47 research outputs found

    The effect of learning on the reproduction of meaningless actions

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati korištenje procesa imitacije tijekom reprodukcije smislenih i besmislenih kretnji te utvrditi utjecaj učenja na točnost izvedbe naučenih pokreta. Provedena su dva eksperimenta u kojima je zadatak ispitanika bio što točnije imitirati smislene i besmislene kretnje unutar ograničenoga vremenskog intervala. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na mogućnost korištenja semantičkoga, dugotrajnog puta za imitaciju smislenih pokreta, odnosno mogućnost korištenja direktnog vizuo-motornog puta za imitaciju i smislenih i besmislenih pokreta. Proces učenja besmislenih pokreta pokazao se značajnim za odabir procesa imitacije. Naučene besmislene kretnje moguće je imitirati korištenjem semantičkog puta, neovisno o tome prezentiraju li se one zasebno ili u kombinaciji sa smislenim kretnjama.The objective of this study was to investigate the strategic use of imitative process employed in reproduction of meaningful end meaningless actions, and to investigate the effect of learning on reproduction of meaningless actions. Two experiments were carried out with normal subjects who reproduced meaningful and meaningless actions within established time limit. The study investigated two factors which could potentially effect the selection of the imitative process: the composition of list (blocked or mixed presentation), and the learning process (novel or learned actions). The results suggested that direct route can be used in the imitation of both meaningful and meaningless actions, while semantic route can be used only for imitation of well known, meaningful actions. Learning process effects reproduction of meaningless actions, enabling them the use of semantic route during the imitation process

    The role of stress in IBS symptom severity

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    Irritable bowel syndrome is regarded as a biopsychosocial disorder, the result of a complex combination of predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors. Personality traits, affective status and stress are some of the relevant factors contributing to lower quality of life and symptom exacerbation in IBS patients. In order to examine the role of stress in IBS symptom exacerbation, the aims of this study were to explore the relationship of daily stressful events and symptom severity in a prospective manner and to explore the roles of neuroticism, anxiety, depression and stress in the vicious circle of symptom perpetuation. A total of 49 patients with IBS reported their symptom severity and daily stressful events intensity each day for 14 consecutive days. They also completed the Big five personality inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory and the State-trait anxiety inventory. Cross-correlation analyses were performed on the time series data for daily stress and symptom severity for each participant separately. Four different patterns of relationships were found in different subgroups of participants: positive cross-correlations of symptom severity and stress intensity on the same day; higher symptom severity on days following stressful days; lower symptom severity on days following stressful days; and lower stress intensity on days following severe symptoms. Using average scores for daily stress and symptom severity, as well as scores for neuroticism, anxiety and depression, we performed a path analysis to test a model of symptom exacerbation. It showed that, on the group level, average stress intensity predicts average symptom severity. Neuroticism and anxiety were not significant predictors of symptom severity, while depression showed a marginally significant relationship with symptom severity, mediated by stress intensity. In conclusion, depression and daily stress seem to be important contributors to the vicious circle of IBS symptom perpetuation

    Papel del estrés en la intensidad de los síntomas SII

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    Irritable bowel syndrome is regarded as a biopsychosocial disorder, the result of a complex combination of predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors. Personality traits, affective status and stress are some of the relevant factors contributing to lower quality of life and symptom exacerbation in IBS patients. In order to examine the role of stress in IBS symptom exacerbation, the aims of this study were to explore the relationship of daily stressful events and symptom severity in a prospective manner and to explore the roles of neuroticism, anxiety, depression and stress in the vicious circle of symptom perpetuation. A total of 49 patients with IBS reported their symptom severity and daily stressful events intensity each day for 14 consecutive days. They also completed the Big five personality inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory and the State-trait anxiety inventory. Cross-correlation analyses were performed on the time series data for daily stress and symptom severity for each participant separately. Four different patterns of relationships were found in different subgroups of participants: positive cross-correlations of symptom severity and stress intensity on the same day; higher symptom severity on days following stressful days; lower symptom severity on days following stressful days; and lower stress intensity on days following severe symptoms. Using average scores for daily stress and symptom severity, as well as scores for neuroticism, anxiety and depression, we performed a path analysis to test a model of symptom exacerbation. It showed that, on the group level, average stress intensity predicts average symptom severity. Neuroticism and anxiety were not significant predictors of symptom severity, while depression showed a marginally significant relationship with symptom severity, mediated by stress intensity. In conclusion, depression and daily stress seem to be important contributors to the vicious circle of IBS symptom perpetuation.Síndrome del intestino irritable se considera un trastorno biopsicosocial, el resultado de la combinación compleja de factores predisponentes, precipitantes y perpetuos. Rasgos de personalidad, estado afectivo y estrés son algunos de los factores relevantes que contribuyen a la calidad de vida más baja y la exacerbación sintomática de los pacientes con SII. Para examinar el papel del estrés en la exacerbación sintomática de SII, el objetivo de este estudio era explorar la relación entre los acontecimientos cotidianos estresantes y la intensidad de los síntomas de forma prospectiva, tanto como explorar los papeles del neuroticismo, ansiedad, depresión y estrés en el círculo vicioso de perpetuación de los síntomas. Todos los 49 pacientes con SII informaron sobre la intensidad de los síntomas y la intensidad de los acontecimientos cotidianos estresantes cada día durante 14 días consecutivos. Además, completaron el Test de personalidad de los cinco grandes, Inventario de depresión de Beck e Inventario de ansiedad estado-rasgo. En los datos de series temporales se hizo el análisis de correlación cruzada para la intensidad del estrés diario y de los síntomas para cada participante por separado. Se encontraron cuatro patrones de relación diferentes en diferentes subgrupos de participantes: correlación cruzada positiva de la intensidad de los síntomas y del estrés el mismo día; intensidad de los síntomas más alta en los días después de los días estresantes; intensidad de los síntomas más baja en los días después de los días estresantes e intensidad del estrés más baja en los días después de los síntomas graves. Usando resultados promedios para el estrés diario y la intensidad de los síntomas, tanto como resultados para el neuroticismo, ansiedad y depresión, realizamos un análisis del camino para examinar el modelo de la exacerbación de los síntomas. Mostró que, al nivel de grupo, la intensidad del estrés promedia predice la intensidad de los síntomas promedia. Neuroticismo y ansiedad no eran predictores significativos de la intensidad de los síntomas, mientras que la depresión demostró una relación marginalmente significante con la intensidad de los síntomas, mediada por la intensidad del estrés. En conclusión, la depresión y el estrés diario parecen ser contribuidores importantes al círculo vicioso de la perpetuación de los síntomas SII

    Psychosocial aspects of adolescents’ homosexual feelings in Croatia

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    A survey was carried out on a sample of 3351 girls and 3041 boys ranging in age from 14 to 19 in four Croatian counties (Primorsko-goranska, Ličko-senjska, Istarska i Dubrovačko-neretvanska) to determine whether certain personality characteristics and general satisfaction with life accounted for the difference between boys and girls who had experienced a sexual attraction for members of the same sex. The results show that 13.3% of girls and 10.0% of boys in the population under review reported that they had experienced homosexual feelings. Adolescents who experience such feelings are more prone to depression, have psychosomatic symptoms more frequently, are more aggressive and seek attention and recognition from their peers more often. Their overall satisfaction with life is lower than those adolescents who have never encountered any homosexual feelings

    Hemisphere Lateralization in Assessing Coordinate and Categorical Spatial Relationships

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    Cilj je ovoga istraživanja provjeriti pretpostavke Kosslynove teorije o različitoj obradi dva tipa prostornih odnosa, kategorijalnih i koordinatnih. Pretpostavka je da će se kategorijalni prostorni odnosi brže i točnije obraditi u lijevoj hemisferi, dok će se koordinatni prostorni odnosi brže i točnije obraditi u desnoj hemisferi. U eksperimentu je sudjelovalo 50 desnorukih sudionica prosječne dobi 20 godina. Sudionicama su uzastopno prezentirana dva crteža para životinja, na način da je prvi crtež prezentiran centralno, a drugi postranično. Sudionice su pritiskom na za to predviđene tipke na tipkovnici trebale odgovoriti jesu li dva prikazana podražaja ista ili različita. Rezultati su pokazali da se kategorijalne prostorne transformacije brže prepoznaju kada su prezentirane u desno vidno polje, nego kada su prezentirane u lijevo vidno polje, dok se koordinatne prostorne transformacije brže prepoznaju kada su prezentirane u lijevo vidno polje, nego kada su prezentirane u desno vidno polje. Kategorijalne se prostorne transformacije brže prepoznaju od koordinatnih kada su prezentirane u desno vidno polje. Kategorijalne se prostorne transformacije općenito brže i točnije prepoznaju od koordinatnih transformacija.The aim of this investigation is to verify Kosslyn\u27s hypothesis on different processing of two types of spatial relations, categorial and coordinate. The assumption is that a categorial relation would process faster and more accurately with the left hemisphere, while a coordinate relation would process faster and more accurately with the right hemisphere. Participants were 50 right-handed female students, average age 20 years. Two drawings of pairs of animals were presented consecutively to participants, the first one centrally, the second one laterally. Subjects had to answer if the two presented stimuli were the same or different by pressing the specified buttons. The results showed that categorial spatial transformation was recognized faster when presented in the right visual field compared to the left visual field, while coordinate spatial transformation was recognized faster when presented in the left visual field compared to the right visual field. Categorial spatial transformation was recognized faster than coordinate when presented in the right visual field. Categorial spatial transformation was generally recognized faster and more accurately than coordinate spatial transformation


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    This thematic issue of Psychological Topics is devoted to the gut-brain axis, the cross-talk between the gut, its microbiota and the brain, and its role in understanding the underlying mechanisms that explain the complex interactions between the biological, psychological and social aspects of functional gastrointestinal, metabolic and weight disorders. Research on the role of the gut-brain axis in health and disease is quite new, and we hope that the articles published in this issue will contribute to further understanding of this interesting and important scientific topic. This issue presents a broad range of research reports, theoretical contributions and review papers on the effects of various functional gastrointestinal disorders and weight regulation issues on physical and mental health, and the quality of life in general.   Accordingly, the articles published in this issue of Psychological Topics cover a variety of topics, such as regulation of functions of the brain and body by the principle of predictive coding and implications for impairments of the brain-gut axis; gut microbiota and its role in human health and body weight; psychological factors and metabolic outcomes in overweight and obese individuals with type 2 diabetes; correlates of body mass index and the role of brain-gut miscommunication in irritable bowel syndrome; parents and childhood functional abdominal pain and the conjoint role of dieting and health complaints of adolescents.   We would like to express our thanks to all the authors for their contributions to this issue of Psychological Topics. Last but not the least, special thanks go to the Editor-in Chief, the Editorial Board and the academic reviewers.   Mladenka Tkalčić and Alessandra Pokrajac-Bulia

    I mozak ima spol

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    Mozak je složen organ i različita morfologija mozga muškaraca i žena kontinuirana je tema koja izaziva velik interes. Nebrojeno puta postavili smo si pitanje zašto se djevojčice više vole igrati lutkama, a dječaci autima? Zašto žene i muškarci različito reagiraju u istim stresnim situacijama? Jesu li žene emotivnije od muškaraca? Psihološka istraživanja ponašanja, percepcije i pamćenja potvrđuju da zaista postoje očigledne razlike u funkcioniranju mozga žena i muškaraca. Te se razlike mogu pripisati utjecaju genetike, hormona i okoline. Muškarci i žene ne pokazuju razliku kad je u pitanju ispitivanje inteligencije, ali je činjenica da mnoge stvari rade drugačije i koriste različite dijelove mozga prilikom rješavanja problema. Spolne razlike u građi mozga mogu imati utjecaj na proces učenja, govora. Poznavanje spolnih razlika može biti korisno za postavljanje dijagnoza i liječenje nekih neuroloških bolesti. Mnoga istraživanja spolnih razlika, pogotovo istraživanja u području omjera sive i bijele tvari te veličine najveće komisure mozga, korpusa kalozuma, daju oprečne rezultate koji prvenstveno ovise o metodi istraživanja. No postoje područja mozga, poput hipotalamusa i pojedinih dijelova kore mozga, gdje je spolni dimorfizam vrlo jasno izražen i definiran. Ovaj rad je prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja i utvrđenih morfoloških razlika mozga kod žena i muškaraca

    The brain has sex

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    Mozak je složen organ i različita morfologija mozga muškaraca i žena kontinuirana je tema koja izaziva velik interes. Nebrojeno puta postavili smo si pitanje zašto se djevojčice više vole igrati lutkama, a dječaci autima? Zašto žene i muškarci različito reagiraju u istim stresnim situacijama? Jesu li žene emotivnije od muškaraca? Psihološka istraživanja ponašanja, percepcije i pamćenja potvrđuju da zaista postoje očigledne razlike u funkcioniranju mozga žena i muškaraca. Te se razlike mogu pripisati utjecaju genetike, hormona i okoline. Muškarci i žene ne pokazuju razliku kad je u pitanju ispitivanje inteligencije, ali je činjenica da mnoge stvari rade drugačije i koriste različite dijelove mozga prilikom rješavanja problema. Spolne razlike u građi mozga mogu imati utjecaj na proces učenja, govora. Poznavanje spolnih razlika može biti korisno za postavljanje dijagnoza i liječenje nekih neuroloških bolesti. Mnoga istraživanja spolnih razlika, pogotovo istraživanja u području omjera sive i bijele tvari te veličine najveće komisure mozga, korpusa kalozuma, daju oprečne rezultate koji prvenstveno ovise o metodi istraživanja. No postoje područja mozga, poput hipotalamusa i pojedinih dijelova kore mozga, gdje je spolni dimorfizam vrlo jasno izražen i definiran. Ovaj rad je prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja i utvrđenih morfoloških razlika mozga kod žena i muškaraca.The brain is a complex organ and different morphology of the brain of men and women is an ongoing topic of great interest. Many times we set a question why girls prefer to play with dolls and boys with cars? Why men and women react differently to the same stressful situations? Are women more emotional than men? Psychological research of behavior, perception and memory, found that the obvious differences in brain function of women and men do indeed exist. These differences can be attributed to genetics, hormones and environment. Men and women do not show a difference when it comes to intelligence testing, but the fact is that many things they do differently and use different parts of the brain when solving problems. Sex differences in the brain structure may influence the process of learning and speech. Knowledge of gender differences can be helpful in making the diagnosis and treatment of certain neurological diseases. Many studies of gender differences, especially studies on the ratio of gray and white matter and the size of the largest commissure of the brain, the corpus callosum, show conflicting results, which primarily depend on the method of research. However, there are areas of the brain, such as the hypothalamus and certain parts of the brain cortex, where the sexual dimorphism is very clearly expressed and defined. This paper outlines previous research and established morphological differences of the brain between women and men