11 research outputs found

    Stress salivary biomarkers variation during flight exercises in pilots from the Spanish airforce

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    Cortisol is a stress hormone that is secreted in saliva following a circadian rhythm, and increases in response to physical and emotional stress. In the present study, we considered performing a quantitative study of cortisol in saliva samples from 13 volunteers from the Spanish army personnel on active duty flying status. The subjects belong to one of the following categories: colonel, lieutenant colonel and captain. Saliva samples were collected prior and after flight exercises in the military plane F18. For cortisol analysis in saliva, we used a competitive ELISA assay, bounded cortisol-enzyme conjugates were measured by the reaction to the peroxidase to the substrate tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) and density is calculated based in absorbancy reading detected with a plate reader. Cortisol levels were in general higher after flight exercises when compared to samples prior to flight. These results suggest that hormone levels may be differentially affected by the stressors of routine military flight

    Assessing bacterial quorum sensing through measuring bioluminescence with Vibrio fischeri exposed to simulated microgravity

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    Bacteria flourish in stressful environments when communicating with each other in a process known as Quorum Sensing. This process is accomplished by the production of small signaling molecules referred to as Autoinducers (AI). This communication allows the bacteria to alter their gene expression in an effort to regulate their cell number, behavior and sense the surrounding environment. The space environment provides stressful conditions for bacteria as they are exposed to radiation and microgravity (µG). Because of this, it could be possible that bacteria become more virulent and resistant to antibiotics. The purpose of this research was to expose Vibrio fischeri to simulated microgravity for its ability to produce AI and measure their quantity. The methods used include measurement of fluorescence via microbial biosensors (genetically modified microorganisms) that activate gene expression of markers once a specific autoinducer is detected, readings are recorded (using a microplate reader) and graphed. Results have demonstrated increased AI production and altered colony morphology under simulated microgravity

    Plant and Microbial Interactions Under Simulated Lunar Conditions

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    With the increase of research on establishing a lunar base, there are many challenges faced regarding sustainable living conditions. Some limitations include the cost of long-term spaceflight due to the frequent transport of food supply to the moon. The use of in-situ resources and the recycling of biomass waste can be used for sustainable crop production to decrease the costs of long-term spaceflight and make efficient use of payloads. Lunar regolith, the moon’s soil, contains all the nutrients needed for plant growth except for nitrogen. However, biomass waste, such as organic waste, can be used as a nitrogen source and a supplement providing the lunar regolith with microbial communities to sustain plant growth. In this experiment we are investigating the effects of added microbial communities in horse manure on lunar regolith simulant for optimal plant growth. The experimental design requires the testing of protocols including a watering schedule, determining an optimal ratio of manure to lunar regolith simulant, and other appropriate growth conditions. The objective of this experiment is to analyze the microbial communities in the rhizosphere for plants in different substrates in an effort to simulate the Earth’s soil that can sustain crop production for a lunar base

    I Congresso Ibero-Americano de Bibliotecas Escolares

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    Actas de la primera edición del I Congreso Iberoamericano de Bibliotecas Escolares, CIBES 2015, organizado por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España), la Universidad Estatal Paulista (Brasil) y el Ayuntamiento de Getafe (España). Celebrado: 21 - 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Estatal Paulista (Marília) y 26 - 28 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Getafe)Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España)Universidad Estatal Paulista (Brasil)Ayuntamiento de Getafe (España)Dimensiones y visiones de la biblioteca escolar en una Educación por competencias: la necesidad de una política estratégica / Miguel Ángel Marzal. -- Getafe ciudad educadora, lectora y escritora: Bibliotecas escolares / Lourdes Muñoz Santiuste. -- Presente y futuro: biblioteca escolar-CREA y proyectos interdisciplinares / Rosa Piquín. -- Cultura en información: un reto esencial de la biblioteca escolar / Mónica Baró. -- Bibliotecas escolares de Galicia: un mundo de oportunidades a favor de la Educación / Cristina Novoa. -- 10 años de la Red de Bibliotecas Escolares de Extremadura (REBEX) / Casildo Macías Pereira. -- Biblioteca Escolar y uso ético de la información para una Cultura de Paz / Ana Barrero Tíscar. -- Dinamización de la Biblioteca Escolar Plumita durante el curso escolar 2014/15 / María Antonia Cano Cañada. -- Experiencia de la creación de una biblioteca escolar / Susana Santos Martín. -- Grupo cooperativo Bibliotecas escolares en Red-Albacete / José Manuel Garrido Argandoña y Eva Leal Scasso. -- La BCREA "Juan Leiva". El fomento de la lectura desde la web social / Andrés Pulido Villar. -- Proceso de implantación de una herramienta de autoevaluación en la red de bibliotecas escolares de Extremadura (REBEX) / Casildo Macías Pereira. -- La biblioteca escolar: abriendo fronteras / Lorena Verónica Cabrera Orellana. -- O programa RBE e a avaliaçao das bibliotecas escolares: melhoria, desenvolvimiento e innovaçao / Elsa Conde. -- Profesional de Biblioteconomía y Documentación: esencial en la plantilla de la escuela / Pilar del Campo Puerta. -- Una mirada activa al proceso educativo desde la biblioteca escolar / María Jesús Fontela Fernández . -- Con otra mirada "La ilustración como vehículo de comunicación y aprendizaje en las bibliotecas escolares" / Pablo Jurado Sánchez-Galán. -- Fingertips. Recriar a biblioteca escolar na sala de aula / Rui Alfonso Mateus. -- Hablemos de libros. Cómo transformar una clase de literatura en una comunidad de interpretación de textos / Francisco César Díaz Rey. -- Inclusión social de familias inmigrantes a través de un programa de aprendizaje de la lengua castellana / Ana Carmen Tolino Fernández-Henarejos. -- O desenvolvimento de atividades de mediação de leitura em biblioteca escolar: o caso da biblioteca da Escola Sesc de Ensino Médio / Vagner Amaro. -- La biblioteca escolar. Proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de padres a hijos / Ana Carmen Tolino Fernández- Henarejos. -- Leo con y para los demás / Ismael Fernández Fernández, Ana María Moreno Vicente y Ana Beatriz Vicente Pérez. -- Nanas y arrullo. Poesía a la deriva / Bernardo Fuentes Navarrete y Carlos García-Romeral Pérez. -- Gestión y evaluación de servicios bibliotecarios para personas con dislexia: una biblioteca escolar inclusiva desde una perspectiva internacional / Carmen Jorge García-Reyes. -- Sueños lectores compartidos hechos realidad: la biblioteca escolar del C.E.I.P-S.E.S-A.A “LA PAZ” de Albacete / Ana Rosa Cabañero Tobarra, Juan Manuel Herráez, Eva Leal Scasso, María Marín Sánchez, Ana Belén Medrano Martínez y María José Nortes Ruipérez. -- El programa biblioteca escuela en Civican. La literatura como elemento motivador para la alfabetización informacional / Villar Arellano Yanguas. -- La competencia digital en el diseño curricular: desde la biblioteca al aula / Felicidad Campal García. -- O deselvomimento da pesquisa escolar por meio da competência em informaçao / Luciane de Fátima Cavalcante Beckman y Marta Leandro da Mata. -- Proyecto escolar de investigación documental "Te pillé leyendo" / José Manuel Garrido Argandoña. -- Aprender com a Biblioteca Escolar: formar para as literacias / Paula Correia y Isabel Mendinhos. -- Sucedió en el siglo XX / María Antonia Becerra Montalbán, Ángel Bernabé Muñoz y Sofía Vaz Romero. -- El Club de lectura en la nube / Belén Benito Blázquez y Ana Ordás García. -- Promover a leitura e a escrita na era digital: prácticas nas bibliotecas escolares / María Raquel Ramos. -- A biblioteca escolar e o desafío da interculturalidade: o projeto Ser + cidadao / María da Conceição Tomé. -- Cuando la competencia digital encontró a la alfabetización informacional o Mucho ruido y pocas nueces / Felicidad Campal García. -- Hora de ler, un programa para el fomento de la lectura en contexto educativo / Cristina Novoa. -- Hábitos de lectura para las competencias en información y alfabetización en información en bibliotecas escolares de Puerto Rico / Karen Denise Centeno Casillas. -- Repositorios digitales en las bibliotecas escolares andaluzas: situación, modelos y herramientas para su creación / Dolores Olmos Olmos y Andrés Pulido Villar. -- Trabajando las competencias clave con las aventuras de Mozarito en Extremadura / María Teresa Carballosa González y María Esther Nieto Vidal. -- Análisis de modelos de evaluación de la web de la biblioteca escolar / Raúl Cremades García. -- Emociónate con las historias: El bosque de las emociones e historias con mucho teatro / Esther Luis Pérez y Ana María Peromingo Fernández. -- Biblioteca escolar de innovación y continuación / E. María Guerrero Palacios y Silvia Mora Ramírez. -- Uso de estándares y licencias para la creación y difusión de contenidos en las bibliotecas escolares / José Luis Barreiro Cebey. -- La biblioteca escolar digital móvil / Javier Fernández Delgado. -- Uso de aplicaciones móviles para el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística. Proyecto Hansel App Gretel / Dolores Olmos Olmos. -- A memória e a mediação segundo Vigotski / Leda Maria Araújo, Patricia Celia Santana, Sueli Bortolin y Leticia Gorri Molina. -- Bibliotecas escolares como tema de estudo dos alunos de graduação em blioteconomia do Instituto de Ensino Superior da FUNLEC: estado da arte / Tiago Pereira Nocera y Rodrigo Pereira. -- Ações de mediação da leitura e da informação em bibliotecas escolares: um olhar sobre as bibliotecas dos Colégios de Aplicação / Tatyanne Christina Gonçalves Ferreira Valdez y Alberto Calil Júnior. -- Mediação pedagógica numa biblioteca de escola pública em Londrina / Rovilson José da Silva, Teba Silva Yllana y Sueli Bortolin. -- Utilização de categorias por cores em sistema de biblioteca voltado ao público infanto-juvenil / Liliana Giusti Serra. -- Atividades de ensino dos atos de leitura com crianças em risco social / Adriana Naomi Fukushima da Silva y Dagoberto Buim Arena. -- Biblioteca escolar: espaço de significados entre alunos, professores e bibliotecários / Rodrigo Barbosa Paulo, Marisa Xavier, Helen Castro Casarin y Creuza Barbaroto. -- A Biblioteca Escolar no Contexto da Legislação e do Processo Educativo / Eliane Lourdes da Silva Moro, Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota y Raimundo Martins de Lima. -- O jornal impresso como fonte de informação: a importância da formação de leitores críticos / Mariana Pícaro Cerigatto. -- Bibliotecas escolares no estado do Rio Grande do Sul: a trajetória de realização dos fóruns gaúchos pela melhoria das bibliotecas escolares / Eliane Lourdes da Silva Moro y Lizandra Brasil Estabel. -- O acesso à informação dos usuários surdos na biblioteca escolar / André Luís Onório Coneglian y Mayara Melo Santana. -- Aprendizagem coletiva de bibliotecários e a competência de pesquisa dos docentes: o caso do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo / Maristela Almeida Mercandeli Rodrigues y Beatriz Quiroz Villardi. -- Biblioteca escolar: atores, parâmetros e competências / Mavi Galante Mancera Dall´Acqua Carvalho y Claudio Marcondes de Castro Filho. -- Estratégias de aprendizagem de escrita no Ensino Fundamental II / Érika Christina Kohle. -- Bebês e livros: leitura nas bebetecas. Kenia Adriana de Aquino Modesto Silva, Juliane Francischeti Martins Motoyama y Renata Junqueira de Souza. -- Práticas alternativas para organização de acervos nos espaços de leitura em ambientes escolares / Luciana Souza Gracioso, Ariovaldo Alves, Débora Nascimento, Suelen Redondo, Tainara Torika Kiri de Castro, Elizabete Angelon y Eduardo Barbosa. -- Reflexões sobre a modelagem e criação de uma Rede Virtual de Leitores para Bibliotecas Escolares / Carla Floriana Martins y Raoni Guerra Rajão. -- Biblioteca escolar: espaço de formação leitora? / Silvana Ferreira de Souza Balsan y Renata Junqueira de Souza. -- “Se a Biblioteca Escolar é minha mãe, o Google é meu pai”: representações da relação entre Biblioteca Escolar e Google no imaginário de alunos do ensino técnico / Adriana Bogliolo Sirihal-Duarte, Maria L. Amorim Antunes y Raquel Miranda Vilela Paiva. -- Desafios e propostas para a universalização das bibliotecas escolares no Brasil e na Espanha / Rodrigo Pereira, Daniela Spudeit y Fernanda de Sales. -- Bibliotecário educador: possibilidades de atuação no contexto da biblioteca escolar / André Carlos da Silva, Valéria Martin Valls y Mariana de Paula Silva. -- Uma ONG para Bibliotecas Escolares : estratégia para ampliar a igualdade e capacidade de acesso e uso da informação e educação escolar de qualidade / Suelen Camilo Ferreira y Luciana de Souza Gracioso. -- O aluno com deficência: o papel do bibliotecário na disponibilidade de recursos acessíveis na biblioteca escolar / Adriano de Sales Coelho, Rosilene de Melo Oliveira y Marcos Pastana Santos. -- Biblioteca digital virtual e o uso do tablete: uma possibilidade de construção de novas práticas de leitura na escola / Barbara Cibelli da Silva Monteagudo y Dagoberto Buim Arena. -- A importância da biblioteca na educação de crianças de 0 a 3 anos / Yngrid Karolline Mendonça Costa y Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões Girotto. -- Comportamento Informacional de adolescentes: a relação com bibliotecas e escolas / Nelson Sebastian Silva-Jerez y Helen de Castro S. Casarin

    Improving Respiratory Health Through Urban Green Spaces; A Literature Review

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    Respiratory diseases caused by air pollution make up 4.2 million deaths yearly. This study aims to analyze possible ways air pollution can be reduced through the creation of ‘green spaces’ in urban areas, consequently improving respiratory health and helping create more sustainable cities and community wellness. Green spaces are defined in this study as areas designated for plant life, whether in a specific region or integrated with urban architecture. A comprehensive literature review and data analysis were conducted to reinforce this idea, using sources from cardiovascular, pulmonary, and public health journals that reinforce nature’s ability to improve air quality. By evaluating both the physical and social benefits of an increase in urban green spaces, our study demonstrates how they reduce air pollutants, lower the incidence of respiratory diseases, and enhance community well-being. This study concluded that environmental health can be improved by relying on nature to make the air we breathe purer. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of integrating green spaces into urban design as a possible strategy for solving this pertinent issue and emphasize the need for governments to prioritize these spaces in future city developments. Our research highlights the broader implications of this sustainable solution, advocating for creating healthier and greener cities that actively protect human and environmental health globally

    Assessing bacterial quorum sensing through measuring bioluminescence with Vibrio fischeri exposed to simulated microgravity

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    Bacteria flourish in stressful environments when communicating with each other in a process known as Quorum Sensing. This process is accomplished by the production of small signaling molecules referred to as Autoinducers (AI). This communication allows the bacteria to alter their gene expression in an effort to regulate their cell number, behavior and sense the surrounding environment. The space environment provides stressful conditions for bacteria as they are exposed to radiation and microgravity (µG). Because of this, it could be possible that bacteria become more virulent and resistant to antibiotics. The purpose of this research was to expose Vibrio fischeri to simulated microgravity for its ability to produce AI and measure their quantity. The methods used include measurement of fluorescence via microbial biosensors (genetically modified microorganisms) that activate gene expression of markers once a specific autoinducer is detected, readings are recorded (using a microplate reader) and graphed. Results have demonstrated increased AI production and altered colony morphology under simulated microgravity

    Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin: Could it biomarker detect exposition to tobacco in pregnant women?

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    Introduction Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) is a known biomarker for chronic alcoholism detection. The clinical use of CDT is varied: alcohol detoxification programs monitoring abstinence of the alcohol-dependent patients, assessing of pre-natal exposure and evaluating alcohol misuse in subjects applying for the re-granting of driving license between others. Over the years, studies have been carried out on various factors and substances that may affect the levels of CDT, among which are tobacco use. In fact, a further clinical application field of CDT is that in which it is used as marker of pathological conditions correlated or not to alcohol abuse. The aim of this study is to assess whether CDT levels are affected by tobacco use. Methods The sample comprised 82 pregnant women at 9 to 12 weeks of gestation. %CDT levels were performed using the capillary zone electrophoresis system (Sebia®, France). Afterwards, they were interviewed about tobacco use and it was recorded as number of cigarettes per day. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 22.0 Results Of de 82 pregnant, 19 (23,2%) were smokers with an average of 5,52 cigarettes per day, min 1, max 20 (CI95% 3,15-7,89). The correlation between CDT values and number of cigarettes/day were not statistically significant, n=82 (p=0,1; r=0,179) Conclusions Our results are not in line with other studies carried out about tobacco use, in which it was found a significant correlation between tobacco use and CDT levels. Nonetheless, our results are close to being statistically significant, and not reaching a value of p<0,05 may be due to the fact that pregnant women are underreporting the tobacco daily use because they know the harmful effect of tobacco on the unborn child. We believe that more subjects are necessary to obtain a final conclusion

    Prevalence of tobacco at the beginning of pregnancy in 1500 pregnant couples of high risk

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    Introduction Environmental consulting Nursing (Reproductive) is a clinical consultation detection, intervention and prevention of exposures to environmental hazards at critical periods of pregnancy (gametogenesis and pregnancy) with special attention to tobacco. The working tool is the “hoja verde” Objective: The objective of this work is to identify the prevalence of tobacco at the beginning of pregnancy and in the 12th week of gestation in pregnant couples at risk in the HCU Virgen de la Arrixaca. Methods Descriptive study using the Green Page among 1500 pregnant couples of high risk between November, 2009 to January, 2013 conducted during the first trimester of pregnancy screenings. Results Average age (years) 34.1 (females) and 36.1 (males). 87% of the woman are native of Spanish origin. At the beginning of pregnancy 34.9% of women and 45% of their partners are smokers. Intrauterine exposure to tobacco is as high as 56%. In the 12th week of gestation the percentage decreased to 17.3%. In the couples there was little change (41.5%). Conclusions Exposure to tobacco and other environmental health risk factors are elevated at the beginning of pregnancy. The approach of using ¨pregnant couple¨ in the Green Page is important for improving the overall quality of pregnancy by integrating the couple as an important part of the process. Nurses and midwives, have a privileged and strategic role in the development of tasks related to environmental health during pregnancy,. It is necessary to improve the environmental health training and preparation of nurses and midwives from the undergraduate to postgraduate levels

    Group consultation for smoking cessation in pediatrics

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    Introduction Health beings long before birth. Exposure to tobacco smoke (active or passive) is one of the leading causes of pregnancy complications and a risk factor for developing multiple pediatric diseases. The objective of this work is to explain how the consultation for smoking cessation of the Pediatric Environmental Health Unit works. This consultation focuses on pregnant couples although smoking cessation is also offered to parents with children diagnosed with respiratory diseases as well as parents of survivors of pediatric cancer. Methods The consult has a group structure (although in exceptional cases is done individually) and is divided into 5 in-person and 5 telephone sessions. The main actions developed in the consult are the control of nicotine dependence, and above all, behavioral and emotional dependence to tobacco. Smoking cessation consultation in pediatrics is aimed at pregnant couples or both parents (if both are smokers). Results During 2016/2017, we have developed 7 therapy groups with a mean of 5 patients per group. The individuals who have not attended all sessions and also do not respond to the telephone calls are excluded from the results. Cessation rate until the end of pregnancy is 60%. Emotional and behavioral control is very important during pregnancy and in relatives of sick children. The inclusion of the partner in the process is very important so that the cessation is long-lasting, while also promoting a smoke free childhood environments. Conclusions The strengths of group therapy are that individuals with the same characteristics (feelings, fears, motivations ...), also avoid feeling lonely during the process. The group can solve doubts and questions (fears, shyness ...) that otherwise would not be resolved. It helps us to establish pertinent emotional linkages among patients within the group. The results indicate a strong adherence to treatment