17 research outputs found

    Trendovi u razvoju odnosa s javnoŔću: usporedba procjena hrvatskih i europskih komunikacijskih stručnjaka

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    Odnosi s javnoŔću, kao akademska disciplina, ali i kao poslovna funkcija, pod velikim su utjecajem kulture i političkog sustava unutar kojeg djeluju (Sriramesh i White, 1992.). Za komunikacijske stručnjake važno pitanje stoga je ā€“ razlikuju li se osnovni principi primjene odnosa s javnoŔću od zemlje do zemlje? Tijekom posljednjih desetak godina broj znanstvenih istraživanja unutar odnosa s javnoŔću u Europi raste i daje sve veći broj teorija i empirijskih uvida u praksu koji ukazuju na razlike u načinu primjene odnosa s javnoŔću u različitim zemljama. Upravo stoga cilj ovoga rada bio je provjeriti postoji li značajna razlika u procjeni važnosti ključnih problemskih pitanja među hrvatskim i europskim stručnjacima za odnose s javnoŔću? Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da se procjena važnosti hrvatskih stručnjaka donekle razlikuje od procjene europskih komunikatora. Takvi rezultati potvrđuju tezu o lokalnoj specifičnosti odnosa s javnoŔću i naglaÅ”avaju važnost lokalnog razvoja znanja i vjeÅ”tina, uz koriÅ”tenje globalnih teorija i koncepata

    Effect of media relations on audiences: comparing how editorials and advertising influence behavior

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    U odnosima s javnoŔću česta je i vrlo popularna pretpostavka prema kojoj urednički sadržaji u medijima imaju veći komunikacijski utjecaj od oglasa. Opisana teza toliko je proÅ”irena (i među stručnjacima za odnose s javnoŔću i među onima s područja marketinÅ”ke komunikacije) da se iz nje razvila ideja o tzv. multiplikatorima percipiranog utjecaja koji upućuju na 2,5 do 8 puta veću vrijednost uredničkog sadržaja u odnosu na oglasni. U ovom radu, zasnovanom na opisanoj pretpostavci, cilj je bio dodatno istražiti na koji način ciljna publika doživljava uredničke i oglasne sadržaje. Problem istraživanja bio je usmjeren na usporedbu utjecaja uredničkih sadržaja s utjecajem oglasa, na ponaÅ”anje odnosno bihevioralnu namjeru (kroz četiri medija ā€“ internet, radio, novine i televiziju). Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine - postojeći korisnici usluge koja je bila u fokusu rada (među kojima se ispitivao utjecaj na ponaÅ”anje) te potencijalni korisnici (među kojima se ispitivao utjecaj na bihevioralnu namjeru). Postojeći korisnici procijenili su kako su urednički sadržaji u većoj mjeri oblikovali njihovo ponaÅ”anje, no ta razlika nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. Za razliku od njih, potencijalni korisnici oglasni su sadržaj procijenili značajnijim u oblikovanju bihevioralne namjere. Ovakvi su rezultati joÅ” jednom pokazali kako je pretpostavka o većem utjecaju uredničkih sadržaja vrlo upitna.A notion, according to which editorials have a bigger communication influence than advertisements, is very common and quite popular in public relations. The said notion is so prevalent (among both public relations and marketing communications experts) that it has led to the concept of perceived influence multipliers that point to a stronger editorial influence in comparison to advertising influence (2.5 to 8 times stronger). Based on the described assumption, the aim of this paper was to further explore how the target audience perceives editorial and advertising content. The research problem was to compare the effects of both types of content on behavior and behavioral intent (through four media ā€“ Internet, radio, newspapers and television). Respondents were divided into two groups ā€“ current users of the service that was in focus (for influence on behavior) and potential users (for influence on behavioral intent). Even though current users said that editorials had a bigger influence on their behavior, this difference was not significant. On the other hand, potential users stated that the advertising content shaped their behavioral intent more than did editorials. These results once again show the assumption, according to which editorials have a stronger communication influence than advertisements, to be highly questionable

    Effect of media relations on audiences: comparing how editorials and advertising influence behavior

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    U odnosima s javnoŔću česta je i vrlo popularna pretpostavka prema kojoj urednički sadržaji u medijima imaju veći komunikacijski utjecaj od oglasa. Opisana teza toliko je proÅ”irena (i među stručnjacima za odnose s javnoŔću i među onima s područja marketinÅ”ke komunikacije) da se iz nje razvila ideja o tzv. multiplikatorima percipiranog utjecaja koji upućuju na 2,5 do 8 puta veću vrijednost uredničkog sadržaja u odnosu na oglasni. U ovom radu, zasnovanom na opisanoj pretpostavci, cilj je bio dodatno istražiti na koji način ciljna publika doživljava uredničke i oglasne sadržaje. Problem istraživanja bio je usmjeren na usporedbu utjecaja uredničkih sadržaja s utjecajem oglasa, na ponaÅ”anje odnosno bihevioralnu namjeru (kroz četiri medija ā€“ internet, radio, novine i televiziju). Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine - postojeći korisnici usluge koja je bila u fokusu rada (među kojima se ispitivao utjecaj na ponaÅ”anje) te potencijalni korisnici (među kojima se ispitivao utjecaj na bihevioralnu namjeru). Postojeći korisnici procijenili su kako su urednički sadržaji u većoj mjeri oblikovali njihovo ponaÅ”anje, no ta razlika nije se pokazala statistički značajnom. Za razliku od njih, potencijalni korisnici oglasni su sadržaj procijenili značajnijim u oblikovanju bihevioralne namjere. Ovakvi su rezultati joÅ” jednom pokazali kako je pretpostavka o većem utjecaju uredničkih sadržaja vrlo upitna.A notion, according to which editorials have a bigger communication influence than advertisements, is very common and quite popular in public relations. The said notion is so prevalent (among both public relations and marketing communications experts) that it has led to the concept of perceived influence multipliers that point to a stronger editorial influence in comparison to advertising influence (2.5 to 8 times stronger). Based on the described assumption, the aim of this paper was to further explore how the target audience perceives editorial and advertising content. The research problem was to compare the effects of both types of content on behavior and behavioral intent (through four media ā€“ Internet, radio, newspapers and television). Respondents were divided into two groups ā€“ current users of the service that was in focus (for influence on behavior) and potential users (for influence on behavioral intent). Even though current users said that editorials had a bigger influence on their behavior, this difference was not significant. On the other hand, potential users stated that the advertising content shaped their behavioral intent more than did editorials. These results once again show the assumption, according to which editorials have a stronger communication influence than advertisements, to be highly questionable

    Disscusing the role of color as a mediating variable in the process of communication

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    Unatoč neospornoj važnosti boje u oglaÅ”avanju i marketinÅ”koj komunikaciji općenito, broj istraživanja utjecaja boje na ovim je područjima vrlo malen. Stoga je primarni cilj ovog rada bio ponuditi neke osnovne smjernice i uvid u koriÅ”tenje boja u komunikaciji. U radu se detaljnije istražuje percepcija boja, odnosno analizira povezivanje toplih i hladnih boja s proizvodima odnosno poduzećima; određuju se emocionalne asocijacije koje pojedine boje izazivaju, te se mjeri zapaženost primarnih, sekundarnih i tercijarnih boja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je u asociranju boja s organizacijama najčeŔća identifikacija ružičaste (magenta) boje s poduzećem T-com. Isto tako, pokazalo se da različite boje izazivaju jasne pozitivne odnosno negativne asocijacije (primjerice, ljubičasta boja pokazala se bojom s najnegativnijim asocijacijama), te je to potkrijepilo pretpostavku o tome kako odabir pogreÅ”ne boje u marketinÅ”koj komunikaciji može izazvati negativne reakcije potroÅ”ača. Konačno, pokazalo se da je u kontekstu primarnih, sekundarnih i tercijarnih boja najzapaženija uvijek bila žuta, dok su plava, ljubičasta i plavo-ljubičasta najslabije zapažene boje. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokuÅ”aj izviđajnog istraživanja na području proučavanja utjecaja boja u marketinÅ”koj komunikaciji. Budući da je istraživanje provedeno u sklopu diplomskog rada, metodologija istraživanja sadrži određena ograničenja, no rad ipak predstavlja značajan doprinos području na kojem u Hrvatskoj gotovo da i ne postoji niti jedan rad.In spite of the fact that researching the effect of color in advertising and marketing communications in general is of great importance, the scope of research in this area is surprisingly limited. The primary goal of this paper was to offer some initial insight into the use of color in communication. The goal of research was to analyze the perception of specific colors, while focusing on an association of warm and cold colors with both products and companies. Furthermore, it was aimed at investigating emotional associations of specific colors and the perception of primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Results show that in the process of associating color with companies, pink (magenta) of T-com is the one that clearly stands out. Additionally, results pointed to the fact that certain colors evoke clear positive or negative associations (for example, purple proved to evoke the most negative associations), which confirmed the assumption that the selection of wrong colors in marketing communications can lead to various negative consumer reactions. Finally, the study showed that among all three groups of colors, primary, secondary and tertiary, yellow was always the most noticeable, while blue, purple and blue-purple were the least noticeable. This paper represents an exploratory study in the area of color research in marketing communications. The research described was conducted as part of a bachelor thesis, so the methodology has certain limitations; still, it represents a significant addition to the area in question since there has been virtually no research of this kind in Croatia to date

    Razvoj mjernog instrumenta za evaluaciju zadovoljstva internom komunikacijom u organizacijama

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    This is the first in a series of papers to discuss the concept of organizational communication audit in its empirical appearances in the core organizational communication discipline and related communication disciplines, like communication management, corporate communication and public relations. The final goal is to make an overview of more than thirty years of research and propose an interdisciplinary approach to auditing organizational communication that would be as disciplined as the core auditing movement within the ICA was in the 1970s and as relevant to organizational realities as contemporary audits seem to be. The focus of investigation is the analysis of research instruments and their applications. The paper reviews the existing literature on organizational communication audits, primarily the four instruments - The Organizational Communication Questionnaire, The Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire, The Communication Audit Survey, and The Organizational Communication Audit Questionnaire. Comparison of organizational communication audit to a physical (health, medical) examination of a human body often used by authors on organizational communication audits exposes the paradigm within which they work (i.e., organizations as human bodies). Besides the mainstream academic communication research there is a multitude of more open, external- and process-oriented approaches to organizational communication audits, in particularly in the practice and academic communities denoting themselves with ā€˜public relationsā€™, ā€˜corporate communicationā€™, ā€˜communication managementā€™, ā€˜reputation managementā€™. After reviewing organizational communication audit literature and related suggestions for audits in communication management, corporate communication, public relations and reputation management literature, authors expose the proposed audit methodologies to contemporary body of knowledge on evaluation research in social sciences. Finally, the paper describes the development of an instrument crucial in the abovementioned context ā€“ an organizational communication satisfaction questionnaire. The development of the questionnaire went through two stages; the development of the original questionnaire with 107 items, administered to 259 respondents. On the basis of factor analyzed results, the original questionnaire was refined and reduced to its final form ā€“ a short (32 item) instrument applicable for future theoretical and practical work. The concept of multidimensionality of communication satisfaction was also confirmed and the analysis of dimensions showed interesting results, comparable to existing findings but still culturally specific

    Suvremena pitanja o europskim komunikacijskim kompetencijama

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    Although there is research focusing on skills, knowledge and personal attributes of communication professionals, there is no definitive research that brings these elements together in a European study. The article examines: (1) how socio-economic issues have shaped the communications profession in Turkey; (2) the disconnect between the competencies required by professional associations and educational institutions in the Netherlands; (3) the competencies required by managers and the need for practitioners to invest in further education in Germany; (4) how crisis communication emerged as a dominant specialization in Spain and the necessary competencies associated with this role; (5) the professionalization of public relations in the UK; and (6) how communication gained a reputation for conspicuous consumption in government and the public sector in Croatia and the consequences for the profession and the challenges for practitioners. The findings are based on the work of the European Communication Professionals Skills and Innovation Programme ā€“ ECOPSI (ERASMUS 2011 Ref No: 517691-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-ERASMUS-ECUE).Iako postoje istraživanja usmjerena na vjeÅ”tine, znanja i karakteristike komunikacijskih stručnjaka, ne postoji istraživanje koje spaja sve te elemente zajedno u europskoj studiji. Ovaj rad ispituje: (1) kako su socioekonomska pitanja oblikovala komunikacijsku profesiju u Turskoj; (2) nepovezanost između kompetencija koje traže profesionalne udruge i onih koje nude obrazovne institucije u Nizozemskoj; (3) kompetencije koje trebaju menadžeri i potreba da oni koji rade u struci ulažu u svoje daljnje obrazovanje u Njemačkoj; (4) kako je krizna komunikacija postala dominantna specijalnost u Å panjolskoj i koje su kompetencije povezane s tom ulogom; (5) profesionalizaciju odnosa s javnoŔću u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i (6) kako je u Vladi i javnom sektoru u Hrvatskoj komunikacija stekla reputaciju ā€župadljive potroÅ”njeā€œ (conspicuous consumption) te s kojim posljedicama za profesiju i s kojim izazovima za praktičare. Nalazi su utemeljeni na radu European Communication Professionals Skills and Innovation Programme ā€“ ECOPSI (ERASMUS 2011 Ref No: 517691-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-ERASMUS-ECUE)

    Marketing and public relations ā€“ roles, boundaries and relationships

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    U danaÅ”njoj, sve složenijoj organizaciji poslovanja postoji određena konfuzija kada se radi o ulogama i granicama koje u kompaniji imaju funkcije marketinga i odnosa s javnoŔću. Iako je izjednačavanje funkcija odnosa s javnoŔću i marketinga u poslovnoj praksi dosta često, među stručnjacima za odnose s javnoŔću postoji konstantna debata o odnosima ove dvije funkcije. S jedne strane se nalaze praktičari koji vrlo često rade kao podrÅ”ka marketinÅ”koj funkciji organizacije, a s druge strane se (čeŔće) nalaze znanstvenici koji smatraju funkciju odnosa s javnoŔću potpuno odvojenom od funkcije marketinga. Ubrzanim razvojem odnosa s javnoŔću i marketinga, obje funkcije igraju sve veću ulogu u određivanju politike poslovanja organizacije. Marketing usmjerava i potiče marketinÅ”ku orijentaciju organizacije, dok se odnosi s javnoŔću nadaju većoj usmjerenosti javno poželjnim ciljevima, pri čemu dvije orijentacije nisu nužno kompatibilne. Preklapanje dvije funkcije i slični zadaci koje imaju, ukazuje na potrebu da se povezanost marketinga i odnosa s javnoŔću na neki način formalizira.In today\u27s increasingly complex organizations there is certain confusion as to the definitions of roles and borders that marketing and public relations (as functions) hold in a company. Even though, these two roles are in practice often overlapping, there is a constant debate about the relationship of the two functions among public relations experts. On one side there are practitioners that often work as backup of the marketing function in organizations, while on the other side there are scientists that consider public relations completely separate from the marketing function. Increased development of marketing and public relations insures a bigger role for both functions in determining the organizational policies. Marketing directs and induces the marketing orientation of an organization, while public relations hopes for a bigger corporate social responsibility; and those two orientations are not necessarily compatible. The overlap of the two functions as well as relatively similar tasks shows a need for a certain formalized model that would define the relationship between marketing and public relations

    Marketing and public relations ā€“ roles, boundaries and relationships

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    U danaÅ”njoj, sve složenijoj organizaciji poslovanja postoji određena konfuzija kada se radi o ulogama i granicama koje u kompaniji imaju funkcije marketinga i odnosa s javnoŔću. Iako je izjednačavanje funkcija odnosa s javnoŔću i marketinga u poslovnoj praksi dosta često, među stručnjacima za odnose s javnoŔću postoji konstantna debata o odnosima ove dvije funkcije. S jedne strane se nalaze praktičari koji vrlo često rade kao podrÅ”ka marketinÅ”koj funkciji organizacije, a s druge strane se (čeŔće) nalaze znanstvenici koji smatraju funkciju odnosa s javnoŔću potpuno odvojenom od funkcije marketinga. Ubrzanim razvojem odnosa s javnoŔću i marketinga, obje funkcije igraju sve veću ulogu u određivanju politike poslovanja organizacije. Marketing usmjerava i potiče marketinÅ”ku orijentaciju organizacije, dok se odnosi s javnoŔću nadaju većoj usmjerenosti javno poželjnim ciljevima, pri čemu dvije orijentacije nisu nužno kompatibilne. Preklapanje dvije funkcije i slični zadaci koje imaju, ukazuje na potrebu da se povezanost marketinga i odnosa s javnoŔću na neki način formalizira.In today\u27s increasingly complex organizations there is certain confusion as to the definitions of roles and borders that marketing and public relations (as functions) hold in a company. Even though, these two roles are in practice often overlapping, there is a constant debate about the relationship of the two functions among public relations experts. On one side there are practitioners that often work as backup of the marketing function in organizations, while on the other side there are scientists that consider public relations completely separate from the marketing function. Increased development of marketing and public relations insures a bigger role for both functions in determining the organizational policies. Marketing directs and induces the marketing orientation of an organization, while public relations hopes for a bigger corporate social responsibility; and those two orientations are not necessarily compatible. The overlap of the two functions as well as relatively similar tasks shows a need for a certain formalized model that would define the relationship between marketing and public relations

    A Delphi study on internal communication in Europe

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    Internal communication is among the top five responsibility areas of public relations practitioners. This is a consistent finding of empirical studies in Europe and in the USA. In the UK, practitioners in internal communication organized in an independent Institute of Internal Communication (www.ioic.org.uk/), separate from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (www.cipr.co.uk/). Together with practitioners from ten other European countries they operate a federation of internal communication associations in Europe (FEIEA - www.feiea.com/). There seems to be a tendency to differentiateand separate internal communication practice from the public relations body. To confirm or to refute this observation, a Delphi study is inprogress with the leaders of the member associations of the FEIEA. The Delphi study is trying to articulate self-understanding of the internal communication practice in Europe. The paper reports the results of the Delphi study on internal communication among leaders of European internal communicators associations on their representation of the internal communication practic