The effect of learning on the reproduction of meaningless actions


Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati korištenje procesa imitacije tijekom reprodukcije smislenih i besmislenih kretnji te utvrditi utjecaj učenja na točnost izvedbe naučenih pokreta. Provedena su dva eksperimenta u kojima je zadatak ispitanika bio što točnije imitirati smislene i besmislene kretnje unutar ograničenoga vremenskog intervala. Dobiveni rezultati ukazali su na mogućnost korištenja semantičkoga, dugotrajnog puta za imitaciju smislenih pokreta, odnosno mogućnost korištenja direktnog vizuo-motornog puta za imitaciju i smislenih i besmislenih pokreta. Proces učenja besmislenih pokreta pokazao se značajnim za odabir procesa imitacije. Naučene besmislene kretnje moguće je imitirati korištenjem semantičkog puta, neovisno o tome prezentiraju li se one zasebno ili u kombinaciji sa smislenim kretnjama.The objective of this study was to investigate the strategic use of imitative process employed in reproduction of meaningful end meaningless actions, and to investigate the effect of learning on reproduction of meaningless actions. Two experiments were carried out with normal subjects who reproduced meaningful and meaningless actions within established time limit. The study investigated two factors which could potentially effect the selection of the imitative process: the composition of list (blocked or mixed presentation), and the learning process (novel or learned actions). The results suggested that direct route can be used in the imitation of both meaningful and meaningless actions, while semantic route can be used only for imitation of well known, meaningful actions. Learning process effects reproduction of meaningless actions, enabling them the use of semantic route during the imitation process

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