwegens Schulentwicklung nach 1945

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    The Norwegian school history since the Second World War can be characterised as a rolling reform. The discourses on school reform in Norway are determined by the discussion on unity and equality. Two vast phases indicate the developments in the 20th century. In the first reform phase an obligatory comprehensive school (enhetsskole) was built up in the social democratic welfare state Norway. In the second reform cycle this comprehensive school – grunnskole – was prolonged in duration (10 years) and the secondary school – videregående skole – got connected. It is plausible and possible to speak in terms of an at least 12-year unity school system. Almost all pupils (98.8 per cent) from the grunnskole change to the videregående skole

    Chapter 4 Workshop-Didaktik for Cooperation in a Contingent World

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    "Based on the idea that contingency frames people’s view of the world, the text examines how cooperation is still possible. It is argued that cooperation is a human constant (Tomsello), as well as a skill and craft to be unfolded again (Sennett). In order to facilitate teaching and learning processes focussing on the emergence of cooperation, a “Workshop Didactic” is developed. Such a didactic is particularly powerful in enabling people to deal with the challenges of unforeseen situations.

    Chapter 4 Workshop-Didaktik for Cooperation in a Contingent World

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    "Based on the idea that contingency frames people’s view of the world, the text examines how cooperation is still possible. It is argued that cooperation is a human constant (Tomsello), as well as a skill and craft to be unfolded again (Sennett). In order to facilitate teaching and learning processes focussing on the emergence of cooperation, a “Workshop Didactic” is developed. Such a didactic is particularly powerful in enabling people to deal with the challenges of unforeseen situations.


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    In Search of Dimensions of Bildung: A Quantitative Approach

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    This exploratory study set out to quantitatively address the concept of Bildung and its associated dimensions of self-determination, co-determination and solidarity per the deliberations of Wolfgang Klafki. It used nationally representative European Social Survey (ESS) data from nine European countries representing Didaktik and curriculum education traditions. It was hypothesised that Bildung dimensions would be more present in Didaktik than curriculum countries. Applying mean comparison, two-sample Wilcoxon rank-sum test, t-test and multivariate regression analyses as quantitative methods, the results provide empirical evidence that dimensions of Bildung are indeed more present in countries with Didaktik than in countries with curriculum traditions. Further research is needed to address some of the limitations of the present study