1,198 research outputs found

    Localization problem of the quasiperiodic system with the spin orbit interaction

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    We study one dimensional quasiperiodic system obtained from the tight-binding model on the square lattice in a uniform magnetic field with the spin orbit interaction. The phase diagram with respect to the Harper coupling and the Rashba coupling are proposed from a number of numerical studies including a multifractal analysis. There are four phases, I, II, III, and IV in this order from weak to strong Harper coupling. In the weak coupling phase I all the wave functions are extended, in the intermediate coupling phases II and III mobility edges exist, and accordingly both localized and extended wave functions exist, and in the strong Harper coupling phase IV all the wave functions are localized. Phase I and Phase IV are related by the duality, and phases II and III are related by the duality, as well. A localized wave function is related to an extended wave function by the duality, and vice versa. The boundary between phases II and III is the self-dual line on which all the wave functions are critical. In the present model the duality does not lead to pure spectra in contrast to the case of Harper equation.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Sending the primary message

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    AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran tabung udara terhadap efisiensi pompa hidram PVC double katup limbah. Pompa hidram yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini memiliki diameter pipa masukan 2 inchi dan diameter pipa keluaran ½ inchi. Variasi tinggi tabung udara yang dilakukan adalah 100 cm, 120 cm dan 140 cm. Sedangkan tinggi pipa keluaran yang dilakukan adalah 7 m. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan efisiensi tertinggi yang diperoleh terdapat pada tinggi tabung udara 140 cm dengan tinggi pipa keluaran 7 m yaitu 81,9 % dan efisiensi terendah yang diperoleh terdapat pada tinggi tabung udara 100 cm yaitu 70,24 %. Pernambahan tinggi ukuran tabung udara dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pompa hidram. Hal ini terjadi karena rongga udara yang besar menambah tekanan air melalui pipa keluaran.Kata kunci Pompa Hidram PVC Double Katup limbah; Tinggi Tabung Udara;  Efisiensi  AbstractTthe purpose of this study was carried out toknow the effect of air tube sizeon the efficiency of PVC hydram pumps double waste valve.The hydram pumpused in this study has a 2 inch diameter input pipe and½ inch diameter output pipe. The height variation of the air tube is carried out100 cm, 120 cm and 140 cm. While the height of the output pipe made is 7 m.The results of this study showed the highest efficiency obtained in the height of the air tube 140 cm with a high output pipe 7m that is 81,9% and the lowest efficiency obtained is in the height of the tubeair 100 cm  is 70,24%. Increasing the height of the air tube size can increase the efficiency of the hydram pump. This happened because the large air cavity increases the water pressure through the outlet pipe.Key word :PVC hydram pump double waste valve; height of the air tub; efficienc

    Determinants of Propranolol’s Selective Effect on Loss Aversion

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    Research on emotion and decision making has suggested that arousal mediates risky decisions, but several distinct and often confounded processes drive such choices. We used econometric modeling to separate and quantify the unique contributions of loss aversion, risk attitudes, and choice consistency to risky decision making. We administered the beta-blocker propranolol in a double-blind, placebo-controlled within-subjects study, targeting the neurohormonal basis of physiological arousal. Matching our intervention’s pharmacological specificity with a quantitative model delineating decision-making components allowed us to identify the causal relationships between arousal and decision making that do and do not exist. Propranolol selectively reduced loss aversion in a baseline- and dose-dependent manner (i.e., as a function of initial loss aversion and body mass index), and did not affect risk attitudes or choice consistency. These findings provide evidence for a specific, modulatory, and causal relationship between precise components of emotion and risky decision making

    Anisotropic Optic Conductivities due to Spin and Orbital Orderings in LaVO3 and YVO3: First-Principles Studies

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    The anisotropy of low energy (0∼\sim5eV) optical excitations in strongly correlated transition-metal oxides is closely related to the spin and orbital orderings. The recent successes of LDA+UU method in describing the magnetic and electronic structures enable us to calculate the optical conductivity from first-principles. The LaVO3_3 and YVO3_3, both of which have 3d23d^2 configuration and have various spin and orbital ordered phases at low temperature, show distinct anisotropy in the optical spectra. The effects of spin and orbital ordering on the anisotropy are studied in detail based on our first-principles calculations. The experimental spectra of both compounds at low temperature phases can be qualitatively explained with our calculations, while the studies for the intermediate temperature phase of YVO3_3 suggest the substantial persistence of the low temperature phase at elevated temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted by PR

    Safety and effectiveness of ipragliflozin in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and impaired renal function: subgroup analysis of a 3-year post-marketing surveillance study (STELLA-LONG TERM)

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    STELLA-LONG TERM, a 3-year post-marketing surveillance study, evaluated the safety and effectiveness of the sodiumglucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor ipragliflozin in Japanese type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. Final results in the safety (n = 6697) and effectiveness populations (n = 5625) were analyzed by stratifying patients by baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m2) into four subgroups (≥90, 60 to <90, 45 to <60, and <45) and two subgroups (≥60 and <60). Adverse drug reaction (ADR) incidence, and changes from baseline in glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), bodyweight, and eGFR were assessed. The percentage of patients experiencing ADRs and serious ADRs was similar across most eGFR subgroups. Polyuria/pollakiuria was the most common ADR. Renal disorders and volume depletion ADRs were more frequent in the subgroups with more severe renal impairment at baseline than in those with an eGFR of 60 to <90 or ≥90 mL/min/1.73 m2. Bodyweight and HbA1c decreased in all subgroups, the latter by − 0.91% to − 0.40% (P <0.05 vs. baseline). eGFR increased in the 45 to <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 subgroup (+ 1.42 ± 8.77 mL/min/1.73 m2; P = 0.006). It decreased in the ≥90 and 60 to <90 mL/min/1.73 m2 subgroups (− 8.27 ± 13.73 and − 1.22 ± 10.34 mL/min/1.73 m2; P <0.001), but not to <60 mL/min/1.73 m2. In conclusion, there were no new or unexpected safety findings in Japanese patients treated with ipragliflozin for T2DM, and long-term sustained improvements in HbA1c and bodyweight were observed regardless of the presence of renal impairment

    Penerapan Solar Home System Bagi Keluarga Petani di Dusun Niskolen

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    Abstract - This activity tries to reveal the impact of installing a solar home system with energy-saving lamps on the social and economic benefits for farming families in Niskolen hamlet. The social and economic benefits are intended for continuity in efforts to expand access to electricity services in areas not yet covered by electricity, and to encourage economic development and growth as well as improve the welfare of farmers. These social and economic benefits have long-term effects, such as increasing reading and learning opportunities, improving people's health standards, and with electricity at night farmers can carry out social and economic activities, as well as facilitate and speed up information from electronic media. The existence of electric lighting will pave the way for the development of the various talents that exist for innovation and entrepreneurship. Abstrak – Kegiatan ini mencoba untuk mengungkapkan dampak pemasangan solar home system dengan lampu hemat energi terhadap manfaat social dan ekonomi bagi keluarga petani di dusun Niskolen. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi dimaksudkan untuk kelangsungan dalam upaya perluasan akses pelayanan listrik pada wilayah yang belum terjangkau listrik, dan mendorong pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta meningkatkan kesejateraan petani. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi ini berpengaruh secara jangka panjang, antara lain seperti, peningkatan kesempatan membaca dan belajar, peningkatan taraf kesehatan rakyat, dan dengan adanya listrik pada waktu malam hari petani dapat melakukan kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi, serta memudahkan dan mempercepat informasi dari media elektronik. Dengan adanya penerangan listrik akan membuka jalan kepada pengembangan berbagai bakat yang ada untuk inovasi dan kewirausahaan

    Global Regulation by Horizontally Transferred Regulators Establishes the Pathogenicity of Escherichia coli

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    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli is an emerging pathogen that causes diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Much of the genomic information that affects virulence is acquired by horizontal transfer. Genes necessary for attaching and effacing lesions are located in the locus for enterocyte effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island. LEE gene transcription is positively regulated by Ler, which is also encoded by the LEE, and by Pch regulators, which are encoded at other loci. Here we identified genes whose transcription profiles were similar to those of the LEE genes, by comparing the effects of altering ler and pch transcript levels. We assigned these genes into two classes, according to their transcription profiles. By determining the binding profiles for Ler and Pch, we showed that both were involved in regulating one class of genes, but only Pch was involved in regulating the other class. Binding sites were found in the coding region as well as the promoter region of regulated genes, which include genes common to K12 strains as well as 0157-specific genes, suggesting that both act as a global regulator. These results indicate that Ler and Pch orchestrate the transcription of virulence genes, which are captured by horizontal transfer and scattered throughout the chromosome
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