139 research outputs found

    Деколонизация гуманитарного знания

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    The article presents epistemology, political and ethical standpoints, social-philosophic grounds of the decolonial turn - one of the contemporary alter-modern international projects. It briefly traces the genealogy of the «decolonial option», conceptualizes its latest tendencies and interconnections with other intellectual and social-political models, and considers its future prospects. Particular attention is paid to rethinking of humanities within the decolonial turn.Статья представляет эпистемологию, политические и этические взгляды и социально-философские установки деколониального поворота - одного из современных альтер-модерных международных проектов. В ней прослеживается вкратце генеалогия «деколониального выбора» и оцениваются его современные тенденции, связи с другими интеллектуальными и социально-политическими моделями и перспективы на будущее. Особое внимание при этом уделено проблеме переосмысления гуманитарного знания в рамках деколониального поворота

    Инновационные образовательные программы нового поколения: переосмысление роли гуманитарных наук в университетском образовании

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    Транскультурные исследования. Демаркация новой дисциплинарной области и будущее гуманитарного знания

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    The article considers transcultural studies as a new transdicsiplinary area, analyses its various types and methodological grounds, offers a comparative survey of the existing centers for transcultural studies. The author presents a number of ontological, ethical and gnoseological aspects of this area within the frame of post-continental philosophy. The paper also touches upon the main tasks and grounds of the newly launched Center for Transcultural Studies at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.В статье рассматриваются транскультурные исследования как новая трансдисциплинарная область, анализируются их разные типы и методологические основания, дается краткий сопоставительный обзор существующих в мире центров транскультурных исследований. Автор представляет ряд онтологических, этических и гносеологических аспектов данной области в рамках постконтинентальной философии. В статье также представлены основные задачи и установки недавно созданного Центра транскультурных исследований РУДН

    La aesthesis trans-moderna en la zona fronteriza eurasiática y el anti-sublime decolonial

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    The article considers transmodern aesthesis in relation to the agenda of liberating the aesthetic sphere from the myths of Western modernity. The author offers a critical survey of the main contemporary Western aesthetic trends vis-à-vis the decolonial anti-sublime as an alternative model analyzed in the article. Specific attention is paid to the mechanism of this sublime, grounded in a pluritopic hermeneutic and a decolonial “community of sense” uniting those who were marked by the “colonial wound”. The article focuses on the decolonial reformulating of usual aesthetic issues, such as the correlation of beauty and aesthesis, the relation of knowledge and art, the moral sphere and aesthetics, etc. Finally, a large part is devoted to decolonial aesthesis of theEurasian borderlands: the territories in the East (Central Asia) and South (Caucasus) of the Eurasian continent which used to be Russian/Soviet colonies and have produced complex instances of decolonial art in the works of Saule Suleymenova, Zorikto Dorzhiev and others.El artículo estudia la aesthesis transmoderna en relación con la agenda de liberar la esfera estética de los mitos de la modernidad occidental. La autora ofrece un resumen crítico de las principales corrientes estéticas occidentales frente al anti-sublime decolonial como modelo alternativo analizado en el artículo. Se presta especial atención al mecanismo de este sublime, fundado en una hermenéutica pluritópica y una “comunidad de sentido” decolonial que une a quienes fueron marcados por la “herida colonial”. El artículo se enfoca en la reformulación decolonial de problemáticas estéticas usuales, como la correlación de belleza y aesthesis, la relación de conocimiento y arte, de la esfera moral y la estética, etc. Finalmente, una larga sección se dedica a la aesthesis decolonial de la zona fronteriza euroasiática, los territorios en el Este (Asia Central) y Sur (Cáucaso) del continente euroasiático, que antes eran colonias rusas/soviéticas, y producen hoy instancias complejas de arte decolonial en las obras de Saule Suleymenova, Zorito Dorzhiev y otros

    Of birds and trees: Rethinking decoloniality through unsettlement as a pluriversal human condition

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    Unsettlement is our current shared pluriversal human condition which is experienced differently depending on our trajectories, privileges and disadvantages. The negative phase of globalization epitmoized in the Covid-19 crisis, threatens to  fold the world into a digital slavery where coloniality would finally stop to be seen as a  ‘problem’ of refugees, migrants and indigenous people or a fashionable term of the academic elite, to be faced directly by each and every. Previously decoloniality has focused mainly on the critique of the intersections of race and capitalism in the production of knowledge and subjectivities. It has seldom addressed the future or ventured outside the position of the colonial difference (exteriority). In the face of the global challenges including the defunct politics and the ultra-right populist turn, as well as the Anthropocene and technological colonization, fragmenting the human species, coloniality needs to be complemented with additional dimensions that would allow overcoming its stand-pointism and refusal to dialogue across the imperial difference with other critical positions. One of such dimensions is unsettlement which is discussed in the article as a promising concept in the agenda for refuturing. Can unsettlement generate new transversal relational solidarity beyond the bankrupt institutions and power structures? Can it launch new communities of change which would inevitably also change ourselves as humans? How would art and fiction react to these tectonic shifts and advance the shaping of the agendas of these communities of change?  The article briefly addresses two possible paths for artistic representations of the unsettlement   - the introspective one struggling with multiple identifications and re-weaving oneself and one’s world anew and a less realized promising way of the positive ontological design fictions and utopias/dystopias transcending modernity/coloniality to imagine an alternative other world. The unsettled ‘birds’ rather than rooted ‘trees’ are likely to be the main protagonists of these fictions helping us to learn that unsettlement can eventually bring a positive sense of the self and/in the world and a new political imagination to refuturing

    Критическая педагогика XXI века, или как «научиться разучиваться»

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    The article polemically considers the main aspects of the higher education crisis on a global scale and juxtaposes the epistemic, axiological, existential and other bases of the Western and non-Western ways of its overcoming. Specific attention is paid to the comparison between the «Davos culture» phenomenon in higher education and the really existing Intercultural University of the Indigenous peoples and nations of Ecuador, built on alternative principles.В статье полемически рассматриваются основные аспекты кризиса высшего образования в мире и сопоставляются эпистемологические, аксиологические, экзистенциальные и иные основания западных и незападных вариантов выхода из него. Особое внимание уделено сопоставительному анализу феномена «давосской культуры» в сфере образования и реально существующего Интеркультурного Университета коренных народов и наций Эквадора, построенного на альтернативных принципах

    Higher education strategies: towards the 21st century innovative societies

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